The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3512: Liberalize the private market

Aiji country, on the west bank of the Suez Canal, the coalition forces spent a great price before finally breaking through a defensive fortress of Aiji people. However, they are facing more than just a defensive fortress. With such a point, a few people can build a lot. This makes the coalition forces feel very bad, or in other words, they feel that everything is not as perfect as they thought.

"Perhaps we should attack from other directions." Judas said tentatively. And Yang Fang was looking for something, he wanted to see the extent of Aijiren's fortifications.

The construction of their fortifications is very stubborn, it can be said that they are indestructible, but unfortunately, they have fewer manpower, and there are big defensive loopholes. The coalition forces have used their engineers, although they seem to be only preliminary. Some of the characteristics of the engineers are nothing more than them, but they are indeed engineers. They are constantly digging trenches and approaching each other in three directions. A few people can only cope with it, because they get less support, and the trenches isolate the fortresses. This makes them lose the possibility of mutual cover. In this case, it will become very unfavorable. The coalition took advantage of this opportunity, and they used more than one thousand catties of black powder to solve a fortress, which cost too much for the coalition. Gunpowder is not cheap. And time is also a cost. Every day they stay, it will make them very disadvantaged.

"Look, their artillery is still an old artillery with a low firing speed, but it is very powerful at close range and very lethal. The threat to us is still relatively large." Yang Fang looked at the bombed artillery. Speaking of.

"I am not concerned about this. If we continue to attack like this, the above will be very dissatisfied with us, and our coalition forces will be disbanded. In that case, our situation will become very, very unfavorable. Hope this happens. After all, this is the most loss-making business for us." Judas said.

"Well, you are right, we can't go on like this. In this case, it will take too much time. For us, it is simply unacceptable." Yang Fang said.

"But now, we have no way to solve this problem at all, unless we go around, but they have built too many fortifications here, we can't break it, unless we can open up a transportation line. In this way, we can Form an extremely favorable situation." Yang Fang said.

"Too difficult. It will take a long time to solve this problem." Judas said.

"If, I said, yes if, we can build a railway transportation line first, and then connect you, so that our heavy artillery can attack here, and you can cross these fortress areas to attack. Or, we It is possible to go deep into their densely populated areas, which is the most acceptable result for us.” Yang Fang suggested.

"The proposal is good, but I have an idea. This idea may be a little bold. That is, dispatch your air forces. I know that you have a weapon that can fly over their heads. If we can use such a weapon, we Willing to spend money to buy it. In this way, many of our problems can be solved." Judas said. Judas pays great attention to airships and all kinds of flying machines. Especially in such an environment, he naturally thought of this place, because there is only the air, and the love of a few people cannot be fortified. They don't want to completely defeat the love of a few people. , They fought to make a fortune. As long as they defeat a few people in love, they can consider other things later. If you can't make a fortune, there is no possibility for the coalition to exist.

"Well, well, I tried to contact the rear. Maybe they have such a solution. This may be a good suggestion." Yang Fang nodded. Judas saw hope and resolved the hope of loving a few people. In this case, they can completely solve them.

Yueshi, the temporary seat of the Lee Di government, representatives of Karachi and representatives of Koreans exchanged a small part of the terms in the border area. The terms of both parties are unlikely to be accepted.

The Yue people asked for more docks and trade rights. At the same time, they also suggested expanding the railway line. The Qin people and the Yue people sent troops to station on the railway line. In fact, it was Qin and Yue who jointly took over the railway area. For Karachi people, this was a very unacceptable result, but Yue people’s request was not excessive, because they demanded compensation from the other side. However, the Karachi government cannot come up with such a large amount of funds, so this plan is still unacceptable.

Karachi hopes that the other party will not go too far. They can have compensation, and they think they can reduce part of it, but in this way, there are still more than 300,000 gold coins. For the Karachi government, this is their fiscal revenue for many years, and they cannot accept it. Such terms. Or, they can extend the time to repay. In short, it is still difficult for both parties to reach an agreement.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The two sides are in a stalemate. It seems that it is still difficult for the two sides to reach a peace agreement without a suitable clause. In my opinion, the Koreans are more concerned than the Karachi." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"Of course, that is their future area. They naturally want to pay attention. However, this problem is still relatively difficult to solve. We need to properly handle the opinions of all parties. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to make peace. I It is believed that both parties should make a concession. For example, the Yueshi people reduce the compensation requirement or extend the time, while the Karachi people can lease part of the dock area and railway to the other party for use, and in order to show that the government There are non-intervention factors, and they can turn these into commercial conditions to solve them." Shang Wen made a few suggestions, which Meng Yi quickly recorded. He believes that these can enable all parties to make the best and appropriate choices.

"I think we can add one more thing, which is to provide a part of commercial loans or government loans to solve their economic recovery problems. After all, they have just experienced a huge war and disaster, and everyone wants to recover before Under the circumstances, if you want to do this, you need funds. Without funds, it is difficult for them to do this." Meng Yi suggested.

"Yes, very right, and done very correctly, we need to do this." Shang Wen nodded and agreed.

"Well, but, I think these are still not good enough. We need to solve too many problems. We need to discuss specific situations. After all, many things are difficult for us to solve." Meng Yi said . Shang Wen nodded in agreement.

In Yueshi, the price of food is still lowered, but it is still operating at a higher position, but people can basically spend a period of time with the government's special food supply. These grains were all aided by Qin State, of course. Qin State had a greater opportunity, that is, Qin State's bank can enter here freely to make investment loans, which will greatly help the Yue people to restore their economy.

Economic problems still need to be resolved by the economy. The government still hopes that some businessmen can play an active role, for example, buying more food, etc. If this is done, it will be more conducive to their economic development. Resuming economic construction requires more material and manpower investment.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Our air force and the aviation industry have extremely close ties. At present, we should see that our aviation industry is still very weak." Li Mu said after visiting Zhao Guo's aviation industry. Zhao Guo's aviation industry is relatively weak.

The entire industry has only 10,000 to 12,000 industrial personnel. Three research institutes, five aviation manufacturing plants, and three air transportation companies have fewer than 2,000 flight personnel. It can be seen that his industry is still very weak.

However, Zhao Guo’s aviation industry is not without its own success. They developed their own aero engine. In fact, this engine was developed by the United Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Plant. Its power is 100% less than that of Qin’s engines of the same level. Thirty, at the same time, the engine's performance at high altitudes is greatly reduced, mainly because the fuel cannot be fully burned, and the power provided is rapidly reduced. In addition, there are a series of problems such as oil leakage, short life, and more failures, but they have taken a big step.

"This, sir, this is not that we are unwilling to develop, but that we need new markets to stimulate our development. It is difficult for us to do this." said the person in charge of a research institute.

"We need greater market demand, sir, I mean, we must sell our products to do this well. The current government does not pay enough attention to the Air Force, the military market is relatively narrow, and market competition is fierce. We need Liberalizing the civilian market, we can only develop for civilian use, or more other countries buy more aviation products, otherwise, it will be extremely unfavorable to us." The person in charge said.

"Let go of the private market?" Li Mu asked.

"Yes, only in this way can we have greater demand and stimulate us. If there is no order, it will be difficult for us to survive. Everyone is aware of this. But we must make huge changes to accomplish such a thing. "The person in charge said.

"Well. Well, I can try it. After all, the military can't help you much, but we can relax some restrictions. This may be a little troublesome, but I believe it will be resolved soon." Li Mu promised .

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