In the border area of ​​the Yue family of the Qin State, the Qin army established some sporadic defensive points here, but did not establish more blockades. As the situation of Yueshi deteriorated, especially the shortage of materials, under such circumstances, a kind of business was booming, smuggling business. The current Yueshi lacks everything. They need everything to eat, wear, and use, but they can’t buy it if they have the money. However, the people of Qin have taken measures to ban Yueshi from exporting. It may be that Yueshi’s situation is not good. Because of stability, Qin’s attitude towards Yue’s diplomacy is somewhat unclear, this period will still exist. As a result, a lot of smuggling occurred.

"Yue’s society has entered a period of severe turbulence. After the turbulence, demand will increase, while supply will decrease. They need too much. And they provide too few materials. In this case, smuggling activities It keeps coming up.” Qin State was stationed in Yueshi District, the police colonel Wang Ling wrote in his report.

"This kind of demand is very strong, our border police, and temporary personnel. These personnel are formed by the local Yueshi people themselves, and we hired people with money. We can capture more than 100 private personnel every day, but After the arrest, there were still such numbers of people reappearing the next day, and the deterrent effect of the arrest was extremely limited.” Wang Ling wrote.

"According to our interrogation, there are loopholes everywhere along the long border. Many Yueshi people are locals. We don’t know that there are some small roads, but they know that they rely on this. On the small road, they started smuggling. They smuggled food, clothes, and fuel. Of course, these were all smuggled materials at the beginning. Because smuggled materials can bring great profits, everyone needs these things, and they will only have them in their own homes. Some things are taken out to buy these things, food can save their lives, fuel, clothes can keep them alive, and some will buy some other things, such as arms, but this is only a small part. After all, after the war, violence Bibi exists, and some armaments can't solve the fundamental problem at all."

"Smuggling is profiteering, because it is no less than robbery. The most commonly available materials have become the most valuable things. Of course, this is the most profitable. And huge profits often bring crimes. As time goes by, crimes begin to occur. Some retired soldiers and veterans of the Yue family began to organize and formed a smuggling group with a gang nature. They attacked other small smuggling teams, and then they controlled some of the most important roads, and then smuggled materials on a large scale, and they exported a large amount of In the past, gold and silver jewelry was exchanged for a large amount of food, clothing, and fuel. With the passage of time, gold and silver jewelry has become scarce, and cultural relics are involved, but the number of cultural relics is gradually reduced. They use another one. A valuable thing, drugs. Drugs and smuggling crimes are usually linked together. We have found more than 300 similar cases, and the power behind them is what we worry about most. Because there are more and more Many criminals have participated in it, and this is the biggest blow to us." Wang Ling wrote. The development of this situation made him very worried.

Smuggling and drug trading are mixed together, and the combination of the two huge profits makes this behavior more and more severe, because they are all organized crimes, and the crimes are all professional and professional criminal gangs. In the beginning of the smuggling crime, they may have been forced to carry out helplessly by life, but now they have become professional and professional, which has become extremely cruel to the situation in the Yuezhi area occupied by the Qin State.

"The worst situation is still going on. We have discovered that some Yue's officials, Yue's hired personnel, and those criminal groups colluded with each other. They used each other to obtain benefits for their own interests. Such things abound, and they continue. If this happens, we have reason to believe that this situation is difficult to achieve by just hitting. Because our strength is very small, and we need to supplement some professional people from China to carry out it, but this will inevitably push up our maintenance costs. Facing us is very difficult." Wang Ling wrote helplessly. Such a thing. Let them have to face such a situation. Because they are responsible for the security situation in Yueshi District.

The telegram was soon sent to Shangwen's desk. Because this matter Meng Yi thinks it is not a trivial matter.

"For such a situation, I personally think that we should send a part of the police force into it, clear out all Yue's security personnel, and provide them with professional training. At the same time, all passages should be strictly blocked. In this way, we can prevent similar situations. I believe that under such a blow, the Yue people have no reason to commit a crime again.” Meng Yi took a resolute interception method.

Shang Wen just shook his head after listening.

"I don't agree with you very much. There is a reason for smuggling. Since they exist, there must be a reason for existence. What is this reason?" Shang Wen stood up and asked Meng Yi.

"Unbalanced supply and demand?" Meng Yi looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Yes, this is the imbalance between supply and demand. It is because of the imbalance that this kind of thing appears. We should know what this means. This means that more and more materials cannot reach the Yueshi area. They don't have such a thing, naturally. There is such a situation, but what can we do? Solve this situation." Shang Wen asked.

"The solution is to solve this problem ourselves. Provide them with more supplies. In this way, the smuggling problem may be solved. As for drugs, this is a long-term war, and we have no way to go on it." Shang Wen said .

"But the people of the Yue family don't have so much ability to go on." Meng Yi said worriedly. Yueshi is a mess. No one wants to accept such a mess, because such a mess will cause a lot of trouble. This kind of trouble will make them extremely passive, and they don't like this kind of unrest.

"They can only solve the problem if they regain this ability. If they continue like this, it will produce the most unfavorable situation for us. We should try our best to avoid this situation from happening." Shangwen said. Meng Yi nodded in agreement.

Chu State, Pengcheng.

"Let them try to do this thing. If it's not good, they can stop it in time. If you start large-scale planting, what should you do if you lose it?" Fan Zeng said to Chen Ping. Chen Ping is still relatively optimistic about Qin's project. But Fan Zeng rejected large-scale planting from the perspective of risk. After all, Chu's agriculture could not withstand large-scale invasions.

"We still need to get more support from agriculture. If we change all of a sudden, what can we do to reduce our economic income? Therefore, we must do the same." Fan Zeng said. In fact, the country of Chu can only be counted as an agricultural country, because its economic income mainly comes from the plantation economy, such as tea, silk, sugar cane, **** and a series of economic benefits that come through agricultural production. If there is no such thing, If they do, Chu’s economy will be weakened a lot. He is not yet a real industrial power, because his gross industrial production value is relatively small.

What Fan Zeng needs to do now is to maintain this favorable situation, and then make this situation more favorable, and then develop. But Fan Zeng could not take the agricultural foundation of Chu State to do risky things. In that case, he would be very passive. This was a fatal blow to Chu State.

Karachi city. The people got more news from some special channels. The news is that the provisional government formed by the imperial city is selling their country.

"Half of this country will be given to the Yueshi people, my God, think about how we treat the Yueshi people, and how those Yueshi people will treat us, we can’t do this, we must stop such things, if If our country does not exist, our situation will be very unfavorable." Many people said firmly. In their view, such a thing is undoubtedly the biggest fatal blow to them, and we do not want such a thing to happen.

"This kind of thing is terrible. If we do something like this, the result will be very bad, and we will lose everything. If the dock is given to the Yue family half, what will we do? We will If you lose all your money, you can't do this, and you can't do it." Many people said anxiously. They were very annoyed by the actions of the Provisional Government of the Royal City, because it had seriously harmed their interests. For them, it was the most difficult thing to accept, and they could not accept such a thing from happening. They must change.

"They have guns, what can we do? Those noble lords don’t care about our lives and lives, and their interests are not lost. What should we do?" Many people complained that there is only one nobleman’s approach. The idea is to overthrow him and knock them down, because their actions have already made them angry.

A large number of leaflets and leaflets directly exposed the traitorous behavior of the Provisional Government. They and the Yue people united with the Karachi people to kill their own people. This approach was disgusted by all Karachi people.

"Damn, if we don't live, we will gather and kill them." Many people yelled in annoyance. In their opinion, everything will be very unfavorable to them, but they hope to do so. There is nothing they can do, and they have no way out.

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