Qi State, in the Naval Staff Headquarters, many staff members gathered together to discuss ways to attack Jeju Island. For them, this is no small trouble.

"Jeju Island’s maritime defense force and the island’s defense force are two systems, but they can work together on us. Under certain conditions." A navy captain said while looking at the sand table.

"If the two forces deal with us together, it will be difficult for us to deal with them. This is not a small disaster for us. This disaster is a huge crisis for us." The captain said.

"We can deal with them separately." Lieutenant Colonel An Hai said at this time. He gestured.

"We can disperse the destroyers, their main task is to guard, and the cruisers. Use their high speed, mobility, and then shelling, shore targets, attract them, and destroyers can deal with destroyers before, and find the enemy Fang’s main fleet, I think, the first goal is that we should be on the enemy’s main fleet, and we should come one by one.” The navy lieutenant colonel looked at the map and said.

"Is the first target the main fleet?" a captain asked.

"Yes, they are a very big threat to us. We should be aware of this. We must know that they will cause considerable harm to us. This kind of harm is clear and it will pose a huge threat to us. When we attack Jeju Island, if they suddenly come out, especially from behind, we will encounter a catastrophic scene. Therefore, our first goal is still the opponent's main fleet." Lieutenant Colonel An Hai Do it. Others nodded in agreement with this point of view. After all, this is a relatively big threat to them, because you don’t know when he will appear. He has strong mobility, and this mobility threatens them. biggest.

"Well. I agree with this point, but there is one more thing we must pay attention to. That is the landing troops, when will they land?" a major asked. After all, they are occupying the entire island.

"After the main fleet is eliminated. They can arrive later, otherwise, if they arrive early, it will cause us a lot of trouble, and we simply do not have the ability to protect them for landing operations." Lieutenant Colonel An Hai said. He quickly caught the main goal from the chaotic goal, and this goal is. The opposing navy main fleet, only by grasping this, can they make the situation beneficial to them, this is that they must clearly recognize this.

Yan State, Ministry of the Navy.

"Look at this, the people of Qin are also here. They want to cooperate with us and build a batch of warships for themselves. Of course, some of the technology can be transferred to us." The Secretary of the Navy said to the Undersecretary of the Navy. Most of the functions of the departments in various countries are the same, because everyone is learning from each other, even if it is slightly changed, it is only a change in the name, in fact, the content is the same. However, the study and study of various countries have begun to become the same. Sometimes, they don't even bother to change their names. Because there is not much practical use in that way, it is the same for them.

"Are we doing it with them? You know, Qin people are in the technical side, but they have a lot of advantages. If we can learn from them, provide more jobs, or improve our naval shipbuilding technology, this is right. We are very helpful." said the Navy Deputy Commander.

"I also know this, but I am worried about what kind of cover Qin people have put on us. After all, our navy also needs a fleet, which is a bit abnormal." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"This is nothing, sir, we should see that the current technology of Yan State is weak, and our education system is not very developed at all. The worst point is that we cannot provide so much technical support. This is for us. , Very bad." said the navy secretary.

"We should see that technology will play a very important role in the future. Judging from the current technology of our shipbuilding, this can be demonstrated." The Navy Deputy Chief said.

"You mean that we will cooperate with them. Through this cooperation, we can solve such problems, right?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, this is an opportunity, we can take the opportunity to learn, and then master what we need most. This is only good for us, no harm." The other party said.

"Well. Well, I agree with you. For now, we can only do this. No matter what the people of Qin want to do. We only get what we have, which is the best." The Minister of the Navy of the State Yan nodded his head. Agreed to.

"I will submit a new report. I hope the prince can agree on that aspect." The Secretary of the Navy said. Their prince is nervous. It can be said that this is a completely immature person as the prime minister of Yan. This may be the misfortune of Yan Guo.

In Karachi Port, prosperity seems to be here again. A dazzling array of goods began to gather in the port again, and more and more merchants gathered here. They restarted their business. Although the traces of the previous ** are still there, burned houses, and ruined walls, this does not seem to prevent the Karachi people from recovering their lives. life. The ambassador sat in the carriage and watched people's lives.

"The Karachi people recovered very quickly," the ambassador said.

"Yes. Ambassador, they did recover very quickly. I heard that this mainly benefited from our loan." The assistant said.

"Yeah." The ambassador nodded. He was listening to the Karachi conversation outside the window. The content of the conversation is business and solving more problems.

"Yueshi people will need a lot of things. They need food, alcohol, and cotton cloth. I want to expand my business. However, I lack funds, and if I have enough funds, I sell my wife. I also don’t make enough money. Deposit, therefore, I thought of cooperation, so I thought of you. I am very lucky today, my friend, I found you. We are all pretty good and we are all alive.” A said to B. Obviously they are a good pair of friends or business partners.

"Oh. My friend, my situation is also very bad. I have no capital at all. My funds have been robbed by **** bastards. I have been going to the police station these days, hoping that the police can help and help. Get my money back, you know, it was my half life. Now my life is almost dying. If it weren’t for my warehouses and houses, then I wouldn’t be able to survive. . This is simply the worst thing for me." B said to A.

"Oh, my goodness." Jia said in surprise.

"In this case, my business can't be expanded." A is still very concerned about his own business.

"But, my friend, don’t worry. I have a way to solve your problems. I can mortgage my house and several of my warehouses. I believe that with these I can quickly get a sum of money. Good opportunities for doing business, everything is recovering, whether we or the Yueshi people. They all need more supplies, and the Koreans are coming in a steady stream, and their merchant ships are full. This It is an opportunity. We must eat the cargo of the ship as soon as possible, otherwise, we will never have such an opportunity." The other party said.

"Great. But can those banks solve problems like ours? I have never tried it." A said.

"Now there is no other way. Opportunities are greater than everything. You know, such opportunities are rare. I also got news like this from a friend. The most important thing is that Koreans seem to help us solve a lot of problems. The government will also participate in the problems. With such credibility, I believe that these problems will be resolved soon." B said. A nodded, as if it seemed that the only thing that could be done in this situation is to do so. The two quickly moved in the direction of the Bank of Korea, where many people were exchanging currency, and some people withdrew money. Few people saved money. After all, everyone had no savings.

"Recruited. Recruited." There was a big riot in the market. Many people gathered together in a hurry, and no one had a stable source of income. Currently, the only currencies in circulation are Korean won and gold and silver coins. Because only these two currencies can maintain a harder currency. Under such circumstances, more and more people are participating. After all, it is better to have a job.

The recruits are railway workers, of course. There is also the recruitment of oil companies. The United Petroleum Company has been eager to enter here. They are going to build an oil pipeline directly leading to the State of Qin. Of course, Karachi is only one of the links. The poor financial situation has made the Karachi government do it. Quite a lot of compromises, for example, for these companies that can bring jobs, they are extremely pleased, the workers' salaries are very low, and they can only feed the workers themselves. But for them, it's already very good. This allows their projects to reduce a lot of costs.

Not only Karachi, but also Yueshi. United Petroleum Corporation has also entered Yueshi. In the local area, they recruited a considerable number of workers, and the salaries were so low that they could limit the number of workers. However, they still hope to start their project as soon as possible. After all, they are an oil company, and the arrival of a large amount of oil in the State of Qin can increase their advantage.

War is not entirely a bad thing, at least after war, there will be more opportunities, which will benefit from disaster. It's not just blood, killing, and death. still have a chance. Only those who survive can take advantage of this.

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