The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3564: Threat of Zhao Guo

The staff of the Qin State Staff Headquarters are busy making exercise plans, code-named Air Guards. They will effectively simulate the plan of air raids. Qin’s main bombing forces and air fighter forces will of course attack. As for defense, they have not followed the plan at all. They just want to test how Qin’s air defense force is. King Qin has approved this because King Qin has also seen the extremely weak air defenses. You must know that in the military history of various countries, there has been no air defense and air raid operations. Air combat is entering a new topic.

"I don't know how the opponent will defend?" A lieutenant colonel of the Celestial Army said worriedly with the data report in his hand.

"The biggest is the bombing force. The bombing airship can fly very high. But the question is, at what time and where, how should we defend and find them." said a major. In a word from the Chief of Staff, the staff below will be very busy making plans, because if the plan is not well formulated, many things will be difficult to proceed.

The key to the Air Guard plan is to find loopholes in Qin’s air defense, but this is not a big challenge for Qin. Although Qin is currently equipped with two regiments of aviation weapons, the area of ​​Qin is very large. There are many directions for enemy air assaults, and there are so many air defense targets, which makes them have a lot of choices, and air defense is very difficult.

In addition, the key to air defense is how to find the enemy. In this regard, their air defense awareness is still extremely vague. Air defense needs to find out the direction of the enemy's surprise attack by themselves. If they can't find it, their situation will be very different difficult.

Rest in peace, in Zhao Xi’s office, Zhao Xi is looking at the newly drawn map. The map shows that they have obtained a new oil production area in the north. In this way, they expect to increase a large part in the future. Oil production.

"Sir, we have provided some supplies, and we have obtained such a large amount of land, about more than 12,000 square kilometers of land. In this way, our oil production can be increased a lot." A safety consultant at the side of a safety lieutenant colonel Speaking with a smile.

"Well. We didn't use much military force. We only provided 5,000 rifles to achieve this goal. For us, the cost is not a lot." Zhao Xi said.

The Shabbat provided weapon support to some of the Persian armed forces, in exchange for some land exchange, and there are a lot of resources under the land, and the increase in oil production will greatly increase the Shabbat’s financial income. In this case, many of their problems can be properly resolved, which is for them. It was a very good profit.

"However, sir, we should note that our oil production has increased. However, the transportation volume has not increased. This is still a relatively unfavorable situation for us. Otherwise, it will lead to a large amount of oil. Backlog.” The security consultant considered from a national perspective. After all, the reduction in fiscal revenue will inevitably pose a greater threat to the Shabbat. You must know that the territory currently controlled by the Shabbat government is less than one-third of the original territory. The Shah government has always wanted to get back their original land. In this case, they need to expand their army, and the financial situation is the problem that must be solved.

"Well, I know these. We will discuss with the Qin government to build an oil transportation pipeline. At the same time, we will discuss with the Dawan government to increase the railway oil transportation capacity and see if they can solve our current situation. "Zhao Xi nodded and said. They must do this, otherwise, failing to solve these problems will cause them great harm. This kind of damage will greatly cause them to lose a lot.

Oil is money only if it is transported out, and staying in place cannot be regarded as money at all. For them, this will greatly limit the increase in their financial income. However, rest in peace also needs to solve some logistical problems from another aspect. They are negotiating with Qin State to discuss and solve some of their ammunition manufacturing issues. They will build some military factories. Naturally, the two sides are joint ventures. After all, large-scale imported arms will cause their strength to suffer a greater loss.

Port Seth. Korea Customs.

"This is the telegram from Xinzheng. Those arms dealers are constantly pressing the parliament, the king, and the government. They think we should let us check the ships of the Zhao country. They think there are some of them. A large number of arms exist. This is an important reason for their reduced sales." The customs chief said. He is very dissatisfied with this, but things still need to be done.

"Well, will this have a great impact on the ships of the Zhao State? We must know that the arrival of ships will have a great impact on us. If there are not enough ships, our situation will be very bad. They are. The situation will cause great losses to us.” A team leader said worriedly.

"I also know. But we also have to check. In short, we increase the intensity of spot checks and avoid stimulating them as much as possible. Perhaps this is our best way at the moment. That's it." The chief decided.

that's all. Subsequently, Zhaoguo Customs began to increase the intensity of random inspections of port cargo. Especially the intensity of spot checks on Zhao Guo Merchant Shipping.

Port Seth.

"What's in these goods?" a customs officer asked the other party.

"Yes, it's parts, agricultural machinery, and parts that consume a lot of money." A sailor replied. Their ships were suddenly asked to inspect, which made him very worried. After all, every ship was not clean.

"We need to spot check, please cooperate." The customs officer said. Then he began to signal his subordinates to start spot checks. They are all worried about unnecessary trouble, but the problem is that they have already started.

Soon, some boxes were not detected. There was no problem at the beginning, after all, they still did some superficial work. But soon, they found what they saw.

"Bang." A box was opened. The box was not very big, but the contents in it surprised them.

"My God, are grenades a part of agricultural machinery?" What the customs saw were rows of long-handled grenades. These grenades looked very big and powerful, and could blow up a bunker.

"This." The sailor didn't know how to explain. Many ships are not clean, and they just make some extra money.

"You'd better explain how many things are left, sealed up and cleaned up carefully. Damn it. Something went wrong." Customs said. All of a sudden, they really found out the arms. Not only this Zhao State merchant ship, almost all Zhao State merchant ships have found related munitions. And there are a lot of them. The telegram was soon sent to Xinzheng, South Korea. This explains why South Korea’s arms business has dropped so much all of a sudden. Zhao Guoren is quietly squeezing South Korea’s arms market. The South Korean arms dealers angrily sent the telegram directly to Han Shu's office.

"Look. Zhao people have already squeezed into our market. And our customs, if it were not for a surprise inspection, they might not find such a thing in the end." Han Shu said angrily.

"Sir, I think that in addition to eliminating their unfair competition, we can only improve the level of competition by improving the quality of our arms factories." Zhang Liang said helplessly. Zhao's arms and weapons can occupy a certain market share, which shows that they have a certain market competitiveness. In contrast, the improvement of South Korean arms is not too great. It was naturally found and controlled by the people of Zhao Guo. Although monopoly can bring great profits, it can also make the factory indulge in this kind of self-intoxication. It is extremely detrimental to their further development. Everyone can see this. Only by changing and changing this situation can this situation be completely reversed.

"Yeah. You are right. If you think about it carefully, if it wasn't for those munitions factories that they hadn't done well by themselves, how could they be taken advantage of by Zhao Guoren to occupy the market? Also, look at their artillery. If they have not reached the distance we need, if they improve their artillery performance, we will not be so passive." Han Shu said dissatisfied.

"We have to protest against Zhao Guo and let them explain. At the same time, we have to reflect on ourselves. Otherwise, we don't have to compete on our own." Han Shu said dissatisfied. Han Shu also has a clearer understanding of the capabilities of the munitions factory. After all, their condition is not very good.

"Okay. This matter is handled like this." Han Shu said. She needs to think carefully about what to do next. Zhao Guo’s industrial products have created a lot of competition with Korean industrial products, and their industrial level is relatively high. This level of competition is difficult to suppress each other. In that case, it is very detrimental to South Korea. South Korea can still pass Control the market to achieve a monopoly, but smuggling cannot avoid this situation. In such a situation, how to solve this problem becomes extremely difficult. The rapid development of the State of Zhao has caused greater pressure on South Korea. The threat of the State of Zhao is very, very large for South Korea.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Shameless, it is shameless." The Secretary of the Army was very annoyed by South Korea's accusations. They monopolized the market and accused them of destroying the market, which made them feel very dissatisfied. They meet this demand by virtue of their own quality.

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