The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2374: Rely on nobility

Chu State Pengcheng, Chu State Council.

"Triangular trade. The ideal way, I think it is possible. This will bring us great benefits. Each shipment will be more than double the profit, and after three times, the profit will be more than doubled." After listening to Fan Zeng's report, an elderly congressman said excitedly.

"It's just that, in this way, a large number of ships are needed. Our ships can only sail on the inner river basin of the Yangtze River. When we reach this sea, I am afraid that all the cargo will sink to the bottom of the sea. Our loss will be even greater." A member of the council reminded.

"Yeah, don't think about making money. Sometimes there are things that lose money, and you won't lose a little, you will lose a lot. Think about it." Other members of the Council agreed. Although it sounds like a good triangle trade, some parliamentarians have already impulsively decided to do so. However, there are still a considerable number of parliamentarians who oppose or do not support it. They think the risk is too great. After all, when sailing on the sea, all the people and goods that cannot be dealt with will disappear. This is the most likely thing to happen. In such a situation, they decided to be careful.

"However, I heard that Koreans can master ships very well. We have a long coastline in the country of Chu. There is no shortage of such people, but Koreans do not. Are we afraid that they will not succeed?" A young man Members objected to it.

"The Koreans are not afraid. Are we Chu people afraid? Impossible. Therefore, I think we should have our own boats. Although the boats are not good, we can use the Korean boats. If it is good, , We can expand our ships further and buy ships.” The young congressman continued.

"Young people, too impulsive." Some middle-aged lawmakers objected. Young parliamentarians come from the cultivation of aristocratic family power, and middle-aged people are extremely disturbed or blamed for the impulsive character of young people. In their opinion, their behavior is really too impulsive.

However, Fan Zeng watched indifferently from the sidelines, as to what kind of opinions the MPs could submit directly to the motion, and then he could make selective changes. After all, his ruler, but he is considering how to let the nobles solve their ship problem.

The Chu aristocrats have a large number of land bonds in their hands, and their bonds are extremely large. Because land is a symbol of wealth, the Chu government decided to use land to repay the bonds. In this way, the aristocrats with a large number of bonds became the most direct beneficiaries. And those small merchants, common people who bought land bonds early, sold the land bonds in their hands early, even though they still had land bonds in their hands, but their numbers were extremely small, and at most they were exchanged for hundreds of acres of land, but They have to cross the ocean, and it is difficult to say whether they can reach the destination, and only the nobles can really control the land, because they have such strength to do such things, but ships have become the biggest problem.

"It seems that they have noticed the ship issue. But I have noticed one thing." Chen Ping cautiously leaned forward and said.

"What's the matter?" Fan Zeng asked, watching the nobles' comments.

"The Koreans are attracting private funds into the shipyard on a large scale in Jiaozhou, which is the address of Xin Jimo. Moreover, the population of Jiaozhou is on the road to Xin Jimo." Chen Ping said.

"Well, in other words, the Koreans are expanding their shipbuilding scale?" Fan Zeng said.

"Yes, in this way, the Koreans have solved our need for ships, but I think we also need our own shipbuilding industry in Chu State. At least some shipyards should be used to serve the military. Although Our technology is a lot behind, but I think we have to do something. Only large-scale shipbuilding can solve the problem." Chen Ping suggested.

"Well, what you said is correct, we should do something, otherwise, we will only fall behind more and more. In the end, we Chu State can't do anything." Fan Zeng said.

"Yes, but it's not easy to solve these things. You must first have technology, then profit, and then spend money." Chen Ping said embarrassingly.

"At present, it is very difficult for us to even get back the land bond. Moreover, Qin State Bank put forward the request of jointly building a bank. These things need to be done step by step. I am afraid that it will be difficult for us to start shipbuilding affairs for a while." Chen Ping is very Reluctantly told Fan Zeng that even though they knew they would definitely do something, they couldn't start it in time. This was the case, and things couldn't be anxious.

"Well. Let's do it step by step, we can't be anxious." Fan Zeng said.

The General Staff of Chu State.

"I think that building the navy is the most important thing at present. However, we still have a lot of things to do. For example, we should build a large number of talent training bases. I think Chu should establish its own military academy, the navy. Military school." Xiang Liang put forward his own views.

"Navy Officer School?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Yes, if we build the navy, we need to accumulate a large number of talents from now on. Only with talents can we quickly build a huge naval force." Xiang Liang said.

"You are right, but I think we should also establish a corresponding sailor school. Not only the officers, but the situation of many sailors also needs to be changed, and the king has always had this idea. I think we should do this. However, our situation is still very bad, because there is no military school in China. In contrast, South Korea, Zhao State, and Qin State in particular have their own military school. My thought is that we first talk to them Cooperate to start a military cooperation. Let them send officers to serve as instructors to teach. Good students, we send them to study abroad. The Korean New Army does this. The Korean Navy has deep-sea navigation technology, especially those with sextants and marine clocks. They are very skilled in this aspect. Some old crew members are already very skilled in operation. On the contrary, our situation is very poor. As you know, our sailing has always been very conservative. It is said that we are all relying on the coastline. When sailing, once we enter the deep sea, we will be inexplicably fearful.” Xiang Yan said. Although Chu's merchant ships already have certain deep-sea experience, this is only experience and cannot be spread at the fastest speed. Deep-sea navigation technology has always been a technological bottleneck for the development of Chu's maritime trade.

"Well, it seems that we need to introduce such technology as soon as possible, but this requires us to discuss with the South Korean Navy. After all, they have such technology, and we lack such technology, they have a great technological advantage. "Xiang Liang said.

"Well. If necessary, I need to go to Qin and South Korea. I hope they can give us a lot of support in this regard." Xiang Yan took a breath and said. This matter is very difficult for them. Because the party who masters the technology has a lot of initiative. But they have no such initiative.

Qin State Xianyang. Inside Wenyang Bank.

"The South Korean side is actively selecting the site and construction of the shipyard. I heard that the Chu people will need a large number of ships. And they also need to do it. This is mainly due to people’s expectations for war in the future. Look, I think the war may be fought. Even though the country of Bangladesh is thousands of miles away, none of us know how the same country is. However, I think that such demand will affect the banking business. It’s good that our loans will increase a lot. This is because we in South Korea, especially the Jiaozhou Bank established in consultation with the Royal Bank of Korea, the loan amount is increasing at an unbelievable number." Xiao He said.

"Yeah. I saw it." Yingyu put down the report and said.

"The Chu State also has such a request. The nobles have a large amount of land bonds in their hands, and some nobles have to set up banks to purchase those land bonds scattered among the people. This requires our banks to do it, and the war is also extremely serious Stimulating all walks of life, Chu aristocratic congressmen are ostensibly opposed to the war, or are entangled in the unfavorable situation of the war, but they are actively preparing. There are many representatives who negotiate with Wenyang Bank. They are all The most powerful figure in the local aristocracy of Chu Kingdom. And there is also a larger figure who also sent a telegram." Then Yingyu handed a telegram to Xiao He.

"King Chu?" Xiao He didn't read the telegram to guess.

"Yes, the king of Chu suggested to establish a royal bank with Wenyang Bank. I am considering whether to cooperate with the aristocratic localities or the central government of Chu State. Cooperation with the central government is indeed very profitable and convenient, but there are very big situations. You may not be clear, that is, the nobles sometimes have more strength and sphere of influence than the king of Chu. This is the situation in the Chu Kingdom." Yingyu said with some embarrassment.

"Yeah." Xiao He just nodded.

"Director Xiao is a native of Chu, and I should know Chu State very well. I want to know. What is Director Xiao's view." Ying Yu asked.

"My opinion is that the situation needs to be divided into a ratio, whether there are more nobles or more kings of Chu. Although it seems that the king of Chu can order all the power of Chu, more places still need nobles to complete. If we get closer King Chu’s words, then the power of the nobility will inevitably decrease. From a long-term perspective, I think we should rely on the nobility, not the King of Chu. After all, King Chu’s coming to power is very problematic." Xiao He said worriedly.

"I see it this way. King Chu's strength and influence are relatively weak, and his army is in the hands of the nobles. Although his army is also huge, it does not pose a great threat." Ying Yu shook his head and said.

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