Wei Guo, Liang, originally the population here was very large, but now, it seems that everything here has become so depressed. Yes, depression. This term may only be used to indicate that the economic situation here is not good.

"Damn it, if I had known this, I would have sold those **** houses. Otherwise, how could it have been in my hands. Damn it, **** it," a Wei State leader complained. Because he became a picker, he sold his factory and sold a house when the house price was at the highest price. He originally wanted the house to rise, which was much better than opening a factory. But the result is that the Wei Guoliang government demanded real estate tax, which greatly affected the real estate market, because it meant that the tax burden on people buying houses would be greater, and they could no longer bear such more blows. As a result, more and more people began to abandon their houses. Previously, houses were a very popular choice. This made Liang people's assets once surpassed that of Qin, but now they are almost impoverished and their asset level is far lower than that of Yan.

"Damn government, we should protest and let **** Chen Yu step down. Step down." The Wei countryman said dissatisfiedly. Others agreed, and then they began to visit the Liang government. As a result, almost many people came here. Most of them were the successor of the real estate bubble. In other words, when the government broke the bubble, it was their losses. When it was miserable, they naturally didn't have any good views on the government. In their view, this kind of government behavior is robbery, naked robbery, which will make their burden very heavy. Not only that, they will also cause great losses, and this loss will cause further development of their dissatisfaction.

"Against real estate tax. Oppose real estate tax. Chen Yu stepped down, **** Chen Yu, get out." Dissatisfied people protested one after another. The police just stood far away from the cordon. If it hadn't been for a large amount of barbed wire to block the gate, people would have rushed in. In fact, the police want more people to rush in, because in their view, if they rush in, they can also take the opportunity to retaliate. They are also victims of the real estate bubble.

"Damn Chen Yu stepped down." The people kept shouting loudly. This put a lot of pressure on the Chen Yu government. In Wei Guoren’s opinion, Chen Yu’s real estate tax is the last blow to break the real estate bubble, although there are many reasons for this, such as the retreat of Qin State Bank’s capital and the contribution of capital from other countries. Before, after Qin State Capital withdrew, they madly cashed in and sold the real estate in their hands at a lower price. Although the price was lower, they were basically in the high price area. They sold all the way down, which led to the final real estate. It collapsed, and unfortunately, as soon as the news of the final real estate tax came out, it suddenly defeated the last real estate’s only line of defense, and the real estate bubble burst. Completely failed. This makes them extremely embarrassed. It seems that they have become extremely sad.

"Step down. Step down." The winter seemed even more depressed, but people's enthusiasm did not diminish. In their opinion, Chen Yu should be responsible for all this. Because he was the first to initiate the development of real estate, and he was the last to collect the real estate tax. It was Chen Yu's responsibility for the ups and downs to cause such results.

"I'm just for the sake of Wei Guo. I didn't expect it." Chen Yu felt that his condition was very bad. His blood pressure had risen a lot and was dizzy. Qin Guo's doctor measured his blood pressure and it was very high. Almost life is in danger. The reason is that the real estate has become extremely depressed, and the people have passed all the responsibilities on him. They think that these are good things he did.

"Prime Minister, we all understand, but. People have misunderstood you." The Minister of Finance comforted. He also knew that once a real estate tax was imposed, fiscal revenue would be greatly improved, but the problem was that Wei's economy collapsed. One year's tax change cannot change the situation in the future, and this method of exhausting the wealth and fishing is still not advisable.

"Oh. They misunderstood me. They misunderstood me." Chen Yu looked very aggrieved, or in other words, he looked very depressed, as if the people of Wei had wronged him. He feels that he is a good person, just a good person. He should not suffer from these. But Wei's real estate bubble did burst.

Zhao Kingdom, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's residence.

"Huh. Wei Guo's situation is very bad." Guo Kai said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, Prime Minister, this will affect our Zhao Guo. After all, their real estate declines, or if it is sluggish. It will have a greater impact on our steel industry." The Minister of Finance said worriedly.

"I know, but the problem is that we can't help them. We can't let them continue to build more houses. It's not easy for our steel company to handle it now." Guo Kaikai said in a telegram.

"Prime Minister, I heard that the bankers gathered together to discuss some solutions. They believed that they would be in great danger in the future. Although the shipyard has a large number of military orders, these military orders give our steel companies a little bit. However, it does not mean that these situations can be completely reversed. They are still very worried that they need some new markets to take over and find out the military orders from the current shipyard. After all, they are unlikely to last too long. , This possibility cannot be maintained." The other party said so.

"I know. But the question is, what should we do?" Guo Kai said.

"Arms. Arms business and machinery business may be able to achieve this goal. Our arms business is doing well. They currently occupy 5 percent of the market, and we are just opening up the market." The Minister of Finance persuaded. .

"Stop talking. I know what your purpose is for doing this. Our products are better than Korean ones. I also know this. But the problem is that you should see that the current situation is very dangerous for us. Why do we To build a large number of merchant ships and warships is to attract them to continue to develop this industry. However, if we develop arms, what should we do with arms? Arms create great contradictions. Although we also export artillery and weapons of this kind, we It's not directly involved, but if there is full competition, it will have a big arms race, which will lead to more crazy actions. I can't let Zhao Guo face such risks. In the end, Zhao Guo will be dragged into the war. The danger is too great. Besides, many people are unwilling to do this." Guo Kai refused.

"But if you do this, it will pose a big threat to us." The Finance Minister said.

"Our factory will continue to develop, but this threat will continue. In this case, it means that we will face more dangers. This kind of danger still exists. How we should deal with it is what we should do. Concerns. After all, our Zhao country’s industry needs a new development goal. I believe that it will not be long before the shipyards will be able to meet our industrial development requirements. In that case, we will lose more things. "The other party said so.

"Yeah. I see. I will consider such a thing." Guo Kai said. The Minister of Finance nodded. He hopes that Guo Kai can treat such things with caution. After all, such a thing is very difficult. If they do not do well, they may lose too much, and this kind of loss will make them extremely uneasy. optimism.

Guo Kai also took the procrastination method. Perhaps he thinks that Zhao’s industry is not very serious. Maybe they can continue like this.

Port Seth. United Petroleum Company, outside the company is a large oil field. More oil wells are being exploited.

"Our oil pipeline project in Karachi, Yue's is going well. They will bring us a lot of profits. I believe it will not be long before our oil will enter a new stage." Zhang You said to himself Shareholders said so.

"Yeah. It seems that our business is going well." The shareholders said with a smile to each other.

"But this is not enough. We still need to go public, but the listing still needs a lot of conditions to be met before it can be completed. First is our profitability, and then our main opponent. The group of oil companies on Zhangyi Island. They are scattered, but they There are advantages in transportation and distance, which have caused great inconvenience to us, so we need to solve this inconvenience problem." Zhang You said that he opened a curtain and behind it was a huge map. Two black lines are drawn on the map.

"We don’t need to read this one. We are doing this, and we must pay attention to this one. The oil company group on Zhangyi Island poses a great threat to us. They have low transportation costs. Advantages, which greatly compressed their prices, but they need a period of demand from Qingcheng Port to the Qin country, and, with the development of China’s oil demand, they have also made some new improvements in oil. In the future, Zhang Yidao will be able to greatly meet the development needs there. But Qin’s needs will become very large. The future market does not seem to be so worried." Zhang You is a person with a sense of crisis. Man, it seems that he is very dangerous. In fact, this danger comes from his fear of failure, low self-esteem, and self-denial. He fears, fears, and fears that this situation will happen again, so he starts to solve these problems early, how To solve these problems, he listed all his goals and began to attack. And Zhang Yidao is his goal. The problem he wants to solve is here.

"Their advantages have made our costs much higher and the profit margin has been low. We should be clearly aware. Only by defeating them can we completely control the market. Therefore, we need to make a fuss on the Qin market. We must cooperate very well with the people of Qin to meet their needs." Zhang You said.

"It seems difficult to beat them." A shareholder said worriedly. In his opinion, they don't seem to have too obvious advantages, on the contrary, they are too far away. It takes a long time for the tanker to arrive. In this case, their advantages will be very unobvious. On the contrary, this may be their biggest weakness. If they continue to expand their production, the situation may be even worse.

"No. We should see that they are very strong on the surface. In fact, they are very weak. They seem to be unable to resist our crazy blow. They are a corporate group. We should see what such a group will have. Such a disaster, for the sake of price advantage and for their own interests, they will definitely take some price measures by any means. If this is the case, they themselves will fall into a disaster." Zhang You said.

"So, in this case, they will also form a very unfavorable situation for us." A shareholder said.

"So, this is how we fight." Zhang You said. Many people don't understand. They worry that if they do, they will plunge the company's operations into a huge disaster. They think Zhang You is crazy.

The competition for oil has become increasingly fierce. This may cause great damage to them.

South Korean Navy Department.

"According to our latest experimental results, if our warships want to have a greater advantage in the future, the only way is to equip them and use steam turbines, and use heavy oil as the new fuel for our warships. It can provide greater advantages. Calorific value, while providing more power.” said a naval researcher.

The Secretary of the Navy looked at other people. He needed the opinions and opinions of others. He had read this report many times, and he couldn't make up his mind to do so for the time being. After all, it takes a lot of things to solve such problems.

South Korea has always paid attention to the maneuverability of warships, especially the advantages in speed. In addition, they also hope that warships have greater flexibility, but from the current technology, the power seems to have reached the limit, and they cannot continue to dig. More motivation now. Coal occupies more space, which reduces their range and speed a lot, which means that if they hadn't sacrificed their defenses, they would have no advantage in mobility. This makes the South Korean Navy feel very anxious, because the artillery power of Zhao and Qi will be far greater than them. They can't do anything about it, which makes their naval superiority useless.

"No comment. This is a trend." Many officers said so. The Secretary of the Navy nodded.

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