The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1551: King Qin wants to inspect

"So for the trade in the Western Regions. How to support it?" King Qin then asked the most important question. Since Qin wants to develop trade in all directions, and Qin must be in a dominant position in trade, then it is in a dominant position. There must be strong superior products. If trade is conducted in the current situation, Qin will definitely be able to open up the situation. Only arms can open up trade for Qin. However, Qin also has disadvantages, such as. The distance of the trade, and the cost of opening the situation at the beginning, and so on. The commercial center of Qin State is in the Guanzhong area, and the places where trade is carried out are often border areas, and transportation costs in these areas will be higher. Qin State could only transport goods to near an important city, but could not transport goods to more border areas. This will inevitably cause a lot of transportation costs.

"This, the minister thinks this way for the time being. If Qin wants to have an absolute advantage in trade, he must expand trade while building a network of railways and highways, and build the last section of branch railways and highways. Only in this way can Qin The rapid expansion of trade is in absolute advantage in the military offensive." Meng Yi said.

"The minister plans to use tax reduction and tax exemption in the first phase. Support trade development." Meng Yi said. Tax reduction and tax exemption policies have always been an important magic weapon for Qin to support business. This point, Shangwen's policy has proved this point countless times.

"No. This is not enough." King Qin shook his head after hearing Meng Yi's words at this time.

"This." Meng Yi looked at King Qin with some embarrassment.

"Qin country needs to build a lot of railways and highways. And where do these costs come from. It's impossible for your Prime Minister's Mansion not to pay a penny. But now the Prime Minister's Mansion can spend very little money, where does this money come from? "Qin Wang asked at this time.

"This." Meng Yi suddenly didn't know what to do.

"The widow has a way." King Qin looked back at Meng Yi at this time and said.

"The widow believes that those small states under the government should pay a large amount of money to ensure their safety, so that Qin can consider establishing diplomatic relations with them and start trade. And this cost can be used by Qin. Build a lot of railways and highways. Isn't it better?" Qin Wang said to Meng Yi with a smile.

Hearing this, Meng Yi was a little worried. He frowned and wondered whether King Qin's approach was appropriate. What Meng Yi considered was that Qin's diplomatic strategy on the border should be reassurance at this time, not intimidating, and King Qin was obviously intimidating at this time. King Qin took advantage of the very crazy military attack by the Qin army in the previous period, and the Western Region coalition forces suffered heavy losses. They were very jealous, afraid, and even fearful of the Qin Army. They were afraid that the Qin Army would launch another large-scale offensive operation. In that case, they would be powerless to resist and only destroy the country.

And the more fear, the more potential it can be stimulated. Shang Wen mentioned some ideas about the Western Regions. These ideas came from Shangwen's understanding of the Silk Road. Shangwen told Meng Yi that the Western Regions were definitely not settled by war, and it was trade that ultimately settled the Western Regions. Because there is only common trade and an open national policy. In order for the people of all ethnic groups in the Western Regions to develop the Western Regions, and then gather together with Qin State as the leader, identify with the culture of the Qin State, and finally move towards a common prosperity of the Western Regions. It is impossible to continue to use troops.

There are many reasons. The first is that the State of Qin does not have enough mobile troops to fight. Moreover, the mobile force had been severely consumed by the Southwest Campaign, and it was difficult for Qin to gather strength again in a short period of time.

Second, the Western Regions are huge. Qin's power is very small. Facing the large-scale Western Regions, the Qin State had to disperse its forces to control the newly-occupied area, and it was difficult for the Qin State to actually control such an area in a short period of time. And the compressed Western Region coalition forces. The force contracted. The strength will also expand rapidly. If one counterattack, then the situation of Qin State will not be so very favorable.

The third is that Qin's logistics supplies, as well as the constant reserve force, are far from keeping up with the Qin army's pace.

Although the State of Qin established two states in the Western Regions, the actual situation is that the immigrant population is far less than 200,000. In addition, the area is wide, only the local garrison frantically grabbing land resources, plus slaves. These states only counted over 200,000. That is, among the two states established, slaves were included. Although these two states have no first-hand information to show the actual governance of these two states, various intelligence reports based on front-line reactions show that. The situation is not very optimistic.

The total number of Qin State plus immigrants in the past is estimated to be less than 200,000. The actual situation is only a little more than one hundred thousand. The number of the army is only a little more than 20,000. If the Marine Corps combat force that was later transferred by the Qin army is discarded, the regular army will only have more than 18,000 people. The army of nearly 20,000 people is stationed in a huge area. This area is actually Its control area exceeds that of Chu State. From this point of view. The forces of the Qin Army were extremely scattered. And the reserve force. Those militiamen, as well as mercenaries, have very limited strength. The total sum of the two may exceed 40,000, but it definitely does not reach 50,000 troops.

In addition to these, let's look at the number of slaves in the Western Regions. Because of the railway transportation problem and the influence of the Southwest War on the railway transportation in the Western Regions, a large number of slaves in the Western Regions were stranded in the region, and the farms and pastures that emerged in the region urgently needed the locals to be slaves for adaptive farming. As a result, a large number of slaves stayed in the local area, and this number is conservatively estimated to be above 300,000. An army of less than 50,000 people must not only defend against the offensive of the Western Regions, but also manage more than 300,000 slaves in a wide area. In Shang Wen's view, this is absolutely impossible.

The last point, Shangwen also believes that it is very important that the countries of the Western Regions that Qin has fought have been very ruthless. If we continue to use troops to oppress again, it may cause the Western Regions to form a second alliance and then make a big counterattack. With more than 300,000 slaves in the Western Regions, Qin's situation may be extremely bad.

It is precisely with this kind of judgment as a reference that Meng Yi feels that it is very bad. Because doing so may cause Qin to continue to oppress the opponent, and the continued oppression will make the opponent resent. At this time, King Qin used the force of the Qin army as the basis for intimidation, which made Meng Yi very worried. Because the force of the Qin army is such a weak link in the Western Regions, if at this time, the Western Region Allied Forces take the initiative to launch a counterattack. The Qin Army will defeat itself without attack. In that case, Qin Jun would lose himself and take the land. This is not worth the gain.

"My lord, the minister believes that this should not be done right now." Meng Yi decided to stop King Qin from doing this after thinking about it again and again.

"Oh. Why?" King Qin asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"My lord, now in the Western Regions, the power of Qin is extremely weak. The minister believes that this phenomenon exists not only in these areas, but also in the north of Qin and in the northeastern defense zone. These areas must be filled with a large amount. In order to make up for it, the Qin army is already extremely dispersed in order to occupy those areas. If we ask for this fee, it will lead to the possibility that the Western Regions may once again form an alliance to suppress Qin. If that is the case, Qin The army will have no mobile force to fight. The Qin army may have a great collapse. As a result, it will be very unfavorable to the Qin army. Qin may have to fight the Western Regions again. The minister believes that the Western Regions should be appeased now. The alliance adopts the method of drawing part of the blow and attacking the other side quickly.” Meng Yi suggested.

"En." King Qin looked at Meng Yi, and King Qin was thinking about what Meng Yi said. What Meng Yi said is indeed the truth.

"En. The widow agrees. But there is one thing." King Qin said while looking at Meng Yi.

"The king." Meng Yi looked at King Qin puzzled.

"Widows are going to have a look. To see what the situation is like in the new borders of Qin State?" King Qin has made up his mind.

"This. King, no. King. The border is so chaotic." Meng Yi was shocked when he heard such news. King Qin has always been eclectic in his work, and it can be said that he thinks of what is what. Such an approach usually scares a lot of people. This is the same as Shang Wen, who always goes to the front line to check the situation in person, and only after seeing the result of the facts will a meeting be held to discuss specific countermeasures.

"This matter is decided in this way. The widow is going to look at these places. Look at the military power layout of the Qin State. Qin has not seen such a large expansion. The widow hasn't looked at it. Besides, there are trains, it will be very fast. "Qin Wang said proudly.

"But. The minister is worried." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"The communication is so convenient now that the telegram arrives in the blink of an eye. Is there anything that can't be clearly stated in the telegram?" King Qin said.

"Even if you can't make it clear, there are long-distance calls. These things were invented and they are meant to be used. Now they are used by the widow. Don't worry." King Qin said.

"My lord, the situation on the border has changed suddenly. Security. How to ensure security." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"The widow of the Imperial Forest Army. Now the Marine Corps is not a vegetarian." King Qin said.

"The time to test the combat power is here. If they really can't resist, the widow will have nothing to say." King Qin said.

"The King." Meng Yi said very worried.

"It's so decided." King Qin waved and said.

"Xianyang is still the prime minister. With you, you can rest assured, and Qin can rest assured." King Qin said with a smile. Not worried at all.

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