The offensive to capture the city went very smoothly. The army formed by the people did not encounter decent resistance at all. Many of the city’s defenders either surrendered directly or fled directly. Few people were able to resist to the end, and the casualties of the people were not very large. , It has to be said that the offensive operations to capture the royal city were smooth.

After the leaders of the Liberal Party learned that their army had occupied the royal city, they began to draft a telegram. They wanted to electrify to announce the establishment of their government. This news would be happy to all Karachi citizens. But before that, they must be recognized by some foreign governments, otherwise, their behavior will still be bad for the interference of all parties. Carter established a free government. He took office in a state of anxiety, because the parties have not officially recognized it, and so is South Korea.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"The Karachi Free Government was established. This news is indeed a bit unexpected, but I think we should admit such a thing. After all, this is extremely effective for us." Han Shu said. This effective means that the Karachi Free Government represents the interests of South Korea. They can greatly meet the needs of the current Koreans. This is much better than the Royal City, which does not have much real power.

"My lord, we should also notice that the situation of the Wangcheng government is not very good. First of all, they lack too much support. If they do not get enough support, I think this situation will not last long. Yes." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, you are right. They must stabilize the current situation as soon as possible, but there is still support. We can provide them with some food and weapon support. The most important thing is diplomacy. In terms of diplomacy, we must also Careful response is, after all, this matter is very troublesome to deal with. Pay attention to the special situation of Yueshi, they may adopt some special methods to solve their own problems." Han Shu said.

South Korea was the first country to support Karachi's free government, which made the Carter government's nervous mood very comfortable. However, on the side of the Yue government, they are not surprised by such news. In their view, no matter what kind of government, they need to adjust the diplomatic relationship between the two sides and the issue of compensation must be carried out. After all, they themselves lose. It is also relatively large. In such a situation, they don't want to last too long. And they were unable to further interfere. Under such a situation, they chose to forward and listen to the opinions of the people of Qin. After all, the opinions of the people of Qin were very pertinent.

At the meeting of the Yuezhi Lidi cabinet.

"The Karachi people will be resolved by the Qin people. They negotiate, we negotiate, they want peace, we want peace, anyway, we can't afford it. Karachi people can't afford it either." Li Di said indifferently. This is the attitude of all the Yueshi people. They want to interfere, but they don't have that ability at all. So, they chose. silence.

"Prime Minister, I think the most important thing at the moment is not about Karachi people's freedom or government affairs." The Minister of Finance said.

"The key issue is our government, our government's affairs, which are very important to us. We need to solve many things that we have never solved well before, such as the shortage of food, clothing, fuel and other materials." The Minister of Finance said. This issue is related to Yue's internal stability, which is much more important than the Karachi issue.

"Well, I believe that Qin will definitely give some support." Li Di said delayingly. He really couldn't help it. The Qin authorities accused them of mismanagement, which caused a lot of smuggling activities to ramp up. But they have no way, because they really can't do such a thing. If they want to completely solve the material, they must have more materials to solve this matter, otherwise, they can't solve it at all.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"We should see that the Karachi Free Government and regional peace are inseparable." Shang Wen said after receiving the news of the establishment of the Karachi Free Government.

"Well. The Yue people don't want to fight, they can't fight, and Karachi is the same, they don't want to fight, after all, their strength has been exhausted, and peace must come." Meng Yi said.

"So, our next negotiation is for South Korea, us, Karachi, Yueshi, and the four parties to sit down and talk about it. Perhaps this problem can be solved. By the way, the problem of Yueshi's material supply can be solved through negotiation. They are too short of more. Materials to supplement. This is a cruel challenge for them. This challenge will put them in a very unfavorable state. We should avoid such things from happening." Shangwen said.

"Yeah. I understand this." Meng Yi recorded. In other words, Qin needs to connect all the problems in series. Resolving them all at once may indeed increase the difficulty of negotiations, but it can effectively resolve regional peace issues. One issue cannot be resolved. The whole problem is in an unfavorable state. This is bound to affect a series of processes behind them.

Aiji, in Suez City, the South Korean intelligence personnel in the city are collating their news.

"Sir, this is the latest intelligence collection situation." A second lieutenant reported. He is new here, because he is wearing a uniform, it seems that the uniform is just like his work clothes. Zhang Pu doesn't care, many newcomers do. They are a group of passionate young people.

"Tell me. What's written on it?" Zhang Pu asked the report aside. For this question, he hoped to get a definite answer. He didn't want to read the report. Because there is too much information. His head can't handle it.

"This is news from the northern Jewish state. They have organized an army of 20,000 musketeers, equipped with cannons, rifles, and a small number of machine guns. They are regarded as special artillery." The ensign reported.

"Say the key points." Zhang Pu said dissatisfiedly. Because the other party missed some important things, for example, what is the point. This is very important to him.

"Yes, sir, the point is that they have already launched an offensive against Patriarchate. The offensive went well. Patriotic did not resist much. At present, they have moved towards the northern section of the Suez Canal." The second lieutenant reported. .

"Twenty thousand people? Their numbers seem to be very small?" Zhang Pu said with some dissatisfaction. He felt that the number of each other was small. This prevented them from occupying the entire northern region as quickly as possible.

"Sir, those armed forces are divided into several types, so the situation is a bit complicated. Many of them are commercial armed forces. In addition, their country is not very large. A country can dispatch two thousand troops. It is already an extremely large army. They are all small countries, and small countries form alliances. Twenty thousand troops are quite a lot." The other party said.

"Oh. It seems that I don't know much about the situation in detail." Zhang Pu nodded and said. The second lieutenant did not dare to say yes, but the facts are like this. After all, they also know some situations. They originally thought that they would solve many problems and form an army of more than 100,000 people, but in the end there were only 20,000 people. Exactly what they expected, but they can't blame them, after all, such an army has exceeded their limit.

"Well. Well, in this way, the materials we give them can be reduced. As for other, specific situations, we don't have to think too much." Zhang Pu said. The Koreans still have very little control over the situation. At least, they are not clear enough in many aspects, such as whether they can completely occupy the north, where they will meet, and where the other party’s capital is, and then the ownership of those lands. The problem, you know, what they want is the entire canal, not half of the canal. It seems that they must also strengthen the collection of intelligence.

After Zhang Pu made some arrangements, he didn't say anything anymore. He needs to solve a lot of problems.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"If those **** pirates cancel these orders, I will choke them to death by myself," said the South Korean Navy Minister.

"Sir, I believe they dare not. We have asked the intelligence department to give part of the information we collected to the pirates. They may need such information to confirm their judgment." The Navy Deputy Commander said.

"No matter what. These things must be given to them. At the same time, we should speed up the construction of new warships. Both Qi and Goguryeo are crazy. It is said that they will convert some large merchant ships into cruisers, and the number will become very large. I think that according to the current situation of Jeju pirates, it is difficult for them to resist such an attack. We must give them imagination to solve this problem. Otherwise, if the entire island is lost, it will cause great disasters. We This is absolutely not allowed to happen." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"However, a single defense is not enough to solve the defense problem of the entire island. We also need some new weapons." said the navy deputy. In fact, the submarine force has already arrived there, and several later improved models have also arrived there.

"Then give them something, as long as you think it can be useful, put everything into it. Find a way to solve these problems." The Secretary of the Navy said. His task is to ensure that Jeju Island will not be lost, and that island is very important to them. It is important not to be lost. Once lost, all strategic situations will fall into a passive situation. This situation must never happen. Can't happen.

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