The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3177: Cultural Relics Thief

"Head, they are chasing. What should I do?" a Korean armed leader said worriedly. In his hand is a revolver. There is a team of cavalry behind them to protect, but because they are protecting several vehicles of special cargo, they can't go too fast.

"Haha. Let them chase. We have reached Port Seth. This is where the Koreans belong. What can they do? Unless they want to go to war. Haha." Chen Qifang said with a smile.

"Head. Can we make a lot of money?" a militant asked worriedly. He was worried that if he did this, the salary would eventually disappear. In that case, he would be nothing.

"You are absolutely indispensable to rest assured, you are absolutely indispensable." Chen Qifang said with a smile.

"Go. Let's go to the South Korean government for help." Chen Qifang said with a smile. Then he took his team into Port Seth, and after entering the Korean-controlled area, the Seth people who were chasing after him suddenly slowed down, and they couldn't move forward at all, because this is the Korean territory. .

Koreans enjoy legal immunity here, that is to say, Koreans have their own laws, and Seth people also have their own laws. After the Seth people break the law, if they go to the Koreans, they can get a legal pardon, and it is difficult for the other party to hold the other party's legal responsibility. This is the advantage of the Koreans. In this regard, some Seth people who broke the law also came here. For a time, Port Seth in South Korea became a paradise for criminals. Because no one can do to them at all?

Inside Guo Xiang's office.

"I know this Chen Qifang." The Minister of Finance said to Guo Xiang.

"He is a big cultural relic dealer, in Mengla, resting in peace, in Seth, he has done a lot of major cultural relics, we especially need these cultural relics in China. Especially some cultural relics, they gave The sky-high prices, after all, domestic is one aspect. Foreign countries are the other aspect. Therefore, these things are rarely seen in China. They do this kind of business. Moreover, their income is not bad." The Minister of Finance said to Guo Xiang.

"Go on, I want to see what kind of good methods the other party has." Guo Xiang said.

"This cultural relics business is actually a type of trade, but this kind of business has high risks and changes. It can only be made big, not small. As for the early investment, if they can find the right people, they will invest in it. There are few people. If they can’t find the right people, it will be difficult for them to do a good job in this kind of business. I know.” The Minister of Finance said.

"This Chen Qifang is really a talent. He has done several big cases. In Menggla, they stole several tombs of King Menggla. They excavated a lot of treasures. At the beginning, the investment was not a lot. , They cooperated with the Zhanpu people to unearth the treasures of some other countries. But these countries are small countries in themselves, and they are not very big. Then they went to Karachi, India and other countries, in short, what they did It's not very few." The Finance Minister said.

"Do you earn a lot?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Well, a lot. There is no fixed price for cultural relics. What I know is that it is more profitable than doing arms trading. The investment is less, as long as there are a certain number of people, a certain amount of courage, find the right place, and dig out things. All of them belong to our own. We have seen a lot of things in our country, so they stole these things.” The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah. I see. They are also a special kind of talent." Guo Xiang said. In fact, South Korea does not lack such things. As all countries have to establish museums, all countries are very clear about the purpose of establishing museums. They all want to do a good job of propaganda on the road of foreign expansion. As long as this is done well, their affairs become very easy. Therefore, a lot of work has been carried out in the museum.

Tomb robbers existed in the Central Plains area, and Wu Zixu became the official public tomb robbers. There are many cemeteries of princes and nobles in the Central Plains. They were also worried about their tombs being robbed, so they came up with such a method. They built a large number of museums, and then offered a reward for the high prices of foreign cultural relics to attract tomb robbers to go abroad. After all, the tombs of foreigners were stolen, not their own. For them, it was a very cost-effective thing, so this happened.

It can be said. Tomb robbers, museums, and some so-called cultural relic research are all connected to a certain degree. Without such support, it would be difficult for them to carry out related scientific research. In this regard, Guo Xiang still understands this. He knew what tomb robbery meant.

"Are we going to provide them with protection now and let them enter our territory?" Guo Xiang asked.

"Yes." The Minister of Finance nodded and said.

"However, I am worried about war. If the other side uses this to provoke a war, what should we do? How do we solve it? Our current garrison strength is not very large." Guo Xiang said.

"Sir, I think you should understand the current situation. The country is already very dissatisfied with this. The other party has now raised a lot of taxes, and our trade has shrunk a lot. This has dealt a huge blow to our trade. The country is already very dissatisfied. Under such circumstances, our conflicts will break out sooner or later. War, I think, we can't avoid it." A security consultant said worriedly.

"Well, the same is true of what I think." The Minister of Finance also has such an attitude, and it seems to him that the situation has become very unfavorable. Tax increases. There is already evidence that the Seth people are stepping up their arms expansion and war preparations. Although they don't know what their purpose is, their attitude makes Koreans very nervous.

"It doesn't matter. We must be prepared to provide such protection. Let them leave this place, this is a place for Koreans, and we will manage ourselves." Guo Xiang nodded and said.

To Chen Qifang and others, the Seth people immediately adopted an attitude of opposition. They demanded that the Koreans surrender these people and return the cultural relics they stolen. To them, these things are valuable treasures. But the Koreans refused to do so because they needed to transport these cultural relics to their own country. They objected to this.

"Head. How much money have we made this time?" A little boss said to Chen Qifang with a smile.

"Haha. Let's get bigger this time. Look at this **** pillar. It is said that there are words on it. With such words, the value of research is very great." Chen Qifang said.

"This black pillar is not as good as gold," said the little boss. What Chen Qifang was talking about was the Hammurabi Code of later generations. Because there were many local words on it, Chen Qifang himself didn't know what this thing was, but what he knew was that this thing was very valuable. Because he knows that the country likes to have some written things. The more written words, the more things they give and the greater the value. Not only that, they have stolen a lot of cultural relics with words and weapons on them. Armor, as well as various daily necessities, although there are relatively few gold things. In fact, many people have brought some out in private, but they don't know the value at all. In their opinion, these broken things are not as valuable as gold.

"What do you know? Look at it, we must not earn less this time." Chen Qifang said excitedly. What they do every time is a grave robbery. They didn't do a lot.

Chu State, Pengcheng. There was chaos on the streets.

"Well, what's going on? This is what happened like this?" a Chu businessman who had just returned from a foreign country asked incomprehensibly.

"Haha, don't you know?" a teahouse owner said with a smile. He filled the other party with tea.

"These people are rushing to buy stocks." The teahouse owner said with a smile.

"This. This stock is very biting. They dare to go like this?" Chu businessman asked puzzledly. In his opinion, things like stocks are very biting money. As long as you are not paying attention, you will be bitten by the other party. In that case, it is terrible.

"Hehe, you don't know it anymore," the teahouse owner said.

"These days, it is said that the government is going to set up an official trading company to let all of our businessmen participate. They also gave the military, the council, and the merchants some posts for them to participate, but that's it. Those people in the council, you know. Those noble congressmen, they simply don't have the guts to do such a thing. They think they are losing money, but the wealth abroad is terrible." The teahouse owner said.

"No, the government has no way, so it adopted the method of public offering of shares. At the beginning, there was no limit. As long as enough funds were handed over, they would start. There is no limit on equity. Whoever participates will benefit. You see, the military They are all involved. I heard that many naval officers and naval sergeants have gone." The teahouse owner said.

"Oh. There is such a thing." Chu businessman asked curiously.

"Yes. That's it. Think about it, the military is involved. What else are you afraid of? So there is nothing to worry about about such a thing. I will buy it. Those nobles don't want to. , We are willing. This is a good opportunity to make a fortune. Many people, after seeing such results in the newspaper, went quickly. I also saw that they were doing something like this and decided to do it quickly. After all, I am old. But I also want to make some money." The teahouse owner said excitedly.

"Unexpectedly. The boss also bought some." Chu State businessman asked curiously.

"Yes. Sir, if you didn't buy it, go quickly. I heard that the purchase will be restricted today. If you go late, you will definitely not be able to buy it. It's not as easy to buy as a few days ago. The people inside are all now. It's crazy, there are too many people to squeeze through. So, you go quickly." The teahouse owner persuaded.

"So, I am very grateful to the boss." As he said, the merchant of Chu State put down the tea money and went. After the businessman left.

"It's better to be careful about this kind of thing. If the military participates in it, who can say that the war will be won. It is good to win. If you lose, the loss can be great." The teahouse owner said To. In fact, he didn't buy much, at most it was just participation. More often, he still felt that he could do something.

I don't know when this kind of news came out. Anyway, there are many people involved, and Chu people buy a lot of stocks like crazy. They sold out almost all the stock. But they are still not satisfied. A large amount of funds gathered quickly.

"What should we do? If we don't take action anymore, ordinary civilians will take all their shares." A young congressman said excitedly.

"Anxious, anxious, what anxious." A middle-aged congressman criticized dissatisfiedly.

"These are all poisonous tricks that Fan Zeng's old man came up with. He wants to force us to buy. There is no door." said the middle-aged congressman. In fact, many legislators are considering whether to buy some. Some selfish legislators have bought some privately. In their opinion, they are doing quite well. After all, they can buy a lot of things. They can't lose much. And there are so many stocks. They also have their own plans in the future.

"What do you think?" a congressman asked at this time.

"This, I don't know, but I think we should buy some. After all, this is a war, and the huge profits from the war are still relatively large. If we win," a member of the Diet said.

"You can see that the people of Qin are also fighting, they are constantly fighting, and their territory has expanded a lot. Looking at the Koreans, not only do they encourage others to fight, but they are also preparing to fight. I can see them. They have a lot of warships. They have all gone to the West. What are they doing? The Koreans are most chasing benefits. If there is no benefit, how could they not fight anymore." Some congressmen said.

The lawmakers began to divide quietly into two factions. One group feels that they should enter, after all, no matter what, there must be a profit in this. On the other side, they think they shouldn't enter, and at the very least, consider carefully, no matter what, some of them have already taken some action.

Inside Fan Zeng's office.

"This thing has been done well. From the current point of view, even those lawmakers who have a lot of funds do not participate, and the stocks purchased by the common people have been sufficient for a long time." Fan Zeng said with a smile. By issuing stocks, they have raised a lot of funds, and the shipyard can start construction quickly. In this case, a large number of warships will be built, and Chu's expansion will enter a new stage of development.

"Yeah. However, Prime Minister, I still think we should involve the MPs. After all, they have such a great advantage. The advantage is that they have a lot of resource advantages that can be used. If they rely solely on the military, The power of civilians is still not enough. We should fight for them and let them participate." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah. You are right, but we don't have to worry about all of them participating, as long as there is a part of it. After all, the parliament cannot be grasped at once. That's it." Fan Zeng was very happy about this, he Think Chen Ping is a very capable person.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Let's take a look, this is what Zhao Guoren requested." Han Shu said with some dissatisfaction. Zhao Guoren’s request is that they hope to get help from the Koreans. They need to accumulate a lot of coal on some islands because you Koreans need it.

"My lord, I think that we are currently assisted by the people of Zhao Guo. After all, we don't have more ships to participate in coal transportation. Moreover, our warships do not have coal and it is difficult to fight." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. I know this too." Han Shu said.

"But, you understand, the people of Zhao and Qi, they are taking the opportunity to expand their territory. They will not only enter the South Seas, but also have their power in the West. Do you know what the consequences are? This is for us. But a very bad thing, many times, our situation will become extremely bad, in the future, our competition will become very complicated." Han Shu said.

"But, my lord, we should also see that in such a situation, we need people from Zhao and Qi. Most of our ships are transporting, hoarding a large amount of war supplies, and for a resource like coal. Said that we need to explore, we need to find, but this simply cannot meet our needs." Zhang Liang said.

"It can be said that this is not our advantage, so we still need them to do this." Zhang Liang said.

"Okay. Just agree with you, give them some small islands, let them hoard a lot of coal, for our expansion." Han Shu said helplessly. From the perspective of strategic development, South Korea does need the help of Zhao and Qi. After all, they still have a lot to do now and cannot fully suppress the military development of the two countries. If that is the case, the situation in the future may be even worse. trouble. In order to reduce the existence of such troubles, Han Shu had to agree to the other party to do so.

"However, your lord, we should also notice another thing." Zhang Liang took out Meng La's report at this time.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"Menggla, in Bangladesh, our situation is developing a little badly. It can be said that it is very bad. The local area lacks a lot of food." Zhang Liang said.

"Lack of food? How is it possible?" Han Shu has always thought that the price of food has been falling. and. There is a lot of food in Chu, and Qin also has a lot of food. In this way, they don't have to think about the food issue at all. Although South Korea has also worked very hard. They tried to get rid of the food import problem of Qin and Chu and make their food safe. The problem is that they cannot do this because the price of food is very low and the cost of food is very low. Being suppressed at a very low cost, growing food is the most loss-making thing. Therefore, a lot of South Korea’s agriculture is economic plantation, and most of them grow cash crops, not food.

"Yes, King, paper money is used locally, and the price of grain has risen a lot. This is a factor of inflation." Zhang Liang said.

"There is also that we are actively expanding the Seth country and hoarding a large amount of materials. In addition, a considerable number of merchant ships have been transferred to the Western Regions, especially the Far West, where the demand for materials has become very large. Under such circumstances, there will be no more merchant ships to undertake transportation tasks. Moreover, Chu people also realize that they are growing more grain. They are no longer willing to grow grain. Under such circumstances." Zhang Liang explained. To. He knew that Han Shu would understand such a thing.

"Don't Zhanpu country have food?" Han Shu asked.

"The situation of Zhanpu people is also very bad. People in many places lack food, not only lack of food, but their internal politics are also very unstable, their economic development is slow, and they are in an unprecedented predicament. They have strict restrictions. If the grain flows out, I am worried if this continues." Zhang Liang said.

"Where is our important economic area, we must not allow such things to happen, think of ways, organize some food, stabilize, and don't let the situation develop towards places beyond our control. That would be very dangerous for us." Han Shu said.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang could only nod his head. But Zhang Liang believes that some things cannot be done. After all, no one wants to do such a thing at a loss of great value.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." The Tocharian soldiers urged the sloppy prisoners in peace. They held some warm blankets and their boots were all confiscated. In fact, their trophies were taken away. They don’t have much valuable things anymore. But the Tocharians didn't let them off at all. They continue to oppress them. After these Parthians surrender, they will be sent to the territory of Tochara, where they will be engaged in construction of railways, mining of mineral resources and other things. In this way, to compensate for the losses of the Tocharians during the war.

"Is there no telegram in the staff?" Wang Ben asked his staff.

"Sir, there is no telegram to reply. We can only figure out the current situation. We stop here. The financial expenditure is also very large. The Tocharian government is a bit dissatisfied. They hope that we can send troops as soon as possible. After all, this is the case. The matter is still very difficult for them to bear. In addition, we heard that Dawan does not plan to send troops. And we need to coordinate the allied forces to fight, otherwise, we alone will have a bigger problem." The staff officer said To.

"Dawan **** people, they are always dragged down by them, but think about it, if you want to continue fighting, you have to borrow money. I heard that Dawan's lawmakers are very smart and they don't want to borrow money." Wang Ben said To.

"Yes, sir. So, we stay here," the staff officer said.

"Well, it's not a way for us to stay here. We can't move forward or backward, and the staff can't give an accurate information. This makes it really difficult for us to handle it." Wang Ben said worriedly. This situation is not good for them.

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