The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3562: Wrong Flying Sparrow No. 7

Fifty kilometers east of the main pier in Port Seth, two South Korean patrol boats intercepted a suspicious merchant ship, and they wanted to intercept and inspect the merchant ship.

"Why did you come here?" A South Korean navy captain on patrol asked the captain of the merchant ship. They were ships of the Zhao State. This was shortly after they were spotted and they hung the flag of the State of Zhao, which made them feel very suspicious. .

"Oh. At this point, we just came here. We don't know where Port Seth is. We are very unfamiliar with this place." Captain Zhao Guo explained with a smile. Many people nodded their heads in agreement. They all said that they were here for the first time.

"Is this place for the first time?" the captain asked.

"Yes, the first time we came, we are very unfamiliar with this place, many places are not clear, you know, this place is too far away for us. And very strange. We are here to transport some things , By the way, do some business. Of course, we are all legal businessmen and we will pay taxes legally." The captain said with a smile at this time. By the way, one of their subordinates offered a bribe, and they readily accepted it. After all, there are many such things, and it is a waste of not to accept it. It is rare for them to have such a position.

"Well, we need to check. I want to know, what are you transporting on board?" the captain asked. Although he feels suspicious, he only conducts random checks. If they find out, they can't blame the other party. It depends on the luck of the other party.

"This. Agricultural machinery." The captain was a little guilty, but he quickly reacted.

"You know, I heard that the climate here is mild all year round, suitable for growing cotton, or some other things. We decided to come here to plant it and buy a farm by the way." The captain explained.

"You are really idle, the slaves in this place are much cheaper than the machines. You may be at a loss if you come to do this kind of business." The captain kindly reminded.

"Oh. Is that true? In the Central Plains, this thing sells well, at least in a very good place." The captain explained.

"No matter what, your approach is quite good. Good luck to you, but we have to check, please cooperate with us, we are only spot checks, and will not mess up for you." The captain said.

"Okay. We try to cooperate as much as possible." The captain was also helpless. He hoped not to spot check the **** goods. If they were spotted, the problem would be very troublesome. Because those things have not been registered at all, the production serial numbers on them have been erased. This will cause them a lot of trouble. But now it can only do so.

"Sergeant, go and take a look at the cargo hold. It's almost enough." The captain ordered this. Although this is Zhao's merchant ship, they should check it out according to reason, but it is the first time that the other party has come, and the prosperity of the port is still there. Need them. If the inspection is too strict, it will definitely cause the ships to be unable to reach here, and the number will become less and less, which is extremely detrimental to the financial income of the port. They also know that there are generally some shady goods on the ships. For example, there are many things like pornographic films, munitions, or things that cannot be transported, cultural relics, and they don't check too much.

"Okay. Just this box." The sergeant then asked a sailor to take out a box with agricultural machinery written on it. The sergeant asked to open it, and the sailor opened it very cooperatively. There were some parts in the box, and it seemed that they didn't know what it was.

"They are all parts of agricultural machinery, you know, they farm different things, and some are consumables." The chief officer explained.

"Yeah. Okay. That's it. I think this is all agricultural machinery. Some boxes are still very large. If they are checked, they will be messed up here. This does not meet our requirements, so let's do it. "The sergeant waved his arm to stop the inspection. The first officer sighed slightly, because next to the box was the real cargo they transported, a large amount of munitions, and they stopped here. It was the deal with Seth merchants. The inspection came suddenly, and none of them expected such a thing to happen.

"Remember, the port is in that direction, about fifty kilometers away. We still need to patrol, and you should move closer by yourself." said the captain as he led away. This gave the captain a sigh of relief. Such things are finally dealt with.

This kind of thing happens often, because everyone who comes to do business here is not clean, they are more or less involved in smuggling activities, this kind of smuggling will gradually become very rampant, but it is necessary to give a certain amount at a certain time Check, they will take good control. But such things will never be completely prohibited, because there is absolutely no need to do so.

Qin State, Xianyang. In the headquarters of Wenyang Bank, Yingyu is looking at the reports of the industries, factories, and related practitioners of the Western Regions.

"According to a sample survey, some factories in the Western Regions, mainly low-input, low-tech factories will be further migrated. For example, some textile factories in the Qin-Korea joint venture will choose to go to Dawan because There are enough raw materials, cotton, where to build factories, there are advantages in raw materials, and at the same time, the labor force of Dawan people is also cheap. Their profit margins can be improved even higher. On the other hand, some assembly companies, With the expansion of Qin’s Yueshi and some other railways, transportation became more and more convenient. After the war, Yueshi gave Qin’s capital a lot of support. They needed more jobs. As long as the factory passed, they could get tax exemption. , Legal, and policy support. It can be said that Qin’s businessmen can do what they want to do as long as they bring capital with them. This is very convenient for them. This allows them to do many, many such things. Things. The occurrence of this situation makes them very advantageous."

"In contrast, the workers of the Western Regions, because of the protection of the labor force by the local government, although a considerable number of Western Regions are still slaves. However, their rights and interests must be protected accordingly, for example, their lives cannot be accidental. , Their working hours and minimum wages have all made relevant regulations, the factory has to make some adjustments, their costs will be further increased. Although they are slaves, but they have obviously increased a lot of rights, The local government has realized the value of these people. Although they cannot take the next step in the household registration and make them become civilians in the real sense, they can make some substantial improvements, such as changing some specific benefits. Their living conditions, they are just a group of civilians who have no right to vote. The local Qin people call them this way." Ying Yu quickly read these reports.

The report shows that the attractiveness of relocating these workers is very large, thinking that there are still some differences in household registration after all, and their labor skills are indeed limited, but this does not have a great impact on the development of Haicheng. .

The State of Qin is gradually accepting those from the Western Regions to become citizens in the true sense of the State of Qin. For example, giving them the right to vote is much more advanced than some countries. Because what Qin has improved is only some basic economic conditions, but as economic conditions change, some political conditions also need to be changed. This is the economic basis that determines the superstructure, and they need to change a lot of things.

Qin State, the east and the border areas of Zhao State. This is Lidu, because there is a railway leading to Handan in Zhao State, and a road also passes through here and it becomes very important. But the terrain here is very bad, because the geographical environment here is very complicated. Infantry patrols are very complicated. In order to solve this problem, Army Aviation deployed a squadron of Sparrow patrol planes here. The Sparrow planes have no weapons on them and have short take-off and landing distances. Although maintenance is troublesome, they can be more effective on the surrounding area. Area patrols, the purpose of this kind of aircraft is still very obvious. This greatly eased the infantry patrol mission. Many places are impassable because they are riding horses. Many soldiers use mules, but many places in mountainous areas are impassable. A patrol usually takes a long time and is inefficient.

Although the relationship between Qin State and Zhao State eased, they could not relax as a reason. They were considerate of them and let patrol planes replace their patrol missions.

"Hey, don’t drink too much. My dashboard has problems. The **** compass sometimes doesn’t move for a long time. Besides, the fuel gauge. You should fix it for me. It’s better to get a good one. Come, my fuel ran out. He even indicated that there is one more space. Damn it, fortunately I came back early, otherwise, I won't be able to come back." A flight sergeant said to the ground crew. The ground crew waved their arms tiredly. They said they knew.

The mountainous area here is very complicated. It is difficult for a squadron and twelve Sparrow aircraft to effectively complete these tasks. This means that there is a lot of time for these aircraft to complete the tasks. As a result, their dispatches became more and more, but the ground crew did not increase much. Their work became very cumbersome, and many people did not take vacations for several months. This makes the ground staff very irritable.

"Damn it. Those are small dashboards, and they can do it by themselves. Moreover, they won't complete such a task every time." A ground crew member rarely has free time. There are not many aircraft problems today.

"Okay. Okay. Give them another one." said a captain. They have some wine and food to go with. It is a very good choice to drink under such circumstances in winter. They hope that there will be a heavy snow and heavy snow as soon as possible. In this way, they do not need to perform tasks. .

However, the captain was very uncomfortable about the replacement of the meter, because they didn’t know the reason. Those things were easily disturbed. Not only that, but the fuel gauge was also very inaccurate. They didn’t know the reason. It might be because of the weather. After a period of time, it will naturally be fine. Sometimes it does not need to be replaced. As for the compass, it may be due to interference from some magnetic weapons. In fact, some military officers like to bring some knives on the plane. Most of those knives are good knives, which have strong magnetism and are easy to interfere. This kind of thing can easily happen.

The same is true for Sparrow-7. However, the ground crew informed Lieutenant Lear that his plane had been repaired. Some dials on the dashboard are new. He doesn't need to worry too much.

"It's really cold, maybe it's going to snow. After returning from the patrol, I'll find a place to have a good drink." Lieutenant Lear said. Then his Sparrow Seven took off. The ground crew once again fell into a short rest period, this kind of time for them. Too little. They really want to be able to add another team to come. In this way, some of their working time and intensity can be reduced.

Sparrow 7 doesn't care about this now, and today is his duty.

"Today's weather is relatively cold, but there is some fog in the mountains, and the situation is a bit unclear." Lear said to himself. He looked down and it seemed that it had already snowed in some places. However, his mission has not yet been completed. In order to complete such a mission, he decided to fly farther. He checked his fuel gauge and found that there was still 60%. Normally, there should be 100% at this time. Fifty percent, maybe he didn’t fly a lot, he was very surprised, the compass pointing was good, he was flying south, there are some plains, maybe the situation there is better, and then use the remaining fuel Flew back to check it, he thought, he would find some problems soon.

So Sparrow VII flew toward the area he thought it was flying for a period of time, about an hour, or forty-five minutes. In short, within this time period. Soon, the fog was much smaller and the plains appeared. After flying another distance, he saw a very strange situation.

"Damn it. When did so many factory areas appear in this area?" Lieutenant Lear suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he found out. Even in the southern region, there are not so many factory areas, but there are, and they are relatively scattered. But here, it is obviously a larger city, and there are quite a lot of factory areas.

"Damn it. Here." Captain Lear was completely at a loss. He felt that he seemed to deviate a lot from the course.

"Damn, I must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, I will be in trouble." Lieutenant Lear said.

"Dangdang. Boom, hum." With a sound, his engine stopped spinning. He looked at his fuel gauge, and it showed that there was still 30% fuel. This should be able to return.

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