"What to do?" Han Shu asked.

"Solve the contradiction between Qin and Zhao." The female officer whispered.

"What is the key to the contradiction?" Han Shu asked quietly.

"Money." The female officer whispered at this time.

"It's funding." The female officer thought that the queen hadn't heard clearly, so she immediately added.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"We can't help it." Han Shu said to the female officer at this time.

There is no balance of interests between Zhao State and Qin State. The State of Zhao needs a lot of funds, and the State of Qin will never provide such funds for free, and the State of Qin needs the other party to be able to provide cheap coal resources. But Zhao Guo is too late to provide it.

Zhao State of Handan.

"There are so many garrisons." Li Mu said while looking at the report.

"Yes, sir, more than half of our troops stationed in various places were involved in the war against the nobles. Some of them even went to the nobles' residences." A staff officer beside Li Mu Said anxiously.

"The nobles have now reported this matter to the king. It won't be long before I think the king's order will be issued so that we can put down the rebellion." The staff officer said worriedly.

Li Mu was worried about seeing other people at this time.

"Our own army is not a riot," Li Mu said at this time.

"How can our own people be a riot," Li Mu said.

"The problem is, the king, and the noble side?" the staff officer said worriedly.

"It is difficult for us to make a reasonable approach. We must resolve this matter." The staff officer said worriedly.

"Sir, I think this matter can be resolved easily. According to the information we have obtained, our people will cooperate with the rioters and fight together. In that case, our people will quickly fight the rioting miners. In one piece." At this time, Li Zuoche, who was quick to observe, put forward his own opinion.

"If we take pacification measures, when pacifying our own people, it is possible to pacify the rioting miners together. In this way, the riot can be put down quickly." Li Zuoche put forward his own opinion. .

"How can the nobles solve it? You know, they have already fought with the noble's private soldiers. We can accept our own army, but, the nobles, they will embarrass us." A colonel's staff on the side offered one of his own. view.

"We can use the method of arranging and training the militias. They are collected. Once they are controlled, they can quickly solve this problem. Think about it. If it develops in this way for a long time, Zhao Guo will fall into a passive state. Zhao Guo also It will become the second Qi country, and civil war will break out because of taxes. At that time, even if we want to pacify, it is difficult to solve." Li Zuoche said at this time.

"En. This is a good way." Li Mu said.

"That's it. I will write to the king." Li Mu thinks Li Zuoche's method is a good one. But this is the only way to solve Zhao's problem.

A certain place in Qi State.

"My son, where are we? After such a long journey, there is not even a family. Are all the people of Qi dead?" The waitress beside Yingyu said, dressed as a man.

"En." Yingyu continued to walk forward. Originally they had horses, but in Qi State, horses couldn't continue. Yingyu's horses were finally released. There is no place to feed horses. Now in Qi, people have problems eating, let alone horses.

"Qi is such a big country, and there are wars everywhere, especially when we have to find the prime minister. This. It is impossible to accomplish this." The female attendant said to Yingyu.

"Shut up. If you don't shut up, I'll tear your mouth." Yingyu turned her head and said to the waitress.

"Oh." The waitress said at this time.

"Hey, son. Look, someone seems to be running towards us in front." The waitress said at this time.

"What?" Yingyu looked up at this moment and saw people beginning to appear outside a village not far away.

"En. Hurry up and hide." Yingyu said as soon as he saw the situation.

"This." The waitress originally wanted to finally find her.

"Don't be anything," Yingyu said at this time.

"Hurry up and hide, who knows who they are?" Yingyu waved to his maid and said at this time.

Then the two people looked for a pothole and took shelter.

Yingyu boldly picked up his binoculars and checked the situation in the distance.

"Bang. Bang." At this time, Yingyu heard some gunshots. Gunshots are heard. Yingyu immediately drew out his weapon, then picked up the binoculars again to check the situation.

"There is a Chu army behind these Qi people, and the number of Chu army is not too much." Ying Yu said, looking up.

"My son, let's be careful. Don't let Chu Jun discover us." The waitress said at this time.

"I know, you can just hide it." Yingyu continued to check the enemy's situation with the binoculars.

"Run." The Qi people who fled kept running, while the Chu army who came up behind kept a certain offensive formation, and they dispersed and chased the Qi people who fled in an orderly manner.

The Chu army was constantly attacked by the Qi army. Under the constant attacks, the Chu army improved its tactics. After they encountered an attack and quickly stabilized the front, they would quickly send a small team of men and horses. They will quickly pursue those Qi people who attacked, and they will spread their forces as much as possible, so as to prevent the opponent from attacking themselves, and at the same time, their own formation is also suitable for pursuit.

"Bang. Bang." The two Chu Army soldiers stopped, aimed at the Qi people who had fled, and fired.

"Ah." A Qi nationality was unfortunately hit, and he was hit to the ground with a scream.

"Run." The other Qi people kept running away at this time. They don't care about the companion they were hit.

"Puff." The Chu army soldier who followed up again assassinated the opponent with a bayonet. There is no doubt that Qi people will die.

Ying Yu shook her head when she saw such a scene. Chu Jun obviously wanted to kill the opponent.

"Bang. Bang." Bullets kept coming. While chasing, Chu Jun shot with a rifle in his hand.

"Ah." The Qi people who were being pursued were repeatedly hit, and then fell to the ground and died. The situation is very unfavorable for the Qi people. The Qi people have no resistance. After all, these Qi people have not received any training. Under the attack of the Chu army, they easily collapsed. This is the situation faced by the people of Qi.

Qi people do not have a systematic training system. This led to the fact that when the Qi people were engaged in guerrilla warfare as militias, their combat effectiveness was often not high, and such harassment became very limited. Such a limit directly caused the Qi people to succeed after the initial attack, but If the Chu Army quickly stabilized the position at this time, and counterattacked. Then the front of the Qi people will collapse.

Once they collapse. Will quickly retreat from defeat. And such a defeat usually has a lot to do with the pursuit of the Chu army. If the Chu State Chu army soldiers keep pursuing, then they will usually suffer the most serious losses, or the entire army will be destroyed.

"The Chu army's offensive was ruthless." Yingyu looked through the binoculars.

At this time, the people of Qi were completely defeated. They kept running away, while the soldiers of the Chu army kept chasing them. The situation is one-sided.

"My son, let's hide." The waitress on the side said at this time.

Yingyu did not answer, but continued to check the situation with the binoculars.

The rest of the Qi people are desperately entering a forest. Only when they enter the forest can they be rescued. Obviously, the people of Qi are still very good at fleeing.

"En." Yingyu knelt down at this time, but she was thinking about some issues at this time.

"We have been in Qi country for so long and we don’t know anything. We can’t run into some people who are still being chased by Chu people. If this continues, our food will be exhausted, which is very detrimental to us. "Yingyu thought at this time.

"No." Ying Yu said suddenly.

"We can't go on like this. We must find the people of Qi and other people as soon as possible. We can only find Shangwen if we find someone." Ying Yu said through the channel.

"Wow," Yingyu searched for something while speaking.

"That's him." Yingyu immediately took out two grenades from her bag. Then hold it in your hand.

"My son, we..." The waitress looked at Yingyu.

"I'll come as soon as I go, you hide here." Yingyu said, lowering her body, and then jumped out of that place.

"The son." The waitress immediately wanted to stop Yingyu at this time, but Yingyu had already ran out at this time. There is no way. The waitress must protect Yingyu's safety. The attendant could only take his own weapon and followed out. A revolver.

Ying Yu quickly circled a circle, quickly detouring behind the Chu army chasing team. At this time, the Chu army team had chased into the woods. The Qi people dispersed and fled everywhere.

Because of the trees covering, and Chu Jun was a little cautious at this time, they were afraid that the other party would lure them into fools. Therefore, the Chu army pursued the team and began to slow down intentionally. Some people began to search and advance with their bayonet-mounted rifles. In fact, those Qi people have no ambush at all.

They don't know how to fight, don't mention such tactics.

But Yingyu quietly followed up at this time, and she saw that Chu Jun's team was scattered. This gives her a good opportunity. The opponent's personnel are scattered, and the relationship is between the trees. The Chu army suddenly dispersed and slowed down.

"Good opportunity." Yingyu grabbed two grenades excitedly.

So Yingyu followed behind Chu Jun and leaned on it quietly.

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