The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3520: Expansion of the oil industry

In Laizhou, Qi State, the Marine Corps training ground, where a strengthening infantry regiment is trained.

"Quick stroke, quick stroke." A Goguryeo officer shouted loudly. They conducted exercises to organize beach landings.

"This speed will be defeated by the pirates. Are we going to be beaten to death by the pirates? This shame." The Goguryeo officer shouted loudly. The soldiers had no choice but to paddle the oars at the fastest speed. But as a result, their rhythm became much chaotic. The ship did not advance, but became unstable. The officer yelled and the soldiers were helpless. He called it this way.

On the coast, some soldiers are simulating tactical exercises after landing. For example, they want to establish positions on the beach to stabilize the rear positions, and some organize to break down some obstacles. In addition, they have to clear the landing field and continue to move deeper. Inland. These are their tasks. Such tasks seem to be very load-bearing, but for them, they are used to it. Because they have been training in such subjects since they came here.

The Marine Corps is the elite of the elite forces of various countries. Zhao, Qi, Chu, and South Korea have established their own marine corps. They are the standing army and the elite among the elite. They must be familiar with amphibious landing operations. Did not realize the importance of professional landing, their navy is very first-class, but the landing level of the Marine Corps can only be regarded as second-rate. They don't have professional landing ships. This is a common problem for all navies. After all, they spend a lot of military expenditure on building warships. In their opinion, the landing ships used by the Marines. That kind of stuff is just a kind of pediatrics, they can make do with the navy and use the landing ship. The problem is solved in this way. Although there is no professional landing craft, the Goguryeo Marines are still very enthusiastic. They have learned a variety of tactics. At the same time, they have also made some small improvements themselves. For example, they made a special type of bamboo. The blasting cylinder is used to blow up barbed wire barriers. The intelligence department told them that there are a large number of such barriers on Jeju Island. They not only need to remove so many barriers, but also various kinds of barriers. Landmines, professional engineering teams have begun to learn how to quickly clear these mines, and they must also learn how to use bayonets to clear these things, because these things are a serious threat to them, if they can’t be cleared like this The threat, then, for them, is a disaster. Faced with such a disaster, they must learn some skills.

The enthusiasm of the Koguryo Marine Corps is very high. Because they know that they will soon be able to solve the big problem of Jeju Island. As for the domestic propaganda, they aimed directly at these people. This is how Goguryeo propagated what the Jeju Island side had done.

The reason why their domestic prices are so high is because Jeju Island has sent a large number of pirates to attack them, and they continue to harass their normal production activities, which has caused a lot of trouble for them, and they are troubled by such troubles. Absolutely unforgivable, they absolutely punish each other severely. The soldiers simply think so, but such an approach will inevitably cause them some trouble.

But their way of thinking is not easy to change. There are many factors that affect prices. Of course, poor supply is one aspect, and the other aspect is mainly from more fiscal expenditures being consumed, and the Goguryeo government has issued too many banknotes, and the financial burden is huge, which is solved by issuing banknotes Part of it, but it directly caused the price of Goguryeo people to rise. Jeju pirates were only an influencing factor. The real influencing factor was themselves, and the soldiers did not realize this.

The Qi State Naval Staff, the Koguryo naval officers gathered here, and the staff of the two armies gathered to discuss detailed combat plans.

"The battle plan is like this. Our main naval forces must first annihilate the main naval fleet of Jeju Island. Only after defeating the main naval fleet can we cover the landing of our landing forces. If they cannot defeat the main naval force of the other side, then they will It poses a great threat to us." A staff officer of the Qi State navy captain explained.

"The question is, where is the main naval force of Jeju Island?" a Goguryeo navy colonel asked. He thinks the idea is good, but how to catch the opponent is more difficult.

"On Jeju Island, our thinking is like this. We all went straight to Jeju Island. Then, the main naval forces of Jeju Island must provide the necessary protection for their base. That's for sure." The navy captain continued. This is the thinking of the Qi State Navy. They must solve the opponent’s main navy, otherwise, the threat they pose will be very big. For them, this is a huge trouble. The existence of this trouble will make them extremely passive. They absolutely This kind of trouble cannot be allowed to exist forever, and their solution is to eliminate him. Let him not exist.

"Well, I think it's good, but the question is, how can we make this trouble non-existent." Colonel Goguryeo nodded and said.

"We are attacking Jeju Island by covering the offensive forces. In the need to protect Jeju Island, the main naval forces of the opposing navy will inevitably intercept us. In that case, we will wait for them to appear and give the opposing one the most severe blow." .

"I object. It is too dangerous to do so. I don't know how you think about it, but it will inevitably create a great unhealthy situation for us. Think about it. We need to sacrifice the landing troops as bait. They are Our elite soldiers in Goguryeo can't afford to lose. Losing one person is a huge loss to Goguryeo. This is just one of them." said the Koguryo navy colonel.

"Secondly, how do we face specific situations, there are also the most unfavorable situations. According to the information we have obtained, more serious artillery will be equipped on the shore. This artillery is more powerful than we thought. Their caliber is no worse than that of naval guns. If they cooperate with the artillery on the shore to launch an attack. Faced with such an attack, I don’t think that the Goguryeo Navy can correctly withstand such a fierce attack. It will cause extremely serious consequences for us. , And in the face of such serious consequences, I think that we are not capable of destroying them. After all, such firepower is too difficult to resist. The threat to us will be even greater. I firmly oppose this.” Navy Colonel Goguryeo After speaking, the others nodded in agreement.

"The existence of those shore fire guns is the greatest threat to us. We should be aware of this. We must know that they can pose no greater threat to us than those warships. The caliber of their artillery can easily penetrate us. The armor of the warships of China, they are fixed artillery, it is a fortress, a fortress in the true sense, such artillery, the threat is the greatest, I think we will suffer a lot of losses." Some Goguryeo naval officers worried. Speaking of.

They have learned some specific information, and the South Korean navy fully assists the Jeju navy. Although the time given to them is not very sufficient, they can install some artillery on the coast. The power of the 150mm artillery is relatively large, at least their destroyers can't get close. In addition to these, there are larger caliber artillery that will be transported there. Although the fixed fortress guns are more powerful, they are unlikely to be equipped in such a short period of time, but this situation still exists. At that time, Their fleet mission is too much. It is not only necessary to cover the landing forces, but also to resist the double attack from the shore and the sea. This is too onerous for them, and it may eventually cause them to disperse their forces.

"In the previous naval battles, we let go of such mistakes, and we will not continue with the current mistakes. Otherwise, our naval battles will inevitably be a huge failure, and we cannot let such failures continue." Many The Koguryo naval officer said so.

The staff of the Qi State Navy thought about it carefully. I also feel that such a program seems too risky. The Goguryeo Marine Corps as a bait can certainly fish out the opponent's main battleship. However, that would also plunge oneself into a passive situation. This situation does exist. The Koguryo Navy is very dissatisfied with such a plan.

"The question is, how do we find the opponent's main fleet? If they are not in the port, the situation will be very troublesome." A Qi State navy officer said. The Koguryo naval staff thought about their dissatisfaction, and many officers felt unbalanced in this regard. They are not thinking about how to solve the problem.

"Unless a surprise attack can be launched, but how likely is this possibility, the opponent can hide in the port, or be tightly guarded, or that they are waiting for us to appear in a certain sea area, we may all encounter The other side's ambush." ​​Qi State naval officer said all kinds of possibilities. For a time, they couldn't come up with a good plan to solve this problem.

Failure to solve the opponent's main fleet will inevitably lead them into a huge passive situation. This is not good news for them, as they have too many things to solve. In short, they cannot do nothing. But how to do it, this got them into huge trouble.

The Parthian Military Government, because all the members of the government city are all members of the Parthian Military Party, they are called the military government by Qin reporters. In fact, most of the members of the government are soldiers, and their government is extremely efficient. See They are somewhat dictatorial, and their parliament does not play a very large role. They are just discussing their taxation and nothing more. They will not take care of other things. For them, this is not different. Knowing that they themselves saved the Sabbath.

"For the Persians, these are our enemies." Finance Minister Zhao Xi told Major Seaman. He is an intelligence officer. He came here in a special uniform today because Zhao Xi has a lot to do with economic work.

"However, the enemy cannot solve the problem of interests. If possible, we still have to do business with our enemy, you say, right?" Zhao Xi said after pouring a glass of wine to the other party.

"Yes, sir, but I think, sir, we still have a lot of things to do at the moment, such as making the Persians more aggressive and letting them resolve internal conflicts by themselves, so that they can kill themselves. Dead yourself, we don't need to do it." Zhao Xi said.

"I don't know what the chief means?" Major Seaman asked puzzledly. He is very interested in intelligence work, but now that intelligence work has undergone great changes, their focus has shifted to Persian issues. Persia has become a very complicated issue. Their power is divided into many, but roughly divided into several types, one is Zhao Guoren, one is Seth, one is Korean, and there are some independent Persians. The guerrillas, they are also known as one kind, and now, another kind will appear, that is, the Persian forces supported by the Partisans. In this way, the situation will become more chaotic.

"What we need is oil and arms business. These businesses can bring a lot of profit and fiscal revenue. Our country is considering cooperating with the people of Qin. We want to build our own military factory, so rifles, bullets. Such weapons The price may be lower, but the quantity will be a lot, so that our business profit will be lower. In order to expand our profit, we need another kind of business to develop as soon as possible. This is oil, and oil is for us. . Very important." Zhao Xi said.

"Sir." Major Seaman said.

"Your job is to instigate the armed forces in our northern region, close to the oil region, and let them fight each other. If anyone can take that place and trade with us, we will provide them with a large amount of arms support. Small absorption is also possible." Zhao Xi said.

"In that case, I understand. Sir." Major Seaman said.

"Well, just understand. This has a very close connection with us." Zhao Xi said. The arms business can certainly bring great benefits, but such benefits will not last long. The long-term is still oil, because this kind of wealth is easy to come by, but at present, his scale is not very large. This makes the Anthropod government very distressed. They need a lot of money, but there is too little money. They thought of expanding their scale. Oil is the only way out. They hope to further expand the oil industry in the north. This is their way. .

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