South Korea, Xinzheng.

"This is the report submitted by our banker?" Han Shu asked with the report.

"Yes, the king, in the report, they stated their own opinions. They believe that it is the imbalance in the development of our financial industry. For example, the stock market is not prosperous enough. Although they want to invest, they are in a relatively short period of time. It is impossible to cash out within a period of time, which means that a large amount of their funds have been frozen. In this way, their risk opportunities have increased a lot." Zhang Liang explained calmly.

"Excuses, this is totally an excuse." Han Shu was already very disappointed with the banker. She felt that these bankers were simply looking for excuses to prevaricate her. In this case, many companies will not receive enough funds for their development.

"My lord, I think this is not a complete excuse. Sometimes, we still need to do this. After all, our financial market is not very developed. For example, in the stock market, our system is extremely Strictly, this has prevented many large companies from going public because the stocks cannot be further circulated. Therefore, it is difficult for banks to make loans or invest, because in this case, their funds cannot be cashed out in time. This is the case It does exist," Zhang Liang said.

"Aren't they deliberately looking for excuses?" Han Shu said dissatisfiedly.

"Sir, this is indeed possible, but if you think about it, this possibility is not very big. The reason is that if the stock market is liberalized, a large amount of funds will enter, and the bank's profit will be further increased. This can only show that we still need to reform a lot.” Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah." Han Shu calmed down after cursing. She felt that what Zhang Liang said was not completely unreasonable.

"This is indeed the case. Did the people of Qin do the same?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"Yes, King, they did do this. For some of our current companies, because the domestic stock market has not been fully liberalized, they have to find other ways to enter the stock market, because only in this way, banks will be the first They will borrow funds and invest in them for a while. They will use the method of backdoor, which is to achieve the purpose of listing through stock exchange, but this kind of resources is very small. The competition is very fierce, and the exchange itself has A certain degree of unfairness, but in order to obtain more stock issuance rights, companies have to sacrifice such rights and do such things in exchange for a large amount of funds. Another part is to go abroad to find such Opportunities, after all, there are not many such opportunities. Perhaps Qin or Zhao’s market prosperity is also more favorable to them. Therefore, under such circumstances, they have to choose such a thing." Zhang Liang said To.

"Yeah. I think, I understand." Han Shu nodded. Sometimes, South Korea must also do some important things that conform to the development of the times, such as further reforming the stock market. Han Shu believes that they must do this.

"How do you think we should reform?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang. Han Shu didn't know much about this issue, but she knew that if the bank wanted to actively participate in it, it was still not enough to rely on the whip, and follow the other side. It is also a good choice.

"This, I think, we should do a lot of things, but we have to open up a larger market and allow more companies to participate, but if we do this, it will inevitably increase the number of stocks, such as in a limited This is bound to increase the number of stocks. In that case, the stock market needs to bear a lot of pressure on stocks. If a big step is taken at once, it will have a great impact on the stock market." Zhang Liang can still take care of some The existence of risk, after all, stability in the financial market can bring great prosperity. Without such prosperity, it would be difficult for their companies to develop.

"Well, I think, I get it. You can continue to do this. You can set up a department specifically, but don't be too risky, you can come slowly. Don't make too much strides." Han Shu said To. Zhang Liang nodded, he felt that the burden on his shoulders was not small.

South Korea, Qingcheng, in the naval shipyard, this is a very tightly controlled shipyard, and the commanding heights nearby are controlled. Because South Korea is building a new warship.

"This kind of warship must be kept secret and not let other countries know, otherwise, our situation will be very troublesome." The navy deputy said to the shipyard director.

"Sir, I understand that the neighborhood has been controlled by the navy military police, and all construction workers will strictly keep secrets, and access to these will require special documents to be released." The director said. The Deputy Marine Police nodded. The spy disguised by the South Korean side was unintentionally captured. Although he was released soon, he was also sent back. At the same time, it caused the Qi state to be alert. In this case, they have to adopt a more cautious espionage method to conduct detection activities.

However, South Korea also attaches great importance to the protective role of their own warships. Without such a role, it would be difficult for them to develop new warships.

"Well, good, any questions?" asked the undersecretary of the Navy. He came to inspect, to solve the problem, after all, this is a new kind of warship. Battlecruiser. A young man with a bold and innovative new type of ship, battlecruisers will continue to give play to the advantages of cannon acceleration, which means sacrificing greater protection. Or, their protection will be extremely weak, and may be far inferior to destroyers in some places.

"Well, I think that the new battleship has a lot of problems, and its armor protection is too weak. 120mm cannonballs can penetrate thoroughly. In that case, a single cannonball will cause the sinking of this large battleship. , We can't afford to lose such a warship." The factory director still raised the engineer's worry. After all, he also had such a worry. The battlecruiser means that he has the firepower advantage of the battleship, and they will be equipped with artillery of more than two hundred millimeters. The caliber is larger and the firepower is more rapid. At the same time, his speed is very fast. This is an important feature of battlecruisers, but the problem is that in this period, everyone's power is not much different. Under the same tonnage and power, it is difficult to further widen the gap between the two sides. This gives the development of countries their own characteristics.

The characteristics of the South Korean navy’s warships are that the number of warships must be large. At the same time, the speed of the warships must be fast and the firepower must be fierce. As a result, their warships are extremely weak. These are sacrifices.

"I know this. This is an old problem. Don't worry too much. We will solve this problem ourselves. Don't worry, understand?" said the Navy Deputy Commander. He directly rejected some of the suggestions of the factory director. He felt that this was the most necessary place for their own development, and it was necessary for Mie to continue to struggle on this issue.

The development of the navy of Zhao and Qi is different. The thinking of the Qi navy warship seems to be the same as that of the Koreans, but they also have some differences. The main reason is that when they pursue speed, they also need to strengthen their protection. And Zhao people, they pay more attention to protection, they have heavy armor, it is difficult for shells to penetrate them, and their firepower is also very powerful. Their advantages are even more obvious. But heavy armor means they are heavier. More power is used for protection. One runs fast, the other thick defense. This is the way in which various countries develop navies and build warships.

Zhao Guo, the Navy Department, a seminar in the technical department.

"Judging from the armor fragments we obtained from Goguryeo, the protective power of the iron armor is no longer able to withstand the 130mm artillery. Especially the attack of armor-piercing projectiles. The penetration capability of armor-piercing projectiles will be further improved, which will threaten our warships. Will be bigger. Even more unfavorable. And if we want to further improve the armor’s protective power, we must further increase the thickness, but, in this way, the power will be consumed indefinitely. This is very important for the speed of the warship. Unfavorable, it will be reduced to a very low level, which is very unfavorable. Therefore, we recommend the use of steel armor." A middle-aged engineer said with a report.

"Steel armor?" Hearing this report. The naval officers who attended the meeting were a little surprised, because in this way, the cost of the warship would further increase. No country can afford such a warship.

"Are you sure?" At this time. A navy officer asked.

"Sure, this is the only way, because our cruiser can't even defend against the 130mm of the opponent, the artillery mounted on this destroyer, so the situation is still very bad. Therefore, we hope to use defensive power. Better steel armor instead, in this way, he can have better defense. This is an acceptable fact for all of us." The middle-aged engineer said.

"But in this way, the cost of warships will rise to an astonishing level. This is still very difficult for us and the Navy to accept." said a navy colonel.

"We also understand this, but this is a trend. If we don't equip it, I think other countries will also equip it, because iron armor can no longer defend against larger-caliber artillery. This is a fact." Engineer Speaking of. As the caliber of the artillery becomes larger and larger, the armor-piercing ability becomes stronger and stronger, and iron armor has become the object of elimination. This is an indisputable fact, and no one can change this.

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