Port Seth, South Korean Army Intelligence Service.

"This is a telegram sent to us by the Eastern Dula Provincial Advisory Group. They are not far away from Seth and Babylon. In the report, the new king is trying hard to rule and they are trying to reorganize their armaments. The military is rapidly increasing. During the recovery, if this is the case, their power can be rapidly increased, but their increase poses a great threat to Eastern Tula Province. They feel that the situation will become very unfavorable." The staff reported.

"What should we do? At most, we can only report it to the above. We can't do anything for other things." The Director of Intelligence said. They also know that the other side is rapidly increasing their military strength, but the South Korean side is not yet well prepared to launch an offensive. There is nothing they can do about such a thing.

"This. Sir, I think this is a great threat. This threat is gradually increasing. If it continues to increase, it will pose a great threat to the system formed around us. They, those provinces that support us, have already Aware of this threat, if it continues, the situation will be very unfavorable for us." The intelligence officer reported.

"Okay. I know about this. That's it." The Director of Intelligence said. South Korea can only turn a blind eye to surrounding forces. After all, their attention is temporarily unable to focus here.

State Qin, General Staff.

"For this exercise, the space army has very big opinions. They believe that the air bombing airship should be the main force for aerial raids, not for air defense. Moreover, it is for air defense. They need a considerable number of airships. Bombing airships. When searching for the airship, they thought it was a waste." Yang Duanhe submitted the report of the airship brigade.

"Well. It seems that the air defense problem is not simple. It requires a lot of material and manpower." Wang Jian said. He has read the report. The search report of the airship brigade shows that if they are allowed to perform search tasks, they will need a considerable number of airships, if they are fully air defense. This may reach a staggering four thousand airships to carry out comprehensive air defense. This is definitely a crazy plan, and it is impossible for Qin to complete such a task. Therefore, this problem has become very complicated. The air defense made Qin State become anxious.

In the south of the Chu colony of Burma. There is a small piece of port land, which is called Southern Myanmar. But this place belongs to the Qi country. This is the first colony acquired by Qi after the expansion of the colony, but this colony is controversial because the people of Chu have always declared that this land belongs to them, but the people of Qi have always Declare that it is theirs. Because before, no one has ever arrived in that place. In fact, that area has always belonged to the Chu state, but no one has ever arrived there, but the Chu state claimed that it was theirs. Later, after the Qi state arrived, they needed a temporary port area to transport their supplies. Up. They must make some choices. Only in this way can they solve some of their key problems in Western trade. All they need to do is these things.

Although this is a small contradiction between Qi and Chu, the historical contradiction between the two countries has also begun to escalate in this contradiction. This may also be one of the roots of the contradiction between Qi and Chu.

The meeting between Zhao Guo, Handan, and the banks is still going on, because they found that if they didn't do this, they would cause serious losses.

"Most of our funds are in industrial projects. In foreign trade, our arms trade occupies a large proportion. At the same time, we are gradually opening up the arms market around the world, and our arms have a great advantage." Said a banker. Although they are dissatisfied with Guo Kai, from some security perspectives, the bankers have not done a good job of completely confronting the Guo Kai government. In their view, this is an extremely unwise choice. Until the end, they are not. Will do it.

"Therefore, the amount of money we have invested in military factories and machinery is quite large, but the problem is. If the arms and weapons are not sold, the situation will cause great damage to us, and this damage will continue. If we continue, our losses will reach an astonishing amount, and we will not be able to completely solve this problem.” The banker said. The question has been said to be clear.

Zhao Guo’s bankers’ funds are mainly concentrated in industry, because industries related to industry come in very quickly, and in many places, there is no need to worry too much about them being able to accomplish such things. But the problem is that their funds have been concentrated too much on industry. In this case, their risk is particularly high. At present, the domestic and Central Plains markets are becoming saturated, especially in the direction of the beam, this kind of construction is still tending to slow down, and their real estate bubble burst. This has led to the suspension of real estate projects in many places. As a result, the demand for a large amount of steel and cement will be rapidly reduced. In order to boost the demand for steel, they must ask more governments to build railways. Not only that, They also need a lot of foreign trade to boost the economy, which requires them to continue to export. The most effective way to open up the situation through export is munitions, because the demand for war is very large.

"If we cannot withdraw funds from the industry in time, then our industry will stop when the sales of foreign arms trade is stagnant, which will cause a huge impact on our financial industry and the banking industry. We can't face the impact, and we can't bear it." A middle-aged banker looked at the people around him and said. They know very well what kind of situation they are facing. They have suffered heavy losses, and this danger does exist. If they cannot change this situation in time, they will be very passive.

"This. There is nothing we can do." A banker said after realizing the horror.

"Yes, we are powerless. In this case, the situation we face will be very unfavorable. Therefore, in order to completely reverse this situation, we must let the Guo Kai government agree to our request. If it fails, we will Yes. The loss is heavy. Or, let. The government, another government.” said the middle-aged banker. In this case, it is not suitable to continue on such an occasion, but bankers should be aware of the danger of the problem, think about it, if they do not do so, they will suffer heavy losses. A large amount of funds are gathered in the industry. If there is a problem in the industry, their funds will not be withdrawn in time, and bank failures will become the norm. This kind of thing is very likely to happen. This is not an impossible thing, but too much. It's possible.

"We must avoid such a situation, otherwise, it will be difficult for us to proceed." A banker said with difficulty.

"But we don't have to have a showdown with the government yet. Perhaps the prime minister can make some choices at the last moment. Also, the development of the shipbuilding industry is also beneficial to us. Maybe it's not yet time." Said the banker. He believes that there is no such threat at present.

But more young bankers are aware of the danger. First of all, the steel exported by Zhao's steel industry is getting closer and closer to the export of high-grade steel, steel with higher and higher grades, and the export of more advanced special steel. Because Qi, South Korea, even Chu, whose steel industry is not well developed, can smelt its own steel. If it is not for the needs of military shipbuilding. This may seriously affect Zhao's steel industry.

Secondly, there is an increasingly serious rise in raw materials. Because of the increasing production, the demand for iron ore has become larger and larger. Under such demand, the rise in iron ore has inevitably occurred. In this case, the production cost of Zhao Guo Industry will continue to rise, which means that their costs will rise. If the price cannot be increased, the opportunity will lead to a reduction in their profit margin, which directly leads to the weakening of the company's ability to repay.

Finally, most of Zhao’s bank funds are concentrated in industry. Once some problems occur in the industry, their problems will completely collapse. This collapse is extremely large. This will cause them heavy losses. And this situation will continue, and the old bankers hope to delay and avoid the time for the final collapse. They are delaying time, or in other words, they put what they want to solve the problem on their next generation, not theirs. They believe that there is no need to carry out large-scale reforms, and stability is what they need most. The situation, after all, this situation is very beneficial to them.

"Procrastination. We are delaying time." said the young banker. This makes them very dissatisfied. Because they think this will delay the bank to the final critical moment, they are joking with their lives. They will express their extreme dissatisfaction with this.

Zhao Guo’s bankers once again chose to procrastinate. In their opinion, Guo Kai still has a chance, because they can better solve this problem. Stability and stability of the current situation are the most important thing. After all, everything is For the better, they just have some small conditions, which will make them uneasy, and they only need to eliminate this uneasy and this problem will last for a long time. This is the situation they face. Solve all problems.

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