The head of the Qingcheng Intelligence Station in South Korea, Chang Qing, is exchanging some insights with his subordinates.

"We do intelligence work, we need to do a lot of things, a brain suitable for memory is also very important. Think about it, if you don't even know a person's name, family situation, and their social relationship, In this regard, your ability to work will be greatly doubted." The intelligence chief, Colonel Changqing, said. He is in charge of the intelligence work in Qingcheng. His work direction is mainly Qi Guo, the Koguryo Navy. Of course, the functions of the intelligence department of the South Korean Navy overlap with him. This requires an intelligence postmaster like him to conduct relevant spy personnel. contact.

"The intelligence comes from among these people. We should understand, know, and be clear about this." Chang Qing said.

"Sir, there are some new developments." At this moment, a captain came in and said quietly.

"Okay. I still have some things to deal with." The colonel signaled that the other party could leave. The intelligence personnel nodded and left. They knew that their chief was extremely sensitive to some information because it involved confidentiality.

"Sir, we have deciphered the radio code of the Koguryo Navy." A major said after coming in. And he submitted a detailed report. Colonel Changqing did not rush to read the report. Instead, look at each other. Somewhat surprised.

"Too fast, right?" Colonel Changqing said. When this task was issued, it was seven days ago. He clearly remembered this point. The naval intelligence department urgently wanted to understand the other side's dynamics. They were no longer satisfied with using spies to obtain new intelligence. Because in that case, there will always be an error in the intelligence. They wanted to get some new information, they saw the radio code, because it would be easier to get information.

"Unhappy, sir, it's not fast at all. In fact, as early as three days ago, we had deciphered their secrets and it was written in the report. We used some common vocabulary and common words and then used the set equation to solve it, of course. This requires a number of mathematicians to study together, in the field of mathematics, South Korea has a great advantage." The other party said.

"Yeah. Go on." The colonel nodded, expressing understanding. He knew that he could only solve one-dimensional equations, and that those numbers were not very good.

"Speaking of speaking, their telegram encryption method is very simple. Originally we thought it would be simpler addition and multiplication. We did not expect that they used a one-dimensional equation. After our settlement and verification, we can guarantee 9%. The content of the ten telegram was deciphered by us." said the major.

"Great. Although I don't know how you did this. But, I know you have become very good. You have done well, well. You didn't get your salary in vain." Intelligence station chief Changqing Speaking excitedly. What he wants is such an effect.

South Korea and Zhao have the most mathematicians, because a large number of engineering, machinery, and related physics need the help of these mathematicians, and Qin also has them, but they are all mathematicians from the above two countries. They think that going to Qin can be Get more development opportunities and came to Qin. But in contrast, Korean mathematicians are more powerful, because the questions they ask are always many people.

The work of deciphering is left to these mathematicians. Changqing doesn't care how they decipher these telegram codes. In his opinion, those simple and temporary encryption methods have already caused him a headache. For example, using addition, which is the simplest heterogeneous, and then multiplication and division, the more difficult ones have been decrypted and encrypted using equations. That way is very difficult, but it can also be decrypted in other ways. There are many ways to encrypt, but these can all be solved digitally. Because once some common words are found, the situation becomes very simple.

The deciphered code quickly played a larger role.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the intelligence department submitted the latest radio telegram intercepted by them.

"Judging from the latest telegrams, their artillery power has further increased. They are equipped with 275mm artillery. This caliber of artillery will destroy our destroyers." Navy Deputy Commander Speaking with the latest report.

"Well, I think so too." said the chief of staff. The Secretary of the Navy looked at the two people. Although he did not participate in specific combat plans, which was not something he was good at, he must also make corresponding adjustments, for example, to make their warships more advantageous.

"The Goguryeo people are being jointly trained by the Zhao State Navy and the Qi State Navy. Some of the newly built destroyers have been added to the combat fleet. They are learning how to use formations to exert greater firepower. Not only that, they are also other They have also been integrated. For example, they can already exert some of the power of destroyers. If this continues, it will be very detrimental to the Jeju Navy." The Chief of Staff said.

"Well, but we don’t have any good solutions. Your staff have submitted a plan to build a small ship, and I have already arranged it soon. You can equip such a speedboat in less than a month, but, other things. On the one hand, there is not much I can do.” The Secretary of the Navy said.

"I understand, Mr. Minister." said the chief of staff. They don't know how useful the torpedo boats can play, and whether they can withstand the attack of the opposing large fleet.

The Admiralty has obtained the exact figures. The opponent will have more than 60 warships with a total tonnage of 220,000 tons. Chu and South Korea can only provide fifty warships within a certain period of time, but the quality may be worse.

It is still difficult to make up for this situation all at once, and all they need to do is to change this situation.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"We have handed over the specific plan to your Navy Department for management." Shang Wen said to the Secretary of the Navy. They are talking about how to build the navy and the establishment of a huge naval port base. Qin is in security considerations. They can only build corresponding naval bases in the northern region now. The approximate location of the base is near today's Vladivostok, but the specific site selection needs to be done by the Admiralty itself.

"Sir, I am not here to discuss these issues. We have already had some negotiations with the South Korean Admiralty. The South Korean Admiralty is investigating this matter. I think we must pay enough attention to it. We are active. Expedition to the east, expansion, and near Wa Island, we also found some similar South Korean expedition ships, they are unlikely to go in the direction of Wa Island, we must, as soon as possible to clarify the areas we occupy, otherwise, According to the current situation, we will be in a very unfavorable situation, which is the most unfavorable result for us.” The Secretary of the Navy said worriedly.

"I see. In this matter, we must put pressure on South Korea. Only in this way can we achieve this goal. But diplomacy alone cannot achieve this. We must have our own fleet. Otherwise, It will be difficult for us to guarantee that these things belong to us." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, so I hope to establish a naval fleet as soon as possible, or that we can buy some warships." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"I'm sorry, the current military budget has been included. I think it is still difficult to pass such a thing." Shang Wen said helplessly, shaking his head.

"However, we have a compromise solution, which is to cooperate with the Yan State Navy. The Yan State Navy is cooperating with more countries. They are building warships for the Qi and Zhao people. At the same time, they are building transport ships for the Koreans. People of Chu Kingdom. If we cooperate with them, we will build new-style warships, of course. They also need something like this. If we can do this, I believe we can solve many practical problems. After all, Yan Guo The navy also needs to build its own fleet. A navy without a fleet is not a navy." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Well, we can only do this for now." Shang Wen nodded and agreed. This is a result they have to do, after all, such a thing is that they have to solve the problem.

The location of Yan State is very important, because they have large iron ore resources, coupled with coal resources in the northern plains, their steel industry is developing well, which provides more resource advantages for their shipyards. In addition, the large population of Yan State gathered there, and they further concentrated and formed a preliminary town. The foundation of this town is the shipyard, cheap labor, and sufficient raw materials. The price of warships here is generally lower than that of other countries. The warships built by myself, the input of technology, and capital have allowed Yan's shipbuilding industry to develop rapidly and become the pillar industry of Yan's country.

Cooperating with them, Qin Guo gets more benefits, and what Qin needs to invest in is only some technology and capital investment. Of course, if Qin wants to solve such a problem, it still needs to spend a lot of time to establish all of this.

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Cha, we must give the Qin people an explanation for this matter, and we must not let this matter affect the relationship between us and the Koreans. Moreover, the place is too far away and the materials are extremely inadequate. This is a trouble for us. , We can't let this trouble go on. Now, we have to stop him completely. We can't let him continue to develop." Han Shu said to Zhang Liang.

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