The tactics of the Dawan people looked good, but they were meaningless in actual combat. On the contrary, their forces could not be concentrated due to the excessive distribution of forces. As a result, it puts them in an unfavorable offensive operation.

This is why the offensive operations of the Dawan people are inefficient.

"The offense has been cancelled. The offense has been cancelled." Just when all the Dawan soldiers were waiting for the offensive order. The officer above gave such an order in time. Many soldiers feel very fortunate. They feel that they have become more relaxed now.

Zhao Guo. Handan.

"What a double airship design." Li Mu said excitedly, looking at the design drawing in his hand.

"Sir, this is currently the fastest and most suitable design plan." A lieutenant colonel of the Zhao Guo Air Force said with a drawing.

"The rationality of this design scheme is that we can only design and build this kind of smaller airship at present. The technical difficulty of large airships is still there, and the cost is relatively high, especially the need for some special steel, we lack this Steel. If it is all concentrated on the production of airships, this is not good for our artillery production. Therefore, the only way is to use the most mature technology at present." said the lieutenant colonel.

"However, we still need some large orders to do things for those companies that can produce in the future. Otherwise, without technological progress, we will not be able to make greater progress at all." Li Mu said. The Zhao State Air Force also participated in the Dawan operation. Under such combat requirements, they need a brand-new combat airship to meet their air combat needs. The twin airships are designed under such circumstances.

Marlowe's design interior.

"Great. Our airship design has been approved by the General Staff. As long as the Air Force of Zhao State sees the experimental airship, they will place a large number of orders." The manager said happily.

"No, no, our airship design can only design such an airship under the current mature production situation." Marlowe said.

"However, a real airship requires a lot of new technologies. Look at our current situation. The technology is not very mature. Therefore, technology is the future development." Marlow said. He believes that the development of real aerospace vehicles is a technological development, not a success in a single design. He believes that his prime minister has gone the wrong way.

"Okay. I get it. Get out the finished product as soon as possible, and let the Air Force see the results of our actual development. That's it. We don't need the rest," the manager said. He thinks that as long as there is Marlowe's design, it is enough.

Qin Guo, Flying Eagle Company.

"This is the news we got from other airlines in Zhao State. The military is ready to place an order to solve this problem." An assistant told a designer.

"Double airship?" the designer asked in surprise.

"Yes, the double airship design, the benefits of this are very obvious. The structure of the airship and the production will not change much, but their airship performance has been greatly improved. In the face of such an improvement, they The performance of the airship may surpass our aircraft." The assistant said worriedly.

"Zhao Guo also has such a talented designer." The designer said.

"We didn't expect that, who would have thought of such a thing. They could come up with the design of a double airship." The assistant also said. Qin Guoren’s design ideas are improved by increasing the boldness. And Zhao Guoren solves the problem directly from the exception. It can be said that only a genius can solve such a problem with such a design.

Many Korean merchant ships are loading some cargo and some people are leaving here in the coastal areas of the Parthian country. They received an order to retreat from the mainland. As for why they withdrew, they don't know, such information is not something they can solve.

"Really, why let us retreat. It's so nice here. Rest in peace." A young Korean said dissatisfiedly. Many Koreans come here for adventure, or in other words, come here to make a fortune and at the same time hunt for strange things. There are beautiful places to live in a foreign land. Because there are no domestic restrictions, especially the legal system, South Korea’s domestic controls are very strict, but here, they have no fear. Therefore, many Koreans are willing to come here, especially young people.

"Don't say it. Don't say it. This is for our own good. I heard that the Anxi people borrowed a lot of money from us." A middle-aged man whispered. He was the steward of their house, and then carefully stepped forward and said.

"The Shabbat does not pay back the money, and the government does not want the other party to continue like this. Therefore, it has taken some strong measures. These measures are to fight and use force to solve such problems. The war will start sooner or later." Speaking of.

"For your safety, leave here and go to Port Seth or Karachi. It is safer there, much safer than here." The middle-aged man persuaded.

"It's good to fight. I'm not afraid. I also have dozens of guns in my hand, and the guns are better than them. With guns, I still have artillery." The young man said loudly disapprovingly. As a result, everyone around you heard it.

"Be quiet," the middle-aged man said. People around have already begun to discuss this matter. They don't know what happened, but such a retreat must have changed a lot from the current situation.

Inside a bank office in the port area.

"The mainland has banned us from continuing to borrow money from the State of Shah. A large amount of money has begun to be transported to the State of Seth." said the bank president.

"President, the situation here?" the assistant asked worriedly. Judging from the recent local news, it seems that the development here is heading towards an unfavorable situation. For example, the number of borrowings is increasing, and domestic banks are worried that the Siberian nation will not repay the money. Judging from the news from the State of Qin, the people of Qin State will continue to strengthen military support to Dawan under such circumstances. The repayment ability of the Parthians has become very weak, which is not a good thing for South Korea.

"War. The future situation may be war. I heard that the country is expanding the scope of recruitment, and a large number of soldiers will be sent here." said the governor.

"But here." the assistant said.

"I know what you mean, you want us to withdraw as soon as possible. There is some danger here, right?" said the president.

"Yes. President, the situation here has developed into this. We should withdraw. Besides, there is not a large number of troops here, and our safety is threatened. Once we stop borrowing money, or the people in peace will take tough measures. If there is a serious threat to our lives. At the same time, such a retreat has already been noticed by the rest." said the assistant.

"I know this. That's why we continue to do this. Retreat as soon as possible, and we still have some protection." The president said without worry. But the assistant believes that this place has become the most dangerous place. They shouldn't stay any longer. Otherwise, there will be a lot of danger.

The Ministry of the Navy, Xinzheng, South Korea.

"The Marine Corps has too few soldiers. We have expanded the range of conscription, but that's it, our soldiers are still very small. No soldiers can be found in many places. If this continues, our plan to expand three infantry regiments will be shattered. "The officer of the conscription office said worriedly.

"This is a big problem." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir, this problem is very big. We need to solve this problem quickly. Together with training and the development of the current situation, it is likely to have a big impact. The only way I think is to draw from the Department of War. Some regular troops are dispatched to fight overseas, and the newly formed combat units can only serve as their garrison missions," the officer said.

"But in this way, I am worried that the king would disagree. After all, if we draw too much domestic military power, our military will become extremely weak." The Secretary of the Navy said with some distress.

"Sir, there is another way, and that is to borrow troops." At this time, the officer thought about it and said it out.

"What to borrow troops?" the Secretary of the Navy asked curiously.

"We borrowed troops from the Chu people. The Chu people have a large number of soldiers, but their maritime transport capabilities are not very high. If we can help them transport to our combat area, in the future area, we will give them a certain amount. Good. In this case, it may be good for us," the officer said. When the domestic soldiers were unable to expand, the officers of the Navy Department could only look at other places, for example, Chu State, which is also an expanded area, and their military strength is also very large. Borrowing troops and expanding is the best way.

"No. No, absolutely not." The Secretary of the Navy immediately waved his arms and shook his head when he heard the thought.

"This kind of thinking is absolutely impossible. However, the method of borrowing troops is possible, but it must not be borrowing troops from Chu people." said the navy minister. In the eyes of Koreans, Chu people are potential opponents of Koreans. Borrowing troops from South Korea will give them a great opportunity, but only Chu people have such soldiers nearby. The Chu State has a large number of troops stationed on the Western Continent. These garrisons come from various armed forces, and they have a very wide range of enlistment and strong combat effectiveness. In contrast, Qi State, Zhao State, and other countries have no army. Such ability.

But borrowing troops is indeed not a good way to solve the problem. This is another way of solving problems.

Chu State, Wuyue Port Area.

"Why catch me. Why catch me. My ancestor, also a nobleman, catch me, do you know what you would do?" A homeless man was arrested by two policemen. The handcuffs are put on.

"Isn't this Huangshan?" Some people around me said one after another. They didn't know what Huangshan had committed and was arrested.

"Oh, I knew that this old boy was definitely not a good thing. He did a lot of bad things because of his ancestors being a nobleman. He didn't know he was a good person at first sight, and it was good to catch him." Some people who hate him said .

"I think this kid must have done something bad. Either peeking at someone's wife taking a bath. Or stealing someone's things, or taking advantage of someone." Other people said one after another.

"What? I think this is the bill introduced by the parliament to prevent the unemployed." said a Chu countryman among the crowd.

"These people were arrested and sent to other colonies in our country of Chu. When they got there, they could have some use. Here, they are just a bunch of rubbish." A native of Chu said.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. I said it. But it's a good catch. A good catch." Many people clapped their hands and said. For these vagrants, the nobles have fallen. Their contribution to the social economy in the country is not very high. They don’t go to work in the factory because they feel that they are down. Fortunately, their own ancestors are aristocrats. How could the aristocrats do such things, so they didn’t fall. In order to survive, they would steal, rob, or slap . This is not conducive to economic development. However, Chu State is expelling such people on a large scale.

On the dock, some cargo ships docked at the dock.

"His mother, my ancestor still fought with King Chu. My grandfather is a former general." said a homeless man who was expelled.

"Oh, what's this? My ancestors have opened up new territories." The expelled homeless people gathered together and said. They reminisce about the merits of their ancestors, but what is the use of these? These unscrupulous descendants are now going to be exiled abroad. Perhaps there is no place like them in the country. Their only place is the overseas colony, and only there can they stay.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"Tocharo did a very good job." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi.

"Tocharo made you suffer." Shang Wen looked at Meng Yi and said.

"No, but no. The treatment of the Tocharians is so good, I wonder if they are making me suffer." Meng Yi said.

"But having said that, the Tocharians do things very fast. They have already trained two infantry divisions. If appropriate, they may hold an exercise, and then quickly send troops and insert them behind the rest. ." Meng Yi said to Shang Wen.

"Yeah. But the time is still immature, and the strength of the Parthians has not been deployed across the board." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I've noticed this too. The next step is to delay the offensive of the Parthians and spread the forces of the Parthians as much as possible. Only in this way can Tocharo send troops." Meng Yi said.

"But I noticed one thing. It's the Koreans. They borrowed money. The amount is too big." Meng Yi said and handed a report to Shangwen.

"Thirty million gold coins?" Shang Wen said in surprise after reading it.

"Yes. Thirty million. War may start." Meng Yi said.

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