South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Qin wants to cooperate with us to grow tobacco and rubber. I don't know what exactly this is, but the people of Qin promise to be profitable. They just don't have a suitable place to grow. Therefore, they hope to cooperate with us to solve the problem. This problem." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang with a report.

"My lord, where are they going to plant?" Zhang Liang asked.

"South, I plan to hand over the place of Nanyang to the people of Qin, or to cooperate with the people of Qin to take the same action. After all, that place is a tropical rain forest. Tourism is fine, but it is obviously not suitable to live there. If there is profit to be made, we can also go to other places to do such things, such as the peninsula, Queen's Island, and Menggla, the western continent, or the remote African continent, where they can be grown." Han Shu said. .

"Well, my lord, what I am worried about is that if the people of Qin State do not accept such things, and we have a large number of them. In this case, our situation will be in a bad state." Zhang Liang said cautiously.

"Hehe, I think you have been worried a little too much. Think about it, the price of sugar is currently falling. Although I don’t know why it is falling, I think you should understand the reason. That is because we made it. There is a lot of white sugar, and a lot of it has reached a scary level. Under such circumstances, should we continue to grow white sugar? This is obviously impossible." Han Shu said.

"In addition to white sugar, there is also the cultivation of grain. However, looking at the price of grain, although there is a rate of increase, it is unlikely that it will rise too much at once. Under such circumstances, should we continue to grow it? Food, has the price of food dropped to an alarming level?" Han Shu asked.

"This." Zhang Liang couldn't answer. Food is related to the security of the country and the stability of the country and society. Han Shu also knows this. However, food cannot bring about rapid economic development. For example, there are large areas in Chu State. Land, as a result, there is a lot of food, but the benefits of land are far from bringing them benefits. Under such circumstances, more and more land has begun to turn into mulberry trees. Sugarcane plantations, tea plantations, the reason is that food can not bring benefits.

"Food is important, but we can't die poor. In this case, it is too unimportant for us. What should we do? To get more income, we can't let the farmer grow a large amount of food, Poor death, therefore, they must also become rich, how to become rich, the only way is to give them a lot of support in cash crops, this support, that is, yes, tobacco, and rubber, This is an opportunity for us to change this situation. The people of Qin also met the people of Chu. We should plant them on a large scale before the people of Chu. No matter what.” Han Shu decided.

Zhang Liang nodded. Maybe I was too cautious. Zhang Liang thinks this way. After all, he only considers the problem from the perspective of national security. Food certainly guarantees national security. However, farmers cannot make money because of low food prices, which will seriously hurt farmers' enthusiasm for growing food. , You know, if you don’t make money, you will lose money, and if you lose money, it means you face huge losses. This is an important reason that they absolutely cannot bear.

Karachi Port, on the Korean wharf, the Koreans were standing at the wharf watching the arriving Korean gunboats. The 130-mm gunboats were slowly entering the port, with 12 astonishing 130-caliber guns. All Koreans are proud that only countries like them can build such an important warship, and other countries cannot build it.

This is a South Korean modified Pike-class gunboat. His naming is also very special, Pike No. 1, Pike No. 2, and so on. Because this kind of warship is not a warship at all according to the regulations of the South Korean Navy, it can only be divided into fire support according to its performance. It has a large number of artillery, and each side is equipped with five 130mm artillery. Equipped with two doors, in this way, his firepower can be fully deployed. According to reason, such warships have very powerful firepower. Unfortunately, his speed is very slow, with only twelve knots and poor defense capabilities. Originally, most of them were transformed with the foundation of merchant ships. From the very beginning, they were not built specifically to deal with this situation, but for temporary needs, the Western Fleet had to convert so many merchant ships into this type of gunboat.

It can be said that these warships can output firepower in a stable and safe environment, but let them fight, the Western Fleet Naval Command classified them among the warships with the least anti-strike capability, because they simply cannot withstand the enemy's armor-piercing projectile. Accurate and practical.

"Such a warship should have three thousand tons, right?" some Koreans asked.

"No, it is 5,000 to 6,000 tons. Otherwise, such a large number of artillery can not be carried, and the consumption of his artillery shells is also very alarming. It is said that there are special artillery ships that provide ammunition. Once parked. Here, they can continue to shoot, bombardment with a ship of ammunition, that is a very good bombardment effect, such a blow is very amazing." A teenager said excitedly. He still knows a lot about the military equipment of his motherland. Although the data in many magazines are not very accurate, and some are full of errors and loopholes, the young man was able to tell such data, which made many people on the side feel very much. Surprised, they surprised the interest of this teenager.

And seeing such a scene, there are also Karachi people. Some businessmen are envious, some are even excited. Many people don’t know what they are excited about. It is a Korean warship, not their own. Originally, they should have built it. Own navy, but Karachi's finances, and the **** war against Yueshi. Let them not have such extra financial resources to buy battleships, they only have envy.

But some businessmen know that the Koreans are providing fire support. Although on the surface, the Koreans are in order to protect their Koreans’ personal property from any infringement, but in fact, many people know that this is for them. It's coming. A change will start in Karachi.

Temporary seat of the Yue government. All government officials are frowning, because many things have become tricky.

"We need a lot of food, clothing to keep warm from the cold, and fuel. The houses are not very sufficient. Many people are frozen to death by the cold night temperature. Children and elderly people with poor resistance are falling in batches. , The war did not kill them. As a result, the cold took them away. It was a really **** war.” A government official regarded the impact of the cold as a war, of course. . This is war. Many people survived the harsh environment of war, but it didn't take long before they discovered it. The difficulty of living is even more tragic than they thought.

"Before, there was a tragic robbery. A state-owned grain store was robbed. Those people were not killed, but were trampled to death and squeezed to death. At that time, there was not much grain in the entire store. But the hungry people still launched an offensive. They took away everything they could see and eat. There was not much, and everyone could not have it. So, in the shop, they fought on the spot, and the result was very bad. Many people should be punished more harshly, but they were too hungry at the time. They have stopped resisting. Even some people commit crimes deliberately, and their purpose is to stay in prison, because only in this way can they be solved well. The question of eating.” A police official said.

The lack of materials caused the chaos and helplessness of the Yueshi situation. The society was in a severe state of hunger, but their Yueshi government was helpless.

"What we can do now is to turn to Qin for help. I hope that the people of Qin can seriously consider our situation and give us more support. Otherwise, we will lose more and more people." Li Di said. To. The government is almost paralyzed. There are many things that cannot be done and cannot be done. This makes them feel very depressed, but they have no way.

"We can only put our hope on the people of Qin. I hope they can bring greater help. But there is another thing, that is, the Karachi government, the Royal City hopes to reach an agreement with us, a benefit to us Agreement, I hope this will inspire us, we are in a terrible situation." The Foreign Minister changed the subject.

"Talk about it." Li Di also hoped that the good news would cheer the people up. After all, they had too much bad news. The bad news makes them feel very tired. This is not good news for them. They need to solve a lot of problems.

"They hope to reach a peace agreement with us. The premise is that they cede half of the territory to us, control of the railway is in our hands, and half of the wharf is us. In this case, it is very beneficial to us." The Foreign Minister said. Hearing this condition, many people were very excited, because these were their goals before the war. Now that they can finally achieve their goals, they are naturally very happy. But their situation is not yet at its most optimistic. After all, Karachi people also have their own conditions.

"These are the necessary prices in exchange for our peace, but they also have their own opinions. For example, they hope to receive our military assistance and let us help them calm the domestic situation." The Foreign Minister said.

"I oppose. We are determined not to send troops. If they cede the land as compensation, we will accept it. However, let us send troops. I will never agree. The current situation is not when we send troops. We should see that, Our losses are also very staggering. In many places, people still can’t get enough to eat. If the war starts again, the situation will be very bad, and our people will not be able to survive.” The Minister of Defense first stood up and objected. He knew that the Yue people could no longer fight, and if they continued, the result would be the same as Karachi.

"At present, we can only reluctantly defend at the border, and the number of troops must also be reduced. Only in this way can our country become advantageous, but this is not enough. There are still many things we need to do. This is, we Need more assistance. The most important thing is to get through the current difficult situation. Let us attack and advance. It is impossible. In my opinion, the land, population, etc. are all bait, they will let us Yueshi has fallen into an unprecedented disaster. We have already experienced a disaster. If we fight again, we should simply surrender to the State of Qin." The Defense Minister said angrily. The Secretary of Defense knows the current situation too well. Many people are aware of the current situation. It is impossible to fight a war. The Minister of Defense is also right. What land, wharf, and population are all decoys, which will put Yueshi into disaster.

"Just let us really become officials of the State of Qin. Anyway, we don't have to solve the huge debt problem. We still have huge compensations from three countries. How to calculate these compensations, we can't do it at all." The official said so.

"How can you say it like this?" some officials condemned. But other officials just shook their heads. Sometimes they really wished to do so. In this case, it can solve the current situation and make their situation look more beautiful, right? You know, the huge debts make them want to solve them, but they can't solve them all at once. Many people feel that their necks are stuck. They couldn't breathe at all, it was a feeling of suffocation, and the situation was uncomfortable.

"Okay. We don’t send troops. We don’t have the money to send troops. We need to spend money to send troops. Those kings think beautifully. They give us the land, but in fact, it’s not in our hands. They think It's very good, but a pity. They didn't do very well by themselves. They thought so well for such a thing." Li said that the situation was still difficult to resolve, so he came directly to solve the situation. He also opposed the occurrence of this situation. After all, there was a slight problem with this situation and everything was over.

"Okay. Let's continue to rescue the State of Qin. Perhaps the people of the State of Qin will have a good way to solve these problems. If we do nothing, it will not be good." Li Di said. The others nodded. They think it's better to be safer.

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