Qi State Linzi outside the city.

"General. Qi Jun's movements are unknown. In the past few days, he hasn't surrendered at all." A lower-level officer said to General Chu Jun with a gray face.

"Is it useless for King Qi to speak out?" General Chu Jun asked.

"No. We kept asking him to speak, but the Qi army on the opposite side didn't have any reaction at all." The lower-level officer said.

"Trash." General Chu Jun shouted out loud immediately after hearing such a news.

"General." The lower-ranking officer immediately stepped forward, wanting to explain.

"I'm not talking about you." The general felt the lower-ranking officers come forward and explained.

"This King Qi is nothing but rubbish." General Chu Jun said.

"You keep letting him shout like this?" General Chu Jun asked.

"Yes, General," the junior officer replied.

"If this goes on, it is not a solution at all." General Chu Jun said.

"Huh." General Chu Jun said very annoyed.

"General, what should I do?" the junior officer asked.

"This King Qi is a waste. Complete waste." General Chu Jun cursed.

"You stay away. Fight this trash. It's best to let the people of Qi people see them. In this way, the people of Qi people can know that we are great." General Chu Jun said such a thought.

"This." The lower-level officer looked at General Chu in embarrassment. At this time, go to the adults and let the Qi people see that the opponent's Qi king might be the one who was fighting. This greatly embarrassed the lower-level officers of the Chu army.

"Just do it, don't do this." General Chu Jun looked at each other impatiently.

"If those die-hard Qi people don't care, just give me something ruthless." General Chu Jun said as he walked.

"General, I don't understand," the lower-ranking officer asked with his hands.

"I don't understand yet, just let him bleed, or chop his fingers." General Chu Jun said.

"This." The lower-ranking officer looked at each other embarrassedly. The lower-ranking officer thought it was improper to do so, because there has never been a king who could be so humiliated. If this insults the king of Qi. I am afraid that Qi Jun will launch greater revenge. In that case, the backs of lower-level officers will be soaked.

"What are you afraid of?" General Chu Jun said.

"Who knows, is he the real Qi King or the fake Qi King." General Chu Jun said indifferently.

"That's it." General Chu Jun was extremely troubled. Because the domestic nobles demanded an end to the war as soon as possible, the war could not be delayed any longer. If it is delayed, it will have serious consequences.

The promotion of gunpowder weapons has brought increased pressure on logistics supplies. The logistics supply model of the Chu army was still the same as the previous supply model, which only provided food. However, the large-scale use of the Chu army, especially the rapid promotion of firearms, caused the Chu army's logistics supply pressure to be overwhelmed. The State of Chu not only needs to provide a large amount of food to feed their army. At the same time, a large number of gunpowder weapons must be provided to supplement. The latter consumed no less than food supplies when the war was tense, which caused the Chu army's logistics pressure to suddenly increase several times.

Moreover, the roads of Qi are underdeveloped, and the continuous crushing of the logistics vehicles of the Chu army has already overwhelmed the roads of Qi. If the State of Chu continues to fight, it will face the extremely difficult logistics supply problem next, and this logistics supply has already caused the nobles to consume a lot of money.

On the one hand, the nobles have to buy a lot of guns from the Qin State. Or it is the continuous start of domestic handicraft workshops and the start of manufacturing day and night. On the other hand, Chu also organized manpower for transportation. The nobles rely on their own monopoly operations, and most of the money they earned has been consumed in this war. The cost of war at this time has been far higher than the nobles' expectations. If the war cannot be ended this time, they will have no funds to support it. As a result, the funds of the nobility were broken, and the Chu army could not keep up with the logistics supplies, and the Chu army would inevitably collapse without fighting.

Therefore, the nobles in Chu State constantly urge the front lines to end the war as soon as possible, and the war can no longer be delayed. A decisive battle must be made as soon as possible.

It was precisely because of the lack of money that the nobles kept pushing.

Just when the nobles were trying to resolve the Qi war as soon as possible, the Yangtze River in the south was happening what they least wanted to happen.

"Head, how do we come out to fight?" A little leader stood on the bow and asked their captain, who was the one-eyed leader.

"En. Don't worry. Now that we have cannons, we don't have to be afraid of the aristocratic navy's offensive." The one-eyed leader said leisurely at this time.

"Those noble ships will take some setbacks even if they expel us." The one-eyed leader said.

"Then, what should we do?" the little leader asked.

"En. Let's explore some situations first. We have to know some situations about the noble navy. If we attack rashly, we may all run away." The one-eyed leader said.

"Okay. Chief." The little chief left immediately.

The location of the water pirates is very advantageous, and they are familiar with all the waters in the vicinity. Because their subordinates are all people in the nearby waters, and some of the leaders are masters of fishing nearby. They personally not only have good water, but they are also proficient in the local terrain. This is also an important reason why these water thieves can exist here for a long time. The advantage of the noble navy lies in their equipment. Their equipment is the best and the firepower is the strongest, but their combat will and flexibility, In terms of tactics, it is far inferior to the Chu State Navy and Water Pirates.

"General, can this water thief fight the noble navy?" a strategist asked worriedly in Xiang Liang's cabin.

"En." Xiang Liang thought for a while.

"Wait and see." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Anyway? These water pirates still have their use. We gave them some artillery. We can increase their firepower a bit, so that they can be used against the noble navy." Xiang Liang said as he walked back and forth.

"These noble naval forces have become a major disaster to our naval forces." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Sooner or later there will be a battle between us and the noble navy. Before this battle, we must rely on other forces to continuously consume each other. Only in this way can the navy control this golden waterway." Xiang Liang said.

"En. What the general said." The counselor nodded aside.

"This aristocratic navy looks very big. In fact, it is not a concern." said the counselor.

"Oh. Why do you think so, sir?" Xiang Liang felt very strange when he heard this, and asked immediately.

"General. These noble naval forces look very powerful, but in fact, they are very weak." The counselor said at this time.

"En. Sir, enlighten me in detail." Xiang Liang said respectfully.

"En." The counselor nodded at this time.

"The nobles now support the war in the Qi state. The current war in the Qi state has been delayed, and the nobles continue to support the war, and the weapons, equipment, and food to support the war require a lot of money, and this money is from this golden waterway. Impose high taxes to carry out." The counselor said.

"En. Go on." Xiang Liang nodded. I think the other party's analysis is right.

"And now the noble naval forces are constantly expanding their navy armaments in order to obtain more money. On the one hand, they are expanding their armaments, and on the other hand, they are levying unprecedented taxes on the other. Two high taxes have to be levied. This way of levying taxes is no less than a full-scale looting of water thieves." The counsellor stayed by the noble navy army in the past few days and observed such a situation.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded. Instructed the counselor to continue.

"And such crazy squeezing of oil and water is difficult to last. Such a high tax will inevitably cause dissatisfaction from other forces. For example, those businessmen, these businessmen do not lack weapons." The counselor said.

"Businessman?" Xiang Liang heard such an analysis and looked at the counselor strangely. He didn't know why the counselor would say such words.

"Yes. Merchant." The counselor looked at Xiang Liang.

"These businessmen do business with Qin State, they are very smart about Qin State's business," said the counselor.

"These merchants will think about it. The tax they paid far exceeds the amount to deal with those water thieves, then they will take another method, this method is to choose force to attack each other." The counselor said.

"Oh." Xiang Liang nodded, he still didn't understand what the counselor meant.

"These merchants will definitely organize armed forces to attack these noble naval forces. Are we also taking part in it?" The counselor carefully said his idea.

"En. I haven't seen merchants attacking the noble navy. We can't detect these from it." Xiang Liang thought for a while and said.

"At present, the main task of the navy is to bring the battle fleet back. Replenish it in time, and then discuss how to proceed." Xiang Liang said.

"This matter, let's discuss it again." Xiang Liang thinks that the timing of this matter is not ripe enough, because he has not seen that the merchant can launch an offensive against the noble navy enough. From this point of view, the strength of the merchant is still relatively high. weak. Xiang Liang came up with a flawed result of his own.

And in a natural mooring harbor. In the backyard of a wine shop, several businessmen are gathering to discuss a major event.

"Damn, these noble naval forces are too bullying. After walking this way, I have already asked for fifty gold. This has not yet gone to the sea. If we encounter this water thief again, pirates. We will dive into the water and commit suicide. Forget it." A bearded businessman said dissatisfiedly. Down the road, the taxes he paid almost caught up with his cargo. And this hasn't even gone to sea yet. If this continues, the loss will be even greater.

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