In the border area of ​​Yueshi, Karachi, Karachi soldiers smiled and faced Yue soldiers, and Yue soldiers were expressionless. They were thinking in their hearts that the Karachi people on the opposite side were fools, and only fools would smile like this. But Karachi smiled strangely, as if you spit on them, they would not be angry. You can hardly believe that they will keep smiling like this, but now they are going to smile like this.

This is the order of the Karachi senior military officer and government officials. They don't know what happened today. But they know a reliable news, that is, there will be no more wars. They can live well.

"Thank God, thank the gods, thank you, thank the people of Qin, thank the Koreans." Carter said with a smile while holding Li Di's.

"I hope that there will never be a war. Peace is not easy." Li Di also said while holding the other side.

"That said, war is a disaster, everything is over. It's a nightmare." Carter said with a smile. Li Di nodded, and said nothing. They jointly signed the Yuezhi, Karachi Declaration of Peace. This means that the two countries have entered the peace phase again, even though the conditions attached to this declaration are unfair to Karachi, such as indemnities, even though the amount of indemnities has been reduced to 10,000 gold coins. However, the Karachi people have paid for the lease of the terminal for more than two decades. In addition, they also need to jointly build a railway. It is the Yueshi people who invested in the construction. They own 52% of the ownership. In order to maintain the fairness of railway transportation, a businessmen of the two countries, including a railway company with special government significance, participated in the project. Among them, 2% Fifteen is held by the State of Qin, 20% is held by South Korea, and the rest is distributed by the two countries. Although it is somewhat unfair, the war did not come. They ended a new war. Peace is too precious for both parties. This is the most precious thing.

Patriotic countries, in the city of Suez, South Korea’s naval air force stationed here, an airship squadron stationed here, in fact, they were originally withdrawn to the country, but the transportation cost is relatively high, the Admiralty kept them there, because perhaps There are some uses.

"Has the new order come down? Sir." A flying ensign looked at his commander excitedly, a flying captain, who was twenty-seven or eighteen years old. An excellent pilot has two hundred flying hours, and they have only one hundred flying hours at most. To train a pilot, it takes at least fifty to eighty flying hours. And such a flying captain needs two hundred flying hours, which requires more than one year of continuous high-intensity flight to meet this requirement.

"Come down. We're going to the north, but we only serve as instructors, consultants, and students who teach us. Jews," the flying captain said dissatisfied.

"This is pretty good," the ensign said with a smile. He felt that his captain seemed very unhappy.

"We won't have airships anymore. These things will become their toys. Damn Jews." The captain cursed inexplicably. He received an order from his superiors. All their airships were sold to Jews, and their task was to teach those Jews to use airships to bomb, of course. Their treatment is very good. But this is not an attractive place, but it moved them very frustrated, because they lost what they needed most.

But the second lieutenant does not matter. They may get a better airship if they go to their own airship, because the above will never let them fly without the airship, because doing so will give them more opportunities to fly. They are aviation troops. Aviation troops without airships are not as useful as infantry soldiers. South Korea will not have useless fighters.

Qi State, Ministry of the Navy.

"I heard that the Koreans are actively studying the tactics of destroyers against cruisers. Their naval staff have a very bold idea." The Secretary of the Navy put down his hat and said to his navy deputy.

"Well, I have heard about this. I heard that their naval staff wanted to break their heads and did not think of a good way. After all, the destroyer's artillery power is too small. Only more than 100 millimeters, using Zhao After the national artillery, this power will become very powerful. They can penetrate any of their armors at a distance of six kilometers. And our artillery has become more powerful. The speed of rotation is faster." Navy times Speaking of long.

"Yeah, let the destroyer use torpedoes to attack, 600 meters, six kilometers. This distance is too far. Moreover, our artillery can hit farther, think about it, I really can't think of anything. The trick of using destroyers to attack ourselves." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head helplessly. The South Korean Navy can often win by surprise. However, as technology advances, especially the technical advantages of the Zhao State Navy are becoming more and more obvious, this advantage can no longer give the opposing navy a huge advantage.

"Also, sir. Zhao Guo sent a telegram. They hope to conduct some experiments among the new batch of warships. They hope to use steel armor instead of iron armor. In this case, their defense power will be limited. It will go up a lot, and the possibility of shell penetration will be much reduced.” The Navy Deputy Commander took the telegram and handed it to the other party. This is the request of the Zhao State Naval Technology Department. They hope to do such an experiment, despite the power Unable to achieve a breakthrough, then they hope to achieve a superior position in defense. Only in this way can they win a huge victory.

"Steel armor?" The Secretary of the Navy asked after looking at it, touching his chin.

"Yes, after changing into steel armor, the defense power will increase a lot. In this case, our chances of winning will become greater. This is a suggestion from the Zhao State Navy." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"What I am worried about is the cost of construction. In this case, our profits will be reduced a lot. I think it is impossible for the Goguryeo people to do this?" The Secretary of the Navy considered.

"Sir, maybe we can do this. We install some steel armor on some warships or major warships. Maybe if we do this, there will be greater defensive performance, and the cost will not increase much." Long suggested.

"Well, well, discuss this matter with the Goguryeo people. If we can't increase the cost ourselves, it would be too uneconomical." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and agreed.

"Yes, sir, I understand this matter, and I will do it well." The Navy Deputy Commander nodded and agreed.

After the South Korean Naval Staff, the staff got the new torpedo data, they were very excited, but they soon discovered the problem.

"If a destroyer is used to attack, there will still be great sacrifices. Under such circumstances, we must have a way to fight quickly. And it is fast and not easy to be hit. In addition to these, his main battle Weapons are torpedo weapons for combat. Otherwise, our warships will be difficult to play a huge role." said a navy captain's staff officer.

"Well, the destroyer launches torpedoes. The target is too big and the speed is not too fast. Assault class destroyers are not suitable for such tasks. Chu's Pike class destroyers are not suitable, and their torpedo performance is too low to achieve this. Requirements." Other naval officers said.

"So, we need a small boat that can be cheap and can be sacrificed without too much casualties. The main combat weapon is a torpedo." said a navy lieutenant colonel.

"Such a small boat will have a very close combat distance, so it doesn't make much sense." Another navy lieutenant colonel objected.

"Don't forget. We are close to Jeju Island for defensive operations, and we can use destroyers to put them down. In this way, we can fight close to them, and their range can meet this requirement. This kind of small, we call it. They are torpedo boats. Their speed can reach 25 knots. I believe that the moving speed of the artillery will not sink such small speedboats, because they will fly around like flies, and the threat of artillery to them is not great. As long as we move forward and get close to the opponent's two kilometers away, this kind of offense can definitely exert its due effect. This is a situation that we should pay attention to. Therefore, such a situation must be what we must do." The school said.

The other naval officers have no opinion for the time being. They think they should think about such a speedboat. It costs a lot of money to build a destroyer. Although the destroyer has a great advantage in releasing torpedoes. After all, the destroyer has vitality and its maneuverability is good, but it requires a new warship to complete such a task. , And the construction of destroyers is expensive, and the cost is still very large. Now, what they need to do is to use another cheap, more maneuverable speedboat instead, which has higher concealment. And the price is cheap. Able to perform such a task, torpedoes are the best way for them to attack the cruiser, the opponent's destroyer, and disrupt the opponent's formation.

"Well, we can try it. At present, we can only use such weapons while building. We still need to find out the specific tactics." The Navy Deputy Commander looked at everyone and said. Others also nodded and agreed to do so, time is too late. They can only do this first. As for tactics, it is a result of their self-exploration. Although it will be troublesome, this is what they should do.

New speedboats, new torpedoes, and new tactics that are not yet known are the new killer features provided by the Korean Navy in the future.

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