The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3499: Recruitment wave

On Jeju Island, the pirates excitedly celebrated their victory. As for the Koguryo navy, it is no longer capable of confronting them. In this way, they will have no opponents. From now on, here is what they have to say.

"I think Goguryeo won't need the navy in the future. We are their navy. They just have to pay some tolls on time." A pirate said with a smile holding a wine bowl. When other people heard such words, they all laughed. They believe that what the other party said is correct. Under such circumstances, the Koguryo Navy has no meaning. Jeju Island won a decisive victory.

"Such a victory is decisive for us. In the future, we will no longer have to worry about the existence of the Koguryo Navy." A pirate with the appearance of a big leader said excitedly. Then he and the pirates killed a sea bowl of wine in their hands. This way of drinking is easy to get drunk, but now they are very happy because they are very relaxed. Without the Koguryo pirates, they would naturally become relaxed. The South Korean consultants sitting below couldn't help shaking their heads.

"Although the main battleship of the Goguryeo Navy was wiped out. The problem is that the Goguryeo Navy still has the ability to rebuild a larger warship. The shipyards of Qi and Zhao have not been destroyed. Just give them some time and they A new battleship is bound to be obtained, and the threat still exists." A major adviser said worriedly.

"Yes. The pirates have begun to relax. The defense of Jeju Island is very weak, but the pirates think that the money spent is no longer necessary. I think if they do not continue to do so, their situation will be very unfavorable. Said a lieutenant colonel. After defeating the Goguryeo Navy, they felt that the arms and weapons they had ordered should be stopped. Because they have no opponents anymore. Those weapons are no longer necessary. Although the pirates have not officially cancelled the order, the main consideration is that after canceling the order, they will spend more money, and they want to buy in the future, I am afraid it is not easy to buy, they must consider the consequences, therefore, this is just a Proposal, but the appearance of such a proposal has shown that the pirates have relaxed their guard, which is very bad for the future development of occupation, because it will mean more things are lost. This is simply the biggest disaster for them.

"This kind of time, I am afraid it will not last too long. I think that after three months, three months later, the situation will inevitably undergo new changes. In that case, we can't say it." The major said worriedly. . He dared to say this because if the Qi State party fully mobilizes, for example, the requisition of commercial shipyards to build large-scale warships, this situation can be changed.

"I think there must be such an opportunity." A captain said with the same feeling. The pirates have moved on to another topic.

They accepted Qin’s proposal to establish their own country, Jiguo, or Haiguo. The pirates were still arguing about the specific name. They always discussed and expressed different opinions in irrelevant places, and then Constant disputes, coupled with drunkenness, this dispute has become more chaotic, while the South Korean consultants just shook their heads, but the Chu consultants were eating and drinking. Anyway, they were eating pirates, not theirs, theirs. The cost of food is just that, and after eating, I can be considered worthy of my position as a consultant here.

There are many topics that the pirates did not bring up, such as how their interests are distributed, and there are some areas where decisive conditions are lacking. Parliament, this thing is completely new to them. In their view, only those big nobles who have received education, big businessmen can act as such things, let them act as members of parliament, how much power this member of parliament has, They still don't know, everything is for them. It's all new affairs, which will make them feel unprecedented pressure.

"Qin people's ideas are good, but we should also pay attention to that our interests cannot be lost. This is some of our foundation." The consultant heard the old pirate men discussing things next to him. Obviously, this is what the pirates belong to. Ideas, in their opinion, this kind of thinking is not shameful, they are just fighting for their own interests.

Qi State, Laizhou. A wave of large-scale recruitment is underway.

"Hey, brother, we just came from the village. I don't know what happened. Can you tell me something?" asked a few well-dressed farmers who looked like a worker in the city. . The worker looked at it. Then he looked at a few of them, and asked with a characteristic urbanite air.

"Are you here to work?" the worker asked.

"Yes, yes, we are here to work. No, we are all done in the village. Some of us young people want to do something, make some money, and go home to build a house and marry a wife." Several people are honest Speaking of.

"Okay. Go to the tea stall over there and talk about it, things here are too messy. Besides, there are more places to hire people now. You have a good time." The worker said lightly.

"Yes, yes, we caught up. Good time, good time." Because there is little communication. They look very simple and honest. This is also the time when the workers communicate with them. They come to tea stalls. In this kind of place, drinking tea is cheap and you can add water endlessly. This is a good place for workers to rest at noon.

"Hey, brother, what do so many people do?" they asked curiously.

"Well, the shipyard is looking for workers, don't you know that Jeju pirates fought with Goguryeo, and the Goguryeo navy was defeated. They suffered heavy losses and no major battleships." The workers said. But the people in Zhuangli listened strangely, because this kind of thing is far away from them, and many people have never seen the sea. They only heard about it in the newspaper, but they didn't know what happened in the newspaper. Even if they heard it, they didn't know what was going on.

"The Goguryeo Navy suffered heavy losses. They did not have warships. The Jeju pirates were quite powerful. All the past merchant ships were intercepted. They had to let the Goguryeo Navy pay tolls before they were released." The worker said.

"Oh, this pirate did a good job. This is rich. It's rich." The farmers said with a smile. In their view, this is what they are most likely to care about most. What they do when they get rich, but unfortunately, they can't do things like murder and arson. Not only can't do it. Can't do anything yet.

"No, the Admiralty is also in a hurry. Goguryeo is anxious for revenge. They have to build more large warships. This number is quite large and scary, but they can't get so many warships. , The naval shipyard workers are all this." The workers said with their thumbs up.

"But their shipbuilding speed is slow. People build warships. We build merchant ships. This speed is naturally different. In order to speed up, the Admiralty asked commercial shipyards to do this. After all, the principles are similar. No, some shipyards, in order to get more orders, after all, depending on their strength, the Navy Department recruited a large number of shipbuilders, and some workers simply quit their jobs to change jobs." Workers said To. Obviously, the workers have the same idea, and there are all kinds of things. In order to complete the task as quickly as possible, the shipyard has also put a lot of effort into increasing the salaries of workers. At the same time, give some shares to the technical backbones and give them dividends. Although they do not have specific rights to stocks, they have the right to share dividends. This makes some skilled workers very useful. They have moved to other shipyards, but the shipyards have expanded in scale. There is still a shortage of enough workers, so they all recruit workers one after another, and the salary they give is relatively objective.

Hearing this, these farmers are very excited. You know, they don’t have skills, but they have strength. Maybe they’re not stupid. They should learn something. They are eager to try. As long as they are willing to ask people, they feel that You should go inside and take a look.

"Tell you, it’s a good time for you to meet. If you are as usual, you still have to be apprentices. People like you who don’t have anything will be very unpalatable. At first, you can only be crushed by the other side. Only with technology can progress be made." The worker is still saying. But those farmers have become impatient. Because they want to give it a try. After all, there are not many opportunities like this. What they want is to make money. Instead of listening to this person's words all the time. Farmers are like this. They have a greater desire for profit. After all, they still want to go back.

Cities are still very attractive to the countryside. They can get higher salaries, which are much higher than their agricultural output. This point, they cannot be compared. At the same time, the concentration of rural population The city has provided a large amount of labor and consumer markets, which has also promoted the economic development of the city.

Laizhou is a densely concentrated area of ​​shipyards. The demand for labor here is very large, to the point of frightening. In order to avenge the Koguryo Navy, they placed a lot of orders. Such many orders suddenly stimulated the development of the shipyard. , Especially the Ministry of the Navy to involve some civilian shipyards, which can greatly accelerate the speed of shipbuilding, for them. It is a great piece of good news. The stimulation of this good news can make them even more profitable.

And this wave of recruitment was created under such circumstances. These farmers just caught up with this opportunity, and perhaps their fate has changed in this recruitment.

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