Zhang Xiong Island. Inside the office in the munitions factory area. A report was submitted to the general manager's office.

"Damn, our sales dropped by 5%. This means we lost more than 200,000 gold coins, **** it." The general manager scolded after receiving the report.

"This, we have no way. We are investigating the related reasons. I believe that we will find this reason soon." A sales executive said with a smile. Although the general manager looks very bad, but for this job, he thinks such things can still be tolerated, after all, such things are their mistakes.

"Are there any preliminary results now?" the general manager asked angrily.

"Yeah. There are some clues. Looking at the source of our market share reduction, we have reduced a certain market share. It must be the emergence of some kind of weapon to replace some of the original weapon market. Based on this idea, we inferred." The supervisor said .

"Tell me what the result is? The process is not my favorite to listen to." The general manager said impatiently. Of course. The market share dropped by 5% at once, which is unbearable for any manager. This is not just because of the simple loss of money. From the general manager’s point of view, they have a strong competitor. In other words, the threat is very big. This will cause them considerable losses, and this loss is constantly developing, and now this situation has developed.

"It's Zhao Guoren. We found a lot of guns and ammunition on the market. These are Zhao Guoren rifles, so we suspect that Zhao Guoren has occupied our market share." The supervisor resignedly reported. Although some evidence points to Zhao Guoren, he still cannot fully explain the situation, after all, they still lack some evidence. They only have evidence to explain those problems.

"Okay. That's enough. We don't need too much evidence, as long as we have it, it's enough." The general manager said.

"You submit a report, I want to report to the South Korean government, I want to tell Xinzheng that we must control the situation in this area, otherwise, they will cause us great losses. This situation, we absolutely can not happen "The general manager shouted.

"Yes, general manager." The supervisor nodded helplessly and agreed. He thought the general manager's approach was too arbitrary. However, this is indeed the only good way, because many times, they have to do this, which makes them very disadvantaged. Faced with such a situation, they can only accept it.

Nanyang, a small island in the eastern waters. A South Korean patrol ship that is exploring south is constantly searching the area.

"I really don't know what the above is for us to look for and what to explore?" Some scientific researchers above are standing on the deck and are ventilating. The environment here is not very good. The air under the cabin is relatively dirty, although the area they live in is better. But this does not mean that the air under the deck is much better. They need to ventilate on the deck from time to time. Some people put the workbench directly here, as long as the weather permits, of course. The factory manager also provides them with better positions as much as possible. After all, they are scientific researchers.

"Our situation is pretty good. You haven't seen the place where the sailors. Fifty of them live in our two large living spaces. The beds they live in can sleep six people. It's unbelievable. The space is extremely great. Small, I think they may wear clothes lying down, as long as they are together, they may meet their heads." A young man, he looks like a college student. He is just an intern student. Coming here is usually funded by experimental projects provided by the government. You must know that it takes a long time to go out to sea and explore various areas. It is difficult for individuals to complete such a large project. The time required is still very, very long. big.

"Well. At least our treatment is not bad. This is the greatest support the government can provide us." said a middle-aged man. The others nodded. Regardless of their treatment here, at least the food they eat is much better than those of the sailors. They can take in a variety of nutrients, and the sailors can eat very well. Their food can be described as terrible, he and they have fruit supply.

There is no way that they are scientific researchers, and they do mental work. Their treatment is naturally different. Most of them are some animals and plants, which are related to agriculture, and more are experts in geography, geology, and minerals. This allows them to find a lot of mineral resources, which is good for industry. It can be said that South Korea The goals of the two categories of scientists are very clear. In fact, the two categories of scientists are very popular. The reason is that there is a great demand in this area. The support of various countries in this area is considerable, not only providing tuition-free support, There are also various rewards, which means that as long as you study well and are particularly outstanding, you can not only waive all tuition fees, but also get a bigger reward. This motivates more people to participate, which is a kind of talent cultivation.

The South Korean government is doing this, and the governments of other countries are doing it. For example, Zhao Guo, they are also actively looking for something they need.

"Look over there, it looks like a sunken ship." At this moment, a scientific researcher yelled with a telescope. Everyone noticed over there. The captain soon found the target, and they began to move there. Shipwrecks are not uncommon. In unknown areas, there are various reasons for shipwreck accidents, and there are quite a lot of people scattered on the various small islands in Southeast Asia. Therefore, for such people, they have rights and obligations. Help, after all, they also suffered a great disaster. The ship leaned over for rescue purposes.

"It seems that it is an expedition ship of Zhao Kingdom. They are in big trouble." The captain put down the telescope and said to the first officer.

"Yes, Captain, but we don't seem to see anyone, and they don't know if there are any survivors," the chief officer said worriedly. After all, saving people is the number one priority.

"Let's take a look." The captain ordered. Soon after the ship approached, there was a small boat approaching the shipwreck. The ship sank in the area close to the island. It can be seen that the shipwreck traveled a certain distance before sinking, and finally ran aground near the island. His bow was exposed to the sea, but The back part was submerged by sea water, otherwise, he would not be discovered. They soon discovered some strange places. Because there are still traces of people nearby, but they did not find the appearance of Zhao Guoren.

The boat went on, they landed, and they started searching. Some bold scientific researchers landed on the coast during the second wave of landings. They allowed some research, but the Marine Corps soldiers needed to strictly ensure their safety. After all, this is not a joke. The impact of their losses on South Korea is very large.

"Hi, Professor, come back." a Marine Corps lieutenant shouted loudly. He seemed very excited because he saw a middle-aged man heading towards the boat madly.

"Professor, **** it." The lieutenant was soon thousands. He didn't know what the professor had discovered, but he knew that if the professor had a problem, he would wait to go to the military court. His task is to ensure the safety of these scientific personnel. But the professor doesn't care about it.

"It's hematite, this is very good iron ore. Take a look. This thing turned out to be obtained on board of the ship Zhao Guoren." The professor said excitedly. The professor didn't know where to grab a handful of red things. It looked very eye-catching, but the professor was able to judge it all at once based on his own experience, which surprised them.

"The condition is good, it seems that they have found a lot of iron ore." The professor said excitedly. The lieutenant dragged the professor up, who knew what was harmful in this place, he had to keep them safe, these lunatics. This discovery was very unexpected. The professor became interested in the shipwreck, but they didn't have much interest in this small island. They don't know where these iron ore sands come from, but they must come from more southern regions. They don't know the specifics. However, there is iron ore, which is certain, and the quality is good. Larger iron ore collection sites can be built. This is an amazing discovery. The captain was also aware of the seriousness of the problem, and he immediately sent a telegram, hoping that the Nanyang Fleet could attract great attention.

Nanyang Fleet Headquarters.

"Sir. Is this telegram forwarded?" An intelligence major handed a telegram to a lieutenant colonel.

"They found iron ore, but they found it from the Zhao Guoren shipwreck. We suspect that the Zhao Guoren found a large-scale iron ore. And they are secretly collecting it in a more southern location. What is the specific location? We don't know the location, but we are sure that Zhao Guoren discovered these, because the sunken ship is full of various ore resources." The major reported.

"Well. It must be reported to the Admiralty and let them handle it. This is beyond our scope." A lieutenant colonel nodded and said. He feels that things are not so simple. It is very likely that Zhao Guo made these iron ore artificially. You must know that their industry is extremely developed and they have an amazing demand for raw materials. Now the price of ore is rising. This is very detrimental to them, they need more raw materials too much. Otherwise, their industrial level will drop significantly.

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