The angry Huns quickly launched military operations and operations. They quietly crossed the border and entered the territory of the Rest, and then they found a military barracks for the rest, perhaps because the rest of the world thought it was very safe.

Because Tocharians have never dared to come here, many people in peace are accustomed to it. They think it's very safe here. When it's safe, they can ignore their alert status?

In this way, the Huns rushed into the barracks of the Parthians, and more than a hundred people were killed by the Huns, but they didn't have much alcohol. This makes the Huns very depressed.

But the timid Tocharians felt that things were not good. They quickly reported the matter to Qin Jun's consultant.

"This happened too suddenly," Wang Ben said in surprise when he got the telegram in his hand.

"This incident did happen suddenly, but I think we should solve this kind of thing as soon as possible. Otherwise, the Parthians will know that our Tocharo side will send troops to fight. In that case, I am worried about the Parthians. The revenge will rush over quickly." Dawan First Army Commander Lieutenant General Su Ge said anxiously. His position as commander was won. He has no combat experience, but he has experience of political speculation. He knew very well that he could only seek help from Qin people when he encountered such a thing, and it was impossible to solve such a thing himself.

"I'm very embarrassed about this matter." Wang Ben said helplessly after putting down the telegram in his hand.

"You know. Qin is not ready yet, and many infantry divisions have not completed effective training. Therefore, the situation is not very good for us." Wang Ben said. When such an accident happened, Wang Ben also felt very helpless. He knew that according to the personality of the rest people, they would definitely retaliate, and it might happen in an instant. But the problem is that Qin is not ready yet, and hastily launched an offensive, which may have a great impact on the subsequent battle.

"If we launch an offense, can we defeat the opponent?" Sugri heard Wang Ben's words. He immediately understood that they were capable of launching offensive operations. But the problem is the big strategy. He doesn't know these. What he cares about is that they must immediately act first before the Shabbats retaliate.

"Yes, according to the information we have obtained, the peacekeepers are not strong enough. We can completely eat the opponent, but after eating the opponent, we must build a lot of fortifications, otherwise, we may not be able to withstand the opponent's attack. But now I must tell our staff to make relevant preparations. Now, we should put our forward positions on alert and keep them on high alert. Pay attention to defense. If the order allows, we may immediately Launch an attack." Wang Ben made a prediction.

"Okay. I will give this order. But you'd better be prepared to launch an attack as soon as possible. If this is consumed, my nerves will not be able to stand it." The other party said.

Wang Ben quickly reported the situation here to their staff. After all, this matter may trigger a larger-scale battle.

Inside the Golden City.

The battle became more and more intense. Because two infantry divisions entered their place, the Parthians decided that they would attack no matter what.

"Kill the one holding the explosive bag. Quickly." A Dawan regular army officer shouted loudly. Many soldiers raised their rifles to shoot, and the officers looked very anxious.

"Sir. Get down." A militia veteran immediately shouted loudly when he saw the officer stick his head out of the trench. The veterans are more experienced, because there are not few Shabbat snipers here, and they will knock off their heads at any time.

"Puff." The sound of the bullet penetrating the head, a dull voice came from the cavity. The officer's hat flew away. They wear soft mountain hats. This kind of hat is only available to military officers. Because this kind of hat can keep warm, it looks very good, but it is this kind of hat that the snipers of the Parthian quickly noticed here. They One shot knocked out the opposing commander. The officer fell directly to the ground, his legs twitching from time to time.

The militia veteran took a look. He shook his head helplessly.

"Let's go. Let's bury the officer." The veteran said to Su Yiyi on the side. With the addition of regular troops, their militia’s fighter meeting will be much less. Su Yi is more involved in logistical tasks, such as transporting ammunition, or carrying the wounded to the field hospital. They are not doing a lot.

"Sir, there is no rescue." A sergeant said when he saw such a scene.

"I know, but there are too many explosions on the battlefield, and people are dead. If the corpses can't converge in time, they will explode into pieces of meat. Many people don't know if they die, let's go." The veteran explained To.

"Oh." The sergeant nodded. The Dawan regular army suffered too much. Many of their officers were knocked off their heads by the opponent's snipers, but such things are still happening, and many officers are still making mistakes.

"Bang. Bang." The rifle shot was intense and violent. The sabbath soldier holding an explosive pack was quickly hit, and then was suppressed in front of a tunnel by dense bullets.

The Parthians lacked powerful artillery. This is very detrimental to their offensive operations. The rockets were in a deadlock due to the deterioration of the relationship between the rockets and the Koreans. The rockets were destroyed by one, and the situation was very bad for them. But they also had to attack, because only after the Dawan people were eliminated, their situation could change a lot. Without the rapid support of artillery, they thought of using a new method. That is the explosive bag. Let the soldiers push the explosive bag forward and blow up the positions they think are threatening. After the explosion, they will quickly launch an offensive. The offensive formation of the Parthians begins to loosen up. After all, who It will not die in the face of dense bullets. Only a loose formation can guarantee that they will not be hit by bullets.

"Quickly, kill them. Quickly." The soldiers were a little anxious. They know how powerful the explosive package is. Once the explosive package flies over, many of them will be killed.

"Boom." Just when they moved to the rest soldier. The peace soldiers who had moved from the other side threw explosives and their positions were hit.

"Oh oh." Yay Ya yelled the Parthian in an unknown language and rushed to kill him. Many Dawan soldiers were stabbed by the opponent's short knife before they knew what was happening. The Dawan soldier who reacted quickly brandished the bayonet, and the two sides of the gunstock quickly scrambled.

The war fell into a stalemate. The entire Golden City was caught in a fierce and **** war. The battle was going on every day, many people died, and many people died without knowing why.

Inside Meng Tian's headquarters. All the staff members are paying attention to the battle in the Golden City.

"There are battles everywhere in the Golden City. The command of the two divisions has issued orders for all personnel to fight. Even the chefs have to take up weapons and go to the battlefield." The staff officer said worriedly.

"If this continues, I think they can't stand it for a long time. Do we think of ways to solve this problem, such as giving them some fire support?" the staff officer proposed.

"However, the aviation force is still unable to complete a large-scale bombing. The bombing power is very limited. The Army aviation force has some incendiary bombs, but they don't want the heavenly army to use it." Meng Tian said helplessly. At this time, the Qin Army still has serious military competition problems. Because of the competition between the services, incendiary bombs and high-explosive bombs have become the main measures to restrict the two services.

Meng Tian himself could not solve such a problem. After all, the staff has nothing to do with it.

"Sir, do we move the types of bombs, give them to the heavenly army, let them carry out a large-scale bombing, as long as a certain amount of fire assistance is given, I think this will also be of great help to the Golden City." The staff member proposed. .

"Well, I'll give it a try." Meng Tian nodded. The battle reports from the Golden City were extremely dense, and many fronts were broken by the Parthians. They reported that the fighting in the main urban area was extremely fierce, with each street and house being fought between the Parthians and the Dawan people. But Meng Tian couldn't do anything about it, because he couldn't send effective reinforcements to support him. At this time, the competitive relationship between the two services makes it impossible to provide reasonable and effective support. Meng Tian decided to put pressure on the two sides, after all, this has seriously affected the development of the war.

Qin State, Xianyang. Staff.

"This happened too suddenly." Wang Jian said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, we didn't expect things to happen to such a point, but the situation has already happened. If we don't take measures, the Parthians will take their military retaliation. Once they feel that the situation is not good. They are bound to be aware of our small actions in Tocharo. In that case, our battle plan will have a great impact." Yang Duanhe said.

"The problem is that we still don’t know how the situation is going. If we can set up a blocking army from Tocharo, we can eat most of the opponent’s forces. But the problem is whether we can withstand it. "Wang Jian said worriedly.

"According to the telegram sent from the front line, the Parthians still have a certain degree of mobility to fight, and their main force is not consumed very much. That is to say, they still have the ability to retreat. In this case, our interception is bound to It will have a big impact." Wang Jian said.

"Well, if the northern group and Li Xin's two cavalry brigades launch an offensive, I think their situation is quite good. At least they can directly cause the other party's heavy casualties." Yang Duanhe said at this time. In addition to relying on Tocharo to achieve a strategic encirclement intention, Qin also hopes to achieve a military action on the battle, such actions include the main force to encircle most of the rest in the Golden City.

"Can they do it?" Wang Jian asked Yang Duanhe at this time.

"They have to do it if they can't, even in the siege, let some people go, they have to move long distances, we keep attacking them, and then we encounter our strategic siege. The blows they received are also very shocking. I think, in this In the strategic encirclement circle, there should be more than 300,000. Even if there is not more than 300,000, there should be 200,000 troops. If you add a battle encirclement, this is definitely a major encirclement operation." Yang Duanhe said To. Yang Duanhe's meaning is already very clear, this will be a large-scale encirclement after the Changping War. The Qin State had already set up two encirclement circles, and these two encirclement circles were enough for the Parthians to destroy more than 200,000 troops.

Wang Jian did not speak, he was just thinking. Whether they can withstand such pressure, you must know that in order to retreat back as soon as possible, the Parthians will madly break through the encirclement.

"Can we greatly consume the military power of the Parthians?" Wang Jian asked such a question.

"I think it should be possible. I think of it, the South Korean side will launch a series of harassment in the rear of the Parthians, and such harassment can also cause a lot of losses." Yang Duanhe shared the news that was beneficial to the battle of Qin. Said it. Wang Jian still did not speak.

"If there is no military action on our side, the next battle will face great challenges." Yang Duanhe said.

"Yeah. Good. That's it." Wang Jian made up his mind. He felt that when things happened suddenly, they had to carry out military operations. Once the Parthians were relieved, the suddenness of the assault would disappear quickly. In that case, it would be extremely unfavorable for them.

"Okay. I'm going to give orders now." Yang Duanhe left anxiously.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"If this is the case, it means that we are about to launch military operations on another front." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

"I think that in order to reduce our pressure, we still hope that the Koreans will urge the Persians to carry out military operations as soon as possible. After all, the Parthians may mobilize troops from the country to put pressure on them. In that case, our situation may be very different. Wonder, after all, we only have two armies." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. I agree to do this." Meng Yi said.

"Well, well, I will urge the South Korean side to take military action as soon as possible. In addition, I heard that the Koreans and the Chu people have cooperated. If that is the case, it will be very difficult for us to deal with the Parthian issue in the future. Good influence." Wei Liao said worriedly.

"Well. We eliminated the main force of the Parthians, but the other party did nothing but can get a lot of things. This is indeed very unfair to us." Shang Wen said.

"We need to consider the impact after the war is over. Otherwise, it will be difficult for us to solve such a problem." Wei Liao reminded. War is easy to start, but it is not that easy to end. The result of the war was the result of the final distribution of their respective interests by the political forces. The South Korean side had no intention of participating, and the power of Chu was the last to enter. And Qin also needs to consider the interests of Dawan, Tochar, and all parties in Qin who participated in the battle. On the one hand, the State of Qin wiped out the main force of the Parthians. If South Korea and the State of Chu accounted for a large number of interests, wouldn’t Qin State be busy for nothing?

"That's right, we should consider such a thing, do we need to go to South Korea and Chu country to see how they are doing?" Meng Yi asked worriedly. Shangwen nodded. Shangwen also had concerns in this regard. On this issue, Shangwen felt that the other party might still be involved.

"Well, in order to protect our own interests, we can only look at the attitudes of all parties? We are all well aware of our situation. Only by destroying the rest can we move forward quickly and quickly. This is one of our main goals. If Koreans and Chu people block our path of expansion, we have nothing to do." Shang Wen’s words mean that if Koreans and Chu people block our way According to Qin Jun, Qin Jun would not even consider going to war with them. Shangwen's reason for starting a war is simple. The development of the Qin State requires a lot of oil, and there is a lot of oil there.

Tocharo front line.

"Damn, we all attacked them. There was no response from the Parthians?" On the position of the Second Huns Cavalry Division, their guard posts were anxiously waiting for the Parthians to respond, and they ordered that they not be allowed to attack. In any case, they must wait patiently for the opponent to launch an attack, but unfortunately, time has passed quietly for a long time. The rest of the people still did not respond.

"Hello, is Tocharo 211 group position?" a Qin army lieutenant colonel asked Tocharo's side. They need to see if there is a reaction in the Tocharian positions, but the answer is no.

"What's the matter? Are the rest of the people asleep? Should we wake them up in the past?" a lieutenant asked impatiently.

Many people in the headquarters are waiting for the exact news. There was no offensive order, and the rest of the people didn't come, which made their hearts go up and down.

Inside Wang Ben's headquarters.

"Sir. Sir, it's an offensive order." The staff officer said to Wang Ben excitedly.

"Really?" Wang Ben quickly took the telegram and looked.

"Okay. Great. Prepare, let all our military units enter a state of combat, and the war has begun." Wang Ben said.

"What? Do you really want to launch an attack?" Lieutenant General Sugri asked.

"Yes, this is our order. If we don't launch an attack, everything will turn against us. Give the order." Wang Ben said solemnly.

"Yeah. I got it." Sugri confirmed, then he picked up the phone and gave an offensive order.

A new front has begun. The Parthians were unprepared for this.

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