Qin State, the General Staff.

"Wang Ben's position is indeed a bit bad. They can't attack further, because if they go deep into the territory of Rest, they will need more logistical supplies. From the current point of view, Tocharo is still unable to provide such a huge logistical supply. Capacity, this can be calculated from their railway transportation capacity." Yang Duanhe said.

"Furthermore, Tocharo seems to have the will to further expand its territory, but their situation does not seem to be very good, as long as the problem is concentrated on the Dawan side." Yang Duanhe said.

"Let Wang Ben's army retreat and rest." Wang Jian said.

"Let them rest?" Yang Duanhe asked.

"Yes, that's the only way. If this weren't the case, we wouldn't be able to stop them at all." Wang Jian said.

"It will take a long time to continue the next military offensive. Moreover, Dawan's support is also needed. Without such support, we simply cannot do such a thing. This is the situation." Wang Jian said.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"At present, the general staff's meaning is to let Wang Ben's retreat back to rest. Because of the Dawan army, they have seriously dragged down our offensive." Wei Liao said to Shangwen.

"Well. There is no way. Political matters are not something we can solve. We can only passively wait for their situation to change." Shang Wen said.

"But, waiting like this, we are worried that this will make Tocharo's attitude change a lot." Wei Liao said.

"Yeah. I am also worried about this situation, but if this is the case, we can't do anything about it." Shang Wen shook his head helplessly. Dawan's attitude was extremely unresolute. Such an unresolute attitude directly caused Qin's side. Loss. The State of Qin needs to expand quickly.

Dawan Country, Meng Tian's headquarters.

"In this battle, the aviation has played a very important role, sir." said a lieutenant colonel's staff officer.

"Yes, future operations may require more aviation operations. However, this is a document sent from the Ministry of National Defense. In this document, the Ministry of National Defense draws our attention to one thing, which is the importance of air defense. Sex." Meng Tian said.

"Air defense?" the staff officer asked such a question incomprehensibly.

"Yes. Air defense. In this battle, the Parthian nation we fought is actually not a very powerful country. They are just traditional army powers, but they do not have aviation power. In terms of air defense, they are equal to zero. , But, our future combat target." Meng Tian said.

"It is said that Zhao’s aerial gunboat was originally an anti-aircraft weapon, but this weapon was used in ground operations. However, we have also aroused our vigilance. If such anti-aircraft weapons appear, they can not only deal with it. Our aerial targets can also deal with our ground targets. In that case, if we cannot use large-scale aviation forces, it will cause us to have serious consequences." Meng Tian said worriedly.

"Sir, I understand." The staff nodded.

The opponents that Qin's army currently encounters are all troops without air defense capabilities, but what will happen if it encounters a strong aviation force? Qin Jun may encounter an unprecedented blow.

"Bang bang bang. Bang." Just then. There was a fierce gunfire.

"What's the matter?" Meng Tian quickly fell to the ground at this time. He didn't know why such intense gunfire suddenly came.

"I don't know, sir, we don't know." The staff officer lowered himself and went to the window to see the situation.

"Hide and don't look at the situation outside." Meng Tian said by waving his arms at this time.

"Although I don't know what happened, there must be something wrong, listen." Meng Tian hid behind the solid table at this time.

"Boom. The gunfire sounds very intense." the staff officer said.

"Boom." From time to time there was an explosion sound, which suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

Meng Tian’s headquarters is in the city center, that is, it is not far from the Dawan government and the parliament center. This is the arrangement of Dawan, mainly for transportation and communication. The railway station is also not far here. The place is only one street away.

"Sir. Is there anything to do with the sir?" A captain quickly came in with a group of people, and they occupied a favorable shooting position to protect Meng Tian's safety.

"What happened?" Meng Tian said. He heard that the gunshots outside sounded very dense, in addition to the sound of explosions. The cry of killing is also very clear.

"I don't know, according to our sentinel's report. Sir." The captain looked at the surroundings, and their situation was not too dangerous.

"There is a team of about two infantry companies passing in front of us. We thought it was the Dawan people who changed their defense forces. We did not attract attention, but when they walked to the parliament, they suddenly launched an offensive. Then just like that. Now," the captain reported.

"Here. What do they want to do?" Meng Tian asked at this time.

"I think they are a riot, no, a military coup," the captain said.

"Damn it, it's a big mess." Meng Tian said. At the gate of the Dawan Council, many guards have died here.

"Fight. Brothers, kill these damned guys, rush." ​​Wang Chuan shouted loudly. He was followed by fifty soldiers with pistols and rifles in their hands, and some threw out their own explosives. Bag, this kind of explosive bag is very powerful. It can kill many people instantly, and it is more powerful than a cannonball.

"Boom." With a loud explosion, a defensive point that was still resisting was knocked out by them. The Dawan Parliament is discussing a motion on whether to borrow money to build the railway, and most of the members disagree. But just as they discussed this matter. Yang Cai's infantry battalion launched an attack.

"Puff." A guard who was still struggling was killed by the opponent.

"Kill those damned congressmen. Rush in." Yang Cai led a team directly into the parliament hall.

"Bang." The soldiers rushed open the door of the parliament hall very unceremoniously. Some members heard the gunshots and prepared to leave here. Others looked at the soldiers coming in at a loss. Many people looked at them in panic. soldier. They felt a lot of murderous aura.

"What can you say to me." A member of the Diet said with his hands raised. He hoped that the other party could listen to his own arrangements and explain.

"Puff." Yang Cai slammed the command knife in his hand into the opponent's stomach.

"Brothers, kill, these pigs, these donkey-like fools, ate the fruits of our victory. We killed them. Kill them." Yang Cai drew out his commanding knife and shouted loudly, and then a large number of soldiers quickly Rushed past.

"Ah." Some congressmen shouted loudly. Its voice is higher than a woman's scream. They also feel terrified when facing death.

"Ah. Save me, I. I have money." He shouted when some congressmen faced death. But the soldiers didn't care about this at all, they still stabbed each other with bayonets. For a time, the parliament hall was full of blood. The slain members lay in the parliament hall. Their blood stained the entire hall, but the massacre was still going on. Many members were killed before they could escape.

Dawan Xinshidu Garrison Headquarters.

"What? How could such a big thing happen?" the captain on duty exclaimed in surprise. He never thought that the army that was withdrawn from the train station would encounter such a thing all at once.

Meng Tian quickly figured out the situation, but Dawan didn't respond until the incident happened twelve hours later. They mobilized the forces of the two battalions to launch a counterattack. However, most of the government officials, as well as parliamentarians were slaughtered. Meng Tian quickly reported the incident to the country.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"Things are far beyond our imagination." When Shang Wen received this report, he was very shocked.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen." Meng Yi was also very shocked.

"Immediately hold an emergency cabinet security meeting, tell the staff of this kind of news, and pay attention to the state of the matter in time, only in this way can we completely solve all the problems." Shangwen said.

"Yes, I understand." Meng Yi said. The Qin cabinet urgently discussed the occurrence of related matters.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"We don't need to pay attention to things like this at all." Han Shu looked at the report in his hand and said. This report comes from Guo Xiang. Guo Xiang fully expressed the situation they might encounter in the future.

"My lord, I think our situation may not be very good." Zhang Liang said.

"Such frictions will increase, and in the end, our situation will become worse and worse. We should prepare early to deal with the possibility of such a situation." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Do you think this kind of thing will happen again?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Majesty, a trade tax issue has not been resolved, and there are legal issues now. And such frictions will eventually occur further." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Well, I understand what you think." Han Shu said.

"If we don't find them, they will also find us. In that case, we will fight with them to see whose situation is in our favor." Han Shu said.

"We must mobilize nearby forces and continue to reinforce them. In addition, we must persuade the Persians to deal with possible attacks from the Seth. Let them be prepared." Han Shu arranged.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liang nodded and recorded. He has to deal with such a situation, and the battle against Seth may break out further.

Korea. Department of War.

"Everyone knows about Seth. In the next step, we may face the possibility of a Seth war." The Secretary of War said.

"Everyone can talk about specific operations." The Secretary of the Army said.

"Sir. We should mobilize some troops from the Parthian nation to Seth and strengthen the deployment of combat troops there." said a lieutenant colonel.

"I agree with this, but, sir, I think that the war should be divided into two stages. In the first stage, we should not take the initiative to attack. We should follow the example of combat in Shazhou." The officer said.

"You mean, let us continue our defensive operations?" the Secretary of War asked.

"Yes, sir, this is the only thing we can do. In the case of insufficient military strength and tight combat readiness, the only way is this way." The officer said.

"Well. It seems that this can only be done in the first stage. Immediately send a telegram to make Port Seth ready to respond and enter the state of guard in advance, but we must be prepared." The Secretary of the Army said. The development of the situation has gone out of control. No one knows where the war will start.

The senior officials in South Korea originally thought that the war might be resting. They mobilized a part of their troops to get there, but as the situation in Seth developed. The possibility of the outbreak of war will be concentrated in the Seth country, which is explained from the side. South Korea’s war lacks a certain degree of strategicity, and their troop mobilization is somewhat frequent. Such frequent makes them tired of coping. There is no way. South Korea does not have military generals with high combat capabilities. In this regard, they are extremely lacking, and their combat is more based on rigid dogmatic combat mode to deal with, rather than achieving such a goal through strategy like Zhao and Qin.

Dawan, Xinshidu.

"Brothers, surrender, we know that what you do is what the brethren want to do, but it is meaningless to resist, why bother?" a Dawan sergeant shouted loudly.

"I see. His mother is still shouting. Lao Tzu does all his mother's great things." The other party shouted loudly.

"Brothers, don't embarrass us. We have nothing to do. You kill the councillors, kill them well. Brothers surrender. Maybe, the matter can be solved very well." Some sergeants persuaded loudly. Twelve hours later, Dawan sent a part of the army to suppress the rebellion, but they seemed to have a lot of sympathy for the rebellion, and they were not willing to shoot at all to suppress the other side. As a result, such a situation occurred.

"Sir, they don't want to surrender at all. We are all our own, and we can shoot each other." The military helplessly explained to his superior.

"I know everything. These people have killed a lot of MPs. Can this matter be resolved?" an officer said dissatisfied.

"Fight, hit me, these people will either surrender or kill." The officer ordered.

"But, sir, here." Many sergeants still can't get it done. after all. They are still in the same army.

"Shoot, no matter what, kill me. Hit." The officer forced an order. Helplessly, the suppression had to go on.

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