Qin State, Ministry of the Navy.

"We should strengthen their communications, so we need to build a new specialized communications vessel." The Navy Deputy Chief reported this incident.

"Well, it's okay. Fortunately, we have some funds to solve these problems." The Secretary of the Navy said. By selling some seeds, the Department of the Navy received some funds. These funds can help them further improve their current situation, for example, to improve their communication status on the American continent. Their communication situation is very bad and intermittent. For a period of time, they will be unable to get in touch for a long time. Such things will make them extremely bad. They don't want this to happen, so many things still need to be changed, and this change comes from how they solve these things.

"In addition to these, we also need more expedition ships. After all, our situation is not very good. We need to solve these problems in many places," said the Navy Deputy Commander. They still need more ships to transport more people in the past. Communication vessels are only part of it. More importantly, more people and more supplies get there.

"This, we need to think about it carefully. After all, if we do this, we cannot do a lot of things well." The Secretary of the Navy told the other party helplessly.

"We still have a big gap in funding. Although we have achieved this requirement by transferring part of the technology, our situation is not very good. We need to solve these problems ourselves." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Okay. Mr. Minister, but, I propose that we can absorb part of the merchant ships, or the private merchant fleet to arrive. In this way, if they participate, our situation will become very good. This is for us. It's a very good situation." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"Yeah. But, what reasons do we have to attract them? It needs some reasons. There are so many reasons for Mi. I don't think they will come." The Secretary of the Navy said.

A special materials laboratory in Qin Guo. They undertake various experiments to test, for example, they will find a suitable formula. The aluminum alloy for the aircraft has a stronger hardness. In addition, there are automobile tires, which seriously hinder the development of automobiles.

"This is the new car tire we found." A young man said with a smile. They are conducting friction tests on car tires, and usually such experiments are quickly over. Because they still can't find suitable materials. But now, this experiment has been carried out for more than forty-eight hours. This is simply a miracle.

"What material is this made of?" an experimenter in his early thirties asked curiously. Usually the highest record of this kind of experiment is only one and a half hours, and then the tire is completely discarded. But now, tires far exceed their highest record, and are setting a new record, this record is growing at an incredible rate.

"Rubber. From the American continent, this is provided to us by the Prime Minister's Mansion. There are not many things, only a small part. But this stuff is too patience. I think this is what we need to look for." The young man smiled. Speaking of.

"Yes. Yes, yes, that's what we are looking for." The experimenter in his early thirties said excitedly. They finally found something that can make tires. This thing, no, this material is the most suitable thing. They added some formulas, but they didn't expect to get such a gratifying result all at once.

"What is this thing called?" the other party asked curiously.

"Rubber, from the American continent." Seeing that the other party was excited, the young man directly told the other party the result, because he also wanted to know what happened.

"Yes, this is what we are looking for. This is what we need most. Rubber. Rubber." He kept saying.

"Unfortunately, the quantity is very small. If we want to get it, there is only one way. Go to the American continent. There will be a lot. We need to plant here. In terms of time, it is very insufficient and not sufficient. We must properly Solve this problem." The young man said.

"Oh. Damn. But this is good news, and we should be aware of this." The other party said excitedly. The automotive industry has always needed to solve a tire material problem. They invented many different foams, but they have not been very ideal. But now, they have found the right thing, which is the material they need most. It's a pity that the number is not very large, but this thing can solve many difficult problems, and there has always been a way to borrow these. For them, this is not a problem, as long as they properly solve these problems.

Love couple, on the west bank of the Suez Canal. The coalition forces have crossed here, but their situation is very bad. Because they cannot move forward.

"Did you see? Those are the troubles caused to us by a few people. They put sandbags, trenches. And artillery, infantry are connected, there are artillery inside. There is also a rifle shooting port, and we need a lot of people to attack there It's the most unacceptable thing for us to get in." Judas said angrily. The coalition forces are actually just a commercial armed forces. They rob and **** more resources are good, but they are not suitable for fighting. After all, most of them are not professional soldiers, and they are not suitable for firearms. In war, how to fight such a war well, it is still difficult for them to have a common language. Or specific ideas, which is a big challenge for them.

"This is really tricky. They formed a fortress group. Although there are still some areas in the middle, I believe that those places must not be passed, because once they pass, there will be a fire intersection between the two fortress groups. The shooting of artillery and rifle will cause a lot of casualties." Yang Fang put down his binoculars and said.

"You are too right. Our people tried it, and the result was heavy losses. More than fifty people went in, five people came back, all with injuries, and there were people who were hits everywhere, and we couldn't see those people at all. Shooting at us, very passive. Also, **** it," Judas said.

"Haha." Yang Fang laughed. He thought Judas cursing was very interesting.

"What's wrong?" Judas asked curiously. He didn't know why the other party laughed all of a sudden.

"It's very interesting when you scold someone, but it's not this time. We should bypass these fortress groups. These fortress groups are very troublesome to solve." Yang Fang told the other party helplessly. What he saw was that the depth of the fortress group was at least five kilometers, and the defense of the fortress was very fruitful, and it was possible for them to maintain a lot of firepower in many places. This is not good news.

"It’s impossible to go around. To the south is the desert and the Gobi. We can’t go. To the north is the sea. Aijiren has a large-scale navy. They will deal a big blow to us. We can’t go around. In the past," Judas said. He originally thought that South Korean military personnel would make good suggestions, but now it seems that the situation is not very good.

"Well, well, I understand that the situation is not good. To solve this problem, the only way is to form engineers and use them to dig tunnels, while avoiding their shells and bullets." Yang Fang said. Although Aijiren tried to cast some cannons by himself. These cannons are very heavy, cumbersome and cumbersome to adjust. The range is also very close, but he is powerful and has a large caliber. The most important thing is that each fort has a variety of artillery, composed of multiple caliber artillery, and they can form a tight firepower network and pass through there. , Undoubtedly tantamount to suicide. Yang Fang didn't want the coalition forces to make such an attempt. They were few in number, and they were not willing to do such a thing. They knew their numbers too well.

"Engineers?" Judas asked.

"Yes, engineers, form engineers, use explosives, get close to them, and then use explosives to blow them up. This is the only way. I see that you don’t have many artillery. There is no way. Their shells can’t hit them. Inside the tunnel. But it will take some time. We have to do this." Yang Fang said. Under normal circumstances, this kind of time should require heavy artillery bombardment, but the coalition does not have it. They are still very poor and can't afford such things, let alone mortars. One shell is enough to make them feel bad for a long time.

"Can you hurry up?" Judas asked. He thinks it should be faster in terms of speed, after all, they are experienced.

"This, it can't be fast. We can't get up quickly. We lack a lot of things. We must, mortars, artillery positions, etc.. This, I can't." Yang Fang said.

"Yeah. Okay, I hope so." Judas said worriedly. They are actually a group of robbers, and they won't spend too much time waiting for these times. For them, it takes too much time. But this is the only solution Yang Fang can solve. There are many ways to deal with these fortresses, but it takes a long time. Moreover, the technical level of the coalition forces is low, which directly determines that their tactical technology is relatively low. To do such a thing, they must improve their technical equipment, but this is obviously difficult for the coalition forces to accomplish. He was very sorry about this.

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy.

"Sir. I think you should pay attention to this." A navy colonel handed a report to the Secretary of the Navy. The Secretary of the Navy looked at the colonel. He was in the intelligence service. Responsible for the collection of information, is there any important information? The Secretary of the Navy thought so.

"Spy?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, sir, spy, we found a lot of these details, these are Koreans, and a small number of Chu people, they used a very expensive telephoto camera to our shipyard. Taking pictures, their identity is reporters, but we believe that this is their disguised identity." The navy colonel reported.

"Yeah. Go on." The Secretary of the Navy asked with some interest. He knows that this matter is not simple.

"Yes, when our military police were patrolling nearby, they found that some South Korean reporters were taking pictures with their cameras, which were telephoto cameras. According to our confirmation, the negatives of the photos they took showed that they were taking pictures. I am very interested in the Koguryo battleship we built. The main collection is the number of cruisers we built and the progress of the project, but they have a press card, we can only detain them temporarily. Taking such photos is not in accordance with legal procedures. It's illegal, but we think they are spies and they are working carefully. They are collecting information about our shipbuilding. This information will make the South Korean side very clear about our numbers and plans, which is not good for us." said the navy colonel.

"Do you have any suggestions?" the Secretary of the Navy asked after listening.

"My suggestion is to conduct patrol inspections and set up military restricted zones. In this way, such things can be effectively avoided, and then to monitor those reporters." The navy colonel said.

"Well. It can be done, but I think we should strengthen our understanding of the situation in South Korea and Chu Shipyards. They are constantly learning about us, but we don’t know anything about them. In this case, we should know more about us. It is extremely unfavorable. We cannot allow this situation to continue. This is extremely unfavorable to us. We cannot remain in a passive state forever." The Secretary of the Navy said.

This is indeed the case. They don’t know much about the people of Chu and South Korea. Although these countries still have normal diplomatic relations on the surface, in fact, they are still engaged in confrontation. All kinds of confrontations have never occurred. This affects that Qi is developing rapidly. On the road of development, there is bound to be frictions with these countries. In fact, there are all kinds of frictions. These frictions make them feel very uncomfortable, but they can’t see through. . Both parties are also cooperating. But some necessary intelligence spying must be done. The Koreans are doing this. Why can't they do it? The Secretary of the Navy encouraged them to do so.

"I understand. Sir, we will make arrangements as soon as possible." The navy colonel understood the Secretary of the Navy's intentions at once, and he was very clear.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Korean bankers gathered together. They discussed something about the emergence of punitive taxes, especially for financial institutions. If a large amount of funds are left unused, they will be punished extremely severely. This has never been done before. This is a very bad signal. Bankers gather to discuss countermeasures for such a matter.

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