Dawan, in the office of the Minister of Defense of Dawan.

"If the Shabbats fail miserably, according to the Shabbats' ideas, they will definitely find them from other directions." The Secretary of Defense said after hearing the advice of a security adviser. They just got an amazing news from Qin State's telegraph station. The Parthian military operations in Seth failed. Although they don't know how far the Sabbath Congress has failed, they do. This situation will certainly not change all at once.

"Yes, sir, but based on our current situation, I think the probability that the Parthians will attack us is very high." said the security consultant.

"We here are rich in gold, copper, and other mineral resources that Qin people need. I don’t know what it is, but they need it very much. These minerals have brought us great benefits. These minerals not only Only bring back the products of Qin people, those products can meet all our needs, and at the same time, they can also bring a lot of gold coins, our people can live very well. This is wealth, but this wealth is for our security situation , Very not optimistic." The security consultant said.

"Wealth brings danger to us, and the Shabbats are robbers. They only have robber thinking. We have money, and they don’t have money. They will rob them if they need money. Wealth brings disasters to us. We can say, I don't know what to do," said the security consultant.

"The Parthians have encountered failures. They think that their failures must be paid for. In this case, we will see that we have money, and then rob our money, and our safety, there are only three dissatisfied infantry divisions, but they want Defending our front, we can't defend against the attacks of the Parthians at all. They will attack our core area at once, and the security situation is extremely not optimistic." The security consultant said.

"Yeah." The Secretary of Defense nodded in agreement. The Parthians are a gangster country. The nature of the nomads makes them extremely powerful, but their way of thinking is also extremely single, robbery. Their land does not produce much wealth, and they are on a plateau. Few people can attack there. The important thing is that the kingdom of Seth in the west and the newly emerging kingdom of Dawan. Both countries have great wealth, and the Parthians cannot rob the Kingdom of Seth, of course. They still have some people's spoils, but they have encountered a failure now, and they have encountered a failure in the west, then the Parthians will lean towards the other side, and this side is the country of Dawan. This made Dawan's Defense Minister extremely worried.

"Do you think, when will they launch an offensive?" the Secretary of Defense said worriedly.

"This. If it is fast, they may launch an offensive in the winter, although the severe cold will have a great impact on their military operations, but if they are thinking of inevitable robbery, I think they will definitely do so. So, I think. If it is faster, they will do it in winter. If you slow down, next spring will come next spring, when the grassland melts and the grass appears, it is when they launch an attack. The Anxi people don’t have that much patience. The robber’s thinking is very simple.” said the security consultant.

"Time is too tight," said the Secretary of Defense.

"Yes. Sir, time is too tight. We have no way to do this. Our only way is to look at the people of Qin. Fortunately, we have a Da-Wan railway. Although his traffic capacity is limited, but, He can bring a lot of materials, and we must reserve a lot of materials to deal with the future war." The security adviser said.

"Okay. You immediately draw up a plan, I will report all the situation to the people of Qin, I hope that the people of Qin can understand our situation." The Defense Minister said nervously.

Qin State, Xianyang. Wei Liao sat on the sofa anxiously, and Shang Wen carefully looked at the telegram from Dawan.

"The Parthian invasion of Seth's military operation failed." Shangwen said.

"Yes. Prime Minister, they have encountered a failure. As for the extent of the failure, we don't know. However, the Dawan people told us that the Parthians have the logic of robbery. What are the risks that this logic brings? It was the Parthians invading the Dawan people. In that case, the large amount of ore we imported from Dawan would be in danger, because they are likely to take away all the mineral resources, which is extremely unfavorable for us. . We can't let this happen." Wei Liao said.

"At present, our country of Qin needs a lot of copper resources. These coppers are mainly used in the production of electric motors. There are more and more such fields. Our demand for copper mines will become larger and larger. The price of copper is rising rapidly. I know how far they will rise. But what I know is that if news of the Parthians invading Dawan comes, then the whole situation will become extremely unfavorable to us." Wei Liao said.

"The consequence is that our copper price rises rapidly, and the price of copper coins will also rise." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah." Shang Wen nodded.

"We must add more military supplies to the Dawan people. This must be agreed with the Dawan people. In addition, we also need the Tocharians to do something. They may not want to see the Parthians keep occupying theirs in this way. Property, in that case, they absolutely can't stand it." Shangwen said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, they can't stand it anymore," Meng Yi said.

Inside the staff.

"The Ministry of the Army submitted a report. It is about the establishment of division or brigade. They think. The establishment of division is too big. It is very troublesome to affect them." Yang Duanhe said to Wang Jian. Wang Jian is now very concerned about the reorganization of the army. In the past, Qin established a large number of chaotic military units. These units were mainly concentrated on minority soldiers. As the examination of a large number of soldiers ended, Qin eliminated some. Minority soldiers, they cannot pass the exam, their only choice is to retire, how do these soldiers choose next. Become a matter of their own life. Fortunately, the retired personnel of the Qin State said that they could choose to find employment, and their knowledge and understanding ability were relatively higher, while for minority soldiers, their situation was more worrying. For this, the Ministry of War was not ready to accept it. They just regarded the soldier's decommissioning work as a theoretical ordinance. That's it.

"Yeah. In the past, the State of Qin established several infantry divisions. However, these infantry divisions are not only defensive in nature. We have not tested the effectiveness of combat. However, the demand for infantry is very large. If the infantry brigade is used, they It will become very small. The most important thing is that the infantry needs a lot of arms, for example, they need cavalry for reconnaissance. Communications. They also need engineers, artillery, and various transport troops. Not only that, they also need field operations. Hospitals. These are some necessary units. For example, the combat unit composed of three infantry regiments, the logistics units they need may become three regiments. In this way, the units of the infantry division will be larger." Wang Jian said To.

"In contrast, the cavalry brigade, I think it is a suitable organization. There are two cavalry regiments under the cavalry brigade. In addition, some firepower equipment can be added. They need an artillery company, or artillery battalion, in addition to some The engineer battalion, or the unit of the engineer company, there are also some communication units. The main thing is to set up cables and lay telephone lines, which can increase their communication capabilities. The main purpose of the cavalry brigade is their flexibility. Mobility . Not their firepower assault." Wang Jian said.

"I think this is a light cavalry unit. We should also form some heavy cavalry units. They have good firepower equipment, and at the same time have very good mobility and protection capabilities. They can break through the enemy's defensive line on a large scale. Many soldiers and infantry can build better defenses." Yang Duanhe said.

"According to our observations on the Yueshi battlefield, the cavalry units are mainly assault and mobility. They can tear a hole in the enemy's defense line, and then the infantry and artillery units will follow closely behind, forming a huge breakthrough. In this way, the establishment of the cavalry brigade is very suitable. At the same time, we should build some heavy cavalry units to be able to tear open a hole in the enemy in time." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah." Wang Jian nodded. But at this moment, a lieutenant staff officer walked in with a document. Then he handed it to Wang Jian in a low voice, and Wang Jian waved his hand to let him leave. Wang Jian and Yang Duanhe had to pay attention to the issue of army establishment, because they urgently needed a large number of combat units to redeploy. This is a good plan. If it were not the reason for the uneven quality of the soldiers, Qin might have already started this aspect of action.

"The people in Dawan are in trouble." After reading the report, Wang Jian handed it to Yang Duanhe.

"The Parthians suffered a defeat in the Western Kingdom of Seth. They are likely to attack in winter or after spring. Although the severe cold brings a lot of inconvenience, it can bring great convenience to the Parthians. "Wang Jian said.

"In contrast, the defense situation of the Dawan people is very bad, and we don't know much about the Dawan people. The Prime Minister's Mansion has made us pay attention to the developments in this area." Wang Jian said. Yang Duanhe quickly read the report.

"Robber thinking." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yes. It's very correct, robber thinking, but this way of thinking is very scary. They can't rob things in the west, and they have the opportunity to run to the east. And Dawan is our important mineral production area, once a big one appears Accidents, the situation will be very unfavorable to us." Wang Jian said.

"However, our adaptation work has not yet started." Yang Duanhe said.

"So, be faster. If you don't let it go, the slow action will be very detrimental to us. The reorganization must be done as soon as possible." Wang Jian said.

"But how should the defense work be done? The only way is to let the Dawan people expand their troops, but it depends on the domestic political situation in Dawan." Yang Duanhe said.

"Well. We can only do this in our situation, but our only way is to provide some military weapons and more air forces to participate in it. Other things need to be done specifically by the Prime Minister's Mansion." Wang Jian said To.

Wei Guo. Girders.

"Wei, Daliang, is a beautiful city with a population of one million. Such a city needs public utilities, because the development of public utilities will greatly promote us. We need light, we need Street lights need convenience, so we need flushing toilets. We need convenience, we need tap water, and we need convenient gas. To travel, we need all kinds of transportation facilities. Only in this way can our main beams develop better, but at present we are developing It's not good." Chen Yu said while standing in the parliament. The lawmakers plan to give Chen Yu a chance to persuade them to dismiss the Zhang Er government. That middle-aged congressman made a lot of sense, and Chen Yu had this opportunity. Now he needs to talk about his opportunities. A plan that can solve all problems without increasing fiscal revenue. This is the only place worthy of consideration for members of Parliament.

"Okay. We all know these. We don't only know what you know, we also know. Daliang City urgently needs the security police, the policemen of Daliang, but these seem to be impossible to solve for a while, and we need a lot of financial funds to solve it. Such a problem, however, taxation, if taxation is increased, will bring extremely serious disasters to this city." A member of the Diet said.

"Yes, these are problems, but the solution is that I need the government to have more rights to solve these things. The problem of funding, we solve it by ourselves, the government can build some factories like public utilities, these factories Businessmen can participate and share shares. In short, you can participate, but they will definitely be profitable in the future. Therefore, I need to expand the authority of the government in order to reduce the parliament’s fiscal control measures." Chen Yu said very simply.

Finished. The MPs were not in a hurry to discuss, it seems that they have not reacted yet, they did not expect it. The other party would come up with such an idea. This was far beyond their expectations.

"Well, there is a question. Can you guarantee that taxes will not be raised for a period of time in the future?" a member of the Diet asked.

"Yes, I can guarantee it. And the Parliament can pass a bill to guarantee your rights. I believe that the government will do a lot of public utilities, and it will generate a lot of profits. This is what I want to do. "Chen Yu said.

The parliamentarians began to talk. They really can't believe what Chen Yu said. Chen Yu can really guarantee that no taxes will be levied. Then, some measures are taken and the government can make money just by developing public utility projects. This makes many people feel very puzzled.

Soon, Chen Yu was invited out. He asked to calm down, and Members need to discuss this issue, but this issue is very long, very long. After waiting for two hours. No results. Chen Yu felt a little anxious, but he still left the parliament because the parliament told him that he would get the news he wanted.

State of Zhao, Handan. Li Mu is carefully studying the situation of the Yueshi battlefield and a series of combat orders.

"The battle has changed a lot." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche.

"Look, the engineers adopted the tactics of blasting and tore open the Indian defensive line, then their cavalry units, followed by infantry, artillery, and various logistics units." Li Mu demonstrated Yueshi on the sand table. The person's offensive state.

"However. Sir, I think that this action of the Yue people is a failure, or rather. Their action can only be regarded as a half success. Only half of their troops have entered the battlefield, and many important support The troops are too late to play." Li Zuoche said.

"Yes. The problem lies in the Yue's highway. The current combat relies heavily on logistical supplies. The Yue's people need a lot of horse-drawn carriages, and the four-wheeled carriages are quite heavy, but they have high requirements on the roads. Under such conditions, the Yueshi people’s investment in Yueshi Highway is insufficient, which has caused their transportation and supplies to be unsmooth, but we should see the benefits brought by their way of fighting, that is, they Strategically, it can form a large encirclement and eat the enemy." Li Mu said.

"If all the main forces of the Indians are destroyed, they will be maimed and their losses will be very large," Li Mu said.

"But. Sir, this is an Indian army. If we attack from the flank, it will cause a lot of trouble to the Yueshi. Although their flank attack is very profitable, there is still a great danger. "Li Zuoche said.

"Therefore, we still need to think about this kind of combat method. Our defense line must have a depth configuration, rather than a single line. At the same time, there must be a large number of reserve teams that can be on the flanks in time to attack the incoming troops. It was a huge blow." Li Mu said.

"The most important thing is the road. If the Qin people attacked our country of Zhao, they would follow the railways and highways, because their logistics supply requirements are very large. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for ordinary roads to meet their requirements. ." Li Zuoche said.

"Yeah. That's right, so we have to reform. Not only in military offensive, but also in defense. We must have a deep configuration so that the people of Qin cannot be taken advantage of." Li Mu said.

"However, we are surrounded by the people of Qin on three sides. If necessary, they can attack from the direction of Yan. We can't defend at all." Li Zuoche said.

"That's right, but we now have our own new weapons. In this way, our defense will exist." Li Mu said.

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