Qingcheng, South Korea. Inside the naval test site.

"This is the latest torpedo boat built by us. The speed can basically reach 24 knots." An engineer introduced.

"Twenty-four quarters?" a navy commander asked worriedly. He felt that this speed was relatively slow, but in comparison, the average speed of most of the warships built by the Qi State Navy was around 18 knots. Even if the cruiser is more than 20 knots, under such circumstances, the torpedo boat still has a greater advantage.

"Yes, 24 knots, we have a big advantage in speed, and their artillery speed will not beat us." The engineer said.

"Such a ship can only rely on high speed, and basically no defense. A shell will kill us." The Navy Lieutenant said worriedly. They already knew that the Zhao Guo destroyer and the cruiser's secondary artillery began to be equipped with 150mm artillery. This kind of artillery is very powerful. Their torpedo boats have a maximum weight of just over 900 tons. That's it. They still feel that they are still very heavy. In order to completely reduce the weight, most of them use some necessary metal foundations. Wood, in this case, the cost of the torpedo boat is reduced to the minimum, and the weight is also reduced to the minimum, which allows their torpedo boat to obtain the maximum speed, but this has not yet carried weapons.

After having weapons, they still don't know whether their speed can maintain such a situation, but they already have a secret weapon to deal with each other, and this torpedo boat is quickly mass-produced. The first batch of torpedo boats to be built will get 60, and they will exert their maximum combat effectiveness.

Qi State, Laizhou, Naval Weapons Experimental Site. Qi State naval engineers, as well as Zhao Guo, and Goguryeo naval personnel are observing the experimental conditions of the new artillery.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery continued to resound through the test field. The 150-millimeter-caliber artillery and the 120-millimeter-caliber artillery were being compared in terms of power.

"The 150-mm artillery has a great advantage. You see, their artillery can directly cause more destructive power. Those target ships were blown up all at once. In contrast, 120 Millimeter artillery requires two consecutive rounds to achieve the same effect." A Koguryo navy lieutenant colonel put down his telescope and compared it.

"Well. There are more advantages in range. If I choose, I will still use 150mm. In this case, the fire wall formed will be greatly strengthened in a short period of time. In comparison, , The enemy's situation will be very bad." Said a lieutenant colonel of the Qi State Navy on the side.

"If we use 120mm artillery, we most need to double the artillery to achieve this density. It seems that the excellent success of the 150mm artillery is very useful," said Lieutenant Colonel Qi Guo. To.

"Yeah. Both of you are right. A hit artillery is more useful than a hundred artillery. The power of a 150mm caliber artillery will be exerted greatly. This kind of powerful artillery can be used. Coming out, it will greatly suppress the opponent’s 130mm artillery counterattack, and the resulting firepower net will form an overwhelming advantage over the opponent’s warships. This advantage will allow us to achieve greater results." A lieutenant colonel Zhao Guo introduced.

"Well, the truth is true, but the rate of fire of the 150mm gun is still relatively slow, and the power of the artillery has increased, although most of our secondary guns are 150mm guns. But the problem is that they The steering and adjustment of the destroyer are relatively slow. The destroyer is equipped with 150mm caliber artillery and needs to be adjusted continuously. It takes time. If the opponent approaches us at a very fast speed to release the torpedoes, especially their destroyers, we It should be clear that the speed of building warships in South Korea is different from ours." A lieutenant colonel of the Qi State Navy came over at this time. His skin was scorched. People called him a black lieutenant colonel. There is a deeper research.

"The speed of the Korean navy’s destroyers is generally more than two knots faster than ours. Their warships are generally faster than ours. Although our armor is thicker and our artillery is more powerful, the opponent has the advantage of mobility. If they bypass us, when we react to sinking them, they have a chance to pose a great threat to us." Lieutenant Colonel Black said worriedly. He was very worried about this happening. He felt that Zhao Guo's thinking in building battleships was backward and conservative. What they emphasize is armor and firepower, but this will inevitably weaken their mobility, which puts them in a passive position, because you can't catch up with the enemy, but you can't escape. This is very passive. Another important reason for this opposition is that the adjustment speed of artillery is relatively slow. Although their power is very powerful and can form a larger firepower network, they can be inaccurate. After all, the Goguryeo Navy has expanded very strongly. This leads to relatively low enthusiasm and quality of naval officers and soldiers, and it is very difficult for them to sink the opponent at once. Therefore, he did not plan to do this. He felt that they should still be equipped with 120mm artillery.

"The 120-millimeter-caliber artillery is too weak. On the battlefield, you will never be given so many opportunities to fire. Moreover, this is a waste of the rate of fire problem. At sea, I think that one shell can solve the problem. The question, why must we use 120mm artillery to solve it?" The Goguryeo Navy first objected. The power of their artillery is still very important. In this case, it means that they will inevitably sacrifice the speed of the warship to solve this problem. In their view, the speed of the warship is not very critical.

"Yes, the thinking of South Korean warships is wrong. Their warships just run fast. Their shells cannot penetrate us, and our artillery can cause them the most damage within our range. If we After hitting their motivation, they will lose their last motivation. In this case, they will be in an unprecedented disaster because they can’t run fast and their armor protection is the lowest. In this case, They stay completely finished." Lieutenant Colonel Qi thought so.

"This, anyway, this kind of thinking is wrong, it will cause us extremely serious disaster." Hei Lieutenant Colonel said. He has published several reports to prove that his point of view is correct, but it is just like this is a stubborn problem. It is impossible to solve this problem without experiencing confrontation on the battlefield.

"We also have cruisers, their speed is not satisfied, they can go to chase specifically, we don't have to worry about such problems." Many people nodded and said. This made Colonel Black feel very dissatisfied, but he was helpless.

150 mm caliber artillery and 120 mm caliber artillery, finally chose 150 mm caliber artillery, because for them, the power is more than everything, they need an increase in firepower, not firepower To further weaken, we must know that they have such advantages and why they don't play such advantages themselves. They should do it.

Qin State, Xianyang, the first day army bombing group, they were equipped with 24 large airships. This kind of airship can allow them to carry twenty-four 250 kilograms of aerial bombs. Their mission is to raid and bomb the other's important military targets.

"This time, our mission is not a surprise attack. During the exercise, we do not undertake the corresponding mission." said an officer of the Captain's Celestial Army.

"Why? We are the Celestial Army. We should bear the responsibility of the exercise and raid. Why should we not participate in such a thing?" Many officers said dissatisfiedly. They are a bombing airship team, but now, the mission is not a surprise attack, which makes these offensive bombing airships suddenly feel useless.

"Really, we are all bombing airships. We don't perform such a mission. It seems that no one can follow us clearly." Other sergeants said.

"Yeah. However, we need to perform another task. We have to search the air area to help the air defense forces increase search tasks." The captain said.

"What?" the others asked worriedly.

"Yes, that's the task." The captain said helplessly.

"Oh my God, in this case, we need at least hundreds of bombing airship battalions to perform such a task. From the perspective of Xianyang's aviation, assuming the enemy can attack from other angles, three hundred and sixty degrees will be To find the enemy, if we proceed with a two-degree search angle, we would need 180 airships. In this case, we need more airships than the number of airships we produce in a year. This is simply impossible. Completed mission.” said the flying sergeant.

"My God, why let us perform such a task? This is for us. It is a huge challenge for us." Others have said. Air defense is very cumbersome or impossible for them. First, they have to find the goal. Air defense weapons are not very serious, but the problem is how to make them discover the enemy is the key.

The task of searching was given to the bombing airship unit. Their airships stay in the air for a long time and can perform long and long tasks. In this case, they are very advantageous in searching. This is where they have an advantage. In this case, the staff The task of searching was handed over to those heavy airships. Because they are suitable for such tasks. However, they simply cannot complete such a search task, and they need to find the enemy in time. the goal.

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