The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3494: Fierce naval battle

"Damn it, it's the cruiser of the Goguryeo." Assault-class destroyer No. 1 spotted their target. They quickly determined that the unknown ship was a Goguryeo cruiser. Because this area is extremely sensitive, no merchant ships will take the initiative to visit this area.

"Come on, hit his mother." The pirate commander received the news and quickly issued an offensive order. Those who beat his mother are not afraid of each other's cruise, they are afraid of not seeing them.

The four destroyers quickly launched their battle formation and rushed over. Two ships form a group, the former and the latter rush to the back group to attack and the other group to outflank. From the perspective of Goguryeo, there are only two destroyers, because the back is blocked. They can't see it at all.

On the cruiser Changbaishan. The Qi State naval adviser immediately judged the bad behavior of the opponent's destroyer.

"If you come here, it must be a pirate on Jeju Island. This is definitely correct." Qi Guo's consultant marked on the map, this piece will exist as a logbook.

"They dare to come over, the destroyer must be an assault class. Although we can't tell if it is, our task is to escort, because let the merchant ship leave here as soon as possible, and the frigate will perform the **** mission to let them leave here. Hurry up." Consultant Qi Guo said anxiously. Although they are unwilling to admit that it is an assault-class destroyer, from some actions of the other party, it may be that kind of destroyer. Their intelligence department has learned of some modifications by the Koreans. The 130mm artillery will attack their cruisers. It caused a lot of damage, and they knew very well how this thing was built. They want to avoid such a time now, after all, they do not have the advantage in firepower.

"We are cruisers, and the other party is just a destroyer. In terms of tonnage, they are far inferior to us." The Captain of the Goguryeo Navy said idiotically. Regarding this question, it is difficult for Qi State consultant to explain clearly to him, because his combat experience is almost zero. Relying on such experience to solve such a battle is obviously unreliable.

"Swish." At this moment, the other party first launched an artillery attack because they were 130mm artillery. Although they were not far away, the South Korean naval adviser prohibited the firing of artillery. But the pirates still act without authorization. They never observe military discipline. They are known for destroying military discipline.

"Boom." The shell exploded five hundred meters in front of the cruiser, and the water column suddenly exploded. The 130mm gun is still very powerful. Everyone felt the threat of war.

"Sir, the enemy seems to be three assault destroyers." At this moment. A Koguryo navy lieutenant officer ran into the captain's war room and reported it. They felt that the problem was very abnormal and felt that they should report it to their captain, because three shells were fired at the same time. Not only that, because they saw a destroyer behind, there seemed to be another one, and they reported the results they saw to their chief.

"Damn it. We can't delay it. We can delay some time to let the merchant ship leave here quickly. Quickly." Qi State Naval Adviser ordered. The captain nodded, he gave up the command of the most battleship, because he had no experience to follow, at this time. The safety of everyone is the most important thing. The order was passed on quickly. Two frigates escorted the merchant ship away, but the battle had already begun. No one can resist such an attack. Because the situation has changed.

"Raise to the highest speed and walk around the opponent. Aim and fire." Qi State Navy Adviser ordered. Their mission has become a blockade. The cruiser has a higher speed. Their speed has suddenly increased to 21 knots. This consumes a lot of fuel, but it is no longer considered here. The war has started.

"Boom. Boom." The artillery of both sides aimed at each other and fired. Destroyers have the advantage of artillery. After all, their artillery is more powerful, but in naval battles, this is the same level of preparation, but the number of opponents is large, and they can form a certain barrage for shooting. The probability in the probability concentration is relatively large. The cruiser has the advantage in speed. The fastest destroyer is only 18 knots, but most destroyers can only sail at about 15 knots because their artillery drags them down. In this case, the assault-class destroyer is very Suffering, they must be constantly on guard to prevent the cruiser from quickly attacking from behind them, but fortunately, they have the advantage of the number of artillery, which makes it difficult for the cruiser to get close for a while.

"Swish." The shells roared, and after a while, neither side had a shell that hit the other side. This has a lot to do with the quality of their sailors. It takes a lot of luck to fire and shoot during high-speed movement. However, the quality of the sailors on both sides is very poor. The Goguryeo gunners are not much better. The number of shells they fired may be single digits. Under such an environment, the fire, tension, and pressure caused by the battle make their movements unnatural. , The shells were naturally inaccurate. Coupled with speed, this makes them extremely difficult.

The same is true for pirates. What makes South Korean naval consultants even more anxious is that they are dissatisfied with the speed at which they waste shells. Soon they consumed a third of their ammunition reserves. What a bunch of lunatics. The South Korean naval adviser can only curse like this.

"Damn it, not three, but four destroyers." After fighting for a long time, the Qi State Naval Advisor finally saw the number of their enemies. Originally thought they were only dealing with three, but it turned out to be four. Suddenly became extremely tense.

"Oh my God." The Captain of the Changbai Mountain said in surprise. He is only now happy that he has made an extremely wise decision. Because faced with the siege of four assault-class destroyers, it is still difficult for him to have such a big grasp.

"I think we should retreat as soon as possible." The captain said.

"No, Captain, we still need to hold on for some time. It takes a long time for the merchant ship to leave here. We need to hold on for an hour and a half, or we will pester them to leave here." Qi State Naval Advisor licked his lips and said. They can leave, but if they leave, the other party may find those caravans. In that case, their losses will be extremely heavy. That is their task. The cruisers are fighting, and there may be some opportunities to leave. But if you can't leave, great changes will happen.

"Let it." On the No. 1 turret, the No. 2 cannon aimed and fired. Their shooting was so infrequent that their consultants couldn't stand it anymore. He personally operated the artillery, and the Qi State Navy adviser made an advance measure, and then quickly issued the firing order. The shells roared out.

"Bang." The 130mm gun at the stern of the No. 4 Assault-class destroyer was hit. The cannonball made a huge explosion. Fortunately, the opponent used a grenade. It seemed that they didn't expect to be able to hit the opponent. Therefore, if they used the grenade, the effect would be better if they had armor-piercing shells. Unfortunately, there was no such opportunity.

"Damn it. They hit us, and our artillery was scrapped. Many gunners were killed in the battle, unable to fire again, and the barrel was damaged." The surviving gunner reported to the captain.

"It's okay, it's okay." The South Korean consultant looked at it and said.

"Fortunately, the opponent did not use armor-piercing shells. Once the entire turret is penetrated and the ammunition below is smashed, our entire warship will be finished." The South Korean naval adviser said. Fortunately, when they built the assault-class warships, they retained some key defenses, such as the captain's control tower, artillery observation tower, steam engine, key turbine positions, and turrets. If they hit other positions, their warships are very easy. Was sunk. The opponent seemed to have destroyed a lot of armor-piercing shells at the beginning, and used grenade as a last resort. But the shells still caused a lot of damage, because the shells directly damaged their barrels.

"Damn it, do a zigzag maneuver." The pirates still know some tactics, and they know that under such circumstances, they will become targets. Who made him hurt.

The cruiser Changbai Mountain, the good news relieved all commanders, and they finally hit each other.

"We should continue to work hard to sink a destroyer of the other side. In this way, our pressure will be reduced a lot, which will make us extremely relaxed. Otherwise, if we continue to fight like this, we will not be able to proceed. "Qi State Naval Advisor said. They still have to fight. Because this is the time that must be done now.

Seeing that one of our destroyers was shot, although it did not cause much damage, it made the pirates feel very unhappy.

"Number two, number two, hear the answer." The destroyer number one got in touch by radio communication.

"No. 2 hears, please speak." No. 2 replied.

"We fired towards the front and rear two close positions of the third and second area, and we made a salvo and used armor-piercing shells. We judged that the cruiser will move towards that position next. I said the order. We fired at the same time." No. 1 said To.

"Understand, shoot at the same time." No. 2 immediately issued the shooting order. They adjust the yuan. Then aim. Waiting for the order. Soon, the cruiser entered that position and saw that the result was the same as they expected, and the order was issued immediately.

"Boom. Boom. Bang." Six artillery fired at the same time. The shells roared out.

"Kang Dang." The sound of metal crashing came, and the cruiser Changbaishan was hit by four shells at once. Three of the shells hit the bow of the ship, and one shell knocked out the barrels of the No. 1 and No. 2 guns. They stopped operating.

Another shell hit directly on the port side, where it was hit with a big hole.

"Quickly, it will be blocked there." The rescue soldiers dispatched quickly. But big troubles appeared.

"Report. A big hole appeared in the bow of our ship. The hole is too big. We can't stop it at all. If we move forward fast, more water will come in, and our speed will decrease a lot. This is a chance for trouble. Very big." An officer reported nervously. This situation is too bad. They know all too well what this means.

"Don't worry, stop advancing and go backwards instead. The artillery will continue firing and leave the battlefield." The Qi State naval advisor also felt that the situation was not good. They will lose speed. At the same time, the two artillery can not be used, can only use the rear turret already small-caliber artillery. This is a very bad result for them.

"We must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, we will be in great trouble." The Qi State navy consultant took out the map to check it. They must enter a port and repair their hole. The sea is pouring in, and their damage management team is in the process. Desperately advancing, helpless, the hole in front is too big. Fortunately, their direction changed. The cruiser was advancing backwards, and the speed quickly reduced the speed of five or six knots. The problem is that the Jeju pirate destroyer is still there, and their threat is not over.

"Bang." There was a huge explosion. Fortunately, a shell hit the No. 2 Assault destroyer. The shell penetrated the deck and hit the ammunition below. Then there was a more serious blast. The entire turret was destroyed. Are all lifted up. The gun barrel was thrown in the air like a bamboo stick. Then they landed on the sea. Such shooting frightened all the destroyers' continued siege. Although they strengthened the armor of the turret, the problem still existed because their warships were small and they were equipped with artillery that did not fit them. In this way, the artillery broke all the balance, and the decline in defense and mobility led to such a disaster.

Destroyer No. 2 was caught in a fire. The battleship was stopped by the fire. The battleship nearby had to rescue. The cruiser Changbai Mountain was also retreating from the naval battle area, but the destroyer No. 1 monitored the opponent. They had to take a chance to take a bite, because they hit the opponent and placed such prey. They were a little unwilling to leave.

This encounter at sea is temporarily over. The destroyer was unable to get closer to release the torpedoes. The opponent’s artillery would also aim at them, causing some threats to them from time to time. The other destroyer also had a situation. They must be careful to deal with this situation, otherwise, their situation will be affected. It would be very bad, they dealt with it carefully. Both sides are maintaining a state of separation, but they cannot be separated. The naval battle stopped temporarily.

Radio waves are constantly being sent out in the air, and it is difficult for cruisers to insist on returning to the port of the Qi people. Returning to their own port is too far away. The only choice is the southern part of the peninsula. They must stop there for repairs, otherwise, their trouble will be too great. The Jeju pirates were obviously unwilling to give up this result. They quietly followed behind. In this way, new problems arose.

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