The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3563: Air defense problem

Zhao Guo, Handan, Xijiao Airport, the Sparrow-7 plane landed here. At first, the ground crew at the airport didn't even know what was going on. They didn't know why a plane landed here all of a sudden, but when they found out that it was Qin's military plane, everyone panicked. The police at the airport rushed over anxiously. And Lear tried to explain something.

"Raise your hand, it's best to raise your hand." A policeman said nervously, holding the pistol in his hand. His pistol was a revolver, and the hammer was not turned on. Obviously, it was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"I have raised it. This is a misunderstanding, there is a problem with my plane." Lear said helplessly. When encountering such a thing, he also felt helpless, there was no way, his plane could not catch fire. Later he learned that his plane ran out of fuel. When he made an emergency landing at this airport, the propeller of his plane couldn't rotate.

"This question will be explained later. You'd better not move it." The policeman was holding the gun carefully. Lear was worried that the other party's pistol might go off fire, but he was very annoyed because he might be the first one captured by Zhao Jun The pilot, thinking of this, he felt ashamed of himself. His pistol had been thrown on the ground long ago. This makes Handan police more satisfied. Soon, people from the Zhao Jun army arrived, and they took Lear away more easily. After all, his condition is not very good, and they don't know why Qin's plane suddenly appeared here. This may cause a major diplomatic incident.

The personnel of the Zhao State Air Force quickly inspected the Sparrow-7 plane that was forced to land by the State of Qin. They discovered some new conditions, and most of the instrument panels were invalid. For example, in the fuel gauge, the pointer shows that there is still 20% fuel, but in fact, there is not a drop of oil in the fuel tank. This may be the reason why the other party flew over, other than these, his compass needle was sucked by something. Pointing in one direction all the time, the other instruments are somewhat inaccurate. But this does not prevent them from continuing to run their work.

The army of the State of Zhao quickly informed their Ministry of War of the matter, and the Ministry of War quickly reported it to the Prime Minister's Mansion of the State of Zhao. Before that, they had to figure out some situations.

"Why did you land on our airport?" a captain Zhao Jun asked puzzledly.

"My plane has a malfunction, and I don't know why I came here. My compass needle keeps pointing to the south, but I don't know why it reached the east. Maybe my compass is broken." Lear explained.

"I hope you can conduct a comprehensive inspection of the aircraft. This is a misunderstanding, and the Qin State military will give you an official report." Lear said solemnly. This aircraft cannot fall into the hands of Zhao Guoren. In fact, it does not make much sense. After all, the technical content of this patrol aircraft is not too high.

Qin's military has never been aware of this matter.

They just thought that they had lost a plane and their squadron was looking for it, but they were unlikely to suddenly think that this plane would fly to Zhao Guo.

In a ranch in East Mongolia.

"Over the years, we have also accumulated some money, but we can't continue like this." The head of the family. A middle-aged man sat at the door and spoke to the family. When he was in Guanzhong, he liked to sit at the door. This was not a habit, because his father was like this, and when he came to him, it was naturally the same.

"Before, when we didn't have money, we didn't dare to think about anything. My father was right. Sometimes, people had to change, so we moved from Guanzhong to here, otherwise we wouldn't have such a large farm. The pasture, so many cattle, sheep, horses, I am excited to watch." The middle-aged man said. Several of his children listened patiently. They are all grown-ups, but they are more or less ignorant about the future. They also have a few older brothers and sisters and many children, but they don’t worry about such problems at all, because They can't finish their food. There is no burden to feed them, but what is the way out. As a father, he felt a little worried.

"A few of you who are studying, you may all have a way out. I am not worried about this. The problem is, for those of you who can’t read anything, I don’t think you should do this. Think about it, you can’t do it for the rest of your life. Farms, pastures, this is not promising. You should go to big cities or the outside world to make a break. Those slaves, I also plan to let them make a break." The middle-aged man said.

"This. Dad, it's not very good." The younger son said dissatisfiedly.

"This is a trend. If you look at the ranch of other people’s old Bai’s family, their slaves went out to explore. After making a lot of money, they spent a lot of money when they got rid of their slave status, and we can also Do it like this," the middle-aged man said.

"But the problem is, without slaves, who will do the work on this farm, so much work, without slaves, really can't do it." The youngest son said helplessly.

"I know that the trend is such a trend. Let me tell you. I agree with this. Qin's domestic newspapers say this. In the future, this farm will be mechanized. We will use more machines in the future. People. We will hire all the people in the future. You take your slaves and go to the north for a break. Isn't it going to build Haicheng anyway?" The middle-aged man waved his arm and said.

"Just do it like this, you can't stay on the land for a lifetime, that's nothing. It must be upgraded, and it must be changed." The middle-aged man decided. Despite the children's dissatisfaction, life on the farm and ranch is pretty good. Eat and drink. Some of them don't want to change this situation. But their father had already decided on such a thing, and they also knew to follow along to do such a thing. Although they are unwilling, what can they do? In fact, they must make such a change.

There are many such enlightened farmers and ranchers in Qin. They already think that it is impossible for them to live forever, or that their son will still be on the land in the next life, so that it will not be conducive to the development of their children. This is for them. It is extremely unfavorable. The only way for them is to give their children more choices and not to choose land. This may be the last situation they want to see. Therefore, they encourage their children and even slaves to go to the north to take a look. This is an opportunity, an opportunity that they are not willing to give up.

State Qin, Ministry of National Defense.

"This is a telegram from the Army Department of the State of Zhao." An officer put a telegram on Wei Liao's desk.

"What's the matter?" Wei Liao asked.

"One of our planes made an emergency landing at the Handan Airport in Zhao State. It is a patrol plane on our border. Zhao State has a certain explanation for the specific situation." The officer said. Wei Liao flipped through the report quickly.

"Damn it, Zhao Guo's explanation to us is that apart from the problem with our aircraft, it seems that we need to negotiate." Wei Liao said. Soon this matter let the Ministry of Defense come forward to deal with this matter, although it is a small matter. But this matter. But from another angle, it is not a trivial matter.

Zhao Guo, the General Staff. Li Mu felt very annoyed when he saw such a thing.

"This matter. It seems to be a trivial matter, in fact, it is a major matter. Our air defense, why can Qin Guoren's aircraft cross our defense zone and land directly on our airport? If one day, the war begins. Yes. It’s not that the Qin Army’s large-scale aircraft can land on our airport to launch an offensive. In that case, our situation will be very bad. Our air defense system does not exist at all." Li Mu realized the seriousness of the problem. This is a serious matter, because their defense will have great loopholes.

The airship that originally performed the air defense interception mission did not find Qin's plane flying over at all, and Qin's plane had been landing on the airport, and they had no idea what was going on.

"We lack anti-aircraft guns and the reconnaissance system is not clear. We cannot determine the position of the other party. At the same time, there are still many problems. For example, we cannot find them. After we find them, we can effectively intercept the other party." Li Zuoche said To. The problems that occurred this time made them immediately aware of the seriousness of the problem. Air defense is definitely not such a simple matter. Qin's plane suddenly landed on their airport, which shows that they thought that the effective aviation system was not working at all.

"Well. There are still many areas that need to be improved. There are also anti-aircraft artillery. The people of Qin have formed their own anti-aircraft artillery force. We must also have such a force. Their existence will greatly help us improve the air defense system." Li Zuo Speaking of the car.

While Zhao Guo was rethinking his own air defense system, the Qin State Staff was also considering this issue.

"Our plane can land directly on the other side’s airport. Similarly, if Zhao’s plane lands on our airport, it shows that we need to check our air defense system. We have to conduct a considerable part of air defense exercises. Inspection. Let's take a look at our air defense system." Wang Jian said.

"Well, we understand, but we need to improve quite a lot. Air defense, I think it is not simple, and with the advancement of technology, the situation has become very different." Yang Duanhe said.

"No matter what, we should not worry about the problem this time, we should also find the problem. To improve these problems, only by improving these problems, we can completely solve all our problems." Wang Jian said. Yang Duanhe nodded.

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