The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2877: We can't hold it here

Qin State, Xianyang. In the camp of the First Air Reconnaissance Group of the First Air Force and the Second Squadron.

"The gears of these airships must be replaced, and the lubricating oil has dried out. If parking occurs in the air, the situation is very dangerous for me and us." Flying Lieutenant Liang Wan said to a technician.

"Well, I have recorded it." The technician recorded in the workbook.

"We have a task." Squadron leader Liang Chuan walked in and said.

"What task? Sir? What direction will we go? Yueshi, or Tochar, I heard that the first squadron has already transferred Yueshi. Do we also go in that direction? After all, a squadron, they might do Those things can't be done." Flying Lieutenant Liang Wan said.

"It's not Yueshi, it's Dawan, and Tocharo. There is another team following us. They are a newly formed team." Liang Chuan said.

"Why are we going to those places? I heard that Dawan is better. It is full of plains and the grasslands can be observed very well. However, Tocharo. There are many mountains." Flying Lieutenant Liang Wan said.

"How do I know, maybe we have to deal with the rest of the people, after all, the movements of the rest are a bit too much. Okay. Pack things, let's get ready to leave here. The situation here is not very good for us." Liang Chuan Speaking of.

Received such an order. Liang Chuan was also a little surprised. After all, they were facing the Parths. Although the Parths had no air threat, they could carry out large-scale reconnaissance activities. But this usually means that it is possible for Qin to take military operations against the Parthians. Liang Chuan still didn't know what happened above and decided like this. However, this is an order. He must execute.

Bangladesh. A road is being paved, and a large number of Bangla people are building one starting from Bangla Port, extending along the banks of the big river, and one leading to Champu. One leads to Burma. However, the foundation of this highway is relatively poor. The roadbed was built high. The main reason is the rainy climate here, especially the arrival of the rainy season. The road can easily be washed away. In order to prevent such things from happening. The roadbed is unusually high, and drainage facilities have been specially built in some important sections.

The roadbed of this highway is paved with large blocks of stones. The main consideration is drainage, and the roadbed is very strong.

"Sir, we have recruited more than 100,000 Bangladeshi people to build this road, and more than 50,000 slaves have participated in it. Based on the current construction speed of this road, it is estimated that in two more months, it will be able to The construction is complete." A major officer reported.

"Well. This Bangla road is very important to us. Whether it is Highway No. 1 or Highway No. 2, it is of great economic and military significance to us." Zhang Shi said after inspecting the construction site. A large number of Menggla people were forced to come to the construction site. Their food ration reduced the minimum human needs, but the workload was very large. This caused a lot of people to die from exhaustion, and the result was that the Turkish regiment in charge of the custody adopted some methods that they could reap benefits.

The deduction of food for the Mengla people has become one of their biggest gains.

"Sir." But at this moment. An ensign officer cautiously walked over and reported to the major.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Shi asked first.

"Go ahead," the major motioned with his arm.

"Sir, our road has been harassed by the goddess. In a nearby section, there was a section of destruction, and some people from Mengla were killed. This." The ensign looked at Zhang Shi. Zhang Shi's face was extremely ugly.

"Damn goddess teaching." Zhang Shi scolded angrily.

"They should be taught a lesson. Wouldn't it be extremely detrimental to us if this continues," Zhang Shi said.

"Sir, you really should do this. They are like rats. If we don't eliminate them, our roads will be difficult to unfold." said the major on the side.

"Well, I know. I will make a battle plan." Zhang Shi left after speaking. It is very difficult to solve such a thing. Because the goddessists are coming and going, no one knows who the goddess is. If a large-scale search is carried out, it will inevitably cause panic. The most important thing is that the infiltration of the goddess is still going on, which is more difficult for them to solve. .

Inside Zhang Shi's staff. The two officers were drinking sugar and wine produced locally. This kind of wine was very soft. The staying power is also very full. However, if some special processes are added, such as a simplified version of sugar wine. It will become very intense. Korean soldiers like this kind of wine.

"The harassment against us by the goddess has started again. Today I have seen more than a dozen such reports. Some from the caravan and the construction team. Some villages have also been attacked. They are out of sight. We sent unearthed soldiers to search. , It could not be searched at all. Not only that, some goddessists even attacked our native soldier company and suffered heavy losses. This greatly affected our morale." Chen Ji said.

"Are the measures planned above?" Lieutenant Colonel Chen Tu asked Major Chen Ji. They are all from Chendi.

"Well, I heard no, but it's very difficult to deal with such a thing. I think you should know that those goddesses are teaching them and they are very difficult to solve. This makes us feel a headache, mainly because we can't find them, we still Those people need to be resettled. You must know that in some places, it is hard to settle down." Chen Ji said. The reason why they can’t find the goddess is because they have adopted guerrilla tactics. Usually they are ordinary people. The Bangla military government needs taxes. These goddesses also pay taxes. However, they hide in secret and adopt guerrilla tactics when they see an opportunity. Assault.

"This kind of thing is very simple. We will gather them to solve this problem." Chen Tu said.

"Those places are all burned, and the population is all concentrated. With the scorched earth policy, those people will be closely interrogated. If there are priests, they will be killed on the spot." Chen Tu said harshly.

"This. Such measures are extremely bad. This will cause a lot of panic. I think we must not do this." Chen Ji said.

"If we continue to attack, our situation will be bad. We would rather let this place become scorched earth than let the priests continue to attack, you know. Their harm will be very huge." Chen Soil said.

"Okay. Maybe you are right." Chen Ji nodded helplessly. This is indeed the case. If they arrest those Bangladeshi people, they will lose their source of financial income, but if they do not arrest, they will continue to face such harassment, which makes them feel very embarrassed.

Seth country. Basra City.

"This city has become extremely flustered." Zhang Xi said helplessly, shaking his head. A fire broke out in Basra, and many things have not been taken away. But the Parthians can no longer carry out such protection.

"What do we do next? Are we going to give up in Basra?" Zhang Bi asked.

"We can only do this." Zhang Xi said helplessly. The South Korean government has no military strength to guard such a city. Their only way is to give up.

"Sir, sir." A messenger hurried over. There are many good horses in the local area. These are the good horses they found. Unfortunately, the horses here are tall, but their endurance is relatively poor. But this kind of horse is faster. This is where they are very satisfied.

"This is a letter from Chief Guo Xiang." The messenger said after delivering the letter to Zhang Bi. Zhang Bi looked nervous when he heard this.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xi asked. Zhang Bi quickly read the letter.

"Someone is coming from the Kingdom of Seth." Zhang Bi said calmly. The initial tension disappeared. He thought that Seth had launched an attack on them.

"Let's take a look. The Seth people plan to take the place we occupy and give it to us, and Basra will take it down. However, we can enter it. This is the condition they give us." Zhang Bi said.

"I think this matter is very beneficial to us." Zhang Xi said.

"Yeah. I saw this thing and felt very strange, but now, I think we worry too much. I think that Seth must still need our military supplies, or that they still want to get from us Imported some arms, weapons, and ammunition. In this way, they will show us good. However, if we do not have military power, once the nation of Seth has used us, it will use force against us. Therefore, we must guard against such things. . No matter what they launch. We must increase our strength. However, we can obtain Basra through trade negotiations. It depends on the supplies we provide." Zhang Bi said.

"Get Basra by providing supplies. I think the Seth people may not be able to accept such a thing. After all, they went to a city." Zhang Xi said with some worry.

"Is that the city?" Zhang Bi pointed to the burning Basra in the distance.

"Perhaps it is." Zhang Xi looked at and nodded and said.

The northern line of Yuezhi. Pavlo brought an Indian official to the front line of the Yueshi people. The military escorts here are very high. Many soldiers have bayonets. They looked at the Indian official fiercely. The Indian official was a little scared. He can't speak the Central Plains dialect, because their tongue is more difficult to learn, especially because the official has a big belly, and it gives people the impression that he is a trash.

"Is this a waste?" Yue's security officer asked Pavlo. He is now a middleman, the Indians gave him a lot of money, and the Yueshi people fined him a lot of money, which made him have to act as a middleman to earn some commissions.

"Indeed, the waste itself is not at all." Pavlo said.

"Yeah." The security officer, Ishihara nodded. Agree. Ishihara is his Qin country's first name. In order to avoid having the same name as the Qin country, he had to find a word as his surname. He is a security officer on Yueshi's side, equivalent to an intelligence officer. He should not be responsible for the negotiation, but he did so. The purpose of this may not be for negotiation, but for investigating something that they want to know. Do the Indians really want peace talks?

But at this moment. The Indian official looked up at the sky. Ishihara also took a look. That was Qin's airship. They were carrying out a bombing mission, but this time there were a few fewer airships, only two. The reason is that they are running out of ammunition. The glass bottle let them throw away. The clay pot is almost thrown out. The glass bottles in the nearby military camps have all been collected. Not only that, Qin originally had six airships. Now they can only fly two ships, they said. Their machine is broken. The harsh environment, coupled with improper maintenance, especially the inaccessibility of some parts, prevented them from carrying out effective maintenance, and many airships could not take off. Naturally, the bombing mission could not be carried on.

"Those airships caused a lot of damage to the Indians." Pavlo said. The Indian official next to him is called Barrie. He didn't know much about him, but what he knew was how bad the Qin people's bombing was.

"I saw those airships thrown incendiary bombs into the warehouse. They immediately ignited a raging fire. The fire swallowed a lot of things, such as food, military supplies, and the lives of many soldiers. The Indians were very scared. , These are the losses they caused. The Indians think they should evacuate here. They don't want to fight anymore. Because something very strange appeared in the sky." Pavlo explained. This is the direct reason that led to direct negotiations between the Indians, because they faced such a military weapon for the first time. They could not threaten the other side, but the other side could throw anything they thought could be thrown, even a stone could cause them. casualties. The Indians could not threaten the other side a little. This is the huge technological gap. Faced with such a gap, the Indians chose to negotiate. They may think that they can be forgiven.

"Oh. That's the case, don't you know?" Ishihara said.

"You have been surrounded. On the southern front, our troops have surrounded your retreat. This is the root cause of the Indian negotiations. The threat to them from the airship is still relatively small. I think that cutting off their retreat, This is what they fear the most." Ishihara said.

"This. I never heard them say it." Pavlo said.

"Of course. If they did, they would surrender instead of negotiating." Ishihara said. This made Pavlo suddenly feel a crisis.

The southern line of Yuezhi. Simon, this is the eastern end of the southern line where the Yueshi people control. Lieutenant Monsai is the highest commander here. There are only one hundred and twenty-one people around him. This is his greatest strength. He was supported by a cavalry platoon. He had only less than 21 troops before, and he collected as much force as possible, only then did he reach such a large number of troops.

"Our situation is not good, sir," a sergeant said to Lieutenant Monser.

"I know, my situation is very bad. You have seen it too. The Indians on the opposite side are constantly increasing their troops, but our strength has increased very little." Lieutenant Monser said.

"Sir. How about we retreat. We are more than a hundred people, and we can't keep it here. Moreover, we don't have much ammunition. If the Indians launch a large-scale attack, we can't keep it here anyway. "The sergeant said very worried.

"If we lose here, we will be shot. My head doesn't want to be killed by my own bullets." Lieutenant Monser said.

"Sir. It's not that I was killed by my own people. You saw it. In addition to their small number at the beginning, the Indians launched an offensive, so we also tried our best to get rid of those enemies, our ammunition. The waste is also very serious. Everyone has less than 20 rounds of ammunition. But there are at least 3,000 Indians on the opposite side. What should we do?" said the sergeant.

"Before we shoot ourselves, we will be killed by those **** Indians. Although they are holding cold weapons, they can still kill us with stones." The sergeant said embarrassedly. To.

"What can you do?" Lieutenant Monser thought about it. he knows. More than a hundred of them can't defend here at all, but the position here is very important. Once they are breached, the Indians will regain a breakthrough. For them, this breakthrough is a lifeline.

"Sir, the Indians are running away. If we stay here, they will run away. Those who run away will fight desperately. But if we attack them or ambush them, their situation will get worse. I think. Each of them wants to leave here, but they don’t know anything about the attack we launched. Besides, we still have cavalry units. We can harass them. If we defend, the enemy can still leave here. However, if we harass them, They can leave a part, but we can also save our lives." The sergeant said. The sergeant did this for himself. He knew very well that those **** Indians couldn't resist at all, because the supplies they got were too few people. Too few personnel and materials make it difficult for them to defend here. This makes them feel very dangerous. However, in the face of such a situation, they can only accept this. Because they know that even if they all die here, they can't defend it. But they all want to live. If they leave this passage, they will hide, launch an attack if they have a chance, and wait if they don't have a chance. In this way they can save their lives and at the same time threaten the retreat of the Indians.

There is nothing wrong with doing this. Is it necessary for more than a hundred of them to completely block the retreat of the Indians? This is extremely unrealistic. This is what the sergeant thinks. In fact, the lieutenant, and everyone else thought so, they were afraid of death. I don't want to die here like this. It is really sad to die before the final victory.

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