The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2884: After the attack

The gate of Bangla Port Police Station. There are many people at the door, all of whom are paying the ransom. They are crying and crying. Many people can't pay the ransom, but they want to let their families come out. They could only plead, and for a while, the entrance of the police station became extremely lively.

"Please. Please. He is not a goddess. He is a Buddhist, a Buddhist believer. The temple can be proved. This is a certification document, a certification document. Look at it, Mr. Inspector." A local woman suffers I begged, but the inspector shook his head and waved his arms continuously.

"It cannot be proved, it cannot be proved, you must pay bail, otherwise, it will be difficult to release. Understand?" The inspector said. Then he motioned to other police officers to take these people away. The current situation is very chaotic.

When everyone was arguing, a carriage came at the entrance of the police station. The carriage was an ordinary freight carriage with a lot of barrels on it. A carriage driver squatted down behind and ran away immediately.

"Damn it. Don't run, that coachman, get your carriage away and block the way here. This is the police station. I think you are the person taught by the goddess." A police officer shouted loudly. And the coachman had already ran away.

"Damn it, stop," the police officer shouted loudly. Many people did not notice this incident.

"Boom." A huge explosion came, and the carriage was torn to pieces on the spot. Many people were also killed, and more people were rushed into the police station by air waves, and smoke billowed for a while.

In Zhang Shi’s office, Zhang Shi is listening to Zhang Dahui’s report on the attack on the caravan. They definitely increased their troops to protect the safety of the caravan, but with the sound of a huge explosion, his office suddenly became skewed. Zhang Shi felt like an earthquake, and he was unsteady and fell under the table.

"What happened?" Zhang Shi said while looking at the broken window. His glass window was shattered.

"I don't know the sir." Zhang Da Da shook his head and said. He was a little dizzy from the shock, but it was okay, they did not receive any serious injuries.

"Go and see." Zhang Shi said.

"Sir, are you okay?" a lieutenant officer rushed in with the guard and asked.

"Nothing, you can investigate what happened. Such a big explosion. Damn it." Zhang Shi cleaned his neck.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant turned and left. The news soon came back. The explosion in the police station shocked everyone in Bangla Port. The scene was extremely tragic. Many naked people piled up at the door. The huge explosion hit many people and the population was quite large. The dense, huge impact caused many casualties. Many people died without knowing why. Many broken limbs were hung on surrounding buildings, and many buildings were damaged.

Hear such a simple report. Zhang Shi can only report to Xinzheng. He hopes that Xinzheng can make the right choice.

Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Qingcheng, Xinzheng, and the vast area in between, we have to carry out some infrastructure construction, railways, highways, these all require a lot of financial funds, if Bangladesh can not provide such a lot of funds, we need If more bonds are issued, the financial situation will be very bad. The only way we can solve the problem is to levy taxes. Otherwise, nothing will be solved." The Minister of Finance said. For the severe financial situation, it can only be done through taxation. But taxation means reducing economic potential. Han Shu is unwilling to do this, and others are unwilling to do it. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

"The current situation is like this. Unless we can solve the problem of fiscal revenue, everything is for nothing." The Minister of Finance said.

"My lord, this is the latest situation in Bangla." An assistant carefully handed in a telegram. Han Shu stopped thinking. Then picked up the telegram and looked. After reading it, it was handed to the Secretary of Defense.

"Let's take a look, the latest thing that happened in Mengla." Han Shu said solemnly. Everyone looked at the telegram in the hands of the Secretary of Defense, and they all wondered what happened.

"Oh my God." The Secretary of Defense said after reading it. Then handed it to Zhang Liang. After Zhang Liang saw it, he felt very depressed.

"The matter is very serious." Zhang Liang said after reading the telegram.

"Yes, the matter is very serious, so serious that we must properly solve such a matter." Han Shu said.

"But the fact is that we have been procrastinating in this way. The result of the procrastination is that we have taken a conniving measure to these godwife believers. Although the financial contribution there is very important, we need to establish an order in the local area. We absolutely cannot allow them to further damage this order. We will take severe measures to combat them. The Ministry of National Defense needs to come up with an accurate and effective plan. If necessary, troops can be increased." Han Shu It's decided. Zhang Liang also wanted to persuade, but Han Shu changed so quickly that Zhang Liang had no time to express some of his views.

On the street of a small town in the north, a retired Huns soldier sipped hot soup. This is what people nearby saw him pity him, in addition to cheese and canned meat. After he retired, he couldn't find any job. It was either unsuitable or too demanding. He felt aggrieved.

"Do you need any help?" a middle-aged man walked over and asked. He is wearing the costume of a miner.

"Well. I, I need a job," said the retired Hun soldier.

"Hmm. What's your name? A veteran?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I. My name in Qin is Mengshi. From the Xiongnu tribe in the north, my rank is second-class soldier." Meng Yuan said.

"Well. Will you blast?" the miner asked.

"No, it's just that I don't know why the husband helped me?" Meng Shi asked curiously.

"I am also a soldier, but I am an engineer, so I took on such a job, but according to my understanding, people like you should receive certain training, why don't you go to the training center for training." Speaking of.

"This, I don't know. Sir, I didn't receive any notice. Our troops were disbanded at once. The designation was cancelled, and those who failed the exam would be retired. If I failed the exam, I would retire. I was also helpless. "The other party said.

"Well, I think you should write a letter explaining the situation here, come on, young man, come to me first, maybe we need a good student, but your question needs to be reported to the Ministry of Defense. Or the Department of War, the highest can write the Prime Minister's Mansion, I hope you will not give up, this is your right, you must do this." The middle-aged man said.

"This. Is it possible?" the other party asked.

"Yes. You can do this." The middle-aged man said.

Seth, Guo Xiang's residence.

"The Shabbats mean very clearly. They need a trading port and cooperate with us. They even more hope that we can build several munitions factories in their places to produce the munitions they need. Of course. They are willing to provide us with more. This is the greatest support they must give us." Guo Xiang said.

"What do they want? Do they want to kill back?" Zhang Xi asked. After receiving the peaceful offer from Seth, the Parthians are also willing to show good to the Koreans. They are willing to set up several trade ports in their coastal areas for Koreans, of course. They are willing to use goods of the value they can achieve in exchange.

"No matter what they do, we must pay the money in one hand, and deliver the goods in the other hand. We don't care about the others. Only money can't betray." Zhang Bi said.

"Well. Regardless of the rest, the Seth people, they must provide more financial support, and they must not interfere with our business activities." Zhang Xi said.

"The domestic reinforcements don't know when they will arrive. Our situation is too passive." Zhang Bi looked at Zhang Xi and said. If they have enough troops, they won't be so passive. They will have more troops to do what they want, but for this war, they don't need to participate, and now they have achieved their goals.

"The demand for munitions is very large. The Seth people need more artillery and muskets. In addition, they want to introduce related technology. And the Shah Nation, they have lost a lot of artillery. They need some light artillery. The number of muskets is also very large. There is also a huge demand for ammunition. I don’t know what they need such a large amount of ammunition for? Do they still have to retaliate against Seth?" Zhang Xi guessed.

"I don't know." Everyone shook their heads. They really didn't understand the purpose of the rest. Therefore, they didn't want this problem. This complicated issue was left to the rest.

Yueshi, the southern line. In Sharp’s headquarters, an infantry battalion was dismantled today. After they arrived, they were immediately disassembled and reached the battle groups in various strongholds.

"The current situation is very bad for us. The Indians went south on a large scale, and many people have already crossed our defense lines. However, our forces are very tense and they can't play any role at all." The lieutenant colonel said worriedly.

"I know that this requires more troops to solve this problem, but there is no such a large number of troops above for us, they just let us stick to it, stick to it, and the supplement of ammunition is very small. It is really annoying. "Sharp said.

"Sir, the latest telegram." A lieutenant handed a telegram to Sharp, and Sharp looked at it as a result.

"Gosh," Sharp said.

"What happened? Sir." the lieutenant colonel asked.

"Things may be a bit moving towards a situation that we can't control. The North wants peace talks and peace talks with the Indians opposite us, which means the war is over. What kind of harsh conditions are accepted by the Indians. They occupy Land will become our land." Sharp said after reading the telegram.

"Is this, we want to end the war, can we leave?" the lieutenant colonel asked carefully.

"No. The war is still going on. We must stick to this place and get more benefits. This is the new telegram instruction given to us above." Sharp said.

"Only when the war really ends can we be regarded as truly ending the **** war on the battlefield." Sharp said. His soldiers must also hold their ground and endure all suffering from inhumans. The reason is that the war is not over.

Northern line. Inside a secret military camp.

"Hello, Prince Barry." After receiving such a telegram, the Minister of Defense Yue rushed over immediately. He was a little surprised by the occurrence of such a big event, but he calmed down quickly. He believed that the war should be over. .

"The war should be over." Prince Barry said.

"Both of us are suffering from the torture of the war. Your losses are not small, and our people have lost a lot. I know that your weapons are far more advanced than us, but we have a numerical advantage." Prince Barry said directly. His facial expression was a little stiff.

"However, we are still surrounded by hundreds of thousands of your army." The Minister of Defense said.

"Yes, but in the south, you just rely on the defense of a few thousand people. It is unlikely that you will stop us. We have many people crossing there. If necessary, we can launch a large-scale attack and completely tear it up. We don't want to get entangled with the split defense line. If this goes on, it will not be good for you or us." Prince Barry said.

"Yeah. I know that there is a big problem in your country. A country called Occupy Prussia has caused a lot of chaos. Isn't it?" The Minister of Defense nodded and said.

"This." Prince Barry was a little surprised, then he looked at the Indian official on the side, and the Indian official shook his head. Pavlo also shook his head actively, obviously they were all saying that they weren't doing this. It's not that they revealed it.

"This news comes from the Qin State behind us. The Qin State has already grasped your dynamics, and the situation is very unfavorable for you." The Defense Minister said.

"This is indeed the case. The situation is indeed unfavorable to us. For this reason, we must withdraw our troops." Prince Barry replied helplessly. His expression became more serious. Obviously he did not expect that the other party would have such a message.

"Okay. We can ask you to withdraw, but you must cede your territory, and we need to get to what you call a big river. That is, keep going inland for hundreds of miles." The Minister of Defense said. Such conditions. It was decided internally by the Yueshi people, because the land there is more fertile, a large number of crops can be grown, and the wealth there is also relatively good.

"We also need to buy and sell the population freely. After all, some land will not grow food on its own," said the defense minister.

"Of course. We can sign a peace agreement for a longer period of time. If necessary, we can export weapons to you. These are all achievable. Both sides have trade needs. Moreover, if you want to solve domestic problems, just We must have our own armed forces, and we can do this, if needed." said the defense minister.

"Your conditions are too harsh." Prince Barry said.

"Of course. You want to retreat, not we want to retreat. You can defeat our southern defense, but I believe that you need to solve many problems before it is defeated." The Defense Minister threatened.

"The Qin people have promised us that more airships will appear on your heads, and they will have new bombs thrown on your heads, a kind of incendiary bomb that can burn in water, and painful bones will hurt, not only that. , I think, you know that the power of white phosphorus grenades can make you burn more painfully." The Defense Minister said. Prince Barry’s excited facial muscles kept twitching, but he tried his best to restrain himself. He suddenly stood up, walked a few steps, and then sat down angrily. His nostrils panted violently, as if he was trying to remove all the air. It's the same as draining.

"How is it?" the Secretary of Defense asked, leaning back in his chair.

"I want to understand. I can promise you things, but you must help us to solve domestic problems, and military forces must be resolved well. In the next twenty years, you cannot invade us." Prince Barry said To.

"Prince Barrie, twenty years are too long. Ten years are too long. Five years, I think, is only five years." The other party said.

"Okay. Let's talk about other conditions." Prince Barry reluctantly accepted the other party's conditions.

Bangla. Zhang Shi’s office was changed. Instead of living in the barracks, he strengthened the security staff in his office area.

"The local meaning is very simple, that is, let us take thunder, **** means to solve all problems." Zhang Shi said.

"But if you do this, you will inevitably need more troops, and the measures taken are extremely bloody. If you do this, it will cause substantial damage to our economy." Zhang Dahui said worriedly.

"I am worried about this too, but there is no way, you see. Those **** goddesses, they can transport large amounts of explosives to the police station in a carriage, and they can also park the carriage in front of my office building, those **** None of the Indians can be trusted." Zhang Shi said.

"Sir, how do we solve such a problem?" Zhang Dahui asked.

"We need to participate in the battle, to participate in **** battles, we need to unite all forces to fight, we can no longer control the situation. Religious issues must be resolved." Zhang Shi said.

"Yeah. Okay, sir, I think the religious problem will be solved." Zhang Dafa wrote. The current situation is very unfavorable for them. Religious fanaticism has exceeded our expectations. Those godwife believers are still resisting, and there seems to be a greater wave of trends rushing towards them.

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