Handan, Zhao State, the No. 1 railway line to Laizhou, Qi State. This railway is an important economic lifeline. It does not pass through Linzi, the political center of Qi State. It seems very illogical to build a railway like this. But what Qi needs now is to develop the economy, not to have much influence on their political center. Linzi's political center status is declining, and his economic function is being replaced by Laizhou.

"In Qi, the city with the largest population is not Linzi, but Laizhou. Because there are unclear shipyards there, and there are quite a few factories that need more female workers. The elderly and children need a variety of commodities and are developed. The sea trade has made them more dependent on the commodity market, where the economic growth rate and future development prospects are better than those of Linzi. In contrast, Linzi is a lot dilapidated. As a political center, Qi country seems not Should endure such a situation to continue. For example, their prime minister Lou Jing chose to set up his own prime minister's office in Laizhou, because it is easier to manage economic affairs. A railway between Zhao and Qi The line is more to serve the economy, because in this way, all kinds of materials from the south can be transported to the country of Zhao through here. Iron ore, oil, cotton, grain, etc., these are all they can do. The important part of the matter." A Qin country economic reporter wrote.

The construction of the No. 1 railway line has long been successful, but there are still many problems in the middle. They need to adjust and test run. Today is their first day of official transportation.

"Woo." A train was quickly trying a platform, and didn't mean to stop in the middle. This seems abnormal. But a railroad worker looked at the train and understood.

"These railway companies. What are they doing? They transported goods on the first day." A railway worker complained.

"Well, according to reason, it should be those big people riding the train. It seems that things are a little abnormal today." Another railway worker said. They also felt that it was abnormal, because according to the first train, it was supposed to be taken by a big man. This showed that they attached importance to this railway. In fact, the big man had already taken it. There is no need to do such a thing anymore.

"Look, what is that? It's long, like a big chimney." A railroad worker cried out in surprise.

"Yes. Although this thing is covered with a quilt, we can still see that this thing is definitely not simple. This is a cannon." Another railroad worker said in surprise. What they see is. Two lengthened carriages transport such long pipes quickly past their station. There are also some soldiers guarding them, they look very relaxed. Railroad workers can’t figure out what is being transported. After all, they don’t know exactly where such a thing is used. Although they guessed it was a cannon, they didn’t know that it was the real barrel.

These are the two cannons ordered by Qi from the Zhao State No. 1 Artillery Factory, the 210mm cannon and the 275mm cannon. The latter has a range of more than 20 kilometers. Powerful, it can easily penetrate the iron armor of the destroyer, and if you use a special shell, you can directly destroy the opponent's main turret, and the power is huge. Both types of artillery are to be installed on the latest cruisers. Their main gun caliber has risen to more than two hundred millimeters. At the same time, they also specialize in a variety of 120 millimeter secondary guns. The firepower of the entire battleship will be unprecedentedly strong. They have reason to believe that no weapon can threaten them. This is where the Koguryo Navy has the most combat effectiveness. They have always had such confidence that they can cope with future developments.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Inside Han Shu's office.

"Look at this. I love the telegrams sent by several parties. They hope that we can use aviation to solve these problems. The coalition of northern Jews encountered our same problem. They established a series of fortifications on the West Bank of the Suez Movement. These defenses. It took them a long time to take down the fortifications. If they continue to attack, I think they will definitely collapse." Han Shu said.

"Furthermore, the telegram they sent illustrates this point. So. They hope to have a threatening weapon to fight." Han Shu said.

"Well, my lord, I also noticed. These coalition forces are actually a group of bandits. They are not coalition forces at all." Zhang Liang said after reading the telegram. After his analysis, he believes that these coalition forces can win the battle, and they will collapse on their own when they encounter tough opponents. Because they lack effective offensive weapons, such as weapons for large-scale attacks. This is catastrophic for them, they need to pay a great price to attack the tough, but they are just a group of robbers, how can the robbers endure such a thing, so for them, it is extremely impossible thing.

"So, they need air power. I think we need to do the same." Han Shu said.

"Threatening from the air, the patriots made up their minds, thinking that we could not threaten their capital, but if we marched from the air, forced them to negotiate with us, negotiate with the coalition forces, and disintegrate them little by little. In this case, our The matter can be resolved very well." Han Shu said.

"Well, but, our aviation industry has insufficient production capacity, with only more than 20,000 employees. It is still difficult to produce airships on a large scale, and financial support is not enough. The needs of the military. It won't be a lot." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, you are right, but we should also consider it. Not only should we start with the needs of the military, we should also actively tackle this problem from other angles, such as the private market and foreign markets. Market." Han Shu suggested.

"Through this support for the Jewish coalition forces, it can be regarded as an arms business transaction. This matter must be done by the naval aviation." Han Shu said.

Like Zhao Guo, South Korea also has its own aviation industry, but their industry is relatively high. They have their own engines and their performance is not bad. At the same time, their airship blimp can reduce more compliance. , The voyage is longer, of course, the manufacturing speed is also faster, these are their business, and now they are doing this kind of thing.

South Korea, Ministry of the Navy.

"The fortifications of Jeju Island are not enough to withstand large-scale shelling. The pirates just built more field fortifications. Our engineers suggested building permanent reinforced concrete fortifications. In addition, in winter, this may take more time. Longer. But. We may not be able to wait for such a long time, and time cannot be given more. This requires us to solve more things before we can solve the problem." The Navy Deputy said.

"Well. This is indeed a trouble. The only way is to cause a series of disasters to them from the sea, the sea fleet. Only in this way can the problem be solved." The Secretary of the Navy drew out a report and handed it to the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Look at this. According to what our spies have gotten, the gun caliber of their cruiser may be close to 300 mm. The range is more than 20 kilometers. This distance has exceeded the gun caliber of our destroyer. Moreover, our cruiser is equipped with It will take some time for artillery of the same caliber. In the future, we may not be able to face such a situation." The Secretary of the Navy said worriedly.

"This." The Undersecretary of the Navy looked at his Secretary of the Navy with a horrified look. The Secretary of the Navy also had this worry, and this worry was real, and they would seriously threaten the threat of their warships.

"This means that in the next period of time, we have to deal with the opponent's artillery, only the destroyer. The 130mm artillery on the destroyer cannot attack them. But they can attack us at a greater distance. This is for us. Said, it is a huge threat. Facing such an attack, I think the only way is torpedoes." The Navy Deputy Commander said calmly.

"Yeah. It is true, but the range of torpedoes is too close. If we want to achieve such a combat effect, the distance will cause us great losses. All we can do is sacrifice, and then launch the torpedoes and hit them. Retreat to the other side." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly.

"Well. Let the combat department formulate relevant combat tactics and strengthen the defense of the island at the same time. This is what we can do. If we can't strengthen the defense, the entire Jeju Island will be lost. We can't let this happen." Secretary of the Navy Speaking of.

Naval Staff.

"What is the plan that we are thinking of, let us use destroyers to complete the mission of guarding the island. This is simply unbelievable. Their artillery range, power, and caliber are far beyond us. We simply can't accomplish such a thing. , This is simply the biggest disaster for us." A Navy Lieutenant Commander said worriedly.

"No, the above is simply crazy. They will come up with such a way to solve the problem, which is tantamount to suicide, suicide, this kind of attack can only be accomplished by a lunatic." Another staff officer said.

"It's not that such a thing is the most difficult thing to accomplish for us, it is simply a huge Zi An'an." The staff officers said. In their opinion, attacking a cruiser with a destroyer is a suicide incident, but their commander has such a request, which makes them very annoyed and puzzled.

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