The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3259: Agricultural Mechanization

South Korea, Xinzheng.

"Iron ore?" Han Shu asked the Secretary of the Navy looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, we found iron ore in a shipwreck of Zhao State. According to our judgment, these iron ore may come from more southern regions." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well, it seems that the people of Zhao Guo have found a large amount of iron ore sources." Han Shu said.

"Yes, my lord, we have sent someone to investigate. The specific situation, I think, we will investigate it very quickly. After all, such a thing is very important to us." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yeah. Be sure to find out that this has a great influence on us, otherwise it will have a great influence on us. In addition, there is one more thing that your naval intelligence department must pay attention to." said Han Shu took out another telegram from her desk.

"According to the report of the Zhang Xiongdao Arms Factory. Their market share in the Far West has dropped a lot, exceeding 5%. I think, you know that area, the demand for arms there is very large, and it is impossible to reduce it all at once. Five percent, this is very abnormal. I hope you can also investigate the situation there. We need you to do this well." Han Shu ordered.

"Yes, Lord, we will do this well." The Secretary of the Navy nodded and agreed. Although these are two different things. However, Han Shu believes that this is closely related to Zhao Guo.

Because their intelligence department showed that in the export of goods in Laizhou, Beilaizhou, and Dengzhou, Zhao's goods have increased significantly. Most importantly, most of those goods are arms. This explains why the number of munitions on Zhang Xiong Island has suddenly decreased so much. This makes Han Shu feel very bad. Because this shows that Zhao Guo is compressing his own tenth share in the arms market, and this situation is very bad. But Han Shu must take some decisive measures to solve these problems.

In Qi State, Laizhou, a Zhao State merchant ship is transporting some large boxes. These boxes are more than ordinary boxes, which makes many dock workers feel very confused.

"What's in these big boxes?" a dock worker said, shaking his head. Fortunately, they have cranes. If you let them load and unload such large boxes, it may take more time.

"I'm not sure about this. But I want to know, what do those customs know?" Another employee shook his head and said.

"Yeah. Maybe." One of them looked at it and said. There are some words on the box, but unfortunately, they can only understand part of it, for example, handle with care, and be afraid of rain, etc. They are not very clear about the specifics. After all, they don't know what is inside. After all, not everyone knows words, and there are still quite a few illiterate people here. Especially this situation in Qi State.

The customs only checked these goods in a hurry. After all, this is Zhao's goods, and the relationship between Qi and Zhao allows them to release them with confidence.

"What are those big boxes?" a customs officer asked curiously.

"Isn't it written above? Agricultural machinery. It's normal. Zhao people also have colonies overseas, and they also need to grow some things. Therefore, exporting some agricultural machinery is normal." After the customs officer on the side registered the quantity. Write like this.

"Oh. I understand." The customs officer nodded and stopped pursuing it. In fact, in this batch of goods, except for a small batch of agricultural machinery provided for inspection at the beginning, all the rest are lathe parts, of course. These lathes cannot be too big and can only manufacture some parts, but these lathes can make some rifles. pistol. Although there are still big flaws, it is enough to build more weapons for them to export.

Zhao State arms dealers, and manufacturers are unwilling to give up such an opportunity, this is for them. Giving up such an opportunity is tantamount to killing them. This is very life-threatening for them, so they decided to proceed according to the original plan. Their idea is very simple, which is to use agricultural machinery or other parts in batches. Exporting some machine tools and equipment, and then secretly assembling them abroad, establishing small factories, slowly assembling them, and finally completing the establishment of their factories. For them, although it took some time, they achieved their goals. This is A very simple time, which will save them a lot of time.

There are a large number of engineers working on the defensive position on Jeju Island. The commanding heights on the island have been gradually transformed into the largest observation point. The turrets and artillery have been transported here, but the entire project has not yet been completed.

"The progress of the project is still relatively slow. We can only complete 20% of the original quota. It is still very difficult to defend the entire island. However, the Goguryeo people seem unwilling to give us such a long time. , They are still a huge threat to us." A South Korean engineering consultant said worriedly.

"Yeah. That's true." A Jeju Island defense staff officer on the side nodded and said. His military rank is only a lieutenant colonel, but he has the core information. Therefore, he can know the overall situation.

"The whole construction time is very tight, plus it is still winter, these are very unfavorable to us, but we have tried our best to mobilize personnel. The slave personnel on the island, and some personnel on the nearby southern islands, we Provided a labor input of more than 50,000 people. But this is still not enough for most of the projects. Now the use of cement can not resist the bombardment of heavy artillery, which is very unfavorable for us." The Lieutenant Colonel said. They are very concerned about the defense of Jeju Island. They have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the construction, but the progress of the project is obviously not keeping up with the construction plan of Goguryeo. Qi Guo is launching the construction of warships across the country, because the arms sales can bring them huge Interests, it is expected that a large-scale offensive will be carried out in March and April. Time is very pressing. But their engineering degree is still unable to complete, being able to complete 47% is already considered the largest budget. After all, the defense of the entire island takes at least one and a half years to complete effectively. Time compression is too tight.

"Well, we already understand the situation. So, we took another way to solve these problems. We built some key areas and replaced them with field companies in some other areas." The engineering consultant proposed his own modification. Opinion, he knows, the only way at present is to reduce the number of projects. In this way, the progress of the project can be improved. It is absolutely impossible to complete it in a short time. Moreover, they still have a navy. Maybe the navy can help them solve some things. This is the only thing they can do right now.

"Okay. We will discuss with the General Staff. You'd better make some adjustments as soon as possible. In this case, it may be of better use to us." The lieutenant colonel nodded in recognition. Everyone knows that it is impossible to accomplish just by that kind of defense. Moreover, the most important main force of their pirates is not shore defense, but the navy. As long as the main naval battleships still exist, they don't need to worry too much about greater danger.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The idea of ​​this meeting is to transfer more people from some places to the new special economic zone in East Mongolia. If we build the seaport area like this, we will definitely need more people, but the problem is that there are so many people. Where do people come from?" Shang Wen said.

"I want to hear your opinions, maybe we can solve this problem." Shang Wen said.

"Well, my idea is to send some people there from the Western Regions, or from the inland." The Minister of Economy said. He knows that technology migration can bring a lot of investment.

"Our bank, some companies have already done this. But they are doing some investigations, research, it will take time, but I think it may take one to two years, after all, the infrastructure there has not been established yet. . This requires the existence of some low-level positions." The Minister of Economy said. He meant that the inland areas are all high-tech, especially the technology migration in the Guanzhong area. These need to be built on a certain economic infrastructure, such as electricity, running water, and after the large-scale construction of ports.

"The migration of this part of the staff will take some time. Their plan will lag behind other plans. However, there is still a lot of staff needed." Shang Wen said.

"Especially the basic laborers, as far as the situation of East Mongolia is concerned, it is still difficult to accomplish such a thing with the situation of a state. We should see. The construction of a railway, a port, and a city requires a lot of The population of East Mongolia cannot be transferred with such a large population. The size of the city may not be less than 300,000. However, the total population of East Mongolia is less than 300,000. It is impossible for us to transfer the entire population of East Mongolia. Let's go. Of course. Guanzhong, Bashu and other areas can be transferred some personnel, but this is unlikely. It is not realistic." Shang Wen said.

"We can start from the Western Regions, or attract people from Simon State and other ethnic groups to participate in the establishment. They have a sufficient population." Meng Yi said.

"Western Regions. Others?" Some ministers shook their heads and said. Obviously, these results are too scary. In other words, they are somewhat unacceptable. After all, those people, in their view, are all savages and don't understand anything.

"They know the technology, rest assured, and their technology is very good, if you want to know, you can check it out. In the Western Regions, we have many such factories, and there are quite a lot of projects that can do this. They have certain skills. At the same time, they have a sense of responsibility and are qualified workers. In addition, they understand our words and know Chinese characters. These are enough. What we need to give them is some opportunities, an opportunity, and an opportunity to change their own destiny. A considerable part of their household registration is slaves. We should accept them. The previous law of Qin State was like this. It encouraged Chinese people, encouraged slaves, and climbed up positively. This is the secret of our Qin State's strength." Meng Yi said.

"Countries also have some such actions to carry out. For example, Koreans, they also set up parliaments in the Bangla area, and local indigenous people can be parliamentarians. Why can't we give those people a chance? We give them the rights and freedoms they deserve. Equality. And their right to vote." Meng Yi said. The other ministers stopped talking. This was what they were worried about, but he was right. At present, the State of Qin really couldn't transfer more people to East Mengzhou. Perhaps because of this, they can accept it.

"However, we should also see that another kind of thing may also happen. For example, the population of East Mongolia will also decrease. If this is the case, it will inevitably lead to a decrease in our farms, ranches, and mineral personnel. This It will affect our production order." The Minister of Finance no longer struggles with that issue. He knows that there are some people who are not easy to mess with. For example, you will be taken to support other ethnic groups. In that case, you will only become one of the most unfavorable conditions. They need to change such a situation. Therefore, they It must not be done, and doing so will only make them fall into the least expected place.

"It's time for us to promote the mechanization of our agriculture. We should see that this is of great help to us." Shang Wen said at this time.

"I know what kind of problems you will worry about." Shang Wen said.

"But it really helps us a lot." Shang Wen said to the ministers.

"We should see such a situation. The oil problem we were worried about before has been greatly resolved. Yueshi and Karachi will build an oil pipeline, our oil reserves will be more, and our machinery will be further improved. Increase, not only that, we will build more machinery factories to process these, in this case, our machining, etc., will be further developed, our locomotive manufacturing plants, engine manufacturing plants, etc. They It will also create new jobs and new technologies, which will be of great benefit to us. In this way, a considerable number of people will be separated from their original positions. We should give them such greater encouragement. That's right." Shang Wen said.

Qin State's promotion of agricultural mechanization is not very smooth. Shangwen hopes to achieve this goal through the transfer of personnel. After all, the lack of population will bring troubles of this kind. For Qin, this kind of trouble is not a big trouble, it may also be an opportunity. Shangwen naturally hopes to seize such an opportunity.

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