The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3501: Wait patiently for the error to appear

The emergence of the Yueshi black market was mainly due to the huge consumption of materials in the war, especially after some production was severely damaged, the demand for food and clothing became very large, but the Yueshi government was unable to further achieve this. , They do not have enough financial funds to solve this problem, and the military spending cannot be cut, resulting in less and less things the government can do, and the black market naturally emerges.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of militiamen returned to their posts, when they returned to their original social positions, they found that there was nothing left. They need food, heating, and clothing, but nothing is available. The most basic human requirements cannot be met, and the black market has emerged in this way.

The banknotes issued by Yueshi have collapsed. Inflation is developing at a rapid rate. The grain has reached the position of twelve thousand moon coins. However, the salary of the government and ordinary workers is only twelve yuan a month. I am afraid that they will not be able to afford such a large amount of food in their lives. Therefore, social crime is developing at the fastest speed. The Yue government is showing signs of a further collapse, and the Li Di government is also working to solve this problem. They put their hope on the people of Qin, but how to solve the financial problem, this debt will become more and more, some people instead project the north The Yueshi people. They were occupied by the people of Qin. At least you won't encounter such ridiculous things. But Yueshi’s situation is so chaotic. Many people are impoverished and become beggars, and society is entering a period of serious turmoil.

"The only thing we can do at present is to reflect this situation, and hope that the people of Qin will help us and let them solve our current crisis." The Minister of Finance said. There is no money in the finances, not only no money, but also a lot of debts, which are enough to annoy them. Under such circumstances, the only way is to find a way to seek help from the people of Qin. The people of Qin can help them solve many problems, and such problems can make them easier.

"I think we should let the Qin people occupy us." Li Di said while looking out the window. This sentence shocked the cabinet ministers present, but thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is only this way. But will the people of Qin accept such conditions? Obviously not, because they are also worried that the Yueshi problem will seriously affect Qin's economy. Instead of this, it is better to maintain the existence of the Yue government.

Inside the King City of Karachi.

"Yue’s army has been deployed on our border. We have no extra troops to deal with them. If they attack us directly, we have nothing to do. We can only passively accept such a situation, and this situation will face us. Said, it is very unfavorable." said a middle-aged Karachi nobleman. They also know how much damage the Yue people’s offensive actions will cause them. Such damage will cause extremely deadly results. They don’t want such deadly results to occur, but the problem is that this danger exists all the time. .

"I think we should reach some agreement with the Yueshi people. We can cede half of the wharf area to them. In exchange for the Yueshi people's support for us." An old nobleman stood up and said. In this case, it is very shameless. This is tantamount to an open traitorous country. Those who participated in the meeting were all aristocrats and some local ruffians. They were partly armed, and Karachi aristocrats wanted the support of this part of the armed forces, and some others. Merchant representatives, they are commercial representatives controlled by the nobles. In fact, they are just their business personnel, and they have no right to speak. The right to speak is in their hands. They can do whatever they want.

"This is not so good, is it tantamount to open betrayal?" Some aristocratic lawmakers objected.

"What's so bad about this? In the current situation, what can we do? There is nothing we can do. What we can do is just to make this situation look better. If the Yue people are killed, what can we do? I can't do it either." The old nobleman said straightforwardly. The other MPs stopped talking. They really have no way to deal with the Yueshi people.

"How do we exchange these conditions for the support of the Yueshi, our situation will be very favorable, and we can solve the domestic situation, because the Yueshi must take those areas in order to control the situation, and we control the situation, The most important thing is to preserve our current benefits." The old nobleman said. His thoughts are not shrewd. This is actually borrowing soldiers. Perhaps this is Karachi’s last resort. The land is dead, but the benefits are alive. Although the people of Yueshi seem to be as abominable as enemies, it is undeniable. They do have a reason and value for existence. If there is no such situation, they will have no situation to deal with such a situation.

"We do need such a way to solve this problem." Some people nodded in agreement. Obviously, they also feel that, by contrast, the people of the Yue family don't seem to be that hateful.

"But we have to give the Yueshi people a lot of things. They are greedy. Such greedy things are not a good thing for us. We must know that we did not do good things to them before. If both parties continue to do things like this . We are afraid it will be difficult to control the development of the situation." Some congressmen suggested. The Yueshi invasion may be a bad thing, but if things are guided well, it can still develop into a situation that is beneficial to them. This is their advantage. The question is how much benefit is given to them to do such a thing. They are not clear enough about this matter.

The Karachi dock area, an area controlled by the Koreans, the Koreans added two marine companies because the situation posed a great threat to the safety of the Korean ambassador, and the increase in troops also increased the confidence of the Karachi merchants. They have reasons. I believe this is a sign that the Koreans helped them.

In a Karachi shop, the Karachi Liberal Party Alliance is holding a meeting, and they are discussing how to solve the Karachi problem.

"We must establish a unified Karachi. To end the current extremely chaotic situation in Karachi, the Yue people have already stayed on their border. We must negotiate with them to stop them from moving forward and make our situation more stable. "Said Carter, chairman of the alliance.

"Will the Yueshi people listen to us?" a businessman representative asked worriedly.

"If you negotiate, you can only give them more benefits, and the Yue people will stop moving forward. If not, they will directly kill them. With the current situation, we will kill us all, and we can't stop them." The business representatives said worriedly. Some of them are actively changing their nationalities, and their families are leaving here to go to Bangla, Seth, wherever there are Koreans, they can go anywhere. This is the rhythm of the situation getting out of control.

"We can give them great preferential terms, and I believe we can do this." Carter continued. But everyone does not believe this.

"If Wangcheng does this, we can attack them for traitorousness. In this way, we can get more support from people. However, unilaterally negotiating with the Yueshi people. I think it is better for us to be careful about such things. , After all, this is a very big statement. Whoever does such a thing first will be very passive." A business representative stood up and said.

"Yeah. That's right, this young man, what's your name?" Carter asked.

"My name is Li Shang. The name of a Korean, I like this name, so I won't change it." Li Shang said. The use of Korean names will make their identity very important, and only Karachi people with identity will use such names.

"Good name, I believe your idea is right, but what should we do? Those Yue people are right at the border. They might kill them at any time?" Carter asked the young man.

"I think we don’t have to worry about the Yue people. We can negotiate with them as long as we solve the king’s city. They can only negotiate after we resolve them. They may watch us fight and get the most benefit. Moreover, the Yue people are just like us. They were tortured very badly by the war. They only asked for compensation. We can solve the conditions of the Wangcheng side to get their support. Our greatest enemy is the Wangcheng, not the Yueshi people. If it is completed and the Yueshi people If we reach a peace, we can publicize it. Although everyone knows that interest is the key point, the problem is that they are traitors in this matter. If this is the case, we will get the support of many people. With support, we You can defeat them." Li Shang said.

It sounds like morality is very important, but in fact, no one takes morality seriously. But now, morality seems to have become very important. Because both of them are looking for weak spots on the other side to attack.

"In other words, we have to wait patiently, and the other party makes a mistake, and then attack, right?" Carter seemed to understand this young idea.

"Yes, late play. We just need to defend everything here. It seems that everything is beneficial to us. We don't have to expose our weaknesses. In that case, the situation will become extremely weak." The young man said.

"I understand." The other side nodded in agreement. Carter's head turned quickly, and he seemed to have a bold idea. He felt that they had to try it patiently like this.

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