The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3495: What to do in Karachi

Qi State, the Ministry of the Navy, and the Minister of the Navy are discussing with some technical engineers about converting merchant ships into cruisers. They are cruisers, but they can only be regarded as gunboats. The speed of this emergency modified version of the cruiser is less than 15 knots. In fact, Only a little more than twelve knots, because they loaded more than twelve 120mm guns, and because they could not install turrets, they could only install the modified guns on both sides of the merchant ship, but in this way, it was still a merchant ship, so , The Secretary of the Navy hopes to change this situation, or in other words, it is possible to install a turret. After all, it doesn't look like a cruiser, and the speed is not up to the cruiser's requirements. In short, the Secretary of the Navy is a bit disappointed.

"Sir." A naval officer said anxiously when he came in and looked at him.

"Oh. I see. Okay. You all have a break, and we will discuss later." The Secretary of the Navy said. He knew something big had happened. Immediately the officer handed a telegram to the other party.

After reading the telegram, the Secretary of the Navy was taken aback. He really did not expect that such a thing would happen, which was beyond his expectation.

"The cruiser Changbaishan has been severely damaged and the No. 1 turret is unusable. The firepower has been greatly weakened. Not only that, the bow has a large hole and cannot be repaired. They are currently staying in the border city port, but there are two outside the port. A pirate assault-class destroyer, if it weren't for us to have a great interest there, they might have killed it." The navy officer reported.

"How could such a thing happen?" the Secretary of the Navy asked. He did not expect things to come so suddenly. According to reason, the border city port is under the jurisdiction of the southern peninsula and is a neutral area. Although Qi has great rights and interests, it is a neutral country after all. The pirates can naturally get there and force the other side to surrender the cruiser. Otherwise, the pirates have no room for negotiation, which makes the Secretary of the Navy very anxious.

"At present, we only have a frigate in our hands. It seems that it is still difficult to resist such a large-scale attack by the other party." The navy officer said.

"I see." The Secretary of the Navy waved, and he didn't know what to do. If the opponent were to get a cruiser Changbai Mountain, the situation would be very bad. In contrast, losing a cruiser would seem to be not so easy. We must know that the Qi State side can't intervene all of a sudden, and the Goguryeo Navy seems to have difficulty dispersing the opponent. At this time, the Goguryeo Navy can't come up with military warships worthy of threats to relieve the siege.

South Korea, Xinzheng, and the Ministry of the Navy also received telegrams from Jeju pirates. The content of the telegrams surprised them, or in other words, surprised them.

"My lord, this is an opportunity. If we can eliminate this cruiser, then the Jeju pirates' naval comparison will form a great advantage, and this advantage will have a great overwhelming situation. This is for us. Said it is very favorable." After receiving such a telegram, the Secretary of the Navy. Immediately ask his men to formulate relevant strategies. In short, this cruiser absolutely cannot exist and the pirates cannot obtain it. Then the Goguryeo Navy should not want them to return to their battle sequence. In short, this warship, they must To sink. Only enemy ships that sink to the bottom of the sea are good ships.

"Well, I know. The problem is that this warship is currently in a neutral country, and the pirates are not a state organization. They can only threaten but cannot attack openly, especially when there are people from Qi people in that place." Han Shu said. Qi and South Korea have also torn off their final masks. Therefore, the two sides still have some diplomatic procedures in some key places. Although they are reluctant, they still have to do so.

"But I know your plan. Pressure, we have to pressure the neutral countries and the southern part of the peninsula. Although we can't change the Qi people, we can pressure them. In that case, they can't do anything. As a result. The situation is naturally unfavorable to them. What we have to do is to make them understand that their situation is extremely unfavorable." Han Shu said with a smile, it seemed so evil.

Qin Guo, Wenyang Bank.

"What is the impact of this matter? Can we prevent them from placing military orders? No, some military experts may think that the military forces of both sides may be balanced at once, or it may be beneficial to Jeju pirates, but I think this is the case. The situation is still not enough." Yingyu said, shaking his head.

"Qi's naval shipyard still exists, and Zhao's technical superiority still exists. This kind of arms race cannot be stopped, and it is impossible to stop it." Yingyu said.

"Therefore, we still need to spend more money. Until they set up the country, liberation is the final key issue. It seems that a war is inevitable." Yingyu said to the manager who came to report the news. To. It seems that she has been immune to news of the cessation of the arms race. In fact, only a fierce war or a strange way to destroy the opponent’s military factory can stop all this. Otherwise, everything will continue to exist.

Qin State, Xianyang. Inside the prime minister's house. Qin must treat the Yueshi issue with caution.

"Yue’s government has signed the Treaty of Richmond, which is the best and most advantageous position for us. We have got Yue’s North. Although we have not completely divided the country of Yue’s, he still exists, but he There is a reason for his existence." Meng Yi said. They are holding a small-scale cabinet meeting. The content of the meeting is the issue of Yueshi’s post-war issue. In fact, this issue has been held several times. But every time it can't be solved, or it is impossible to ignore a problem, finances, how to restore the economy after the war.

"From the current point of view, the Yueshi people are right to stop at their border. In this way, a larger-scale war can be avoided. This is very useful for reducing their financial and military expenditures. Great help." Wei Liao said. He knew that Shangwen was going to solve this problem.

"But, what should we do after the war? We all know that if Karachi pays compensation, it seems that this cannot be done. We all know that Karachi people are even poorer than Yueshi people. Only the port in that place still has some money, but now , The war will reduce the value of a port a lot, and there are riots there." The Minister of Economy said. Obviously, the financial situation of the Yueshi people is very pessimistic. Because in many places there is no funding to help them.

"We got the north, but we couldn't get more baggage. The Yue government's finances would make them fall into a huge disaster. It seems that only our Qin State can control there, and only where there is a disaster, will there be business opportunities. "The Minister of Finance said. He knew that Qin State had to take action. But the condition of the move is that in the future, Qin must get enough benefits. Only then will Qin's bank move.

"That's right. I think we should provide part of the loan, first to restore their economy, and on the other hand, to help them repay some war reparations. You must know that Zhao, South Korea, and Chu are all against Yue. They have launched an offensive, and they need a lot of rewards. Although they have got the place they want, the Yueshi people have not provided them with more compensation. But we can firmly control the Yueshi, let The Yuezhi Kingdom has become a vassal of ours. His role is very crucial. We need a large number of oil pipelines to be connected from Karachi and import a lot of oil, so that we can actually control an oil pipeline. This is too important for us. Now." Shang Wen said.

"Well. I think so too. If there is such a set of oil pipelines, I think the value will rise a lot." The Minister of Economy said. The Minister of Finance just nodded silently.

If you want to solve the problem of Yueshi, you must make Yueshi have the value to use, or in other words, to be able to provide loans, you must have a great value for Yueshi. Without such a value, he has no meaning, Qin. The Chinese government will not provide loans, and banks will not provide loans. In that case, they will enter a dead end, a dead end, such a dead end will bring them into despair, and the State of Qin needs to give them a way out.

The way to increase value is to find something, Shang Wen noticed. Qin’s large amount of oil imports came from South Korea. Although the country’s railway transportation is running at a lot of horsepower for transportation, it still can’t meet Qin’s demand for oil. It seems that Qin still needs an oil pipeline to meet it. The demand for oil. Only in this way can the value of the Yue Kingdom stand out. It was precisely because of this that Shang Wen offered to provide loan assistance. With the help of the loan, Qin Guo could open up the situation of Yueshi.

"We need to build an oil pipeline and connect Karachi at the same time. Only in this way, the oil merchant ships departing from Port Seth can be reduced by a large amount, and in this way, the oil supply to us will become even greater. We pay for oil. The cost will be lower." Shang Wen said.

The other ministers agreed to do this because they knew too much about the value of oil. Qin State is rapidly developing their automobile industry, and the demand for oil will become very huge. If it cannot be satisfied, the situation will be very difficult to resolve.

"However, Karachi, how to resolve the situation of the Karachi people, you must know that there is a riot there. If the riots don't stop, the oil will not pass, don't mention the construction of oil pipelines." The Minister of Economy said worriedly. Everyone is aware of this problem.

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