The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 2885: The way out for the Huns

Qin State. Prime Minister's House.

"According to our latest survey and the information provided by the banks, especially Zhao Guo, the old bonds are relatively large, but by issuing new bonds and exchanging old bonds at high prices, the government can maintain a considerable portion of its fiscal revenue. Come and do something like this." The Minister of Finance said to Shang Wen.

"It is not only Zhao Guo who is doing this, but the banks also gave Dawan and Tocharo have such expectations. If they adopt taxation measures, their economy will not be able to withstand the impact of taxation. , After all, everything has just started." The Finance Minister said.

"But if we do this, our banks will have to face a lot of pressure, especially in terms of funding gaps. The banks have not yet done so." Shang Wen put down the report in his hands and said to the Minister of Finance. He knows that the key to solving all problems lies in capital. Dawan needs enough capital to expand its armaments. However, if banks continue to lend on such a large scale, they will first face financial problems. If they do not solve such problems, the bank There is no money to lend.

"In the north, we need more copper mines, and such mineral resources are also found in the north." Shang Wen said.

"In this way, the north needs to develop, and all places need to develop. However, the bank's gold reserves have already used up more than half, and then lending, I am worried that the funding problem will become extremely serious." Yi said.

"Yeah. So, I am very worried about this. If Dawan, Tochara can use banknotes. To achieve this expected effect, I think we can still accept it. However, for the time being, the number of gold coins they need It may be very large, and they have not met such expectations. I think that in the future development stage, we need to obtain a large amount of gold coins or gold reserves from other places, and then mint currency for lending. The gold coins will enter the two markets of Dawan and Tocharo. Then, we will proceed to the next stage, using paper money to exchange those gold coins, so as to achieve the possibility of gold coins completing the gold reserve again." Shang Wen thought about it. .

Meng Yi recorded on the side. He thinks that this is very useful and worth thinking about.

"But how do we do this?" Meng Yi asked.

"In the North, we are unlikely to have too much money to support them, unless we use more currency. In that case, the Federal Bank Reserve Board must have a huge amount of banknotes issued." Meng Yi said.

"Then do that, but first we throw this problem to the bank. They are businessmen and they know what to do." Shang Wen said. In the face of financial issues, there is no better understanding of financial principles than banks.

If you want to solve the problem, you must have funds. However, the funds are not that much. The only way is to rely on the bank, because the bank knows how to do it. They do this.

State of Zhao, Handan. Trading Center. Although securities transactions have been legalized and the state has also conducted transactions through formal channels, it is still impossible to prevent private transactions from appearing. Some major shareholders, second-generation aristocrats, and wealthy businessmen like this way of trading, because private transactions can be exempted from a considerable amount of tax. In order to curb excessive speculative activities, Zhao Guo's main willingness lies in the large-scale fluctuations in the stock market during Li Mu's administration. Such fluctuations mainly come from corporate stock speculation. In order to suppress such speculative activities. Li Mu decided to increase the stamp duty. This way, for those who rely on inheritance to accept and transfer stock assets. Their losses are greater. And underground trading can prevent such things from happening.

"I don't know what's wrong recently?" said an underground stock trader at a corner of the exchange.

"There are rumors that bonds and government bonds will rise, Guo Kai, the old boy. He will issue new bonds. Then exchange the new bonds for the old bonds at a high price." Said the underground trader.

"Is your news reliable?" said a person who dressed ordinary, but the other party's temperament was obviously different from what he was wearing.

"Reliable. This is news from the bank. Some banks have already started. I don't know why they do this, but this can bring great profits. I believe that such a thing is still more beneficial to us. ." said the underground trader.

"Well, I just need to exchange some stocks. Bonds. I want to think about it." The trader hesitated.

"I happen to have a bond like this in my hand, and I will definitely earn it if I hold it. Really. Trust me. You have too much money. For such a large-scale stock, it’s difficult to sell on the exchange. , Will also be investigated. If you can redeem some bonds, these bonds are all bearer bonds. No one knows where these bonds ended up." The other party said temptedly.

"Okay. I believe what you said, these bonds can really get a lot of bonds, and can get more funds when you sell them?" The trader obviously couldn't absolutely believe what the other party said.

"Trust me. Sure, I've been in this business for a long time. My experience is absolutely rich." The other party promised.

Bangla Port, inside Zhang Shi’s headquarters.

"The king's intention is very clear, that is, we should take decisive measures to completely eliminate the goddess religion. As well as other heretics, any method can be used." Zhang Shi said.

"This. Sir, is **** slaughter okay?" a lieutenant colonel asked.

"Yes. Yes. It can be done." Zhang Shi nodded and said. The others looked at each other.

"Sir, we still need the Menggla people. At least the native soldiers still need these soldiers. At the same time, we also need the support of religious forces. They are very helpful to us. We can't kill everyone. In that case, the economy will collapse. In fact, we have already collapsed once." Zhang Dahui said.

"So, what do we have to do?" Zhang Shi said. The above command is very straightforward. Taking retaliatory measures, it can be seen that Han Shu can no longer bear the problem of the goddess teaching. In this situation, their only way is to take as much as possible what they think is feasible. Massacre has become their most direct method. Moreover, the native soldiers have always done things like this.

"But in doing so, our strength is absolutely inadequate. The worst thing is that we will cause greater chaos. The consequences of such a great chaos are extremely serious. For us, there is nothing worse than this. So, I suggest. We don’t do this. Or take some mild measures.” Zhang Daguo said.

"Moderate? What kind of moderation is there? These believers are evil people. Damn it." Zhang Shi cursed.

"Sir, I heard that here, there is a new religion called Confucianism. It is our native country and comes from the Central Plains countries. Maybe we can let them do this. The government can encourage people to convert to Confucianism. Believe in local religions, all religions are not allowed. If they believe, we will take harsh measures or fight for high taxes on them. In this way, their religious behavior can be greatly restricted." Zhang The conference recommended it.

"Okay, just do it. As long as these people's problems can be solved, any solution is okay." Zhang Shi nodded in agreement.

Yueshi, the southern line.

"The fighting here is sometimes tense and sometimes easy. The Indians want to go south through here, but the Yues are stuck in the main passage. The Indians are unable to launch a larger-scale offensive, and their soldiers look very tired. Off. Launching an offensive may cause mutiny among the soldiers. Under such conditions, the Indians can only retreat to the south through some edge paths, where they are safe areas." Zhao Fang held a small pencil and shrank. Wrote in the trenches. Zhao Guo’s advisory team was trapped in various strongholds, but their condition was still considered to be very safe. In order to get the support of the Central Plains country, the Yue people gave them maximum preferential treatment.

"Yesterday there was a Qin reporter who came here to record the fighting here. There is no good record here. A group of people desperately running for their lives, we just need to attack them. If the Yue people block the road, the Indians will be Desperately, but if you let go of some small openings, in that case, the Indians will not be able to escape much, and more people will stay here, the war will develop in the direction of benefiting the Yueshi people, after all, they don’t need to use too much. The force is compressed and the opponent is blocked, as long as the opponent is attacked. Yue's reinforcements are okay, but they are all small pieces of reinforcement. This situation has been maintained for a long time. The landmines have been used up. As for the effect, just look at the cautious situation of those Indians." Zhao Fang looked up and looked outside. A few crisp shots came, and the Indian escape team was tightly compressed. There were still many dead bodies nearby, especially those Indian soldiers killed by landmines. No one would collect them. Because they are already very worried, if there are no landmines around, what will happen? The answer is definitely that they will also be bombed to death. In order to avoid such a situation, they had to watch the dead bodies there.

"I heard that the Yue people in the north are having peace talks with the Indians. This is the news from the Qin reporter yesterday. If the news is true, I think the Indians may accept it, because once the southern line is blocked Through the passage, hundreds of thousands of troops will be completely trapped here, and the situation at that time will become extremely passive. This is an indisputable fact." Zhao Fang wrote in his notebook.

Northern line. Inside the secret barracks.

"That big river you are talking about is that big river?" Prince Barry asked confirmingly.

"Perhaps we can be called the Indy River, which is the river we reached back then, and that river is of great significance to us." The Secretary of Defense said.

"Yeah. Okay." Prince Barry nodded.

"However, we need a large amount of weapons to arm our army, and training needs to be provided by you. If necessary, we need you to send troops to assist us. This is the condition for us to make peace with you." Prince Barry thought for a while and said.

"Of course. We can give you all of these. But you must open the ports of trade, and the tax collected must be less than 5%, otherwise it will be difficult for us to guarantee the implementation of the terms we currently have." The Minister of Defense said.

"This, understand, we will do this." Prince Barry nodded.

"If there are no other terms to negotiate, I think we should sign such a document as soon as possible. After all, the fighting situation is very unreasonable. At the same time, we need to accept a large area of ​​land north and west of the Indy River. We will never cross this area. "The Minister of Defense said.

"Yeah. Yes. You will." Prince Barry nodded. After ceding the land on the west bank of the Indy River. The Indians must pay more than 2.5 million gold coins. In addition, a large number of slaves will be sold to the Yueshi people every year, because the Yueshi people will build their own farms. They finally have a piece of their own wealthy land.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Seth, the rest of the world, both show good to us. Both sides will import a large number of weapons on a large scale. What the Seth people import is technology. Of course, the number of weapons is also very optimistic. In contrast, Seth People import cannons, and more of them are small-caliber artillery. I don't know what they are doing with such military equipment?" Han Shu looked at the telegram from Seth and said.

"I'm just worried about whether these countries can pay the money in this respect. You must know that these artillery pieces are very valuable after being transported." Zhang Liang said.

"That's right." Han Shu smiled and nodded after hearing it.

"That's right, we should really worry about whether they can provide us with more valuable things. After all, these things are very valuable. If they can't provide us with good goods, trade will be difficult to achieve. We Just levy taxes on those businessmen." Han Shu said.

"My lord, it's just how the situation in Bangla develops? Is it really necessary to adopt a large-scale massacre method? In that case, it will cause very serious consequences." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"If we don't do this, we will eventually lose Bangla, and Bangla will once again provide us with sufficient financial support. Without their support, we will not be able to advance the infrastructure in this area." Han Shu Speaking of. Most of South Korea's infrastructure funds come from the control of the colonies. A large amount of taxation has reached them through abnormal collection. Then, with these funds, South Korea can build more infrastructure.

"Only by complete destruction can a new order be established. Without such an order, our interests cannot be protected at all. In Seth Nation, we will continue to do the same." Han Shu said. Only by destroying the local economic foundation, a new economic order can be established. What South Korea needs to do is to completely destroy the local economic order, and then implement a new economic order, so that it can be counted as a kind of economic order for them. New development model.

The northern tribal area. The tribe who explored the terrain and looked for the navy outlet has returned. The weather has become very cold, it must not be long.

"How many tribes have not returned?" A navy lieutenant counted with a table.

"There are still two teams that have not returned. It is estimated that they are on the road, but, in another ten days, there may be heavy snowfall. If they have not returned by that time, the situation may become very bad." Said a tribal leader. The lieutenant nodded.

"Your supplies are still being calculated. Don’t worry. The train will deliver you the materials you need, blankets, clothes, fabrics, food, salt, iron pots, tea, sugar, etc., and everything you need will be delivered. Come," said the lieutenant. After investigating the Huns who returned, although the losses were more serious, most of the tribes who went out lost at least one-third of their personnel, and the most were more than 200 people, and only a dozen people returned. The loss is very large, but the map they brought, although it looks a bit rough, they did. They can take these things in exchange for the supplies they need, so that they don't have to endure like that in winter.

"But we need some coal. The black that can burn is stone. We don't have many cattle and sheep. There is not so much to burn." The tribe chief said. Solving the cold is the most important thing.

"Yeah. I see. If you need it, you can replace it. You can go to our chief to count. I need to order these supplies as soon as possible. Time can't wait." said the navy lieutenant. The Admiralty fulfilled their promise very well, after obtaining a large amount of geographic information. The Admiralty decided to exchange some supplies for the tribes that supported them. After all, they also paid a heavy price.

"That's great. Great." The leader said excitedly. In this way, they will prepare a lot of materials for the winter.

"Just, next year, will there be such a thing?" the tribe leader asked carefully.

"This, I don't know, but what I know is that the War Department has such a plan. You can find out if they will do the same." said the navy lieutenant. Then go to the next tribe.

For these Xiongnu tribes and other small tribes, expedition has become their only source of income at present. If such activities are stopped, their income will become extremely weak. For them, it is not a source of income. The good news is that the only thing they can do is to hope that such things can be as many as possible, because doing so is very beneficial to them.

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