"Captain Yang Fang." Yang Fang stretched out his right hand and said. He motioned to the Aiji interpreter on the side to translate, otherwise, he would be good-looking.

"Judas. Jew. It's almost the same rank as yours." said a young coalition officer on the opposite side.

"This." Yang Fang was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party would speak his own words. It sounded very fluent. This was beyond their expectation. It was simply too unexpected.

"Unexpectedly, I am a family and a businessman, and I have done a lot of transactions with your businessman. I like your silk, tea, and sugar. That kind of stuff is very expensive, but only nobles, really rich People can use it." Judas said.

The Shazhou cavalry sent a cavalry platoon to the north. They wanted to move with the Jews and coalition forces formed by other countries. This meant that they were close to each other as a family. This was an important part of strengthening the alliance between the two sides. Therefore, they must gather here.

"It's very surprising. I didn't expect that the other party would send someone who can speak our words." Yang Fang said unexpectedly. He originally had the idea of ​​communicating less and seeing more. After all, there was a big gap between the languages ​​of the two sides, but now this language barrier has disappeared.

"Language communication can shorten the communication and distance between you and me. This is extremely beneficial to us and you." Judas said with a smile.

"My influence on you is very good. You can just call my name directly." Yang Fang said. Under normal circumstances, officers like him should have their own words, and there are already many such habits in China. But this doesn't seem to be popular in Qin, of course. Some traditional people believe that only aristocrats should have characters. Civilians are not allowed to have their own words. However, South Korea does not seem to plan to manage such strict, because in South Korea there is no aristocracy in the strict sense. As long as you have money and have made great contributions to this country, you can become aristocrat. The aristocracy is only a symbol of honor. The significance is not great.

"Yes, you can call me Judas. I'm sorry. We don't have a name for Central Plains. I think it's better to be more careful in the name. After all, this is a symbol of a person." Judas said.

"That is correct. It seems that you are very interested in our Central Plains civilization." Yang Fang said.

"Because you are strong, we need your support to do these things well. If we don't get the support you should have, I don't think our situation will be too good." Judas said frankly.

"Okay. Let's talk about it. I want to know some of the situation on the front line. After all, we are here to observe the situation. If necessary, we will provide you with more weapons." Yang Fang said.

"Well. You have seen the current situation. We have advanced here. We are already in the northern region of Sinai Peninsula, but the problem is that we love a few people, they are building a new line of defense. We are advancing very quickly, and the logistics supply is out. Some problems, mainly because the ammunition in our inventory is almost consumed. We only have less than ten rounds of ammunition for each of our rifles. However, Aijiren has built quite a few defensive fortresses with cannons in them. Those are all made by themselves. Cannons are of poor quality, but they pose a great threat to us. We need to travel through those areas to reach the richest areas. Originally, we were marching at sea. In that case, our logistics supplies could become extremely easy, but Our navy has some problems, their ships are not enough.” Judas explained. In fact, they have never defeated the Aiji Navy, the reason is because the Aiji Navy still has a certain combat effectiveness. They seem to be in contact with Lockheed Martin, and both sides are engaged in a battle. These were all things Yang Fang knew, but he didn't know what kind of country Lockheed was like and why they did it.

"In addition, there are the Carthaginians. They seem to be very interested in this place. After all, a lot of trade comes from here. They have a great connection with Aiji. The Loma in the north and Carthage have a great deal. The relationship between the two countries seems to be intervening in this matter. They have carried out a series of assistance. At present, our situation does not seem to be very good. If we fail, there will be some Cyrus countries in the south. They are also reorganizing, they are invading the South." Judas explained. Yang Fang was completely confused. Because of these places and many more people's names, he hadn't heard of the country, and he couldn't match the number at all. But Jews introduced it quickly.

South Korea’s understanding of the North and Seth’s northern affairs can be said to be blank. They only get some simple vocabulary from the merchants and know that there are some special countries in the north. These countries may be the most powerful and powerful in that region. s country. It can be said that South Korea’s understanding of these areas is only that, and many places are blank. This is why Yang Fang suddenly failed to be on the number. Maybe he did not understand the situation enough, but Judas was still explaining. , It makes me feel very passive. South Korea is going deep into North Africa, and they are entering that area. However, they had to solve the problem of the Suez Canal before. This canal directly restricted their access to the above areas. This is the biggest obstacle in South Korea.

"A lot of people die every day, but our foremen, engineers, and company bosses constantly urge us to proceed quickly. They never care about the problems we report. The people who die every day are just numbers for them. That's it." Zhang Le. He is the engineer in charge of a project, and the quality of the project is mostly checked by him. In fact, he was sent to do such a thing because he opposed the excessive use of those slaves. It can be said that he found these all by himself. Can't blame others.

"The progress of the project is advancing at the fastest speed. The width of Suez is 250 meters wide on average. This is to allow larger ships and more merchant ships to enter here in the future. In fact, two hundred The width of the meter is enough. Repairing the width by 50 meters means more people will die.” Zhang Le wrote dissatisfied, he just wrote here, in fact, his role is not to change anything.

"The depth of the entire canal has been set at about 20 meters, which is deep enough. It is said that the depth of the entire excavation is never before. The locals think that the canal built by the Koreans will take hundreds of years." Zhang Le arrived a bit, but he didn't like this canal because it was full of too much blood and tears. Many people have been exhausted to death on this canal. There are too many such tragic stories. He didn't want to write it down himself. But if such things are not written out, they will be ignored.

"Suez Canal Company, this is an extremely rogue company. The company is full of corruption and fraud, and more people use their power to squeeze those people to the best of their ability. Of course, the value of his canal will be very great. However, the harm he caused is also very great. I really can't write it." Zhang Le wrote excitedly. He couldn't write the next article. Because he doesn't want to write.

For the company, it can almost become a mantra for this canal. Many people are doing this. For the company, they can let more people die. Those slaves are dying every day, and they can’t see it. In order to reduce costs, slaves There is not enough food at all. Not only is there not enough food, but the food supply is only two meals. One meal is dry and the food is pitiful. There are only a few slices of bread. You can see the soup at the bottom of the bowl. The workload is very huge and terrible, which makes them feel very helpless. Many people want to escape. Any resistance will be killed. The rioters will be suppressed soon, but they will not kill them immediately. They will be tortured slowly, and some will be firmly fixed on the cross. , Under the scorching sun, slowly dehydrated and died, it was an extremely terrible death process. Zhang Le himself could not describe such a thing, but his reaction was fruitless. Everyone seemed to only care about this canal, as for the tragic story behind the canal. They have no tears and no time to listen.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Sure enough, Qin people want to talk to us about the Yueshi problem. I think Karachi people also want to solve this problem, and Wenyang Bank is also involved. This is an extremely complicated situation." Han Shu looked at his hands. The telegram shook his head and said. Yuezhi and Karachi must enter a state of peace, but what is the condition of this peace, and peace is unfair to everyone.

"The Karachi government cannot accept extremely large conditions, especially in terms of cede territories. Their idea of ​​overthrowing the royal city government is to make their government more reliable and stable, and to solve the current situation, but the new government still betrays its own country. In the territories of China, think about it, how much trouble such a country will cause, and I can’t guarantee such a thing.” Han Shu said. Others nodded in agreement with this view, and Zhang Liang also knew that there was a price to pay for peace.

"We can only hope that the conditions given by Qin are not too high, otherwise, both sides will choose war instead of peace, and the situation will be further chaotic. We don't want to see such a situation happen." Zhang Liang said calmly. To. Han Shu nodded, he knew this too, but the question was how to do this. This requires them to suffocate to think.

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