The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3517: Special Economic Zone

In the East Mongolia State Assembly, there are usually not many members here, because there are not many things to do at all.

The development of East Mongolia is far from that of Simon State. There are many other ethnic minorities in Simon State. For example, more tribes have moved to Simon State, and their population has increased. In contrast, East Mongolia’s The situation just won't get better. Go there. Because their population is declining continuously, just like their economy, they cannot develop.

"Our economy is terrible. In addition to our development at the beginning, our economy is basically at a standstill. This is a very bad fact for us. This is the most unacceptable fact. Time." A young congressman shook his head and said.

"Yeah. This is indeed the case." A middle-aged congressman patted the other party's shoulder and said.

"But don't be discouraged. We still have opportunities for development. We should see that opportunities will come." The middle-aged man said. Indeed, the economic development of East Mongolia does have great shortcomings. For example, their economy is relatively single, which is farm economy and mining. Coupled with the acceleration of urbanization, more and more original migrations are coming in along the railway line. People in China began to migrate back to the mainland, which led to some economic recession, because there were not many people in need here, trade after all, and the economic attractiveness was still not great.

"But, there is no chance. The original plan for the second largest railway in the Western Regions resulted in a miscarriage due to the Ministry of War. Many people did not dare to invest if they wanted to invest. Now there are far more projects in the Mainland than here. There is too much loss of population here. Originally there were more than 300,000 people, but now, the population is gradually decreasing, which is very unfavorable for us. If this situation cannot continue to change, we Dongmeng The state does not need to develop. We can just stop." The young man said angrily.

"You should learn from your father. Your father won't be anxious when he encounters such a thing. Unfortunately, he left too early." The middle-aged man said. There are many young parliamentarians who have inherited the traditions of their fathers to serve as parliamentarians, but in the eyes of these middle-aged people, they still lack some maturity, or in other words, young people have too much impulse. They were too single-minded and anxious, which led to many things that could not be done successfully. For example, the Xiyu No. 2 railway project plan was developed there too little. And it is extremely beneficial to Simon State, then, what are they doing in East Mongolia? Moreover, more and more tribes have migrated to Simon. They naturally suffered losses, and they would not approve of such a plan. Although this may seem selfish, the economy is like that. There is not enough population to do such things, that is, their economy is subject to certain restrictions.

"Look at this. This is our next development. Our distance from the eastern region and the expansion of the northern border is of great help." The middle-aged congressman said that he took out a telegram from his pocket. From their officials stationed in Xianyang, they will contact Xianyang's high-level officials in a timely manner in order to get more updates, and information is sometimes very important.

"This." The young man asked curiously.

"It's very simple. This is the decision of the Prime Minister's Office and Qin's high-level leaders. We should see the development of this world. Do we know the battle between the Goguryeo Navy and the Jeju Navy?" the middle-aged man asked.

"I know this, but what does it have to do with us? We are all land here, and there is no sea at all. There is a North Sea in the north, but it is a lake. Are we building a navy there? That would be ridiculous. Now." The young man asked with a smile. He thought it was very ridiculous. And it's not realistic.

"Young man, don't be too impulsive. When you have something, use this to think more." The middle-aged man pointed his finger at his head.

"This is a high-level idea, and it is very feasible. They have to establish a new administrative area or divide it out of our original area. Because you should see that the South Korean navy is powerful and they have multiple warships. The navy power of the State of Qin is very strong, but the naval power of the State of Qin has only a few old warships and does not have its own seaport. There are many trains on land in the State of Qin, but there are very few warships on the sea. The number of merchant ships is anchored on the docks of other countries. It was a great stimulus to Qin. The battle between Gao Guoli and the Jeju navy has shown a situation. Army operations are far less important than naval operations. Because there will be more people in coastal areas, Qin wants Build your own navy." The middle-aged man said. The young man still wanted to speak, but he stopped thinking of what he had just said. He decided to listen patiently. Perhaps, he should know what is going to happen.

"We need a lot of things to solve. For example, building a dock. Building a shipyard, building a large sea fleet, and the navy. Where is this dock, in the north, near Sakhalin Island, and there is the next step. We The place to expand. This determination has been made. We should see that this is a very huge plan. We should participate in it, and this is where we are related." The middle-aged man explained.

The young man suddenly realized. Although this is very generous, it can be said that it makes them feel very uncomfortable. But this is indeed a fact. The battle between Goguryeo and the Jeju navy has put a lot of pressure on the Qin Navy. Although their expansion has benefited a lot, they will be in one place if they don’t contact the whole world. In an extremely unfavorable state.

The navy is the top priority. Of course, this is the next step of development, and their north has a lot to do with it.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"In terms of funding, we need to invest and attract more investment, of course. This will take a certain amount of time, but I believe we can do this well," the Minister of Economy said. He believes that maritime matters still have great benefits. As long as the policy is liberalized and there is a plan to attract investment, then they can do a lot of things very well.

"I don't worry about this. However, how to build it. There are still big problems." Meng Yi said to Shangwen worriedly.

"Well, yesterday, I also thought about it. I have seen a lot of plans, one of which is to establish a new administrative area in the north, called the North Special Economic Zone, which is to establish such a special economy in the coastal area. District, implement the latest taxation, encourage trade. Encourage investment, give preferential policies to carry out, all there is a barren land, but if we give them a lot of support, I think it can be done. ." Shang Wen took out a plan and handed it to the cabinet members to see.

"There is no one there, Prime Minister." The Minister of Finance said after seeing it.

"I know, we can migrate to the past." Shang Wen said.

"No. Prime Minister, I think you have misunderstood what I mean." said the Minister of Finance.

"I have a data to illustrate a problem. A year ago, the registered population of East Mongolia was more than 332,000. This year, they are less than 300,000, which has fallen by 29 or less. It’s a very dangerous number. In the year before last, the population there was still more than 330,000. There have been many cities in East Mongolia. The population there is very attractive, but it is still unavoidable. More When the population left there, they chose to go south and chose the Central Plains with better economic development.” The Minister of Finance said.

"Yeah. I think, I understand what you mean. What do you mean is that if we set up a special area there, it might lead to fewer people migrating there?" Shang Wen asked.

"No. I mean, there is no place to move people there. I don't think the proposal to establish special economic zones is too good." The Minister of Finance objected.

"I'm sorry, maybe my thoughts are a little unclear, or it is." said the finance minister waving his arms.

"It doesn't matter, this is the cabinet. Everyone can say what they want. It is better to clarify some things than to do some bad things." Shang Wen said.

"Well, my suggestion is that we should not set up a special economic area, or that two different economic areas or administrative areas should be formed. In this case, management will bring a lot of trouble, my The suggestion is to expand the area of ​​East Mongolia on the basis of the original, especially East Mongolia, and then set up a special economic zone in the area of ​​East Mongolia. In this way, the population and foundation at the beginning can be At the same time, it can attract the development of infrastructure construction in East Mongolia. We must know that there is nothing there. If East Mongolia cannot develop, a single economic area cannot be developed. We should Seeing this, my suggestion is, there, we merge the two regions and treat them separately as a whole, and then treat this whole as a special entity. It will be difficult to develop East Mongolia. There is a big improvement. If the special economic zone is not developed, the economic development of East Mongolia has no characteristics. These are two common wholes. If we separate them separately, the effect of development may be far inferior to ours. It was as simple as I thought at first." The other party said so.

"Well, I agree with your plan." Shangwen nodded and agreed with the other party's opinion. Shangwen has a big advantage, that is, he is not too stubborn, or that he is willing to follow other people's suggestions, and his independence is more independent. Poor, but this has become his strength. He feels that his ideas may not be too good. However, with the ideas of the Minister of Finance, he feels that what he does will become very advantageous. This puts him in an extremely advantageous state. In this way, the opportunities for what he does become very advantageous.

"Very good, do you have any other comments?" Shang Wen asked. Others shook their heads and nodded at the same time, expressing agreement with the Minister of Finance. They also believe that there is no need to set up a separate administrative region. This is not as simple as increasing fiscal expenditures, but, alone, from giving nothing. It is very unlikely that a large economic area will be built in the locality. Moreover, the Admiralty will not wait for such a long time. This may be an unlikely thing for them. Therefore, under such a situation, they feel that it is better to be cautious. After all, there are some things that they It must be done well. Otherwise, they will not be able to carry on many things.

Admiralty. The Secretary of the Navy is working, and their business will suddenly increase. They want to build a port in the north and build a series of factories and shipyards. For them, the task is not too heavy.

"Sir, there is bad news." At this moment, a lieutenant colonel rushed in hurriedly. Perhaps because of the urgency, he rushed in without knocking the door. This made the Secretary of the Navy. Somewhat unhappy, but he knows what is important.

"Tell me, what happened?" the other party asked.

"That's it. We found two South Korean expedition ships on Wadao Island. Their purpose may be the north, but we are simply unable to fight them. Because our expedition ship is under repair and needs supplementary supplies, etc." The school said. Hearing these ministers of the Navy frowned. He felt that such a thing was too bad.

"Damn it. Should the Koreans go to America too?" The Secretary of the Navy apparently forgives his subordinates' reckless behavior.

"It's not clear, but they are unlikely to explore Wadao Island. After all, there are many resources there. I think it is unlikely that there are many earthquakes and volcanoes. This has been identified. It is unlikely that there will be more attractive places. Said the lieutenant colonel.

"Okay. I see. I will take care of this." The Secretary of the Navy said calmly.

"This." The lieutenant colonel also wanted the Secretary of the Navy to react at once, but the Secretary of the Navy had signaled the other party to go out.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded and prepared to leave.

"Wait." The Secretary of the Navy stopped him. The lieutenant colonel stopped. He thought that there might be something important for him to do.

"When you do things in the future, you must be careful not to worry. When you enter the door, you have to knock on the door." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded, thinking that he would forgive himself. Unexpectedly, the Secretary of the Navy still strictly requires his subordinates. After all, there are some things that must be taught to them.

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