The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3158: War situation development

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The telegram sent by Qin State tells us that they are going to launch a large-scale military operation and they urgently need us to provide them with some support from other aspects." Zhang Liang said. The Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army are anxiously awaiting Han Shu's decision.

"Well. In terms of rest, how are the Persians preparing?" Han Shu asked calmly. She is watching some novels. These novels fascinate Han Shu. The popularity of paper allows novels to appear on a large scale, coupled with the further improvement of printing technology. Various inks have been invented, and novels are only pure black and white. There is also a magazine made of colored paintings in Qin. Magazines use a large number of colored inks for printing. This technology is currently only mastered by Qin. If South Korea If you use it, you need to pay a lot of technology patent fees. From the perspective of Koreans, they are also acceptable. But such costs are still somewhat for them. These magazines mainly focus on fashion, luxury goods, and love books. Only these categories will pay higher prices.

"The preparations of the Persians are not very sufficient. We have temporarily loaned about 12,000 rifles from the merchants. We have supported almost 10,000 rifles with more than 1 million bullets. There will be more weapons in the back, but This kind of support is meaningless to us. After all, we need to know who the other party’s partner is and how to carry out the support behind us?" said the Secretary of Defense.

"Well. In the final analysis, it is still the 30 million yuan. If this problem is not solved, they will not fight frantically." Han Shu suddenly said the problem to the point.

"The bank's idea is very simple. It is to cooperate with the Persian government of restoration. As long as they recognize the debt of 30 million gold, they will take over the debt of the Shamans. If this is the case, we will cooperate with them." Han Shu said.

"The bank can get a lot of funds, and a lot of supplies will be provided quickly, isn't it?" Han Shu said.

"Yes, King." The Minister of Finance stepped forward and nodded at this time. The South Korean government would absolutely not allow such a huge deficit. If the problem arises in the partisan, just let the partisan repay it. This is what the Minister of Finance acquiesced to the bank to do this. After all, not everyone can bear such a large debt. The Shabbats cannot afford it, so they will find the Persians. The Persians will definitely do this. In their opinion, such a sum of money should not be a problem. Although the amount seems to be very large, the debt is quite cost-effective. The Bank of Korea promised to provide more funds. In this way, the Persian restoration government can get more supplies, which is very beneficial to their restoration movement.

"My lord, as long as the Persian Restoration Organization agrees to our request, they can get the territory of the Sabbath nation, which is equivalent to all the assets of the Sabbath nation accepted by them, and we support them. Although they have a debt of 30 million, they are It is very cost-effective to get the Sabbath country. I think, out of the request for restoration of the country, I think they can also accept it in this way." The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. For Han Shu, the most important goal is to solve the debt problem of 30 million gold coins. After all, this will form a huge non-performing asset, which will have a great impact on Koreans. If this continues. Han Shu must solve this problem.

"If there is no such an agreement, the bank is not willing to provide such a large amount of funds? Right?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Lord." The Finance Minister nodded and replied.

"If this is the case, we should consider the success of such a thing. Let the bank reach such an agreement as soon as possible. After all, the war waits for no one. Qin Guo has urged more strongly." Han Shu said.

"Yes, sir, we have the watch." The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Defense and others nodded, and then under Han Shu's signal, they left here.

"This is a telegram from Qin's prime minister's mansion. Take a look." Han Shu said as he took out a telegram from his desk and handed it to Zhang Liang.

"Yes." Zhang Liang took the telegram carefully. It seemed that the content of the telegram was about how South Korea and the State of Qin divided up in peace after the war. Qin State believed that they needed to discuss in detail. After all, Qin State's side. Too many military resources have been deployed, and they cannot watch their military resources go to waste like this. After the war is over, how to arrange the outcome of the Parthian people has become the key to this war. The Qin people do not want them to solve the main problem of the Parthian army, and South Korea accepts their spoils on a large scale in the rear. This is an absolutely unfavorable situation for the Qin people.

"My lord, the people of Qin are right to worry." Zhang Liang nodded and said after reading the telegram. He believes that Qin's concern is entirely justified. Because if you switch to South Korea, South Korea will do the same.

"Well, I also believe that Qin has their reasons for doing this. However, if we cannot support the restoration of the Persian government, they will not be able to bear a large amount of debt, and the debt will not be able to continue. This is for us. In other words, it is a predicament. The people of Qin obviously don't want to do this." Han Shu said. She also knows that South Korea cannot have a great interest entanglement with Qin, otherwise, the people of Qin might directly act on South Korea.

"At present, we in South Korea must avoid such things from happening." Zhang Liang said.

"I know, but the problem is difficult for us to solve, you know. The Persians must be restored. However, they ceded a large amount of territory before the restoration. I think it is still difficult for them to accept." Han Shu said.

"My lord, I think we should learn more about this matter, or we can subsidize the Persians' demands through other methods. If we both continue to entangle like this now, it may be detrimental to both of us." Zhang Liang Speaking of.

"Well. So, it can only be this way." Han Shu nodded.

What kind of attitude does the Qin people have? And whether Persia will accept the conditions put forward by the people of Qin and the new order relationship after the war. These are not South Korea's sole decisions. They need to draw correct conclusions and then coordinate to get them. I am afraid that the current conjecture alone will not solve the problem.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"I think that if we want to take the initiative in the future, we should pay attention to one thing." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen asked inexplicably, because Meng Yi should pack up his salute at this time, but it seemed that he was not in a hurry to come down.

"Railways. Only when we control the railways can we effectively control things in other regions. From the perspective of Koreans, they also need to occupy the land of the Parthians. It is said that the debts owed by the Parthians exceed 30 million gold coins. It is an absolutely huge number, and South Korea will absolutely not allow such a deficit to appear. In that case, the bank will be completely bankrupt." Meng Yi said.

"Yeah. But we can't regress either." Shang Wen said.

"Qin, Dawan, and Tocharo have all paid a lot. If they let them give up their own interests at this time, I think all countries will immediately end our military alliance relationship." Shangwen said.

"So, things need to be turned around. We have to prepare now." Meng Yi said.

"What kind of preparation?" Shang Wen asked.

"The railway, if we control the railway, and if a railway arrives at Rest and a new area, our actual control area can achieve this goal." Meng Yi said.

"After this war is over, we still need to face a problem, that is, our acceptance of the Parthians, that is, the division of our interests, we have only completed a war resolution process, and we have eliminated the main force of the Parthians. The troops, however, their homeland and the benefits we get have not been supplemented. The Tocharians have the idea of ​​the Tocharians, and the Dawanese need to supplement their interests. What will we get? What will we get after the war? The political pattern needs new development." Meng Yi said.

"The key to these interests lies in the railway. This is the bargaining chip we negotiate with the Koreans. Once we build the railway and reach the territory of the Shah, the wealth and the bargaining chip are in our hands." Meng Yi said. Meng Yi's meaning is very simple, that is, whether Qin's interests can be realized depends on how fast Qin people build the railway after the end of the Sabbath War? Once there is a railway, Qin has the initiative to negotiate. This initiative is very important to Qin, because it is related to how to distribute the benefits after the war.

"I understand. I will consider this matter in time." Shang Wen nodded.

He felt that this matter should be written into the memo, only in this way, Qin State can completely solve the problems encountered by Anxi.

As politicians were considering issues, the war on the front line was extremely fierce.

"This is the bombing of the people of Qin. It's a beautiful job." Chen Da looked at the sea of ​​flames on the Parthian position with his binoculars. For this moment, the Dawan people took the initiative to retreat more than half, they lost more than two-thirds of the city's land, they were compressed in a small area by the Parthians. On the other hand, Qin State quickly mobilized the airship to take a large and intensive bombing. High-explosive bombs and incendiary bombs continued to bombard. The impact of this bombing was also very large. The air force of the Qin State will completely consume their fuel and various aviation bombs, and they will not have much flying missions in the future for a period of time.

The railway supply capacity of the Dawan people is too weak. They simply couldn't meet the needs of the insane bombing of the Qin aviation forces. After all, a large amount of military supplies were shipped from the Qin State.

Of course. The dispute between the Qin Heavenly Army and the Army Aviation Corps remains unresolved. Qin's heavenly army believed that they should be supplemented by incendiary bombs, but the army aviation unit believed that it was the heavenly army that they stepped on. Regarding the bombing issue, the Celestial Army restricted the army aviation from using large-scale dense formations for bombing. In their view, this method of bombing was unique to the Qin's Celestial Army, and it was invented by them themselves. But the Army Aviation Corps believes that such an idea is something that everyone should come up with. So noisy.

In the end, the result of such a quarrel was brought to King Qin. In fact, Wang Jian and Meng Tian both reported similar reports. They were very annoyed by the quarrel between the space army and the army aviation. In the end, King Qin gave an order that whether it was the invention patents of the Army Aviation Forces or the inventions of the Qin Heavenly Army, they were all mixed together, and such quarrels were not allowed. In this way, there was such a dense airship bombing over Dawan Golden City.

The Qin State Air Force used more than 170 airships. They threw more than two hundred tons of high-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs. The intensity of the bombing was unprecedented, and almost all the urban areas occupied by the Parthians were blown up. The raging fire also completely stopped the attack of the Parthians. The white phosphorus incendiary bomb, as well as the only napalm bombs, is a kind of unsuccessful gasoline bomb. Qin’s chemists tried to add a preliminary thermite, which is not very successful. Successful products, because their performance is very unstable, most of the time can be automatically decomposed. In the end, whether the war effect can be played out depends entirely on luck. Such bombing directly dismantled the crazy offensive of the Parthians.

The intensive bombing of the sky army is very suitable for such a target. It can be said that they originally existed for such a bombing. The Parthians occupy more than half of the city. The city is full of their military personnel and military targets. Usually it is very troublesome for them to find such targets. But now, they can madly discard their bombs to carry out bombing. Faced with this The mad bombing, the Parthians can only be forced to stop. Because their losses are very large.

Northern cluster. Inside Li Xin's headquarters.

"Our task has been assigned, no matter what? We will carry on such a task." Li Xin looked at the Dawan cavalry officer and his staff officer who came to the meeting. These days, the cavalry unit in the northern cluster has been non-stop. After the completion of the reorganization, the number of weapons they received began to increase, but they still lacked many effective weapons. For example, the number of horse artillery was small and the firepower was relatively weak. Soldiers’ guns were replaced in half, and some soldiers were unable to use their guns. Cavalry’s assault tactics and how to advance quickly, encountered various situations, Dawan cavalry officers and soldiers did not have much ready. They have no experience in this area, and they are too lack of knowledge in this area.

Despite these and other problems, Li Xin received the order. Although not sufficiently prepared, Li Xin felt that they should launch such an offensive. No matter how. They want to achieve their campaign goals.

Tocharo and the territory of Rest, Wang Ben brought his staff and Sugri into the territory of Rest.

"It's so unexpected." Wang Ben said to Su Ge with ease. His staff looked at the surrounding terrain. The terrain here is more complicated, which is very beneficial to the defensive side, but now, it has been accepted by them. They want to enter the Dawan Plain from here. At the junction of the Anxi Plateau and the Dawan Plain, they will build a large number of fortifications there. They must completely surround the retreat of the main force in peace.

"I originally thought that our offense would be very unsatisfactory, at least we have to fight the rest." Wang Ben said.

"But now it seems that there is no such need." Wang Ben said.

The Parthians might have expected the Tocharians to launch an offensive. They did deploy troops here. As long as the Tocharians were guarded, as the battle progressed, more and more troops were needed on the front line, and a large number of troops were not enough. Do not take away from this direction a little bit, and then they never stepped up in this direction. Not only that, but the rest also completely and non-stop drawing troops. The final result is that a large number of troops are drawn out of here. After that, there was no further strengthening, perhaps because the rest of the people thought it was safe, so the military strength here was much relaxed. The result directly gave Wang Ben a big offensive opportunity.

The Huns who mobilized the 1st Cavalry Division carefully crossed here at the beginning. When they launched an offensive, they would think that the Parthians were prepared, but when they moved forward, the more they felt that something was wrong. On the longer defensive line, there were not many resters at all, and many barracks were empty. There is no material reserve either. Then he moved forward frantically, and finally discovered that the troops in the entire area were very scarce. In this way, the Tocharians and the Huns really entered an uninhabited land, which greatly exceeded Wang Ben's expectation.

"I didn't expect it either, but it's good for us. To be honest, fight against the Parthians at first." Sugri said.

"I'm still very nervous, and now I'm still very nervous. You know. This is the first time I have encountered such a thing. After all, we have entered the territory of Rest." Sugri said nervously.

"Haha. Don't be nervous. I think this will not be the territory of Rest in the future." Wang Ben said.

"It's not rest, is it the place of Qin people?" Su Ge asked more nervously. He always thought that the people of Qin were very interested in the land here.

"No. It's your land, the land of the Tocharians." The other party said with a smile.

"Haha. I see. You guys are really good at joking." Su Ge just said more easily at this time. He felt quite honored to be able to encounter such a thing. This is a matter of opening up territory.

Looking at Su Ge's smile, Wang Ben didn't know at all, because the situation of the battle was still unclear to them. He told the staff of the situation here, and he still didn't know how to solve it next.

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