The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3509: Zhao Guo's arms sales

"It seems that the king is very dissatisfied with us. The government thinks that our funds are too much idle." said a banker.

"In fact, we are also very helpless. After all, there are many investment risks now. We can’t be the same as Qin’s. Their stocks develop very fast and can be very perfect. Only one company is listed, and the shares they control are only It can be converted into a large amount of funds, but we are different. Our shares cannot be converted. We need to find a home by ourselves, so our risk will increase a lot." The banker complained.

"The king only saw that our bankers’ funds had not moved, but were staying in our treasury on a large scale. As everyone knows, our finance has not developed. The main reason for this factor is our financial industry. , Especially for stocks and futures, the speed of financial development is far behind our development needs. In this way, how we invest, we must control risks. If our bank is in chaos, the situation will become very bad. I believe that the entire Korean economy will enter a recession. The king is very worried and values ​​this.” said the banker. The bankers' conclusion is that it is not that they are unwilling to make large-scale investments, but that their financial development speed is far lower than that of Qin.

Qin Guo’s stock listing and the degree of promotion of financial products used far surpass those of South Korea. For example, Qin Wenyang Bank holds more than 30% of Zhangyou’s oil industry investment. Moreover, Zhangyou’s United Petroleum is seeking a listing. Once listed, more capital will be injected. In that case, United Petroleum Oil shares will further grow. That's how the assets come. The people of Qin State rely on such a trick to continuously make venture capital, and then continuously expand their assets, and then continue to cash in, and continue to increase profits.

The reason why Qin Guo can do this is because they can play this game very smoothly. They have such conditions to do this, but the Koreans are different. They don’t have such conditions. If they invest in some companies, the company will not be able to go public, and there will be no such good conditions. This is destined that they are unlikely to have too much conditions to invest, not that they cannot. To invest, they lack such necessary conditions. Under such necessary conditions, they must improve themselves. Only in this way can they complete decent investments. This is why bankers complain.

"If our financial market can also be improved and some companies can be listed, we don't need to use a whip to hit us, we will pounce on ourselves. After all, if we do this, our risk is reduced a lot. Now, we must find A reliable way to solve these problems, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to proceed." The bankers said that they were very dissatisfied with it.

An uninhabited area 120 kilometers east of Port Seth. This was originally an oil field, but now, this oil field is forbidden to develop, or is waiting to be developed. United Petroleum Corporation bought this place, and it has become the most important area for smuggling business.

"To be honest, I have never bought your goods. How do I know that your goods are much better than Korean goods." A Seth arms smuggler said worriedly. Because of the demands of war, the arms business has been prosperous. If you want to make a fortune, you must do the arms business. However, in Seth, it is Koreans who provide arms and weapons for a long time, and there are some Chu people. Chu's weapons are not good, and bullets are difficult to get. Therefore, Chu’s weapons are not considered promising results. Their weapons are regarded as crude and shoddy. Although shooting accuracy is also available, after shooting at longer distances, this result will be severely reduced, and the price is still relatively expensive. , The same rifle, his price will be 20% higher, don't even think about the bullet. It's hard to get it. With such weapons, they are often dragged down by ammunition, because the merchant ships of Chu are busy transporting their tea, sugar, and silk. In terms of arms production, Chu is not yet a powerful industrial power. Therefore, their weapons are problematic. It's still relatively large. Therefore, Chu's arms sales are not very large, and this market has always been occupied by Koreans.

However, as the Koreans gradually tilted their arms sales to the Patriotic countries, the arms here began to show a great decline, and the rate of decline has been unable to meet the demand on the battlefield. Prices have risen again and again. In desperation, arms smugglers are looking for new sellers. At this time, after Qi Guoren's introduction, Zhao's arms dealers came to them.

"Korean rifles are not very good. Their bullets have a small caliber and have an advantage in a longer range. The lethality is very limited, and sometimes they are prone to malfunction." Zhao Guo arms dealer said with a smile.

"What I'm introducing to you is the latest rifle of Zhao Guo, the three-type rifle. This rifle has a long range of 1,200 meters and a caliber of 7.9. It still has a lot of damage at a longer distance. Power, I have seen your rifles. Most Korean rifles do not have magazines, but we do not have magazines. We use magazines to load bullets. The speed of the bullets is quite fast. This is much faster than your rifles." Excitedly introduced. The Seth arms dealer saw the huge advantage of this weapon all at once.

Because of the need for weapon generation differences, and in order to make the most of money, the rifles provided by Koreans are some stocked single-shot rifles. The bullets need to be shot and loaded. The rate of shooting is slow, and the caliber of the bullets is also large. , More than nine millimeters, this rifle has a very strong bullet recoil, shooting more than ten rounds. The shoulders will be red and swollen. pain. And the accuracy is not right, this requires shooting on the stomach to effectively alleviate this situation. It can be said that the weapons provided by the Koreans are outdated weapons, and South Korea is naturally reluctant to provide them with such good weapons.

"Five-round magazine, you can load five bullets, shoot one off, pull back and rotate, retract the bullet, and then load the next bullet, aim, and shoot again." The arms dealer demonstrated.

"This is great. It's perfect," the other party said.

"This is a good rifle currently equipped by Zhao Guo. The range is also very long. Not only that. I know that the products you provide in South Korea are very single. A single rifle, a single pistol, and ammunition are expensive. Our ammunition is cheaper than them. Quite a lot. In addition, we have other weapons for you, such as this kind of grenades. You know, Koreans rarely provide you with such advantageous weapons." Jun said the merchant introduced. This is their killer, and it is also a weapon they must promote.

Koreans are very smart, and it can be said that they are a bit too smart. They did not promote landmines, submachine guns, and machine guns, which are more threatening weapons. After all, they themselves need such weapons. In order to maintain the military advantage in the region, they have to suppress weapons. This suppression made the Seth people very dissatisfied.

The munitions industry of the Zhao people is developing rapidly. They helped the people of Qin produce more weapons and have been tempered. They can produce more weapons than those produced by the people of Qin themselves. It can be said that what they produce is fine, naturally. It also surpasses South Korea.

When the Koreans were crazy about dumping their products and expanding their markets, the people of Zhao were late. South Korea and Chu have used their advantages to open up many markets and occupy these markets, such as the arms market. Under their control, this is not good news for Zhao people. Because they need a market and need to earn more profits, their advantage in agricultural products is not very big. On the contrary, they have to import a lot of food from these countries, which is not a good thing for Zhao Guo.

Fortunately, Zhao Guoren quickly discovered their advantage, the arms industry, they may not need industrial products, for example, building railways, some necessary parts, etc., they do not have such a demand, but they have a demand for arms. After all, this is war, and the need for war is the greatest. They have such advantages, so the people of Zhao Guoren finally found one of their most important breakthroughs. arms.

This is what happened. They opened the arms market. They wanted to occupy and squeeze the Koreans' market share. Only in this way could they complete their expansion.

"We not only provide these weapons, we will also provide more beneficial weapons, such as landmines, some light artillery. Grenades, explosives, etc.. These weapons are not provided to you by the Koreans. These are our greatest The advantage.” Zhao Guo’s arms dealer introduced.

The Seth businessman was very excited. He felt that this seller was very good, at least it looked terrific, and he felt that he finally found a suitable and very amazing seller.

"Great. I think that I had good luck today and finally found the arms supplier I need most. I want to sign a long-term cooperation contract with you, and hope that our cooperation will be more enjoyable." The other party said with a smile. To. And Zhao Guo's arms dealer happily shook hands with them.

Zhao Guoren's advantage is obvious. They not only only have rifles, but also other products. The quality and variety of the products far exceed those of the Koreans. This puts the Korean market in an extremely bad state. But they didn't feel it at all. Because Zhao Guohua started to do this. They don't know anything about it.

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