The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3505: Technicality of defensive operations

Qi State, Laizhou. Shipyards from one family to another are in the midst of fiery shipbuilding, and they are building warships, a large number of warships. Many shipyards have become very busy. Because many shipyards have been merged. Although some shipyards disappeared. But the scale of shipbuilding has not been reduced. On the contrary, they are being built at the fastest speed.

"Our construction speed must be fast, don't care about other things, the navy needs tonnage, not what this battleship can do." The director of a commercial shipyard said to the engineer when he inspected his shipyard. .

"However, if you do this, the overall quality of the ship will definitely decrease. This is a warship, not a commercial shipbuilding." The engineer said worriedly.

"Just follow your best commercial shipbuilding, of course. Your speed is faster, faster than usual. In two months, we have to complete at least eight destroyers and two cruisers. Fast. Must be. Fast, speed is the key, not quality, understand?" the director said excitedly. He finally got such a military order. The Admiralty gave them a plan for building a large number of warships. Goguryeo brought a lot of gold. They unearthed a lot of gold in the Changbai Mountain area. The amount of gold is quite astonishing. These are important sources of funds for Goguryeo to build warships, and they will provide them with considerable funds.

At the same time, these military orders for the construction of warships greatly stimulated the military shipyards of Qi and Zhao, but their scale is not very large. The main reason is that. Their shipyard is not very large, and there are no extremely skilled craftsmen. Therefore, Zhao Guo only got 20% of the shipbuilding plan, and it would take them at least half a year to complete. The Koguryo Navy could not wait for such a long time, and their route was stuck alive by Jeju pirates. They must solve this problem. Therefore, they reduced the quality of many warships and increased the number of ships built. They knew that only the quantity could solve all the problems.

"I understand." The engineer nodded and said. The director nodded in praise. This order will bring him a lot of income, and if he loses such a military order, the crime will be very, very serious. He absolutely cannot allow such a thing to happen.

The Goguryeo Navy dropped more than forty destroyers at once. His tonnage is generally more than 3,000 tons, the heaviest one is more than 5,000 tons, and the main gun is equipped with a caliber of more than 120 millimeters. Eight cruisers. The caliber of the artillery exceeds two hundred millimeters, and Zhao Guo is responsible for manufacturing such artillery, which will exert tremendous power. They must be completed in at least three months, and within three months, the Koguryo Navy will be resurrected again.

The shipyards are busy, which has also intensified the integration of Qiguo shipyard resources. Some small shipyards and inefficient shipyards have been merged, and larger shipyards have appeared, and shipyards that can build eight warships at a time appear. It has raised Qi's shipbuilding capabilities to a very high level, which is very important for them.

However, the training of Koguryo naval personnel is also underway, and quite a few of them need to learn more.

"The number of the Koguryo navy will suddenly swell to 35,000. This is an extremely large naval force." The Minister of the Navy of Qi State inspected the Laizhou Naval Academy and Laizhou Naval Academy, these two academies. It is the cradle of Qi State navy officer and noncommissioned officer. Most of the technicians are trained from here. There are not many personnel trained by the Qi State navy personnel. After all, their military expenditure is very limited. They only have three classes, each with only 40 students, while the Koguryo naval officer students have ten classes, each with each class. More than fifty trainees. Almost the entire Goguryeo naval personnel are studying, they lack too many officers. Professional staff officers, commanders, grassroots commanders, technical officers, etc. To train such a large number of naval personnel in a short period of time, the personnel training of the Qi State Naval Academy is very tight.

"Sir, I am a little worried. In the future, we will fight a war with the Goguryeo Navy. After all, their scale exceeds ours. We only have 20,000. The number of warships is not as good as the other side. If we build according to the plan From the perspective of the number of warships, our overall tonnage is not as good as that of the other party. The number and tonnage of the other party has far exceeded ours." The Navy Deputy Chief said worriedly.

"I know, I also have this kind of worry, but currently we simply don’t have that much military expenditure to build more warships. We can train our military systems and look at our shipyards. Just give us some time and they will Can help us build more warships." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"In terms of personnel, we still lack experience. After all, we still have relatively few naval battles. What is the significance of the navy? It lies in expansion. We do not have the ability to do this. The South Korean navy can provide military operations to their army. The military operations in Karachi illustrate this point. Their warships can interfere in the politics of other countries. Is our situation different?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Well, we can't do this yet. After all, we have a small number of warships, and our capabilities for ocean navigation and naval warfare are in a weak state. Facing the naval challenges of South Korea and Chu, I am afraid it will be difficult for us. Defeat the opponent," said the navy deputy.

"Therefore, we must use the Koguryo navy to carry out the important moments of naval warfare, train, and cultivate our own naval power. In this way, our situation can be completely changed. Help them, just help ourselves. Don't worry, don't do something useless. The matter, understand?" The Secretary of the Navy planned. The strategy of the Qi State Navy is to take advantage of the special opportunities brought about by the development of the navy of other countries.

The Koguryo Navy brought a large number of military orders, stimulated, and improved Qi's shipbuilding capabilities, which will provide them with greater opportunities for naval development. At the same time, in the naval battle, the Qi State Navy actively participated in it. After naval personnel, they accumulated naval combat experience. This experience is definitely not learned by navy alone, because it requires iron and fire. Test, without such a test, it would be impossible to do this at all. Qi State constantly trains a large number of naval personnel, and at the same time their shipyard is frantically building warships, and all operations are carried out in public, and the South Korean naval intelligence personnel have been informed of this information.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"According to the information we have, there will be at least fifty destroyers. This is a very large scale. Ten cruisers have been built. The speed and defensive capabilities of cruisers may decline. After all, many of them are the first. Such warships were built for the second time, but the number will be very large. The firepower has been greatly strengthened on the basis of the first cruiser, and their naval combat capabilities will be greatly improved. According to the current Jeju pirate defense Judging by ability." A naval colonel officer reported. He looked at the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy just sat there.

"They are simply unable to defend themselves. The firepower coverage and the combat capability of the battleship will be greatly improved. And we can provide only 20 destroyers. This is the maximum number. Chu State can provide less than 20 ships. , The combat effectiveness of these warships will also drop a lot. They are all converted from merchant ships. The construction of cruisers is also very slow. In general, Jeju pirates can only enter defensive operations." The navy colonel reported.

"Well. It seems that it is necessary to strengthen their defense forces." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir." said the navy colonel. All naval officers who participated in the meeting were well aware that, in terms of the number of constructions, they could do very limited things.

"If we want to solve this problem, we must also find a solution technically. If we can improve their combat effectiveness, this is not a solution either." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Mr. Minister, we have dispatched our experimental submarine force. I hope they can solve this problem, but this problem seems to be difficult to proceed, because we still don’t know how much they can play. It seems that this can't be done with the submarine force alone," said a rear admiral.

"Well, so, we also need to increase their technical attributes. At this point, we can use other methods to increase it on a large scale. In addition to simply increasing artillery, we can also increase the aviation force. The navy has an aviation organization. , I think, we can let them participate in the battle?" said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Navy aviation?" Many naval officers were surprised. Although they know that naval aviation will take part in combat, to them, naval aviation is just a newly established arm. The actual combat effect they participate in is not very important. On the contrary, it is very troublesome. As for combating warships with heavy armor and flexible movement back and forth, naval aviation does not seem to have much strike capability. Many naval officers are full of doubts about this. They think that their navy secretary is a little dizzy. In other words, I was too anxious. You know, make such a decision. They were still very surprised.

"I know, you all doubt the combat capabilities of naval aviation. You see more as an experimental unit, but they also have a certain combat capability. At present, we can only solve these problems through technical improvements. The problem, therefore, to find a way to solve this problem is still a great advantage for us. Although they may not actually exert much combat effectiveness. However, this still has a great influence on us. "The Secretary of the Navy said. The navy officer was a little embarrassed.

In fact, the South Korean Navy already has an assessment report on the combat capability of naval aviation. The seaplane that has an advantage in speed poses a small threat to warships. At most, it kills sailors on some ships. However, The bombs they are equipped with are not very heavy, and at most only damage some equipment. Although there is no special artillery to deal with them, their threat is not very large, and they can only carry out reconnaissance tasks at most.

And another kind of combat weapon, airship, his combat speed is very slow, not flexible enough, it is difficult to catch fighters, because warships move faster than they are, maybe they have some use in defensive operations. After all, they Heavy bombs can be thrown, but the accuracy of the bombs makes it difficult to convince many naval officers. They believe that perhaps, only by increasing the number of airships per unit area can achieve this goal. But in actual combat, can such combat effects be achieved? The navy officers were suspicious.

Technology is very important, but technology also has factors of instability. This is war. It is not just wishful thinking to solve problems. Many problems need to be solved by themselves to solve all problems. This makes their situation very bad, and many naval officers are worried about this issue. The hope for the airship to participate in the battle is not very great. They still believe that the defensive battle is still a matter of surface ships, and the use of some other technical weapons will only cause a lot of trouble.

The Secretary of the Navy received a report and ended the meeting in a hurry. The report he got was that the pirates were finally anxious to establish their own regime. They claimed to be Jeju or Jeju Republic because they were established by the Pirate Alliance. . They also formed a coalition party themselves. It looks funny, but they did just that. When such news comes, it is bound to cause a larger scale of fighting.

Qin State Xianyang.

"The key to the problem lies in oil delivery. It is not a peace issue." Yingyu clearly saw the key to the problem. He knew that the solution to the problem of Yuezhi Karachi lies in their financial ability. If they can find a new economic growth. If you click, all the problems will be solved very well, but if you can’t find it, the situation will be very bad. This situation will indeed happen, and it will happen for a long time, for them. Not a good thing.

"Yeah. However, we first solve their current difficulties. The most important thing is how to make the negotiation go smoothly and delay it, which is most detrimental to us." Xiao He said.

"Well. I think the crux of the problem lies in oil. If we can hold a portion of the shares and be able to make indemnities, will the situation allow us to participate? Considering the interests of Koreans, we can also engage with one of their companies. Cooperation, in this case, South Korea will not suffer." Yingyu said.

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