The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3523: Guo Kai's fear and greed

South Korea, inside the Naval Staff.

"If you were from Goguryeo, what would you do?" a South Korean navy colonel and his own tea cup asked some staff.

"We will attack Jeju Island directly, simple, but very effective, of course. Before, we must knock off the artillery on the shore, otherwise, that will become our biggest obstacle." A captain officer first expressed himself the opinion of.

"Well, what about our navy?" the colonel asked.

"Of course it is to attack them, sir," the captain replied.

"In this case, the Goguryeo navy will encounter attacks from artillery on the shore, sea destroyers, and cruisers. I think the Goguryeo people will not be so stupid. They will definitely encounter such a situation. This is the most difficult for them. The status of acceptance." said the navy colonel.

"But how do they avoid such a situation?" a lieutenant commander asked his officer.

"If I were Goguryeo, I would send destroyers to both sides of the island to search. The navy of the other side should be dealt with first, because the artillery on the shore poses a great threat to warships, even though the installation speed of large-caliber artillery is not Very satisfied, but they still have strong firepower to shoot. This pair of battleships, coupled with the attack of sea battleships, is a fatal blow to the Goguryeo people. They will never allow such a thing to happen, they are sure We will find ways to solve these problems from other aspects, but the question is how they can solve these things. I think it must be to let the destroyers make seductive shots and attract our warships to appear, and then they can appear and attack us. They attacked the coast with just a silly shot. The real opponent is our warship. In this case, their first goal will be on our fleet." The colonel said.

"Sir, what should we do?" the major asked.

"This is your task. What will you do in the face of such a blow? Wouldn't you bear such a blow? Or, do you think we should not do this?" the colonel asked.

"We don’t know this well, but I think that our current situation is not very good. After all, there are many places that we need to modify. The number of artillery on the shore is not enough to completely suppress the opponent’s firepower. Once they are done. If we attack our shore artillery, then it will be very troublesome.” Other staff officers said.

"Yeah." The colonel did not speak. In terms of specific tactics, they need careful reference. Now the intelligence department provides them with very little information, and many of them cannot get more satisfactory results, which makes him feel very much. Dissatisfaction, because many things will make him lose his last interest.

But how to do it specifically, they must look at it from another angle. If they are Goguryeo, what should they do? This makes the South Korean staff extremely unpredictable. They are thinking about what their plans are next.

Qin, in the stock market, people are discussing naval affairs, because navy themes are becoming a hot topic, people finally know why steel stocks will rise.

"Building warships. Our country needs a strong navy, and the navy is no longer the era when the wooden sailboats were taken away. Now it is a steamship, a large battleship, and cannons that can fire my head. This way. Our artillery is very important to us. Whether it’s artillery, iron armor, or keel, steel is needed. In this way, the demand for coal, iron ore, and steel will become very large, and the tonnage must not be less than Two hundred twenty thousand tons. It’s an amazing number.” Many investors discussed together. They are all people who make money from the stock market, they are not just in stocks. In the futures market, there has also been a significant rise. Everyone is making money, and everyone is enthusiastic. They are all discussing topics related to the navy. At a time, they are not worried about how many battleships and naval ports the navy has. What they worry about is whether companies can participate in it. This is what they care about most.

East Mongolia State Assembly.

"The stock market in Xianyang is very busy. The enthusiasm is unabated. Because of the naval topic, they all know that our East Mongolia is a special economic zone where the naval port is established, and a large number of naval officers are running northward. Going east, a lot of funds will come here. It seems that our actions are going to be fast." A member of the Diet said in a low voice. Everyone has a certain industry, but all of them are very single. They are nothing more than farms or food processing plants. For them, they are all gadgets. If you want to develop a larger industry, the only way is to do Larger businesses, such as building steel factories, etc., these are the things they care about most.

"How about investment?" a middle-aged congressman asked.

"The chaebols in the Guanzhong region have a great appetite, and the benefits to us are really poor. They have too many resources, sufficient funds, sufficient technology, and many ready-made equipment. Working with them, we do not occupy a lot of shares. And, in the north, you know, Qin has a large territory, but what it does not lack is land. We can occupy very few shares, which is very unfavorable for us." A member of the Diet shook his head and said. People in East Mongolia are very flexible, especially these high-level people. They have already thought of cooperating with the Guanzhong chaebols. They quickly started some contacts, but the initial conditions did not satisfy them. Those wealth is extremely cruel. They only exchanged less than 5% of the shares with the population and resources such as land. This is for them. It's just a drop in the bucket. They think it is too little. It should be at least 30%, but in fact, they are actually less than 5%. This is very large as they expected. Therefore, the sense of loss is very obvious.

"I advise you not to go too far. Think about it, the scale of those wealth is very large, and they can also get things like us from other places. We'd better cooperate with them, otherwise, we will be completely destroyed. Lost from here." The middle-aged congressman said thinking.

"What do you mean?" the councillor asked puzzledly. He has contacted a group of lawmakers to put some pressure on those Guanzhong wealth, let them know that they are not easy to mess with East Mongolia. But the middle-aged congressman asked them to stop at this time, which made them very puzzled.

"It's very simple. Five percent is two million. Thirty percent is also two million. How would you choose?" said the middle-aged congressman.

"What's the problem?" the other party asked puzzledly.

"Very short answer. This is the case. Thirty percent means that the company is very small and difficult to expand, while 5 percent is very large. We can get 5 percent, even though it is the same. His money and shares have decreased a lot, but his scale is very large and he can be listed, which makes a big difference. Do you understand?" the other party said.

"I understand. That is to say. Actually, our scale is no longer small? Right?" said the congressman.

"Yes, no matter what you do in business, follow the right person, and do the right thing, everything will become simple. Things like the Northern Navy are not something that our East Mongolian family can do well. Sometimes, we need A tougher opponent to do such a thing. Understand?" said the middle-aged congressman. The congressman nodded to show that he understood. He knows that the talents in front of him are smart and understand people, and there is no benefit at all in confrontation. Only by continuously cooperating with them can we get greater benefits. Only by following the trend of this era can they do these things well.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"The Navy's construction is very good. It not only built it, but also solved part of our funding problems. We should promote such a method. For example, the Department of War's approach is worth promoting." Guo Kai said with a smile. The Admiralty not only sold part of the technology, but most importantly, they got more funds from the technology. The arms trade has allowed an industry to develop and also brought in capital inflows, which made Guo Kai very satisfied. You know, before any military expenditures will be burdened, but now, the arms trade has brought them a lot of profits, which makes him very excited. Because he finally found a good opportunity to make a fortune.

“Our army’s equipment is worse than the Koreans. The Chu people’s weapons are inferior. The Chu people’s weapons are very poor, but it’s not our rifles that use the most weapons. It’s the Koreans. Our rifles are much better than theirs. Even Qin’s weapons are inferior to ours in some places. What does this indicate? This is a problem with our sales, which makes us very passive. We have not opened up the arms and weapons market. This is for us. Say, this is not a good thing, we still need to do a lot." Guo Kai said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we are indeed not doing well enough, but we are nothing but. I believe that it will not take long before our arms and weapons can be produced quickly. Then they can be sold." The Secretary of the Army reported.

"Well, I hope you can do this as soon as possible. You must know that Zhao Guo's financial situation is not very good. It is unlikely to give you more support." Guo Kai said with a smile. It has become very effective to open up the world arms market while squeezing the share of South Korea's arms market. The Admiralty has received military orders for more than two million gold coins, which allows them to vigorously develop their own munitions and shipbuilding industry, and the army is the same. They have received orders for more than 100,000 rifles, and there are more. The same is true for the manufacture of weapons.

"However, I have an order here. This is an entrusted order we got in peace. We feel a bit tricky." The Secretary of the Army said and passed it to Guo Kai. Guo Kai opened it quickly and took a look, and was frightened. With him, the Anxi government hopes to establish its own munitions industry, because most of their ammunition comes from the State of Qin, which needs to be imported. The people of Qin State grasped this, of course. The Qin State did not hold on to it. They allowed the Shah to build some of its own munitions factories, such as ammunition factories and artillery shell factories. In this case, some of their ammunition problems can be solved, but the problem is that some of the key materials still need to be imported from Qin, for example, smokeless gunpowder technology, which is the key technology, they can only fill some black powder, but the United States and Europe Smokeless gunpowder, for them, its power is much reduced. This threat is too great. They absolutely cannot allow this to happen.

Therefore, they may contact the smugglers through other means. They contacted Zhao Guo, and they hoped to import a whole set of production equipment from Zhao Guo. As well as the formula of the raw materials, of course, the price given is quite a great discount, exceeding two million gold coins. This is the actual fee paid. This is for Zhao Guo. This is a very large income. This will bring their industry to a new level again.

But Guo Kai is still very calm. Although he is very greedy for money, there is a problem that he must consider.

"If you do this, it will irritate the people of Qin. We can't do this." Guo Kai quickly shook his head and said.

"The people of Qin are very powerful and we can't afford to provoke them. We can't do this kind of business. Otherwise, we will be very passive. Although this is a very good opportunity, I suggest that we give up better. Because we simply can't play with such things. He will only bring us endless troubles. Not useful places." Guo Kai refused.

"However, the funds provided by the other party are very tempting. I believe that we can also solve this kind of trouble at present." The Secretary of the Army said excitedly.

"No. Such a thing must not be done, and we must not provoke the people of Qin. This is the case." Although Guo Kai is very greedy. But a greedy person still knows fear. After all, greedy people have not lost their last fear, because they are afraid and greedy. They know what can be greedy. Because they know that they can eat and digest those things, and there are some things that they can't digest, which makes them not wary of such things.

"This. Okay, Prime Minister, maybe you are right." The Secretary of the Army said helplessly.

"No matter what you think, I advise you, it is best not to have other thoughts, these thoughts will pose a great threat to us, and they will be absolutely unfavorable to us. I don't want this method to continue to exist. For us, it is definitely a huge disaster. I don't want such a disaster to happen. So, no matter what. This thing must not happen." Guo Kai said solemnly.

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