Seth, in a barracks on the outskirts of Babylon, this is the barracks of Seth’s new army, but the scale is not very large. But the security measures here are indeed very strict, because the soldiers here are very serious.

"This opportunity is very rare. I spent a lot of money to get such a place, I hope you have good luck." A Seth businessman whispered to Zhu Li. He is a businessman of Zhao Kingdom and an arms dealer of Zhao Kingdom. His dream is to come here to make a fortune and earn millions of gold coins. He thinks that should not be a dream, because he has seen with his own eyes that many of the wealthy South Korean arms dealers have Given this size of assets, he felt that he was no worse than the other party. Since the other party can, then he can do it himself. Ever since, he decided to come here to try his luck, he is no longer satisfied with little trouble. That's boring. And also very boring. He decided to have a big one.

"Thank you, thank you very much." As he said, Zhu Li took out a handful of gold coins, about twelve or so. This value is very large, because the market is circulating Korean banknotes, the Korean Queen banknotes, and the gold coins have become more and more expensive. The less come. The person with gold coins is the most noble person, but for him, there is no shortage. He exchanged some gold nuggets from the bank and minted them and bribed them. If he wants to get greater support, such a bribe is necessary. some.

"The prince is very interested in new weapons. It's better to be better than Korean weapons, and I hope you can bring some new tricks, and at least be able to compare each other's weapons. In this way, your hopes will become better. Very big." The Seth businessman said in a low voice. For the sake of gold coins, he felt it necessary to say something he should say.

"Okay. I see. I happen to have a weapon that makes them very interested." Zhu Li said.

"Yeah. Good luck." Said the Seth businessman. His task is to introduce some buyers to him. However, he is not very authentic, because he will not introduce him to those governors who can afford to pay, and that is their rich man. If he knew it, he would lose more money. On the contrary, they introduced Seth’s new king, King Arose. Everyone knew that he didn’t have a penny in his treasury. On the contrary, he paid it back. There are a lot of debts, and their new king is a lord who is unwilling to face such a situation, which will cause him considerable trouble.

On the shooting range. The new king is holding a three-type rifle produced by the country of Zhao, and is constantly shooting. The performance of this rifle far exceeds the second-type rifle of South Korea. They all use the same five-round magazine and pull the revolving rifle. The range of the rifle is higher than that of the Korean rifle because of its superior performance, but it requires soldier maintenance. Only in this way can it work normally in the desert environment. Most Korean rifles will have some special conditions, such as jams. Under normal circumstances, this situation should not occur. However, there are a lot of sand and dust here. The armies of various provinces in Shanghai often have accidents of this kind. They never maintain their rifles, which causes them to fail to fire bullets in many cases. As a result, they can only use bayonets. But this is not a big problem for Arose’s troops, because their Zhao Guo instructors will strictly enforce requirements. If the guns are not clean and not maintained, there will be no food to eat, and then there will be a stick. , The situation is very serious.

"Your rifle is very good. It is comparable to the Korean rifle, I like it very much." Arose said politely to Zhuri. He knew that most of his rifles were bought through abnormal means, and there was no way. The governors of some provinces controlled the delivery of arms, and their relationship with the Koreans was very unusual, and South Korea The government is cautious. He didn't establish direct contact with him, which made it very difficult for him to get weapons assistance from South Korea, as well as weapons. Each province has its own way, but he does not. There is no way. They can only buy relatively cheap weapons from the State of Zhao. This may be the last choice of the king. It is also the only option.

"Thank you for the king's compliment." Zhuli said politely. He felt that this king was not bad, at least he still admired Zhao Guolai's weapons.

"Well. You're welcome, you appreciate your weapons, but I want to buy more weapons." The king was a little anxious, and went directly to the topic without any greetings.

"Your Majesty, I am here for a weapon that can give your army a considerable advantage." Zhu Li said.

"Oh. I don't know what kind of weapon?" The king was obviously attracted by the other party's topic. After all, weapons represent a technological advantage, and this technological advantage can change the tactical advantage and allow them to gain greater offensive capabilities.

"It's a pistol and a submachine gun. It can be carried in a portable way. For various reasons, we can't provide a submachine gun." Zhu Li immediately asked his men to take up a box. The king couldn't wait to open the box. What he saw was a pistol with a handle and a magazine. The barrel of this pistol was very long, but it seemed to be very powerful because there was a ruler on it. In fact, this is a shell gun, which can also be called a box gun. It is a Zhao Guo version similar to this weapon. However, this pistol is similar in power to a submachine gun, but lower than that of a submachine gun. Although it is called a higher rate of fire, it is still Lower than the submachine gun. However, his advantage is that his size is small, but the accuracy is crossed, which is a common problem with submachine guns.

This weapon has been reviewed by the Zhao State Army, but it is not equipped with the Zhao State Army. From the Army’s point of view, this weapon is tasteless. It can be said that he does not have the accuracy of a rifle, and a pistol is inferior. At the same time, it does not have the firepower of a submachine gun. Within a certain distance, it cannot completely suppress a submachine gun. On the contrary, a submachine gun can suppress other side. This makes this weapon very embarrassing. Therefore, he did not equip Zhao Jun on a large scale. But the businessman from Zhao country saw the benefits of this weapon because he could evade customs inspection. In order not to cause more trouble with Zhao’s weapons, Zhao copied a batch of Qin submachine guns, but Qin restricted Zhao’s export according to the patent law. At the same time, South Korea also restricts Zhao Guo from doing so because they are too clear. If such weapons appear, the market for their machine guns and rifles will be severely compressed, and they cannot quickly produce similar weapons. Therefore, countries have relatively large restrictions on submachine guns, although some countries have obtained such weapons. , However, it should be noted that they are very small in scale, usually only one company can be concentrated and equipped. This gives the box gun a room for development. Because he is somewhere between a pistol and a submachine gun.

"After using the butt, his rate of fire will rapidly increase and become a submachine gun. In charge operations, his rate of fire is a huge advantage. He can use 30 rounds of magazines and 20 rounds of magazines. Of course, as a pistol, he can use ten rounds of magazines. This advantage still exists." Zhu Li kept introducing.

And the king was very excited. He can't wait to give it a try. As a pistol, his recoil is relatively large. Except for the first shot, most of the bullets in the back were missed. This made the king a little dissatisfied. However, as a submachine gun, especially after the buttstock was added, his rate of fire was very satisfactory. You should know that most of the army is equipped with bolt-action rifles, and they can only fire. One fire cannot achieve continuous firing, and this kind of pistol can fire 30 or 20 bullets, which makes his advantage very large.

"Very good, such a weapon is very good. Only, in terms of price." The king was shy in his pocket. He really doesn't have money, and he can't solve this problem himself. He knew that Koreans needed a black, brown oil, but he didn't. Without this, it means that his financial situation cannot be fundamentally resolved. Relying on oil exports, the governors of some provinces have more money than him, which makes his financial situation very bad.

"The price is very good. We can give your Majesty a great price concession." Zhu Li said.

"Oh. No, that’s not what I mean. I don’t need a discount. Your help to me has made me very satisfied. But the problem is that my situation is really not optimistic. You know this. My situation. It's not too good." said the king.

"It's finances. Your weapons are very good. I'm very satisfied. However, I don't have money. If I want to solve these problems, I must spend money to buy them. However, I don't have money because my country's financial situation is very bad. Therefore, I cannot provide you with a greater opportunity, sorry." The king said sincerely. He was a little shy, or he didn't want to say that. However, there is no way, he must do such a thing, otherwise, he will feel uneasy in his conscience, because he cannot persuade himself to do such a thing.

"Oh. I. I understand." Juri suddenly felt that the Seth merchant had deceived him. The king has no money. Therefore, the business could not go on. He provided materials and commodities, but couldn't get the money. In that case, his risk would become very high. Poor King, this is the current method.

"Perhaps, maybe I have a way." Zhu Li still feels uninterested. He doesn't want to lose his first big business. Doing so will make him very passive. This is definitely not what he wants to see.

"What?" the king asked puzzledly.

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