"We can borrow from the bank, and solving the problem of funding is not a problem." Zhu Li suggested.

After hearing this, Arose State just shook his head. Then said with a smile.

"Your method, I have tried the country, but there is no way, the Koreans will not provide me with funds. They think that my country is too risky, and the prospects are extremely slim. I don't quite understand the meaning of this term. But I know that the situation in my country is very bad. Many things are difficult to unfold, and the position here is extremely important. They can launch larger military operations to attack. These methods are difficult to carry out." The king said helplessly. .

The Koreans' assessment of him is very bad. It is an extremely dangerous asset assessment. This means that the king may lose everything about him at any time. It is with this kind of crisis awareness that the king thinks of ways to reorganize his arms. However, everything does not seem to be so smooth. Without capital and financial resources, everything is difficult to unfold. The country and the government are facing bankruptcy. This is the current dilemma of the king. He wanted to change everything, but he couldn't do anything.

"Yeah." Zhu Li nodded, indicating that he was clear. However, he suddenly realized a problem, that is, he asked for help from the Bank of Korea. How could the Bank of Korea help him, because they were afraid of taking greater risks. In this case, it would seriously affect the development of their situation. .

"I want to ask, are all banks requesting loans from Korean banks?" Zhu Li asked at this time.

"Well, yes. All, is there any problem?" the king asked.

"No, I think His Majesty the King should give it a try. After all, not only are Korean banks, but Koreans have extremely strict risk control, and we, Zhao Guo Bank, can do the same. After all, they can do more. We should be very clear about this point." Zhu Li persuaded.

"Zhao State Bank?" The king understood at once. If he continues to borrow money from a Korean bank, they will not lend him money anyway. The reason is simple, because their actions have seriously damaged South Korea’s interests. Under such circumstances, how could Koreans be possible? Will submit more funds to help them? This is obviously an impossible matter of opinion. Therefore, in such a situation, the only way is to find a new bank to replace this kind of business. Although it sounds crazy, it can be done.

"I understand." The king said to each other with a smile. Then hold the opponent's hand. Thanks desperately, obviously, he got a lot of inspiration. Koreans need to maintain a balance in the region. It also deliberately weakened the military power of the State of Seth and other forces. From the perspective of South Korea, the chaotic State of Seth is of great benefit to South Korea.

From the perspective of Zhao Guo, Zhao Guo needs a foothold. Without this foothold, it will be difficult for them to proceed. They are very clear about this point, looking at the overall situation. Zhao State Bank must do this because it can expand their market. In this way, the king felt that there were still opportunities.

State of Zhao, Handan. In a large investment bank, they quickly received a telegram from Seth, and they quickly delivered the telegram to their headquarters.

"Seth? We have never opened up a market in that direction?" An investment manager asked an investment director with the report in his hand.

"Yes, manager, we did not receive the relevant investment report, the situation is indeed the case. This is the case for our situation, but if we do something like this, I think it will affect us Great benefits, for example, we have opened up a new market." The supervisor suggested. He thinks this is necessary. Because if they do not open up a market, they will be squeezed by a small market.

"I know this, but the problem is that the risk is too great. You see, their fiscal revenue is negative, and the government has no money at all. We lend them or invest in them, it will be lost. The military power is also very high. Weak, under such circumstances, fighting against them is simply a disaster. Faced with such a disaster. Do you think we should invest?" the manager asked dissatisfiedly. He believes that this is a trap. Obviously, if they invest in it, it will be a huge loophole. They don't have so much capital to make up for such loopholes.

"Maybe, no, manager, we can expand the market, maybe the value of Seth Country is underestimated. If we support him, maybe it can bring us some surprises, although the risk is high, but we should see this Value exists, it's right." The other party said so.

"Well, I'll submit this report to you, what kind of result, you think of a solution." I want to say this after I'm ideal.

"Thank you very much," the supervisor said. How to make specific decisions is not his business. He just thinks that this proposal is better. It seems to have a lot of risks, but it also has a lot of benefits along with the risks. Shouldn't they see this? He felt that the above should make the right decision.

Qin State, Ministry of the Navy.

"According to the bank's report on the establishment of a seaport city. They are more inclined to build in the Haicheng area. Because the situation here is better. At the same time, the railway line can be connected there." The Navy Deputy Chief reported to the Secretary of the Navy. To.

"How many cities do they plan to build?" The Secretary of the Navy knew the report. The situation in Haicheng was indeed very good. In fact, this was later Vladivostok, where the climate was more suitable and it was an ice-free port. It is more advantageous to establish a naval base there.

"There are two, and the other is Nuer City, because it is close to the coast, but in comparison, Haicheng has more advantages. The port facilities and space are relatively large. We can build a coastal city there. "Said the Undersecretary of the Navy.

"Yeah. Then Haicheng, I read their report. Most of them were built on the basis of Haicheng. They seemed to have chosen before. In other words, they solved the problem by themselves. "The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, they held a meeting with each other and determined Haicheng as the main development direction. If possible, they will build Nuercheng again, maybe there is more suitable." The other party said.

"It's Haicheng, it's fast. If it's fast enough, I believe this can be done." The Secretary of the Navy said.

After the location of Haicheng was determined, Qin also made some positive improvements.

Qin State, factories in various states of the Western Regions. The workers are taking a break. Regardless of whether they are workers, in fact, most of them are still slaves, but they have become worker slaves. Their treatment is much better. At least the food they eat can ensure that they are full. Enlightened factory managers will also provide some fruits to ensure that they have a variety of nutrients, and some people can drink a cup. In addition to these, their children can get a certain education. After all, education can solve a lot of problems. Problem, they can master the technology. In the eyes of all workers, only by mastering technology can they be released from slavery. Become free people, but what should they do after becoming free people? Many people have not thought about it. Of course. Some of them will still ponder these things. For example, with the right to vote, they have their own private property, and the government will protect their property. Not only that, they may also run for parliamentarians, and society is still positive. This is the situation.

"Government's notice, come and see." Some people cried out in surprise. They are looking at a newspaper.

"What's written on it?" Many people asked curiously. They are now very concerned about the government’s announcements and policies, because it is related to their vital interests. If it were not for the state government to lower the restrictions on workers, it would be impossible for them to enter the factory. Otherwise, most of them People will also work hard in minerals, farms, and pastures.

"It says that if there are slaves to the eastern region, of course, if they go there voluntarily, they can be given the status of free civilians. There, we enjoy the right to vote and be elected, which means that we have all the rights of citizens. "One person explained.

"To the east?" Many people asked curiously.

"Yes, it seems to be in the north, where it is colder. However, relying on the sea, there is more government support there. As long as we pass, it will be fine." Some workers explained. But many people still don't understand, because why the government wants to do this, they don't see anything in the newspapers, but they are worried that yes, the factory director will do this, and will they allow them to leave? You know, they can bring great benefits.

Inside the factory director’s office.

"We can send them all out, and we can still get good financial support. Besides, there are many people, we can rest in peace, in Dawan, Yueshi, now Yueshi people are very cheap, we can use them , And they have no labor requirements and are not protected by the laws of the Qin State. We can come wherever we want and send them away. This is very beneficial for us to reduce costs." The factory manager said to his supervisor.

"Furthermore. We can also go to Yueshi. I heard that there are a lot of people there. There are also many women. Policies and laws are good for us. We don't have to worry too much about our situation." The director added.

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