Qin State, Xianyang.

"This is corn, which can bring us a large-scale grain harvest." Shang Wen said while looking at the urgently delivered items. It seems that some things are still valuable.

Even King Qin rushed to see it. After all, it was a place that no one had ever visited before, and King Qin naturally wanted to see it.

"Well, can this corn be eaten?" King Qin asked Shangwen not far away, apparently there were more of this kind of stuff.

"Report King, the pancakes made from this thing are sweet and very resistant to hunger." A navy captain reported. He was ordered to come and **** him, and he explained at the same time.

"Yeah. Yes, the widow wants to taste it. The problem is that there are very few things, and the widow is helpless. After waiting for a lot of time, widow will taste it, hoping that his taste is the same as you said." He took the corn on the cob and looked at it. He didn't know how to eat it, but he felt that there should be no difference.

"My lord, this kind of corn should be able to be planted on a large scale. Its growth environment is not very demanding. In some dry and rainless places, this kind of thing can be planted on a large scale. If necessary, we can carry out some Test, in this case, our grain will be further harvested." Shangwen said.

"Haha. This is good news for the country, but it is not good news for our farmers. This will greatly reduce the price of food," the newspaper that few people read said. Qin country farmer If it weren’t for interest-free loans, they might still be losing money. The price of food has not risen for many years, even when making wine, the food cannot be consumed, not only that.” King Qin paused.

"In the Chu State, the Chu State has a large number of colonies, and their farms are provided with a large amount of labor nearby, and the slave resources are extremely abundant. In addition, they belong to the south, and their rice can reach three crops a year, which is larger than ours. In terms of grain, it has formed a huge grain competition with us. With the emergence of corn, I don’t know if this situation can be reversed.” Qin Wang said.

"My lord, the key to the problem lies in the food market. The current population is increasing. I think that in the future, the demand for food should increase. Not only that, but more markets are still being developed, such as , Yuezhi, Karachi, as well as Anxi, Dawan, and more remote places that are still unknown, there is a constant demand for food. We should continue to grow and sell food." Shangwen added.

"Well, that’s right. If you don’t want to see it, it’s okay to give the Yueshi people some grain. Anyway, we can't finish it. We can grow more grain in the coming year and take the opportunity to exchange for something of good value. Good choice. We should do this." Qin Wang said.

"Okay. Let's take a look at what kind of value these things have. This is the continent far away. No one is confident to develop it." King Qin said. Wei Liao, Wang Ben and others were also watching. Because there are not many things brought. Mainly because of the volume of transportation. If the expedition ship can bring more things, they may eat some American specialties, such as tortillas, peppers, and peanut butter.

But these things will be there. King Qin has seen peanuts and peppers. After learning the characteristics of peppers, King Qin felt that he should taste them. The spicy taste made him feel very appetizing. King Qin asked the planting experimenters of the agricultural department of Qin State to complete the breeding work as soon as possible. In addition to these, Shang Wen was also looking for related varieties. What he was looking for was rubber. Because this is the most important thing to make tires, although Qin can extract some related polymers from petroleum, the output is very limited. After all, this thing requires technology. The current technology is unable to do this, so the speed of the car has not been able to rise up. Only some luxury, luxury cars can do this, but the speed of tire replacement is a money-burning thing. Ordinary people can’t afford such a thing. In the army, only some special artillery can use that kind of material. , Such as foam materials. In the State of Zhao, their heavy artillery used the method of cork and steel casting. In this way, the emergence of rubber can solve many problems.

"Haha, this is it." Shang Wen said with a smile holding the rubber ball.

"The prime minister likes Cuju too?" the navy captain asked, looking at the prime minister. He felt that the prime minister was not like the kind of person who likes to exercise.

"No. No, I don’t like Cuju. What I like is this material, which can be made into car tires. At present, most of our motor vehicles are crawler-type, even cars. The reason is the lack of one. Think of a lightweight material. Look, this material is lightweight and flexible. If such a thing is made into a tire, our motor vehicle can run faster." Shang Wen explained. The captain nodded suddenly. But he felt that this thing was not very useful, because he didn't know what kind of use it had. But Shang Wen said that this thing is useful, it is useful, and there is also some tobacco, because the navy captain does not like it, his explanation is not very easy. However, Shang Wen paid attention to it. Tobacco has a lot to do with a report.

Afterwards, Shang Wen and others returned to their office, and Meng Yi followed Shang Wen. He knew that Shang Wen must have some plans.

"Remember Yue's anti-drug problem?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"I know those Yapian. Although we have taken some actions in the border area and our army occupied the northern area of ​​Yuezhi, the problem is that the Yapian issue has not been resolved. According to the report provided by our local police. . There are still a large number of pornographic films entering our territory, and drug addicts are very quit this stuff. This makes our police and medical professionals a headache, not only that, but also many young people want to try this kind of thing, it seems, they I can’t find anything to put on. I don’t know how to deal with this matter.” Meng Yi also felt very troublesome and troublesome on this matter, because it was a big trouble, Qin Guo tried various methods to solve these problems. The problem, but it still cannot be solved. After all, this is the function of personal desire and restraint. In this materialistic society, people are always attracted by all kinds of things. They are tempted by all kinds of tempting things that can't be solved at all.

"It is true, so we need to solve some problems. These problems are a substitute, this is tobacco. I hope to promote this gadget to further suppress the market share of Yapian, which may be useful." Shang Wen Speaking of.

"At the same time, it can attract investors to invest and then carry out large-scale planting?" Meng Yi asked Shangwen after thinking of something.

"Yes, we need to do this. After all, these things are very important to us. If we don't have these things, Yueshi's pornographic films will crazily enter our society and will have a very bad impact on us. The only way for us to avoid such a situation is to fill such vacancies as much as possible." Shangwen said.

"Well, I understand. Is there anything else?" Meng Yi recorded.

"There is also rubber. It is the thing that makes tires. This kind of thing can only be grown in the south. At present, South Korea and Chu are in control of the south. My idea is that these things can be provided to these two countries for cultivation, Qin The country solves these problems through acquisitions. If this is done, it may solve many problems." Shang Wen said. Qin has no colonies in the tropics and subtropics of the south, and there is no suitable area for rubber planting. This makes Qin’s tire production and rubber production an important strategic material. Without these things, Qin would lose this. Qin does not have such a suitable place to plant strategic materials. In order to achieve the purpose of promotion, Qin can only cultivate seeds on a large scale in the laboratory, and then plant the seeds, but this still takes time, although some oil can be used. Chemical products should be used instead, but the future layout must be done. Qin hopes that South Korea and Chu can achieve this goal, of course. Qin will also provide some financial compensation, and they will buy it at an appropriate price.

"Well, I think, if it helps their economy, they are still willing to do it, planting rubber, they will do it. It's just that we need to give them some opportunities." Meng Yi said. Then he records the matter, but it will take some time, maybe several years. Meng Yi recorded.

"Other agricultural varieties also need to be planted, but this is only agriculture, which can only bring part of agricultural investment, and the cycle is relatively long. In the long run, if you want to allow commercial investment funds to enter on a large scale, I think the only way is to attract businesses into it. If they can understand this, I think we can provide such opportunities.” Shang Wen thought about it.

After all, the ability of agriculture to attract investment is limited, and only industry can bring a lot of investment opportunities. Because the profits are relatively rich, it requires Qin to carry out large-scale investment and construction in that area, especially in terms of mineral resources. Great discovery. This seems to be a certain degree of difficulty. Meng Yi also thought of this question.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Admiralty. They only care about two things.

First, the situation in Karachi is developing. They are deploying gunships equipped with larger caliber artillery to the area. They just completed the modification near Zhang Xiong Island, and then they received such a task. The specific target they shelled is not clear, but they What they know is that they have to do it, this is the order.

The second is the Jeju pirates. They are busy establishing their own country and how specific countries operate. It makes them a headache, but they are also very motivated. They learn actively and learn from them a lot of things that the country runs, such as national systems, national laws, national institutions, etc. They seem to be very interested. And this kind of interest worries them, because they seem to forget that Goguryeo still exists.

"From the current situation, the Jeju pirates seem to be more serious. According to what we know, the Qi state is handing over some warship construction plans to civilian shipyards for construction. In this case, it means their shipbuilding capabilities. Further improvement, if the speed is released, the speed will be quite fast. It will not take long for the Koguryo Navy to re-arm. This is an extremely serious threat to us, and we should make them aware of this. One point." The Secretary of the Navy said to his Navy Deputy Commander. He reported the excitement of the Jeju pirates, as if they thought they had won. This psychological factor will cause the next failure to happen to them.

"Well, we hope they can continue to strengthen their defense. After all, they are just an island. Without this island, they have no area to defend. Their strategic position is too important, there is no reinforcement, or effective force. If they support, their situation will be very bad, but they don't seem to be interested. They stopped further actions to strengthen coastal defense." The Navy Deputy Commander reported.

"It's terrible." The Secretary of the Navy said after hearing the news.

"Yes, there is even worse news. It is said that someone has proposed to stop the deployment of coastal defenses, and they do not plan to equip the newly built naval cruisers. This is the worst thing." The navy secretary worried. Speaking of.

"In this case, Jeju Island will be lost, and the role of containment will become extremely bad. This is not good news for us. We must stop them from doing this. They are destroying their defense lines. . These idiots." The Secretary of the Navy said, patting the table.

Volunteers in the north of Yueshi are leaving here, and the Yueshi government has greatly let them leave. Because if they stay, it will bring more troubles, food, military pay, and more treatment issues, etc., these governments are unable to provide them, even the Yue’s First Army is placed on the border, Li First, I feel a headache. In addition, winter has come, and they need more food, fuel, and clothing for heating, none of these things, the damage caused by the war has not been restored, and everything has fallen into a state of stagnation.

The lack of supplies directly led to the occurrence of a situation. Black market transactions and black market transactions have become more and more rampant. Many military retires and military personnel have participated in them. The salary of the police is also very scarce. They will not do it for this. And prohibit the existence of the black market.

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