The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1550: Establish a small combat force

"The defense can only be left to you. Our country is too big. The number of troops is too small. The expenditures are not enough. These are unprecedented situations that Qin has encountered." The major said worriedly.

"You can only strengthen the defense here. The matter of taking the initiative is still considered by them at the national level." The major said.

"What the chief said is." said the local sheriff.

The major said that Qin’s current border situation, Qin’s land is growing too fast, and the fiscal cuts, military expenditures cannot grow, which leads to the existence of a large defense defense space in Qin’s country, which requires a lot of space. The soldiers came to fill it, but at present, the State of Qin simply cannot fill such a huge national defense space. And these defensive spaces, Qin can only be entrusted to the militia. The reason is that the government is unable to provide huge military expenditures to cover this cost. We must know that this cost is very huge. Qin's sailors simply couldn't pay the other party.

This also led to Qin's regular military force being used for mobile defense. This is a last resort. On the other hand. Qin had to include a large number of militias as part of the national defense force. And this part is very important. Because they can protect the border towns of Qin in the first place. Let Qin's trade go on.

"My lord, our trade will soon expand around our country, Qin. The cost of using troops is obviously already high. However, the cost of trade is very low. Trade brings a lot of profit. It can be said that trade is launched at this time. It is of great significance to my Qin State." Meng Yi and King Qin discussed the recent situation as they walked in the palace.

"Trade can bring huge income to the State of Qin. These incomes, over time, can greatly accumulate our fiscal revenue. The increase in fiscal revenue can greatly increase our military expenditure. From this point of view. Trade The benefits are very big." Meng Yi said.

"Now Qin's fiscal revenue and expenditure are extremely imbalanced. Especially in terms of debt, Qin's debt is increasing rapidly. It won't be long before Qin's financial situation will not be very optimistic." Meng Yi said.

"My lord, it is very wise and desirable for Qin to stop the war now," Meng Yi said.

"En." King Qin was very happy to hear this. He smiled.

"It seems that the State of Qin is about to stop using troops." King Qin said seriously at random.

"My lord, the minister believes that there should be some places that need to use troops. For example, in some parts of the Western Regions, we can certainly use trade to appease those small states, but some countries will not respect us, Qin, moreover. Trade activities will inevitably bring about economic disputes, and when necessary, armed intervention is very necessary.” Meng Yi has already proposed armed intervention and used force to provide huge military support for Qin’s trade.

"En." King Qin nodded.

"Are there any more?" King Qin asked. Because King Qin knew that since Meng Yi could put forward such a view, he must have his own certain views, because Meng Yi is a cautious person, and there are many cautious people.

"If Qin wants to interfere, it will inevitably carry out some second military reforms." Meng Yi put forward some specific views.

"The second military reform?" King Qin asked repeatedly.

"Yes. The second military reform." Meng Yi said.

"This reform may be smaller. Qin's army is still relatively large. Moreover, the command, response speed, and mobility are not too high." Meng Yi put forward his own views.

"Oh. Tell me." King Qin suddenly became interested. Although Meng Yi is not an officer, he still understands some military affairs. Moreover, because the monk Shangwen often works, he will have some other angles, especially unique angles. Look at the problem, this way of thinking, the questions raised are more innovative. Often can arouse the attention and interest of King Qin.

"Yes, King. From the perspective of this battle, Qin’s mobility is very high compared to the six countries. We can use our railway lines and highway lines to maneuver. We can use these to make the most important The line of communication quickly deployed our troops." Meng Yi said.

"En." King Qin nodded. For the Qin State, the use of important railway transportation lines to deploy troops and provide huge logistical support. King Qin personally appreciates it, and he is very satisfied with this rapid combat method. After all, compared with the previous method of large-scale deployment of troops, Qin has a lot of transportation costs left, not only that, but the quantity of materials that Qin transported Far more than any generation of King Qin. Take Qin’s Western Region operations as an example. Although Qin’s investment in combat power is not much, the logistics supplies it transported have exceeded that of Changping’s battles by several times. The consumption of ammunition alone surpassed the two items of food used in the Changping War Times more.

From this point, King Qin was very satisfied with the current combat method of the communication line. Therefore, Qin's battle plan has been launched along the main lines of communication. This must be done because of the huge logistics supply requirements. The roads of various countries on the side simply cannot withstand the crushing of such huge logistics supply vehicles as Qin State. The Qin Army’s staff also considered this point. They believed that the Qin Army could defeat any country, but the huge logistics supply would also drag down Qin’s national financial resources, because Qin had to build a road and lay a railway, and this All the way, a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources will be consumed. This is definitely not the situation that Qin Guo himself wants to see. And the best situation is that the six countries lay it out by themselves. Qin State made greater profits from it. This is what Qin wants to see most.

Qin's senior officials have realized the importance of major transportation. This is also Meng Yi's own opinion. And Meng Yi's point of view is based on the application of transportation lines.

"The fighting power of the Qin army is very powerful. However, the logistics and response speed cannot be increased quickly. The border of the Qin State is very large. The number of the Qin Army is insufficient. This situation has led to a rapid decline in the mobile performance of the Qin State. Qin’s railway line currently only has trunk lines, but no branch lines. Under such circumstances, the Qin army cannot quickly reach the place where the incident occurred. This will result in the Qin’s inability to deter and control the area, which will inevitably affect the Qin’s military presence "Meng Yi said.

"En." King Qin stroked his beard and nodded in recognition of Meng Yi's opinion.

"Go on." King Qin continued to nod and said.

"In this case, the Qin Army will not be able to provide a huge trade security umbrella. Chen believes that the Qin Army should establish several rapid reaction forces. They are small, but strong in combat effectiveness and very fast in response. They can be delivered to the outbreak of the incident in time. Locally, the enemy is given the heaviest blow. At the same time, our supplies can be delivered in time, while the delivery of materials is very small. This way, our war costs will be quickly reduced a lot, if necessary, we can When they fight, they quickly mobilize the army, and when the small-scale battle escalates, they will buy enough time for the big army. And this time is very precious to us." Meng Yi said.

"En. It makes sense. This way. Our logistics supply pressure will be reduced a lot, and such a huge and cumbersome logistics transportation process will be reduced." King Qin nodded and said.

"In this battle, how to transport troops and deliver supplies is also an important part. The reason why the Qin army was able to win the war was relying on excellent logistics supplies." King Qin said.

"These views put forward by the prime minister are very precious, and the widow must order the staff to study these." King Qin nodded and said.

"Thank you, the king. This is really the blessing of my Qin country businessman." Meng Yi said.

"En." King Qin waved his hand at this moment.

"Now, the farmers in our country of Qin can provide enough grain, and these grains can't be eaten. And those merchants can provide enough taxes. These taxes can make our country Qin more money. With this money, the widowed army can be driven. Without these merchants, the widowed Qin army can't move." King Qin said.

"En." Meng Yi smiled bitterly on the side. What King Qin really said was the fact that as the army's dependence on logistic supplies increased, especially after the use of firearms, the logistic supplies increased rapidly. And Qin's previous supplementary method of only providing food, grass and weapons is no longer suitable. What Qin needs now is a lot of money. Without these money, it would be difficult for Qin to drive his own army, and the army's expenditure far exceeds that of any generation of Qin kings.

"The army needs military expenses, and supplies require a lot of military expenses to purchase. In addition, there are more weapons and equipment, as well as daily consumption." King Qin said and shook his head.

"These are all money. Merchants provide the most money. Farmers provide only grain. Only grain. Qin does not lack grain, what it lacks is money." King Qin said.

"Therefore, the national policy formulated by the former king, I am afraid that the widow will have to completely change it." King Qin said to Meng Yi. King Qin spoke with Meng Yi behind his back, as if he was speaking these words alone.

Meng Yi didn't say anything, just listened silently.

The reason why King Qin said so was no way. As the war escalated, especially the reforms became more intense. Qin State changed too quickly. Except for some of the previous laws that were not abolished in many criminal laws, Qin almost abolished nine out of ten legal provisions, and the legal provisions promulgated and implemented suddenly exceeded the sum of the previous laws enacted and promulgated by Qin. This far exceeded King Qin's expectations. This shows that the Qin State has undergone tremendous changes. With such a huge time span, it is necessary to keep up with the times in time to have such a deep understanding. Because understanding means accepting part of it.

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