"Kill," the Chu Army officer shouted loudly. The Chu Army soldiers assassinated their opponents with a dense array of bayonets.

"Wow. Wow." The bayonet formed a dense group of assassins.

"Puff. Puff." The Qi people who rushed over and wielded the **** of the rifle were hit by knives one after another, and many people were hit.

"Just kill like this. Get in." The Chu army officer shouted loudly at this time.

"Charge." The officer of the Chu Army ordered the soldiers to continuously wave the spear stings in their hands.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." At this time, some Chu Army soldiers shot again. In this way, Qi Jun, who was originally in a disadvantaged position, was in an even more crisis.

"In this way, use a gun to solve them. Shoot. Shoot." The Chu army officer ordered loudly.

"Bang." "Bang bang bang." The Chu army soldiers who followed followed up loaded bullets, and then aimed and shot. The Chu army soldiers were already a little frightened by the desperate style of fighting against the Chinese. Many people were quickly rushed out when they had to charge in. The people of Qi are totally desperate. They don't care about all the charges ahead. They hate killing a few people too much.

"Shoot and kill them. Kill." The veteran and the officer kept yelling. The Chu army soldiers stepped forward quickly, and shot those who were trying to approach and kill the Chu people.

"Ah. Puff." The Qi people waved their weapons and tried to get close to each other, but most of them were hit by bullets from the intensive shooting. Many people died here.

"Kill. Ah." The last Qi national was hit by several bullets. It was difficult to resist the fierce attack of the opponent in the end. Several Chu army soldiers rushed forward and gave each other a few bayonets. The soldiers of the Chu Army were very afraid of the Qi people coming here all at once.

"All scattered. Carefully cross over." The officer of the Chu army said with a pistol.

A large number of Chu Army soldiers spread out, slowly approaching Qi Army's position, and then slowly entered.

"Anyone?" a Chu army soldier asked cautiously.

"I don't know. I don't know where these Qi people will hide?" A Chu veteran looked around carefully with his rifle.

"Anyway, check the situation carefully." The veteran said to the others who came in. Then he looked around nervously.

Several other positions of the Qi army.

"Chu people are everywhere, they rushed over. We can't stand it anymore. The position on the east side has already been breached." A corporal said at this time.

"Our position is also full of enemies. What should we do?" The corporal said worriedly. Because their position is relatively biased. Under such circumstances, the Chu army's offensive strength was relatively weak, and they repelled the enemy's offensive relatively easily.

"We don’t have much ammunition now. The consumption is very serious, and many people don’t have enough bullets. If this continues, if the enemy takes down those positions, we will face more attacks. In this case, we, we Sooner or later, his position will be lost." The corporal said worriedly.

"Retreat. We abandon this position and retreat to the city." A major Qi Jun officer said after looking at the situation on other positions. The Chu army had captured most of their positions, and the situation was already very bad for them.

"Retreat." The corporal looked at the major in surprise. He thought the major would come up with some special way to defend his position. But he didn't expect that the major would give up his position.

"Sir. Here." The corporal looked at the major.

"The current situation." The corporal looked at the major.

"Don't say it. We must give up this position. This position has no meaning to us. The Chu army attacked us from many directions, and we simply couldn't defend this position. For us, this position, It will become useless. Our defense has no meaning. The Chu army will concentrate firepower to attack us. We must retreat, use those houses as support, and resist them step by step. Then use their guns to continue fighting, understand? "The major said, looking at the corporal.

"Give up the position. Retreat." The major decisively issued an order. Then quickly retreated.

"Yes, it's the sir." The corporal looked at the major. Then he waved his arms and asked others to pack their weapons. The Qi army quickly retreated and broke away from their single line of defense, which is the Linzi Huancheng line of defense. A defense line like Qi Jun is easy to break, and such a situation is easy to break. As long as the Chu army concentrates its forces to attack a little bit. It is easy to break this situation. It is difficult for Qi Jun's line of defense to defend such a position. Because once their defensive line around the city is breached, the remaining positions are easily isolated. In this situation. Qi Jun is very difficult to defend. The correct way is to retreat to the city. Relying on the private houses in the city as a backing for street fighting.

With the Chu army's offensive unfolded. With the retreat of the Qi army, the main battle between the two sides further developed and entered the city. The battle will be more brutal in the city.

"We all know that Zhao's situation is not very good. The country is in chaos." Meng Yi continued.

"Therefore, I personally think that Zhao's problems should be put on the agenda first, and Zhao's domestic problems must be resolved as soon as possible." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"This, this is our own business of Zhao Guoren, Qin Guoren, is it too much control?" Guo Kai stood up and said unconvinced at this time. In such a public occasion, Guo Kai must defend the interests of Zhao Guoren.

"No. This is not a matter of Zhao Guoren in one country." Meng Yi said.

"This is closely related to Qin State. This link is the stable coal production of Zhao State. If this situation still exists in Zhao State, then Qin State's coal supply will have a great impact." Meng Yi Then said.

"Zhao domestic coal is like this, what can I do?" Guo Kai said helplessly.

"No." Meng Yi openly refused.

"You have a way. If this is the case, then Qin will stop financial aid to Zhao. Only in this way, I think Zhao Guoguo will soon figure out a way." Meng Yi stood up and warned Guo.

The domestic situation in Qin State no longer allows this to be done. Qin’s domestic coal reserves are rapidly depleted, and it won’t take long for them to be exhausted. When Qin’s domestic coal production cannot quickly return to its original scale. Qin still needs a large amount of high-quality coal imported from Zhao.

However, Zhao's situation continued to deteriorate, and there was a tendency to enter a civil war in the country. At present, in Qin State, there is no strategic intention to launch a war to annex Zhao State, everything is not fully prepared for Qin State, Qin State lacks sufficient troops, and domestic expenditure is seriously imbalanced. Even if he occupied the country of Zhao, he could not solve this within an extreme time. Therefore, Qin hopes to complete this matter as soon as possible through diplomacy.

"There is nothing we can do about this. This is a matter between the army and the nobles." Guo Kai took the initiative to take a step back and said.

"It seems that we must come up with a solution, otherwise. Zhao Guo's problem will be very difficult to solve. Isn't it?" Meng Yi asked Guo Kai at this time.

"Yes." Guo Kai said at this time.

"Then, our solution is to use the parliamentary method to solve the problem. Through the establishment of a parliament. To negotiate and discuss the tax rate." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Parliament?" Guo Kai asked at this moment.

"Yes. Parliament." Meng Yi said at this time.

The parliament is the solution given by the people of Qin. The people of Qin State hope that Zhao State can establish a multi-faceted parliamentary organization, which on the one hand can greatly weaken the royal power and the power of the nobility. At the same time, the rise of the working class provided a great guarantee for Zhao's decentralization.

The people of Qin State hope that this issue can be resolved as soon as possible through negotiation, but Zhao’s domestic problems cannot be resolved by parliament. This is just a wishful thinking of Qin's own opinion.

"The parliament can allow rioting businessmen, miners, nobles, and the army to sit down and jointly formulate a reasonable tax plan. This is the ultimate solution. Zhao Guo broke out such a large-scale riot. It must be resolved as soon as possible." Meng Yi worried. Said.

"This is unlikely." Guo Kai said at this time.

"Parliament. Things that Zhao State does not allow to be established." Guo Kai refused.

"If Qin Guozheng helps Zhao Guo, some financial support will be provided, and we can directly reduce or exempt taxes." Guo Kai said. Under the persuasion of his own men, Guo Kai also understood that if Zhao Guo continued to chaos like this, then Zhao Guo would enter a state of chaos like Qi Guo, if that were the case. Zhao Guo will become as bad as Qi Guo. It is very difficult for Prime Minister Guo Kai to continue.

After receiving financial support from the State of Qin, some taxes can be directly reduced and exempted quickly, and the funds obtained by the State of Qin can be used to make up for the lack of taxation.

"This is not good for Qin." Meng Yi continued.

"Qin's financial funds can only be used for infrastructure construction. This is a future investment. Qin's funds must go to places where there will be future profits and used for Zhao's own taxes. This is obviously not good for Qin." Meng Yi Looking at Guo Kai said.

"If this is the case, then Zhao Guo's problem cannot be solved." Guo Kai gave up.

"No. Zhao's problem must be resolved as soon as possible." Meng Yi emphasized at this time.

Guo Kai did not take it. This is looking at Meng Yi. In his opinion. Zhao Guo is very difficult to solve. This is a very complicated matter for Zhao Guo. Qin State could not resolve this matter.

"The situation has reached a stalemate. If it goes on like this, the Zhao Guo issue will be completely shelved. We must help Qin Guo." The female officer on the side whispered her opinion to Han Shu at this time.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

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