The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3565: Cowardly Guo Kai

Qin State, Xianyang.

"The contradiction between South Korea and Zhao Guo is further escalating. Looking at their situation, it will appear how abnormal this is." Meng Yi handed a telegram to Shangwen. The content of this telegram is about trade conflicts between South Korea and Zhao.

"Their arms trade conflict on Seth?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Yes, the situation is very bad. Zhao Guoren secretly imported a large amount of arms by smuggling. The Korean arms trade was wiped out by 5% at once. Fortunately, it is not very large. The arms dealers were very annoyed. They put pressure on the Seth Customs to make a surprise inspection, and as a result, a large amount of arms was found all at once. At that moment, the situation was very bad for them." Meng Yi said.

"The contradiction between the two countries should be deep, and it is moving towards a trend of further expansion." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram.

"Well, I think it's the same. You can look at the arms race between Goguryeo and Jeju, as well as the state of the war. In fact, it is a contest between the power of Zhao Kingdom and the power of South Korea, but I think the current situation is not Not too good. This may have the possibility of a large-scale war breaking out." Meng Yi said.

"Haha. It's impossible. How do they solve the financial problem?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi with a smile. Meng Yi shook his head, obviously he couldn't answer this question either.

"Not only that, South Korea is unwilling to further anger the people of Zhao, after all, the development of Zhao people is indeed fast, which poses a great threat to South Korea. Zhao is a powerful industrial country, not a colonial expansion. Big country." Shang Wen said.

"Well, but the speed of Zhao Guo's development is indeed very fast, and they are dying. This is simply a huge disaster for them." Meng Yi said.

Shang Wen nodded. He agrees with this view. Zhao Guo is developing at an incredible speed. They are developing very fast, and Qin Guo feels his threat. Not only South Korea, but also Qin State.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"We should try our best to avoid unnecessary trouble with them." Guo Kai said to the Secretary of the Army very annoyed. He once gave orders. Asking the War Department not to do this, it will cause extremely unsatisfactory conditions. For example, this kind of trade investigation will appear, and South Korea will formally launch an investigation into Zhao's arms trade, and at the same time this smuggling and entrainment of Zhao's behavior. They plan to take a series of preventive and control measures. Obviously, South Korea has become very annoyed by Zhao Guo's behavior.

"But, Prime Minister, we should support them." The Secretary of the Army was very dissatisfied with Guo Kai's attitude. Under normal circumstances, the Zhao State Prime Minister's House should strongly support them in doing so, and if necessary, countermeasures can be taken. However, Guo Kai believes that this is a problem for the War Department itself.

"I said. This is your own trouble. I did not support you in doing so. Our industry is indeed developing very well, and the momentum is very fast, but don’t forget. We still have many areas to develop. This It’s not a problem that you and I can solve with a single sentence. It’s because you are thinking too anxiously. You have made a mistake about this kind of thing." Guo Kai is not only very dissatisfied with the violation of his orders by the War Department. Most importantly, he believes that this is a consequence of the War Department itself. Because he opposed it from the beginning.

"Our goal is to develop, not to cause trouble. I firmly oppose such a situation. You can't do this." Guo Kaiqiang ordered.

For Guo Kai, Zhao Guo seeks development, not a kind of destruction. The current development situation is very delicate. I don’t know if Zhao Guo has invested a lot in education, especially their student education and apprenticeship education. , Allowing their industrial development to develop rapidly, and they gradually walked in the forefront of the countries, although there are still some problems, such as excessive reliance on industry for development, which led to the low level of agricultural development in Zhao country, but the momentum Very good, Zhao Guo’s financial income has become very large. But here is the problem.

The rapid development of the State of Zhao broke the original balance. Previously, all countries treated the State of Zhao equally, or did not value the State of Zhao. The reason was that the development of the State of Zhao was not too rapid, and they did not break the balance. But gradually, they discovered that Zhao Guo was in conflict with South Korea. And Qin State supports South Korea. This made Guo Kai feel that Zhao Guo is moving towards the most dangerous place. This is a situation he absolutely must avoid. He must not let this happen, otherwise it will seriously affect Zhao Guo's future. Development, maybe Guo Kai’s idea is correct, because he is worried that Zhao Guo will cause a larger-scale war because of his reckless conflict. After all, the way of war has changed a lot now, and this change will make them extremely crazy.

"It's too dangerous. The result of this matter is an apology. We absolutely can't eat and import more arms. Okay. I know that this can bring us great benefits, but the benefits they bring, The trouble will be even greater. Some money can be taken away, but some money can never be taken away. Don't mention this kind of thing again. That's it." Guo Kai waved his hand.

"This." Although the Secretary of the Army was very dissatisfied, it was an order. As a result, the arms dealers lost the support of Zhao's military, which was a heavy blow to them. The Secretary of the Army did not understand why Guo Kai could not rise up. Or fight with South Korea. However, Guo Kai has his own considerations.

Because he is a politician, not a passionate soldier, he is thinking about the future of the country of Zhao, and long-term interests, while soldiers, they are thinking about fighting and provoking trouble. This is extremely bad for Zhao's future development. Ironically, Guo Kai seemed to realize that a worldwide war was about to come. He tried his best to avoid this situation. It seemed that he was like a peacemaker. And those soldiers always stir up troubles restlessly.

Seth country. Arose was supported by a batch of bayonets and fifty box gun pistols. Although he spent some money, which was spent by his private treasury, this greatly satisfied his needs. His private army once again expanded the strength of a battalion, but the financial problem was still not very good. solve. Zhu Li, an arms merchant from Zhao Guo, acted as his personal adviser. He suggested that the king should liberalize trade restrictions, reduce tariffs, and encourage more commercial trade to come here for transactions. In this way, it can promote the development of Seth. ,Of course. This also requires the development of industry and commerce, but this requires a large amount of capital investment, especially to attract investment, which is somewhat difficult, but he believes that this problem should be properly resolved. He believes that the country will support him in doing so.

"Kill." Seth Royal Army, or should be called Seth Royal New Army, referred to as the New Royal Army. They showed great friendship. In order to show the results they saw, King Arose invited Juri to come here to watch the exercises, of course. He believes that there are still many things that are not well done, and he even more hopes that the other party can introduce some special military officers from Zhao Guo to come here for guidance.

"Kill." After a simple wave of shooting. The soldiers of the New King’s Army launched an offensive. Their rifles were equipped with bayonets, and they launched an offensive. They were very fast, and they charged quite fast. They did not need to be in a neatly arranged line like the troops of other provinces. Offensive, because their soldiers are actively fighting, if they are successful in combat, they can avoid making their families slaves. The new king gave them great hope, and he reformed the system. Everything is new. positive.

"We have very few bullets. On average, each soldier has only 20 bullets." The king introduced to Zhu Li on the side.

Indeed, because of the reduction in the arms trade, especially when a large number of orders were transferred to several areas, they did not receive a lot of bullet supplements, and they were in other provinces. Soldiers have an average of about ten bullets. It is impossible to increase too much. In addition, most of the armies in many provinces are not equipped with bayonets, because they think it is a waste. It is the firepower and the number of people fighting, not the bayonets. But the new king’s approach is that everyone is equipped with bayonets, and the king believes that bayonets can bring more assault tactics.

"Our firepower is relatively weak. In such a situation, the only thing we can do is to use our bayonet tactics, launch an offensive, and hit the enemy fiercely. In this way, our situation will become very advantageous." The king introduced. .

"What we have done is not enough. I still hope to send some of the officers to Zhao State to study, and at the same time, hire more Zhao State officers to come here. We must continue to learn and improve. Only in this way can Seth develop. "The king said to Julie. He can understand the king's mood, he is looking for a positive approach. But the king only improved some military tactics. The specific combat situation still needs to be improved in many areas. This is not only a tactical improvement that can make a lot of changes in a country, but there are still many things he needs to do.

"Your Majesty, I can understand your feelings, but this kind of thing needs to be done slowly, but I will try my best to help Seth complete the reunification." Zhu Li made it clear.

"Thank you so much. People from the country of Zhao have brought me good luck. Thank you for coming. This is a gift from God to me." The king said. The king knew that Zhao was a country in the Central Plains, and all countries in the Central Plains generally believed in God. He didn’t know what God was, but he knew that Zhao’s land, Allais, brought him great luck. Such luck made him succeed. Becomes extremely possible. He should be grateful for such a situation.

Zhao State, Handan, a number of Zhao State Investment Banks held a joint meeting. What they discussed was to help Seth.

"The situation in this country is very bad, and we also know that there is a great opportunity, but the prime minister is extremely bad." A banker said implicitly.

"The prime minister has become a little timid. The prime minister cherishes money very much. Since it can bring great profits, why not support them in this matter? And if the arms trade is done well, we can open up a lot of The market, arms can stimulate our military enterprises, as well as the production of factories. These are all things that are very beneficial to our country, Zhao, I really don’t know what the prime minister wants?" Some young bankers have already expressed dissatisfaction.

Basically, other bankers have this view, they believe that Guo Kai has changed. He became not the same Guo Kai he used to be. The former Guo Kai, for the sake of money, he was able to boldly carry out reforms, many people have benefited, but now. They thought that the prime minister had become extremely timid. Because they need to expand abroad to expand their interests. But now, nothing like this has happened. This makes them very disappointed.

"The prime minister reprimanded the Department of War's approach, thinking that they were just joking and would provoke bigger issues. He suggested that we should not irritate the Koreans too much. After all, the situation of the Koreans is not too good. This question, therefore, in the direction of investing in Seth, we cannot get the support of the government. Therefore, the risk will become very great." The banker said.

"It's very big. I think we have lost a lot. The current consumption of machinery is not very big. If it weren't for Qi and our shipyards to build warships frantically, the orders for machinery would be much reduced, and the demand for steel would change. The Koreans have a huge overseas market, and there are more military trade orders. They naturally don’t worry, but look at us, we don’t have anything. Although there are many colonies, there are many places that can really develop. Small, this is simply the most unfavorable situation for us. We don’t let this kind of thing continue to develop.” Many bankers said with dissatisfaction.

Zhao Guo is in a critical period of development, and their domestic resources seem to be unable to satisfy Zhao's development. They need more resources for development. Not only that, but they also need more markets to meet their production needs. Otherwise, the product will be squeezed. This is a capital output and capital increase. The bankers needed greater profit expansion, but Guo Kai was very suitable for the matter and refused to expand. It seemed that he suddenly became a lot timid.

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