The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3128: Chu Jun Advisory Group

Inside Meng Tian's headquarters.

"The back path of the First Infantry Division was cut off. The First Infantry Division repeatedly attacked, but failed to get through. The situation seems to be unfavorable for us." The staff officer said worriedly. Meng Tian looked at the sand table and did not speak.

At the beginning, he had anticipated this situation. Because an infantry division simply cannot expand the range of seventy miles, such a range requires at least three infantry divisions to grasp this situation.

"Sir, what should we do next? Shall we send troops again? If the 1st Infantry Division is trapped in it, the situation may be against us." The staff officer said.

"Send troops to let the Second Infantry Division assist them and open up the supply line." Meng Tian said while looking at the sand table. The current situation is very unfavorable for Dawan. The Parthians surrounded the Golden City, and at the same time they surrounded the Dawan 1st Infantry Division who was going to support. Thus. Dawan must provide support, otherwise, they will be eaten by an infantry division and a golden city. In that case, the loss of force is extremely tense.

"An infantry division, is there too little commander? According to the calculation of the strength, we need at least two infantry divisions. In this case, we can easily be eaten by the other party." The staff member persuaded. Because of this one by one. The military strength is too scattered, which is a taboo of military strategists. This is obviously a mistake.

"No. It must be done." Meng Tian said.

"If we send out a division. The other side encircles one, their strength will be consumed a lot. We cannot currently use the method of retreat to consume the strength of the rest." Meng Tian said.

"But, take a look now." Meng Tian said at this time.

"Although the situation is not good for us, the future development trend is good for us. The Parthians have assembled a heavy army under the Golden City. We support one, and they must allocate a part of their troops to surround and support the troops. In this case, the other side The situation is not good. Then we support, they need to draw troops from the Golden City to fight. In this way, the siege of the Golden City can be resolved. And our support will also get the effect of dispersing the opponent's forces. "Meng Tian said. Meng Tian suddenly discovered that a feasible plan suddenly appeared. That is, through gradual support, attracting a large number of rest troops here to cut off their retreat, and in order to encircle Dawan's reinforcements, the rest of the people must allocate more troops. Thus. The advantages of the rest will gradually become disadvantages. Their situation has become extremely unfavorable.

"In this way, it seems to be of great use to us, but. Sir, our situation seems to be less than that." The staff officer said.

"If the Parthians concentrate their forces to eat us one by one, our strength will be lost. This is our worst point." The staff analyzed their situation from the perspective of the Parthians. If the Parthians make up their minds, If they were eaten one by one, in that case, the loss of the Dawan army would be relatively large.

"So, our plan is that batches of reinforcements pass, and it's best to get them together. When the rest of the people react and make them feel that they can't eat each other, their situation becomes very bad." Meng Tian said with a smile.

This is the reason why Meng Tian went out one by one. In fact, their forces are gradually gathering, because the Parthians must eat the reinforcements outside the city if they want to take the Golden City. However, as the reinforcements outside the city continue to increase, Then they slowly assembled and turned into a huge corps. In that case, when the Parthians reacted and they couldn't eat it, the situation would become extremely unfavorable for them.

"That's it, but sir, it depends on the defensive ability of the Parthians. It is our offensive ability." The staff officer said.

"Of course our offensive ability is stronger." Meng Tian said with a smile.

"The advantage of the Parthians lies in their superiority in the cavalry. They are not good at defensive. But now, they have to start a defensive posture and fight against us. This is to give up their advantages and use their shortcomings to fight us. If such a war opens, they have already lost." Meng Tian said.

"That's right. Sir, the staff sent a telegram. They think we should see you again in the position of Li Xin Department. The purpose of this group is to block the retreat of the main force of the Parthian troops under the Golden City. This can better suppress it. , Suppress the rest." The staff officer said.

"The question is, do the Dawan people have so many troops?" Meng Tian asked.

"Their cavalry regiment is still being established. Even if it is established, it will be difficult for them to play such a role. A cavalry regiment with no combat experience. Send out. What will happen?" Meng Tian asked his staff. For the real strength of the Dawan army, especially the cavalry team that is still being established. Meng Tian doesn't have much good feelings.

"This. It is estimated that they have no combat capability. On the contrary, they will become the biggest disaster." The staff officer told the truth. Because cavalry most need combat experience, especially if they want to go deep behind the enemy, this is not only a factor of courage, but also requires them to show great command ability. To fight deep behind enemy lines, courage is one aspect. How to deal with the complicated situation behind enemy lines is a test for this newly established cavalry team. It was a huge test. It seems unlikely that the newly formed troops have such a possibility.

"Forget it. This is my personal opinion. Give this report to the General Staff. Let them think about it." Meng Tian said.

"Yes. Sir." The other side nodded to understand.

In the Dawan 2nd Infantry Division, the whole army is rectifying and preparing to set off, especially the low-level officers are very excited.

"Sir, our purpose is to attack and move forward, quickly approaching the 1st Infantry Division. Only in this way can we avoid the possibility of a lone army being deeply surrounded by the other side." Qin Jun consultant Li Guang said. He is a colonel. The Dawan Second Infantry Division is Brigadier General Chen Muge, according to the rank system. Li Guang called the other officer very politely.

"Don't dare, you should call me by name. In this way, I will act like an officer." Chen Muge said politely. In fact, in this position, he is very worried that his character is not the character of a commanding and combat commander at all. He is more suitable to be a security consultant for the Ministry of Defense, because he does not have to worry about taking responsibility, as long as he is responsible for planning. He lacks decisive ability, and what the commander needs is decisive ability. What he lacks is this ability. He himself knew this very well, so he never opposed Qin Guo's consultant's words, and he fully supported it.

"Yes, what you said is too right. Only by keeping a group can we avoid being eaten up. It is really a very favorable situation for us." Chen Muge said.

"Okay. Sir, but sir, we still need to keep our logistic supply line. Do we send a telegram to the 1st Infantry Division and ask them to move closer to us? In this way, we can quickly provide them with a large amount of supply. This can reduce our burden." Li Guang said.

In the era of gun warfare, the most concerned issue is logistics supplies. Because a musket without bullets is a fire stick, sometimes it's worse. And the encircled First Infantry Division is in such a situation, their materials have been consumed almost, if they can't be replenished in time, their combat effectiveness will quickly weaken. However, if the Second Infantry Division advances quickly, it will cause them to enter it too, and the situation will become worse and worse in the end. So after the attack. They hope that the 1st Infantry Division will move closer to them. In this case, the situation will be extremely favorable to them.

"Yeah. Very good. I will send them a telegram. When we attack and advance, they will turn back, so that we can reduce some distance, which is good for everyone." Chen Muge Speaking of this.

"If the sir does this, we will solve a lot of problems." Li Guang said. If this is the case, the difficulty of their task will be much reduced, as long as the two infantry divisions are united in one place, the Parthians will not be able to eat them. This is for them. That's a very good thing. Because the Second Infantry Division did not want to lose supplies.

In the second infantry division resident.

"We can finally go out to fight. Damn it, I'm almost suffocating me." An officer of Chu State Captain said anxiously.

"Okay. Don't worry. We can fight some battles." said a Chu army lieutenant.

"Huh, kid, call me the officer. My rank is higher than yours." The captain said displeasedly.

"Yes. Officer Long." The lieutenant saluted.

The State of Chu also dispatched a military advisory group. They were assigned here by Qin Jun. But their military ranks are relatively low, the highest is only a captain, most of them are lieutenants, second lieutenants. There are also ensigns who have been promoted by some sergeants. It can be said that these are the grassroots forces of Chu State.

But most of them are historical celebrities.

"Okay. Zhong Limei, don't fight against Captain Long Qi like this. We are all Chu army. When we come here, we are all from Dawan army, so it spreads out, saying that our Chu army is not good. Fight, don't lose our Chu army's face and glory." A lieutenant persuaded.

"Well. I don't have general knowledge with him. For a person like him, the command is too barbaric." Zhong Limei said. He believes that the opponent's combat has no visible tactics, and most of them are savage charges, and he looks down on such people. And Long Qi, he also despised an officer like Zhong Limei.

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