"We're leaving. Don't watch it anymore." Li Guo said without looking back. The Yueshi retreats were quietly retreating, and the Indians thought it was just a normal movement of the Yueshi. They didn’t doubt that the Yue people would take the initiative to retreat. They all dreamed that they had invaded Karachi. The wealth in the city made them excited, and there were beautiful girls waiting for them, but they remembered that the breach was everywhere. It was a corpse, and they shuddered.

"It's a pity that we could have entered it." Sima Ran said with two dark circles looking at Karachi in the distance.

"Don't think about your Karachi girl. They won't be waiting for you." Li Guo said impatiently. Sima Ran became very licentious because he broke away from the military's discipline management. Many observation officers do this. This seems to be an ethos, but Li Guo believes that doing so is a kind of negligence for these observation officers, and this is absolutely not supposed to happen.

The retreat continues. Although some people from the Yue family were dissatisfied, they still hurried away with their trophies happily, and they had returned with a full load.

On the middle line, the Yueshi people retreated.

"I want to know, what should we do next after we Yueshi listen to your Qin people retreat?" Atush asked Bai Hua who was sitting in the car curiously. He is now Artush’s adviser. The people of the Yue family know that the people of Qin are very powerful, so they often follow the suggestions of the people of Qin.

"I'm not sure about this, but what I know is that we hope that the Yue people can unite and form a government, and then build a railway through the power of the government. In this case, our Qin State's materials It can be shipped in continuously, and your logistical problems can be completely solved. At the same time, your trophies can be transported out on a large scale. This is very much needed by the Yue family, and we also need it by the Qin people." Bai Hua thought for a while. Speaking of.

"Railway?" Atushi asked.

"Yes, for roads built with railroad tracks, we can use trains to transport a large amount of materials to you. The transportation cost is very low. In this way, you can expand to far away places." Bai Hua said.

"Yeah. I have never seen this thing. I may have heard your officers say it. I don’t know if it’s something like what I thought. I haven’t seen many things, but I think, the train and railway things are What we Yueshi people need, after all, we are too short of so many materials." Atushi said.

"It's just that I don't understand one thing, the government, isn't it good for us Yueshi to form three big tribal alliances?" Atushi asked.

"Let's tell you this, Mr. Artush." ​​Bai Hua explained by waving his arms.

"Yueshi is a nation and an independent system. Although you have many tribes, most of you are still one kind of people. This is a nation, but your government does not. A small tribe is just a simple You have a lot of local government agencies, and the next step is your tribal alliance. You divide it by region. That is to say, you now have three regional governments. But you still can’t order it. In other words, you need a larger government, or a tribal alliance, with such a tribal alliance. The existence of such a government is conducive to the establishment of a new government by the Yue people, using the authority of the government, or It is the credibility of the government and the establishment of stable diplomatic relations with Qin, not the way it is now. Qin dispatched a large number of officials to solve the problem, which was very troublesome in many cases." Bai Hua explained.

"I understand. In other words, we need a unified government for the Yueshi people." Atushi said.

"Yes, our Qin government meant that. I hope that you can have a unified, authoritative government that can clarify the intentions of all parties. If such a government exists, I think all problems will be solved. It can be solved very well." Bai Hua said.

"How do we cooperate with the government? We still don't understand this." Atushi continued to ask. He has just taken over the concept of government, but he has no idea what to do after the establishment of the Yue's unified government, and there are many times when the Yue's people are very inexperienced in this area, and they need such help from Qin. Guidance, this is the meaning of the existence of consultants.

"Borrow money to build railroads, or use your spoils, slaves, gold and silver, and all kinds of materials in exchange. You can build railroads and you can expand on a large scale. Even if you don’t have money, you can borrow money to build. After the construction is completed, the war will continue. With the trophies you can continue to exchange and get the railway, this is a very cost-effective business, but if you don’t have a government, our Qin government has no partners, and this business will naturally If it fails, things are as simple as that," Bai Hua said. To be honest, he did not know some things, but he felt that the significance of railways to the army is very important. Although railways are commercial in nature, the army’s dependence is greater than commercial value, and this has caused a lot of The emergence of commercial railways. And the fact that the military uses commercial railways appears.

"Yeah. I see. If we Yueshi want to go south again, there must be a government and a railway, right?" Atushi said.

"Yes, that's what it means." Bai Hua said.

"But for us Yue people, there are currently three large tribal alliances. If we want to be unified, we must use force. This is extremely unfavorable, because after the reunification of our Yue people, we will have to pay extremely A heavy price, this price is too great for us. We can’t bear it at all. We can’t bear it. It also takes a lot of effort. Finally, the time we spend needs to be accumulated again before we can go south again, but in that case , Our strength has been worn down very seriously." Atushi said worriedly. He naturally hopes that the Yue people will have a tough government to unify the scattered Yue people, but the situation of the Yue people does not seem to be so optimistic. The Yue people have three large tribal alliances. Unification, any tribe takes the position of the leader for granted, controls other tribal alliances, and seeks greater benefits for their own tribal alliance through different governance methods, and this will inevitably harm other interest groups. This is an inevitable situation. The argument will gradually become more wiser. That is to say, in the end, the two sides may use force because they are very clear about the actions of the other side. The result is a huge internal friction. After the internal friction ends, the government will naturally appear, but at the same time, Yueshi Human power will also be reduced to an alarming level. Infighting is the most worrying issue for the Yue people. If this problem cannot be properly resolved, the Yue people will have a government and will not be able to go south for a long time. The benefits of Yueshi people cannot be guaranteed.

"At this point, I understand Mr. Artush’s concern. Our Qin government does not want too much political fluctuations in the Yue people. After all, the current favorable situation is not easy to come by, but I think that my personal thoughts are just It is mine, not the Qin government." Bai Hua emphasized.

"Okay, I want to hear your opinions, maybe your solution can completely solve our problems." Atushi said.

"My method is to use the parliamentary system. In our Central Plains country, there is a country called Chu. Their situation is the same as yours, but they have a king who can do this, but the nobles everywhere He will not support him, but if the parliamentary system is adopted, the king’s power is limited to the parliament, and the parliament has legislative power, that is to say, there is only one king, but the parliament is composed of a majority. They come from the state of Chu with the greatest power Nobles, you Yue people can let your tribal leaders participate and become councillors. They unite and implement a plan that everyone can accept. With such a plan, you can nominate someone to lead you. To do such a thing, I think the possibility of success will be very high. This is a very good plan, and I hope you can accept it. This is my personal suggestion." Bai Hua said.

"Parliament, let more people participate?" Atushi said.

"Yes, there is no need to deal with their own people together. The army can form a national army instead of a tribal army, or in other words, the tribe has its own army, but the country must have its own army, which is higher than the Yuezhi people. The army of any tribe has sophisticated weapons that can eliminate any tribe. The benefits of the country, that is, the benefits of each tribe, although not evenly distributed, but this is the country’s financial income, the interests of the nobles, and the country’s The interests are tied together so that they understand that their interests are consistent with those of the Yue family." Bai Hua said in a whisper. But Artush remained silent. He was thinking about such things, the government, the country, the interests of the nobles, the parliament, and then the railways, and the interests of the Yue people. Yueshi people are a country.

"I think. I understand something." Artush broke the silence and said.

"I have to do something to let the people of Yueshi understand that we need the government and we need to make some major changes ourselves. Such changes can bring greater benefits." Atushi said to Bai Hua.

"Well. I think, for sure, but at present we must have a government. Only with a government can we do more. This is an inevitable choice, or it must be done." Bai Hua explained to Atushi To.

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