In Persia, somewhere in a small port, a merchant ship of Zhao State is moored here. The ship is constantly transporting various wooden boxes. The boxes are full of munitions. The Persians need munitions even more. They need it. The number is even greater.

"Your arms are very good, much better than we thought. If you can continue to provide us with arms, we will consider getting them from you for a long time. We need more." A Persian businessman said to one. Said the Zhao Guo arms merchant.

"This, there is no problem, we can reach a larger contract, but I hope to be able to rise to the cooperation between the governments, in that case, the business will be better." Zhao Guo businessman said with a smile.

"I hate greedy people because they always take more, but I also like greedy people because they can get more of what we want according to our own preferences." The Persian businessman said with a smile.

"Haha." Zhao Guo's arms merchant was taken aback. But they still shook hands and said that the cooperation agreement was reached. Zhao will provide them with more arms, including weapons, machine guns, submachine guns, and more artillery that South Korea has never provided them. Cannonballs and so on. The Zhao series weapons may greatly exceed the weapons made by South Korea in the next period of time. This is a situation that the Persians like, while the Koreans don't like this to happen.

The Korean arms business is being squeezed out bit by bit by Zhao Guoren. This makes Koreans feel helpless. But the Koreans are also very aware of their advantages, they occupy the market. And Zhao Guoren is attacking the Korean market.

Qi State, Laizhou shipyard area, the shipyard here will be very busy, that's it, the strength of the Koguryo Navy still has not improved greatly. After all, it will take a long time.

"We better still need two months to complete the construction of a batch of naval destroyers, but now, the Koreans are transporting a large number of large-caliber artillery to Jeju Island, and there are already more than 20 artillery pieces. The arrangement is there." The Secretary of the Navy looked towards Jeju Island and said.

"But, sir, we still need time. This is a process that cannot be surpassed. In addition, it will take a period of running-in period. The navy has expanded a lot, and they also need a time to familiarize themselves with their warships. "The Navy Deputy Chief said.

"It is unlikely to give them too long. We should see. While we are waiting for the new warships, Jeju Island is also strengthening their defenses. This kind of defense, the more we wait for a day, their defenses will be strengthened by one point. By the time we are ready, Jeju Island at that time may have become a huge fortress area. In this case, it is an absolutely difficult process for us to effectively defend, which is very bad for us." Said the minister.

"So, we have to take advantage of their preparations before they are fully prepared. Attack them immediately and let them know how good we are, that's it." said the Secretary of the Navy. They got the information that there are a large number of merchant ships transporting various materials to Jeju Island. The materials they transported include a large amount of cement, steel bars, artillery, and the number of mines. Follow these steps to proceed. If they do, it will be turned into a copper wall and iron wall. At that time, they will not have a chance to threaten Jeju Island. Therefore, they must be fast, and use the fastest speed to equip more warships to attack him.

Jeju Island. A large number of fortifications were built, but most of them were field fortifications, because these were the easiest to build.

"This can't work. These field fortifications simply cannot withstand the attack of large-caliber naval guns. I think you also know that the artillery shells of that thing can directly destroy our artillery." An engineer lieutenant colonel shook his head and said. He shook his head while holding the blueprint in his hand and said. They set up a large number of infantry theaters in the coastal areas. They are an important obstacle to preventing the landing of the Goguryeo navy, but these are only defensive positions for the infantry. Those positions consist of barbed wire, minefields, and various machine gun positions. But these gadgets can't stop the opponent's extremely fierce artillery fire at all, because they can't prevent it at all. This is extremely disadvantageous for them.

"So, we need to build permanent defense points, such as reinforced concrete fortifications that can withstand the direct bombardment of large-caliber artillery." The engineer lieutenant colonel shook his head and said to an infantry captain on the side.

"But, sir, it will take time. It will take us at least half a year to build a part of the fortifications. If more fortifications are built, more labor is needed. This is probably not enough on the island. "The captain said worriedly. He knows the defensive capabilities of the pirates, but it is not the most advantageous in terms of time or labor to build so many fortifications all at once.

"I don't care about these. If we can't build such fortifications, our situation will be very bad. They can directly impact our key areas." The engineer lieutenant colonel said. The captain has nothing to say, the fact is that the area is like this, but the pirates don't seem to be too caring.

"Look at those South Korean engineers and soldiers. Damn, building fortresses is as fast as building his house. Damn, it’s too wet and built underneath. Such fortifications are of little use at all." The pirate chief complained. But he can't be called a pirate now. They call it Jeju Country, the Border Guard. Or the Wehrmacht, this is just a name, they have always treated themselves like this. The rank of pirate leader is captain, and many old pirates just become master sergeants, which makes them feel very dissatisfied. In many cases, they still act according to their own ideas.

"Yes, we are, Hai." A sergeant on the side didn't tell the fact that they were pirates, but suddenly thought that they were no longer pirates.

"We have a navy. As long as the navy is strong enough, aren't we afraid to solve these problems? Really." said the sergeant.

"That is, with the navy defeating them at sea, we don't need to build such fortifications." said the captain.

"Um. Head, no, sir, I heard that some special troops have also come over there. They seem to be able to fly to the sky. Shall we go and see something like this?" The sergeant suggested at this time.

"Okay. Go over and take a look to see what a novel thing this is." the captain said. They are just running around the island indiscriminately. What they looked at was the naval air force on Jeju Island. In fact, they are a large number of South Korean naval air forces deployed here, but the names still use the names of volunteers.

They are equipped with soft airships, which are more flexible to assemble. However, the disadvantage is that his range is not very large, and the carrying capacity is very limited, but his number can be more. This was built by South Korea by introducing Qin's soft airship technology.

South Korea also has a rigid airship, but in that case, the cost is very expensive, it is more inconvenient to use, and it is very inconvenient to take off and land on the ship, which is more likely to cause damage to the airship. Therefore, the Korean naval aviation team chose this soft type. The airship is the main vehicle of naval aviation. But his combat capability really cannot be complimented, or in other words, they are very bad at dealing with sea targets. Because they can't hit any warship. In the case of the opponent's high-speed maneuvering, the airship sometimes cannot catch up with the battleship. They can only carry out some defenses. They can be used in sneak attacks. If they are allowed to directly attack the opponent, it is obviously unsuccessful, and their bombs are not powerful. enough. The largest bomb is only 25 kg bombs, and such bombs are really difficult to penetrate the opponent's heavy armor. Although the attack was launched from above, the damage caused was still very limited, and they needed more powerful bombs.

In contrast, the Zhao State Air Force is equipped with rigid airships, but they did not equip the navy with aviation units. This is because their experience is not enough to equip their navy with so many aircraft. It has to be said that this is a lucky one. But Zhao’s rigid airship is more powerful than South Korea’s airship. But again, the airship has big shortcomings against the naval fleet. Without enough dense airships, such an effect cannot be achieved at all. It is precisely for this reason that the Zhao State Navy does not have naval aviation.

In addition to these, South Korea has also strengthened a special combat unit, which is the submarine force, but at this time submarines have just taken on the appearance of some submarines. For example, when they sail underwater, they use battery power, and when they sail above, they use diesel engines. His combat weapons are mainly torpedoes, mines, and mines are hung outside. Very special. The submarine is very slender. This is because the spherical shape is not suitable for underwater navigation, they made these in the shape of a fish. Hope these things can be useful.

There are still many problems with submarines. For example, the charging time is very long, and the underwater navigation speed is unusually slow, only about three knots, which is impossible to be too fast, which prevents them from chasing each other. Also, the dive depth is very limited, with the maximum being only 50 meters. If you dive deeper, you may leak water. Because the quality of steel is not very good. The staff is also relatively small. Can't stay too long, otherwise, you will suffocate to death. They can't communicate underwater, and they can't judge the surrounding environment at all. Accidents on reefs often occur. Whether they can survive or not depends entirely on the luck of underwater navigation. You know, at this time, sonar has not yet been invented. There are still great dangers in underwater navigation.

Karachi, the seat of the Carter government, did not live in the royal city because they avoided excessively stimulating dissatisfaction among the people.

"Okay. Let's leave the specific situation to the deputy prime minister. We should pay attention to what we should be concerned about." Carter appointed his deputy prime minister to go to Yuezhi for negotiations, and the South Korean side also sent a representative to go with him. To show their support for them, they are very grateful for this. They believe that with the help of the Koreans, this matter can be properly resolved. But now, they must focus on what they should be aware of. such as. People’s lives and social stability are coming up.

"We need to import a large amount of food to stabilize people's living needs. In addition, there are a variety of daily necessities. At the same time, we need to repair more roads, dock facilities, etc." The Minister of Economy said first. After a huge chaos, economic recovery must first come first.

"I know this. But the problem is that we don't have enough financial funds to do such a thing. You know, the government has no money." Carter said helplessly.

"Prime Minister, we can issue bonds and conduct bidding at the same time. At the same time, we can also deal with some royal assets to solve the current problems. After all, the government's assets are relatively rich." The Minister of Economy said with a smile.

"Well, you can specify a plan to do so, but we must let more people actively participate in it. After all, we are made up of free people, and we cannot deprive them of their responsibility to participate in economic recovery and economic construction." Speaking of card characteristics.

In fact, they represent the interests of big businessmen and trading businessmen. They need to restore the economy as soon as possible and put an end to unstable factors. Under such circumstances, more economic construction requires businessmen to solve these problems. Merchants can build more things. They can actively trade and participate in bidding. Then resume economic construction.

"Well, in addition, a large number of tax exemption programs must also be carried out. For example, for imported food, we currently need a lot of food, which can fill our stomachs, but if we are still hungry, our situation will be different. It will be very bad, so we need to solve this problem ourselves. How to solve it, only encourage imports, or attract the arrival of those Korean businessmen, we need them, we cannot do without them. Therefore, tax exemption must be carried out." Carter said.

The reason why Karachi’s economy has been declining in a short period of time is that the government has imposed too many excessive taxes. These taxes oppress them to make it difficult for them to carry out large-scale purchases or to conduct commercial activities. This will become a burden for them, which will be a burden for them It is extremely unfavorable. They need to change this situation. The change is that they need to make some adjustments. These adjustments will allow them to reduce more taxes. Let them increase their profit margins.

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